Published Weekly In Allston-Brighton Since 1884 Friday, August 28, 1987 Vol. 102, No. 35 35 Cents Monday night at the races McLauglilin dodges jabs by challengers By John Becker Although the District 9 City Council race is os­ tensibly among five candidates, the race will prob­ ably be decided on the public's perception of one candidate's record. Incumbent Brian J. McLaugh­ lin, who is Allston-Brighton's first and only district councilor, based his performance at Monday even­ ing's Candidate's Night on the accomplishments of his first two terms, while most of his opponents spent their time trying to show that his represen­ tation had been ineffective. McLaughlin used the power of his position as in­ cumbent and insider to assert that he could get the job done-citing the reopening of Station 14 and the repaving of Washington Street as two major accom­ plishments. The other candidates, though they presented a number of new proposals and attempt­ ed to focus on issues, did not differ greatly on sub­ stance. Each one had to discredit McLaughlin's record as an incumbent in order to make their can­ didacies relevant. continued on P_age'B Donlan~ Bowinan Paul Creight.on wat.cbllW as AramiB Camps dellven his opening statement at Monday Wght's amdidates' debate niethods nJgbt at the Jaclmon/Mann Community Scbool "P'•IMJl-ed by the Ward 21and22 Democradc O:amuittees. By Margaret Burns The candidates for School Committee spoke to a Barton leaving crowd of about 150 Allston-Brighton residents last Monday at the Jackson/Mann Community School BC; talks about about their vision of the Boston school system and how it needs to be improved. Incumbent Bill Donlan stressed that he is in the role as liaison middle of his plans and wants a chance to see them The Citizen Item learned last week that Boston completed. Two projects he would like to complete Colle£e's Director of Communitv Affairs. Dr. Laur­ are having teachers take classes for two years and ence Barton, who has been at the center of the an ROTC for teachers. The ROTC, he explained maelstrom over BC's relationship with the would allow students to go to college on a scholar­ AUston-lirighton community, has accepted a fuil­ ship as long as they agree to come back to the time position on the faculty of the Harvard Busi· Boston school system for a few years to teach. Don­ ness School. His resignation from BC will become lan added that this would be great for the system effective Sept. 18th. continued on page 9 Dr. Laurenoe Bart.on. In light of Barton's imminent departure from Boston College-at a time when many in Allston­ Brighton are awaiting the return of Boston College's students to their neighborhoods-John Becker of FIDELIS WAY FUN the Citizen Item spoke with Barton in his office on Wednesday to discuss his three years as BC's first Director of Community Affairs, and to make recom· mendations for the future. This the first of two parts based on their discussion. Citizen Item: The Director of Community Affairs position was created when you came to Boston Col· lege in 1984. Do you think the new position has helped the college? The- community? continued on page 12 Allingformer A-B resident lights for Me-saving liver These girls, Jennifer Barry, Bisa Bowen, Jenne Hemingway, Kisha Johnson, just wanted to have ~rge Franklin, P. 6- fun at the Police Athletic Leagues' Block Party at Fidells Way last Monday afternoon. Sii.ABT M'1BBS GET CLASSIFIED WITH THB GBOUP! ONE CALL 232-7000-224,000 READEBE PAGE 2 August 28, 1987 A Great Career for Men & Women Become an ELECTRICIAN i Investigate the famous • 0 Y N E ELECTRICAL PROGRAM 2-year Certif icate Progrem (mornings only) 2-year Degree Program earns Associate Degree in Practical Electricy from Chambertayne Junior College NIGHT PROGRAMS in Practical Electricity, Mass Electrical Code, Preparation for Mass Journeyman & Master Electrician Licenses OH\L L-1 . NEW SEMESTER begins Sept. 1 at p("' ... f'> • --~- 100 Mass Ave . Bostoo-right at MBTA Aud1torian Station COYNE- CltAMhERlAyNE a Dept. of ~OR c~GE ....~ Call 536-4500 for brochure Write or visit Charnbertayne Jr. College, 128 Commonweatlh Ave., Boston, Mass. 021 16 Car thieves still at large Two unidentified Hispanic men al· took his wallet, containing $250 and of Dung, who was identified by wit­ legedly threatened a Boston man personal papers, and fled by foot nesses, has been sought in District ATTENTION with a gun and stole his car at the down Comm. Ave. towards Fidelis Court. ALLSTON/BRIGHTON comer of Brighton and Harvard Way. RESIDENTS! avenues on August 17 at 9 p.m. Two suspects-both around D The victim, 30, said the two 19- were arrested and the victim Dr. Arkady Fishman, M.D. men-one described as wearing a suffered a cut over his left eye which A 22-year-old woman allegedly as· licensed general practitioner grey jacket, about 5'7'', 145 lbs., he attended to himself. saulted a police officer with her car and internal medicine. medium build with black hair and and fled the scene after she was brown eyes-approached him after D • House calls (everyday by appoint· stopped for running a stop sign at he parked his car to pick up a sand­ ment. Please call Home Tu1. 1782-8868 Dunbar and Faneuil streets on Au· wich and held a black handgun to his A Boston man was arrested for gust 23 at 7:20 p.m. all day.) head while saying "Get out of the contributing to the delinquency of a • Office visits Wednesdays 5-8 p.m. Officer Christopher Hill said when car, you are double parked." The two minor on August 22 at 10:35 p.m. as he approached Bronwyn Razzabo­ men also told the victim to start run· police caught him allegedly handing ni 's 1976 Chevy to cite her for run· 232-4855 ning as they got in and escaped in a case, two six packs and two quarts ning a stop sign, she became 1464 Commonwealth Avenue an unknown direction. · of Budweiser beer to a 18-year·old verbally abusive. The officer con· Brighton, Mass. The victim said he would report Brighton resident. tinued to write the citation and she the car stolen as soon as he could Detective Willis Thornton ob· continued to swear at him. At this find the registration papers. He ad· served a group of young white males point she put her car in reverse, ded that he could identify the sus· give Donald Devine, 24 of 343 Shaw· causing the tires to squeal, then pects if he could look through some mut Ave, Boston, some money who lurched forward. striking Officer Hill photos. The suspects are still at then entered the liquor store and in the left thigh. Razzaboni then said large and Area B detectives are still bought the above mentioned beer. " Get out of my way or I'll hit you investigating. After purchasing the beer, he walked again," to Hill and sped off. down the block and handed the alco­ Razzaboni escaped, but Officer MARCO'S JEWELRY D hol to the minor at which point Det. Hill has sought complaints in the Large Seiection of Thornton made the arrest for Brighton District Court for assault procurring alcoholic beverages for a and battery with a dangerous Three unidentified unarmed black Diamonds & Wedding Bands minor and contributing to the delin· weapon- a motor vehicle. •Men's & Ladies' Rings men allegedly robbed a black wom· quency of a minor. •Cladagh Ring Special! an at Commonwealth Ave. and Fide­ lis Way on August 22, at 11:05 p.m. D D Watch Sale! as she was walking away from a • Bulova/Caravelle •Seiko trolley. A Brighton man, who had a war· • Longines/Wittnauer The three men allegedly ap· rent for a previous assault and bat· An unknown blac;t man allegedly Also 14K Gold Geneve proached the victim from behind as tery with a deadly weapon, was threatened to kill a Brighton wom­ Jewelry & Watch Repair she was headed toward her home on arrested for being disorderly in the an with a 10 inch butcher knife as Done on Premises Jette Court, said the victim, and police station as his wife was filing she was waiting for a bus on North while one grabbed her handbag, the new charges of assault and bat tery Beacon Street on August 19 at 7:20 All Major Credit Cards Accepted other two told her "Don't move." against him on August 19 at 10:35 a.m. Lay-Away The suspects escaped by foot down p.m. The victim said she was waiting 155 Harvard Ave. • Allston Comm. Ave. toward Warren St. with The defendant's wife was taken by for the bus when this man, who she her handbag containing $250.00 in police to her home to collect some of had never seen before, approached 254-8290 cash, her keys and identification. her belongings after she had filed a her and showed her his knife. When The victim was unable to give any report of assault and battery against he said " I'm gonna kill you," she description of the men to the police her husband. When police asked the fled to her apartment where she hid and they are still at large. defendant, Clyde McLeon, 30 of in the closet until her sister found by 2035 Commonwealth Ave, Brighton, her. D not to follow them to the station, he A police searched the area to no Charles P.
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