333.3 N894ca NUGENT v.1:4 CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS . UBRARV ,LL - HIST. SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/cavalierspioneer14nuge a Vol. I. No. 4 TH'r 3JU ILLINOIS UNlVtKbli Y UF # Cavaliers and Pioneers A CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA LAND GRANTS 1623 - 1800 COMPILED BY NELL M. NUGENT RICHMOND, VA. Press of The Dietz Printinc Co., Richmond, Va ' A - >- Cavaliers and Pioneers 1623 A CALENDAR OF VIRGINIA LAND GRANTS 1800 Vol. I. No. 4. PATENT BOOK 1, PART II. BY SIR JOHN HARVEY CHRISTOPHER BRANCH, 250 acs. in Thomas Powell of Howlton in the Henrico Co., March 12, 1638. Page 608. Countie of Suffolke yeoman brother and At Kingsland over against the Long lawfull heire of Capt. Nathaniell Powell feild, E. upon main river, adj. Southerly late of Virginia deceased as by the deed upon land of John Griffin, now occupied of conveyance now upon record from the by sd. Branch. 50 acs. for his personal said John Taylor more at large appear- adventure & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 eth." The other 1,250 acs. due sd. pers. (Names not given.) Barker & Associates & Co. by & for trans, at their own charges of 25 pers. HOWARD HORSEY, 1,400 acs. in Georg Gregory, Tho. Percocks, Wm. Henrico Co., Feb. 12, 1638, page 608. Radway, Isaac Radway, Wm. Straing, Adj. Christo. Branch. 1,000 acs. granted Jon. Yates, Jon. Minter, Dorothy Stand- by order of court dated June 6, 1635 & ish, Mathew Robinson, Daniell Good- 400 for trans, of 28 pers., whose names win, Jon. Jones, Thomas Johnson, Georg are not given. Brookes, Sarah Collybancke, Eliz. Phil- GEORG LOBB, THOMAS PERCE & lipps, Jon. Croft, Daniell Bromly, Wm. Woodgate, Step. Godwin, Robt. Yates, THOMAS WARNE, 1,550 acs. in James Wm. Griffin, Wm. Andrews, Benj. Ray, City Co., Feb. 10, 1638, page 608. In Nath. Deane, Wm. Jackson. Chickahominy River, next unto land of Wm. Taylor & opposite land of Richard CORNELIUS LOYD, 400 acs. Nov. 30, Peirce. Due for trans, of 31 pers.: An- 1638, page 610. Some 10 mi. up the drew Emery, John Grant Mathew Lang- westermost branch of Elizabeth River ley, William Carter, John Dove, Francis upon the S. side. Due for trans, of: Durish, Eliz. Bradin, Ann Waterman, Thomas Bonner, Henry Cooke, John Tho. Stephens, William Grymes. Brookes, William Woolly, Richard Day, (Names of others not given.) Peter Sedberry, John Brittaine, Thomas Williams. WILLIAM BARKER, Mariner, his As- sociates & Company, 1,850 acres in Chas. WILLIAM CLARKE, 200 acs. Chas. City Co., Feb. 12, 1638, page 609. 600 River Co., Feb. 18, 1638, page 610; acs. hereof heretofore called Powle- Upon the new Poquoson Easterly, on the brooke & now known as Merchants W. side with the Long reach of Poquo- Hope. Beginning at a cr. that parts it son river & on N. E. with the Oyster from Salters hill, extending to the water Cr. 100 acs. by patent dated Aug. 21, side near under the house of Richard 1637 & 100 acs. for trans, of: Gerrard Williams, E. towards Merchants Hope Cooke, Sarah Coggin, John Morgan, Cr., W. towards Chaplins & N. upon Georg Robison. the river. 600 acs. hereof "being con- veyed & assigned over to William Bar- MR. JOHN CHEW, 750 acs. Chas. ker, Marriner and acknowledged by him River Co., Feb. 18, 1638, page 610. S. equally to belong to his said associates upon Cheesmans Cr., E. on Thomas by John Taylor Cittizen and Girdler of Attowell. Due by assignment from Mr. London being purchased by him of Georg Keth, Clerke. 146 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN HARTWELL, 650 acs. Chas. HENRY CATELYN, 500 acs. Up. Co. River Co., Feb. 18, 1638, page 611. New Norfolk, Feb. 18, 1638, page 613. N. upon Queens Cr., on E. with land In the westermost branch of Eliz. River. of John Bell, adj. Samuell Watkeyes & For his personal adventure & trans, of: down Maydon Swamp. Trans, of 13 Edward Silley, Leonard Richardson, John persons, whose names do not appear. Bond, James Johnson, Jasper Hodgskins, John Tiffeney, John Musgrove, William WILLIAM EYRES, 100 acs. Upper Co. Shapwell, Georg Blowe. New Norfolk, Feb. 18, 1638, page 611. In Chuchatuck River, E. & by N. upon WILLIAM RABNETT, 100 acs. In land of Georg Salsbury, now in his Warwick River Co., Feb. 20, 1638, Page possession, W. & S. upon his own land, 613. Adj. Thomas Harwood. Part of N. & by W. upon the main Creek. land formerly leased to Jacob Avery, & Trans, of 2 pers., whose names are not due said Rabnett for the trans, of: John given. Lathropp, Hester Kasey. WILLIAM BERRYMAN, 350 acs. Acco- MR. JOHN GOOKINS, 500 acs., Up. mack Co., Feb. 20, 1638, Page 614. Co. New Norfolk, Feb. 18, 1638, page S. W. upon old plantation cr. N. up- 611. Upon W. side of Nansamund & on land of Henry Williams. Due for his River, alias Matrevers river, beg. at a per. adv. & trans, of: William Povy, point whereupon the channel of the river John Truherne, Bryan Kelly, Thomas abutteth, heretofore called Mossey Point Clifton. but at present Betsanger. Granted by patent dated Oct. 17, l636,fortrans. of: HENRY WILLIAMS, 200 acs. Acco- Thomas Box, Peter Norman, Jr., Mary mack Co., Feb. 20, 1638, page 614. On Norman, John Butler, Burden, John old plantation cr., adj. Henry Charleton. Robert Hodges, Walter Carpenter, Ed- 100 acs. as being an Ancient Planter in ward Morgan, John Lowden, William the time of Sir Thomas Dale & 100 acs. Peasant. for the trans, of: Susan Andrews, Mar- gery Williams. MR. EDWARD SANDERSON, 200 acs. James City Co., Feb. 18, 1638, page 612. WILLIAM COTTON, Clerke, 300 acs. In Chickahominy River., at the head of Accomack Co., Feb. 20, 1638, page 615. Piny Pt. Cr., being several small islands Near Hungars Cr., Adj. William An- near Morgans Islands, reaching from the drewes. Due for his per. adv. & trans, head of Piny Pt. Cr. to the main river. of Henry Pace, John Hayworth, Eliz. In right of trans, of 4 pers. by Edward Harris & 2 Negroes. Morecroft, Merchant, & by him assigned EDMUND SCARBOROUGH, 400 acs. to sd. Sanderson. Accomack Co., Feb. 21, 1638, page 615. Beg. at branch N. of Pemenoer Cr. For MR. ROBERT BENNETT, 200 acs. Up. trans, of: Thomas Hathaway, Thomas Co. New Norfolk, Feb. 18, 1638, page Sparks, Thomas Other, John Selly, John 612. In the second cr. on E. side of Hues, Christopher Dixon, Jerimiah Bar- Matrevers river behind his own land. ber, Henry Tomlin. This patent was Trans, of: Hodgen, Silvester Bar- John assigned unto Thomas Savage, who as- ker, Thomas Harwood, Thomas Need- signed it to Christopher Kirke in whose ham. n".me it was renewed by Sir William Berkeley. JOHN MOONE, Gent., 400 acs. Nov. 2, 1638, page 613. On S. side of War- CAPT. THOMAS HARRIS, 820 acs. resquicke Riv., N. upon Thomas Davis Henrico Co., Feb. 25, 1638, page 615. & E. upon his own land. Trans, of: Commonly known as the Long feild, beg. Richard Johnes (changed to Jones) at a cr. over against Capt. Martin, Thomas Dawson, Georg Nicholson, E. S. E. towards Bremo, W. N. W. up- Alice Newman, Lancelott Elay, Daniell on the main river. Due as follows: 100 Welch, Thomas Bourne, Mathew Bassett. acs. for his own per. adv., 100 for per. Cavaliers and Pioneers 147 adv. of his first wife Adry, as being WILLIAM WIGG, 300 acs. James City Ancient Planters in the time of Sir Co, Feb. 22, 1638, page 618. About 1 Thomas Dale, & 620 acs. for the trans, mi. above the mouth of Warrany Cr. on of: William Purnell, John Godfrye, Chickahominy Riv, near land of John John Searne, Thomas Kemp, Richard Robins & Bennett Freeman. For his per. Mascoll, Nath. Moore, John Edwards, adv. & trans, of: Robert Wigg, Hugh Ann Ridley, William Jones, Thomas Hayward, Susan Hayward, Lawrence Morgan, William Jones, 2 Negroes. Pynion, Robert Woover. (See Vol. 1, No. 2, page 105.) JOHN POTEETE, Chirurgion, 100 acs. Chas. River MR. JOHN CHEW, Gent, 350 acs. Co, Feb. 22, 1638, page James City, Feb. 22, 1638, page 616. 619. Adj. Mr. Roulston's first devident E. upon a cr. next to the Gleab land. on N, W. with Robert Bew, E. with Due by assignment from Alexander Hugh Allen. In right of trans, of 2 Stomer. pers. by Edward Reynolds. Eliz. Rey- nolds, ux Edward, Georg Hayly. PETER MOUNTEGUE, 50 acs., Up. PHILLIPP CLARKE, 200 acs. James Co. New Norfolk, Feb. 25, 1638, page City Co, Nov. 10, 1638, page 619. 616. N. E. upon Long pond cr, S. E. E. E. upon Sunken Marsh, N. upon land upon William Eyres. For trans, of Peter of Mr. Ewing. For per. adv. of him- Cranfeild. self, 1st wife Elizabeth, now wife Mary & trans, of Mary Thorrogood. WILLIAM CLOYS, son Phettiplace Cloys, 750 acs. Chas. River Co, Feb. GEORG HIGGINS, 100 acs. Chas. 25, 1638, page 617. N. upon the New River Co, Feb. 25, 1638, page 619. N. Poquoson Riv, E. upon the bay. Due in upon back cr, adj. John Clarkson. right of his father for the trans, of: Trans, of William English the 1st year, William Bullock, Martin Demond, Tho- & John Thomas & Henry Marshall the mas Beeke, Michaell Bartlett, Ann 2nd yer. of Chas. River. Fookes, Thomas Stokes, William , Susan , Thomas Seawell, Richard JOHN LAYDON, 500 acs. Eliz. City Bucher, Adrian Marner, Richard Feild, Co, Oct. 3, 1638, page 620. At the old Snalter Jellett, Tho. Long, William Poquoson by Burrowes Neck, adj. Georg Wheatly. (Only a blank space appears Hull. Due upon consideration expressed after the names of Wm.
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