INDEX Ablation, 259, 260 fluctuation, 348 Acid rains, 217 temperature, 348, 349 Acoustic gravity waves, 148, 218, 236 Atmospheric darkening, 207 Acoustic signals, 149 Atmospheric winds, 239 Acoustic system, 148 Auroral phenomena, 238 Active Geophysical Rocket Experiments, 328 Australasian strewn field, 272 Advective motion, 341 Australian-Asian tektites, 268 Aerial shock waves, 229 Australites, 267 Aerodynamic forces, 10 Air-blast, 16 Baikonur cosmodrome, 238 Alfven velocity, 314, 322 Ballistic motion, 270 Aluminium jet, 328 Barents Sea, 293 Alvarez, Luis, 1 Barium vapor streams, 325 ANEOS equation of state, 62, 269, 293 10Be, 271, 272 Angara River, 232 Benesov bolide, 135 Annealing of meteorite samples, 340 Bishop’s rings, 234 Annealing of minerals, 245 Block structure, 33 Anomalies of elements and isotopes Bodaibo, 232 in peat, 242 Bohemia, 273 Anomalous atmospheric phenomena, 235, 236 Bolides, 131 Antipodal point, 216, 217, 219 Bottom relief, 41 Apollo lunar samples, 268 Brazil, 228 Apparent strength, 145 Breakup, 9 Arago neutral polarization points, 234 Brightness, 233 Archean, 175, 187 Bronze Age, 228 Artificial air cloud, 328, 329 Buried explosions, 31, 56 Asteroidal hypothesis, 259 Butterfly-shaped tree fall pattern, 240 Asteroids, 120 2002 EM7, 5 99942 Apophis, 5 Carbon, 208 Eros, 61 Carbonaceous chondrites, 242, 243 Gaspra, 92 Carbonates terrestrial, 340, 346 Hermes, 5 Carbon isotopes 13C, 14C, 243 Ida, 92 Casualties, 19, 23 Itokawa, 57, 92 Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, 208 Mathilde, 7, 61, 92, 244 Central European tektite strewn field, 271 Toutatis, 5 Charcoal, 207 Atmosphere, 9 Chemical energy of explosives, 327, 328 composition, 348 Chemical plants, 52 density, 9 Chronology 351 352 Index lunar impact craters, 93 Deuterium, 243 terrestrial impact craters, 109 Devastation area, 18, 229 Clinopyroxenites, 279 Diamagnetic cavern, 329 Clouds, 23, 46 Diamagnetic cavity, 329 CO2,46 Differentiation, 340 Coastal areas, 39, 40 primary, 340, 348 Collapse Dinosaurs, 1, 72, 313 transient cavity, 106, 173, 174, 178, 179, Disruptive collisions, 124 181, 185, 190 Distal ejecta, 267, 297 underwater bench, 185 Don Quijote mission, 66 Colorful sunsets, 234 Double craters, 7 Comet(s), 117 Drag coefficient, 138, 247 Borelly, 61, 244 Dunite, 281 C/2000 A2, 8 Dust, 45 Encke, 126 Dust spreading, 235 Halley, 60 Dusty mantle, 119, 124 Jaccobini-Zinner, 60 Dynamic mass, 139 Shoemaker-Levy 9, 68, 236 Tempel 1, 61 Early Earth, 333, 346 Wild-2, 61 Early Mars, 347, 348 Comet albedos, 120 Early upper geospheres, 334 Cometary bodies, 118, 340 Earth’s material, 339, 347 accumulation, 336, 342, 348 Cometary hypothesis, 258 “tail”, 348 Comet fading time, 119 atmosphere, 333, 344 Comet nuclei, 118, 120 inert gases, 345 Comet population, 119 modern, 346 Concrete dams, 54 primitive, 339, 340, 347 Cosmic rays, 124, 281, 320 mass, 349 Criosphere, 346 pressure, 349 early, 347, 348 core, 333, 339, 341, 345 Critical ionization velocities, 330 crust Crown fires, 210 evolution, 333 CSS (Catalina Sky Survey), 2 formation, 333, 336, 340 Cumulative distribution of fragments, 270 growth, 333, 335, 341, 342, 348 Cumulative explosive devices, 325 early stage, 333, 334, 335, Cumulative number of impacts, 154 336, 348 Czech Republic, 274 final stage, 333, 343, 348 main stage, 335 rate, 334, 334 Daily solar currents, 237 time, 334, 335 Dangerous objects, 3, 19, 52, 54 primitive, 333, 339, 340, 342, 344, 347 Darwin, Charles, 267 hydrosphere Debris, 124, 126 modern, 346 Deceleration, 9, 13 primitive, 333, 339, 340, 344 Deep Impact Mission, 61, 64, 65 magnetic field, 314, 328 Deep water, 34, 37 mantle, 333, 339, 340, 341, 345 Deflection, 55 mass, 336, 337 Deformation, 11 mean density, 334, 335 Degassing, 340 Earthquake(s), 29, 34, 39, 40 Desert Network, 131 Earthquake magnitude(s), 29, 74 Deserts, 49 Ejecta, 25, 44, 59, 164, 172, 176, 180, 183, Destruction of dams, 54 191, 268 Index 353 Ejecta blanket, 26, 298 Fragmentation, 41, 58, 59, 134 Ejecta curtain, 41, 303 Fragment–vapor cloud, 135 Ejecta motion, 269 Ejecta return, 216 Galileo spacecraft, 70 Ejection, 346 Gas hydrates, 345, 346, 347 efficiency, 347 in the early earth, 346 of impact material, 340, 347 layers, 347, 348 to geocentric orbits, 339 Geo-chronometer, 333 Electromagnetic impulse, 66 Hf-W, 336, 348 Energy U-Pb, 348 balance, 340 Geomagnetic cavern, 322 equipartition, 337 Geomagnetic effect, 237 flux, 342 Geomagnetic field, 68 gravitational, 340 Geophysical experiments, 325 differentiation, 341 Ghana, 274 of impact, 340, 342, 343 Global fire, 207, 215, 223 kinetic, 334 Grady-Kipp distribution, 278 potential, 342 Gravity-dominated regime, 62, 63 of random motion, 335 Grazing impact, 213 of short-living isotopes, 340 Greenland bolide, 151 sources, 341 Ground telescopes, 70, 229 Energy–frequency distribution, 156 Ground water, 210 Eocene-Oligocene boundary, 208 Growing planet (Earth), 333, 334, 335, 336, Epicenter zone, 230 337, 338, 339, 342, 343 Erosion, 166, 292, 304 root-mean-square velocity, 337 ESA, 61, 66 Gullies, 292, 304 Escape, 216, 283, 313 Gyro radius of ions, 330 Europe, 55, 236 Explosive type generators, 325 Eyewitness reports, 212, 230 Hadean, 334, 340 Halley-type comets, 117, 122 Hayabusa mission, 57 F layer of the ionosphere, 320 2 Hazard mitigation, 21 Fading of comets, 119 Heat transfer coefficient, 212 Fading rate, 119 High-velocity jets, 325 Falling bodies, 336, 337, 343 Hiroshima, 19, 23 composition, 348 Hubble Space Telescope, 70 flow, 342, 346 Hydrodynamic instabilities, 255 frequency, 333, 338, 342, 348 Hydroelectric dams, 52 masses, 335 mass spectrum, 333, 348 velocity spectrum, 333, 348 Icy bodies, 17, 35, 233, 316 Feeding zone, 334, 335, 336, 337, 342 Ignition, 22, 23, 25, 210, 215 expanding, 335 Impact crater(s) Ferromagnetic material, 245 accumulation rate, 109, 165 Final crater, 26 formation, 35 Fire(s), 22 mode of formation Fireball, 16, 23, 210 strength/gravity, 105, 106, 110 Fire propagation, 211 morphology Flares, 154 simple/complex, 105, 106, 168 Flattened trees, 210 lunar Fluxus experiments, 328 Orientale basin, 107 Focused solar light, 56 terrestrial 354 Index Arkenu, 50 Ivory Coast strewn fields, 271 Barringer Meteorite Crater, 229 Ivory Coast tektites, 271, 275 Bosumtwi, 271, 275 Chesapeake Bay impact structure, 271 Chicxulub, 180, 208, 217 Jena, 237 Elgygytgyn, 27, 283 Jet engine, 56 Eltanin impact structure, 293, 304, 307 Jiotto spaceship, 60 Henbury, 229 Jovian moons, 122 Kaali, 10 Jupiter, 68 Kamensk, 292, 304 Jupiter-family comets, 117 Kara, 27 Lockne, 292, 293, 299 K/T (Cretaceous/Tertiary) boundary, 44, 45, 207, Macha crater group, 229 208, 223 Mjølnir, 293 K/T event, 25 Popigai, 27, 175 Kamenskoe, 232 Puchezh-Katunki, 172 Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, 11, 14, 73 Ries, 27, 271, 272 Kezhma, 232 Steinheim, 273 Kinetic energy of a jet, 328 Sterlitamak, 164 Kinetic weapon, 56 Sudbury, 193 Krakatau, 218 Ust-Kara, 27 Kuiper belt, 118 Vredefort, 187 Kulik, Leonid, 212 Wabar, 51 Venusian Mead, 165 Laboratory modeling experiments, 239 Sascia, 172 Lake Bosumtwi, 274 Impact frequency, 103, 111, Lamb wave, 218, 219 166, 169 Landing speed, 57 Impact glasses, 271 Large craters, 27 Impact melt, 177, 181, 183, Laser, 56 190, 194 Late heavy bombardment, 93, 95 Impact probability, 99, 102, 103 Lateral velocity, 137 Impact rate, 93, 102 Layers Impacts into water, 39 mixing, 334, 342 Impacts of large bodies, 348 average thickness, 344 Impact velocity, 102–104 near-surface, 334, 347 Indochina, 271 Lena River, 232 Infrasound waves, 148 Libyan desert glass, 50 Injuries, 24 Lifetimes of minor bodies, 127 Innisfree meteorite, 132 Lifetimes of small comets, 126 Integral luminous efficiency, 140 Light curves, 133 Internal waves, 222 Light flashes, 151 International agreements, 56 Lightning, 210, 222, 230 International laws, 60 Light phenomena, 231 Ionization equilibrium, 322 Light twilights, 234 Ionization potential, 322 LINEAR (Lincoln Laboratory’s Near-Earth Ionosphere, 67, 238, 314 Asteroid Research), 2 Ionospheric current system, 238 Lithosphere, 34, 187 Ionospheric disturbances, 315 LONEOS (Lowell Near-Earth Objects Survey), 2 Ionospheric effects, 315 Long-period comets, 117, 122, 127 Iridium, 207, 242 Lost City meteorite, 132 Irkutsk, 237 Luminous efficiency, 137 Isothermal atmosphere, 218 Lunar crust, 283 Index 355 Lunar meteorites, 267, 283 diamonds, 177 Lusatia, 273 gold, 193 oil, 185 Modeling of the Tunguska event, 249 Mach number, 47 Moho boundary, 28, 33 Magnetic diffusion, 328 Moldavites, 273 Magnetic disturbances, 314, 322 Moon, 229, 268, 283 Magnetic field, 322 Moravia, 273 Magnetic field variations, 238 Morávka meteorite, 132 Magnetic storm, 315 Morphologic anomalies, 246 Magnetic susceptibility, 245 Morphometric anomalies, 246 Magnetodynamic disturbances, 238 Mortality, 18, 19 Magnetohydrodynamic waves, 68, 328 Multiphase hydrodynamics, 269 Magnetosphere, 67, 238, 314 Muong Nong tektites, 271 Malyshevka, 232 Mutative changes, 246 Manhattan Project, 56 Mantle, 123 Nagasaki, 18, 19, 23 Mars, 49, 269, 278, 283 NASA, 1, 60, 61 Martian atmosphere, 277 NEAR (Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous), 61 Martian meteorites, 268, 280 Near-Earth Asteroids, 110, 112 Mass accumulation, 335 Near-Earth Objects, 4, 272 Mass extinctions, 180, 207, 208, NEAT(Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking), 2 218, 312 Neutron, 55 Matter in the feeding zone, 335 Nitrogen isotope, 244 condensed, 335 Nizhnyaya Tunguska River, 232 density, 334 Noctilucent clouds, 235, 236 surface density, 335, 336 Nonuniform atmosphere, 20 Mesosphere, 44 North American strewn field, 271 Meteorite Committee, 241 North Star Active Plasma
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