CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CONSECRATION ST. GEORGE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH (1969-2019) The Voice † of St. George Fall 2019 St. George Serbian Orthodox Church Serbian Orthodox Western American Diocese Table of Contents: 3. Father Bratso’s Letter to the parish 5. Communique of the 22nd Church Assembly IN Chicago, IL 10. Celebrating the 800th anniversary of the autocephaly of the Serbian Ortho- dox Church in San Gabriel, CA 11. History of Saint George Serbian Ortho- dox Church in San Diego 14. In Memoriam—Mr. Predrag Mitrovich 16. Photos from the 50th Anniversary Celebration 18. Statement from Episcopal Council 20. St. George Calendar of Events 21. Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Saint Nikolai Velimirovic 22. Become a Festival Sponsor and Volun- teer 24. St. George Parish Graduates 2019 Front page: Mosaic of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in San Diego 26. St. John (Maximovich) on Orthodox un- Diocesan Bishop: The Right Rev. Bishop derstanding of the most Holy Lady Dr. Maxim (Vasiljevic) Theotokos Diocesan website http://westsrbdio.org 29. Letter from the Stewardship Chair Maja ___________________________________________________________ Topalovic Photography: Father Bratso, Natalia Valenti Editor: Father Bratso 30. Morava News by Cristina Dukovich Mail your materials to Natalia Valenti at [email protected] FATHER BRATSO’S LETTER TO THE PARISH clergy in honor of the 50th anniver- -stavrophor Stamatis Skliris, an sary of the consecration of St. honored guest of the diocese with George Serbian Orthodox church in presbytera Marina. San Diego, CA, took place on Au- Following the Vespers service gust 3rd and 4th of this year. a special evening program and ban- The anniversary committee, quet took place in the social hall. Co chaired by Kira Anthofer planned -presidents of the Circle of Serbian the entire celebration not only as a Sisters, Jadranka Bozinovska-De La “down memory lane” journey, but Cruz and Sladana Melos, with the also to reach out to the neighbor- sisters prepared a delicious ban- hood by sending out over 250 invi- quet meal. Highlights of the pro- tations to all homes surrounding gram among other program parts the church property several blocks was a video with interviews of the in each direction. Neighbors were clergy emeriti, parishioners and the Dear Parishioners and Friends, invited to visit the church for an current parish priest Protopresby- open house on July 20th and have a ter Bratislav Bratso Krsic. The video It is with profound gratitude personal tour by the parish clergy of a little over 30 minutes in length to all of you that I write this note as and then were invited into the so- was played in two parts highlight- a preface to the 50th anniversary cial hall to partake of the hospitality ing the history of the parish and article. Our festive celebration was table of home made pastries, cook- church building and looking into the a testimony of St. George’s contin- ies and refreshments. future for the furtherance of parish ued vibrancy and furtherance of our ministries. parish ministries. Then, on Saturday night, Au- gust 3rd, the faithful gathered in the The next highlights were a There are so many to thank church for a Vespers service. Bishop performance by the parish folklore and we will continue to recognize Maxim entered the church giving groups, Morava Sr. and Jr., and a those who exemplify stewardship, his Archpastoral blessing to Proto- performance by St. George choir. love and care for our parish and our presbyter Predrag Bojovic from St. The emcee for the evening was Do- Orthodox Faith. Sava parish, San Gabriel, CA, and brila Undheim who led the program It is an honor to serve the deacon Vladan Radovanovic to from one segment to the next. Bish- Lord at St. George parish. I call serve. St. George choir sung the op Maxim greeted everyone with God’s blessing upon you and our common responses while the congratulatory words asking every- ministries! stichera of the day were sung by His one to continue witnessing the Gos- With all of my love in Christ our Lord, Grace, the parish and local visiting pel of Christ and receiving each oth- Father Bratso Krsic cantors, Fr. Simeon Corona and er with Christian love and honor presbytera Joy. Other visiting clergy just as Christ receives us to the glo- were: Protopresbyter-stavrophor ry of God the Father. He recognized A jubilant celebration Nikola Ceko, St. Steven’s Cathedral, and commended the parishioners took place at St. George Ser- Alhambra, CA, Protopresbyter Mi- and clergy for the great many sacri- lovan Katanic, St. Petka, San Marcos, fices made in the last 50 years and bian Orthodox Church, San CA, and clergy emeriti of St. George in the furtherance of ministries at Diego, CA, on Saturday and parish, Protopresbyter-stavrophor St. George parish. Velimir Petakovic who served the Sunday, August 3rd and 4th. Kathryn Thickstun, the presi- parish at the time of church’s con- dent of the Church Board, also A festive gathering of parish- struction and consecration and Pro- greeting everyone expressing her ioners, supporters and friends with topresbyter-stavrophor Bozidar gratitude for many blessings their Hierarch, visiting and local Draskovic as well as Protopresbyter 3 received at the parish as choir Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox ryone. God answers our prayer and director and parishioner. A silent Church, His Grace Bishop Gregory. heals us according to our faith. This auction with many artworks, house- The first service in the new social begs the question: what is faith? The hold and culinary items were on dis- hall was held on December 11, 1966, Epistle for today explains the matter. play. The music entertainment for with the Sunday school room serving We have faith if we live as and be- the evening was performed by San as a chapel. February 18, 1967 come like Christ, Who only thought Diego Balkan Band. marked the official dedication of the of others. If we are in any way self- social hall, with many friends from centered, we do not have true faith. If Towards the end of the pro- throughout California attending this we find ourselves to be lacking in gram , several parishioners were rec- historic event. faith, or perhaps the fruit of faith, this ognized with Episcopal Gramatas results in things that matter in our and the order of St. Sebastian was The Building Committee imme- lives, when we must find a way to bestowed upon four recipients, Proto- diately proceeded with plans for a increase our faith. It is reasonable to presbyter-stavrophor Velimir Pe- new parish home and a church build- ask the Lord for this, since the Apos- takovic, Protopresbyter-stavrophor ing. On December 17, 1967, Bishop tles themselves also asked him to in- Bozidar Draskovic, Mr. Predrag Mi- Gregory officiated at the consecra- crease their faith. trovic, chairman of the building com- tion of the church grounds, and con- mittee, and Mr. Milojko Mike Vucelic. struction of the church commenced A luncheon followed in the so- The history of St. George parish is thereafter. cial hall. His Grace suggested to put marked with a humble beginning all tables together making one big The consecration of the new St. with God’s help and the strong faith table which presented a great oppor- George church took place on July 26 and will of its members. The parish tunity to continue agape (meal of and 27, 1969. St. George church is a was founded on May 4, 1952. Christian love and fellowship). The modern revival and continuation of celebration was concluded with a On October 16, 1953, the parish the rich Serbian tradition in art and short presentation on the mono- purchased a building site at 3265 architecture. Inspired by the master graph, The Serbian Christian Heritage Lincoln Avenue in San Diego. This pieces created during the Golden Age of America, with detailed history of property was consecrated on Octo- of the Serbian Empire in the Middle each Serbian Orthodox parish in ber 29, 1954. Groundbreaking for the Ages, St. George Church is an original America. This capital work was led church building and the social hall and contemporary work created by by Bishop Maxim and represents not took place on April 1, 1956 and dedi- architect George Lykos. The beauty only a historical testimony of the Ser- cation ceremonies were held on No- of its design is an inspiration to wor- bian Church, but also a testament of vember 18 of the same year. shippers and lovers of religious art unity and faithfulness to Svetosavlje. The Department of Highways of everywhere. Protopresbyter Bratislav, the the State of California purchased the One of the outstanding features parish priest, gave his concluding property from the parish in 1962, of St. George church is its magnificent remarks: I humbly ask you that we thus giving the opportunity for the mosaic, especially those covering its together in unity and with thanksgiv- parish to relocate to the Mission Bay interior. Park area of San Diego. On the rec- ing to our Lord continue this course On Sunday, August 4th, the Mat- ommendation of a Building Commit- for the next 50 years, even unto eterni- ins service preceded Hierarchical Di- tee appointed by the congregation, ty. Let us treasure this time. Let us ap- vine Liturgy. At the end of the Liturgy the parish acquired a two and half preciate it. Let us also rejoice, for a Parastos-Memorial service for all acre parcel of land on Denver Street Christ gave us the answer to the reposed parish clergy, parishioners in Mission Bay Park. The committee greatest existential question by con- and all those who died during the then engaged a local architect, Mr.
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