INDIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Editorial Board, Journal Committee, Executive Council & i-ii Secretariat Volume 43, Number - 1 March, 2016 Instructions to Authors iii-v ISSN 0303-2582 Editorial GYNAE – C – PSYCH – OLOGY : NEED OF TODAY 1-4 K.S. Sengar Research Articles 5-11 Effect of Neuro-Feedback Training on Cognitive (Executive) Function in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Priyanka Lenka, Masroor Jahan and V. K. Sinha Application of Self- Regulatory Executive Function (S-REF) 12-19 Model in Psychopathology Formulation of Patients with Anxiety Disorders Soheli Datta and Sanjukta Das (I¿FDF\RI0LQGIXOQHVV%DVHG&RJQLWLYH%HKDYLRU7KHUDS\LQ 20-25 Adults with Stuttering : A Preliminary Study Sanjeev Kumar Gupta Crisis and Trauma in Academic Settings: Implications for 26-32 Campus Mental Health L. N. Suman Memory Functioning in Patients with Schizophrenia and 33-36 (GLWRU Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Remission : A Comparative Study K. S. Sengar Jashobanta Mahapatra, Sushree Sangita Behura, Narendranath Samantaray, Pratit Pattnaik and Saumyashree Mohapatra Role of Memory Rehabilitation on Persons with Alcohol 37-45 Dependence Sheril Elizabeth Jose, K. S. Sengar and Archana Singh A Comparative Study of Receptive Speech among Male and 46-50 Female Cases with Schizophrenic Illness Riju Raj Roy, Anand Manjhi and J. Mahto Therapeutic Effects of Yoga on Generalized Anxiety Disorder 51-57 Laiju S. and Sananda Raj Psychometric Properties of Hindi Version of Peace of Mind, 58-64 Harmony in Life and Sat-Chit-Ananda Scales Kamlesh Singh, Shambhovi Mitra and Pulkit Khanna RNI RN 26039/74 (I¿FDF\RI&RJQLWLYH%HKDYLRU7KHUDS\ &%7 LQ'HSUHVVLRQIRU 65-72 Parents of Children with Mental Retardation 75 2I¿FLDO3XEOLFDWLRQRI Gannavaram Srikrishna, S. R. Joshi and B. Surya Prakasam Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists www.iacp.in Measure childrens’ intellectual abilties in a language they understand. Raven’s CPM/CVS HINDI With regional language translations Raven’s CPM/CVS HINDI fills a long-felt gap in ability tests that cater to populations not adequately exposed to the English language. Trans- lation of test instructions and CVS word card in seven major Indian languages empowers you with a more culturally fair test that can be administered in a vernacular language your client understands. Besides Hindi, language translations Hindi norms enable a of test instructions and CVS word fairer assessment of card available in Bengali, Gujarati, ability for populations Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, that are Hindi-speaking Tamil and Telugu Language Translation Kit Screen a large consisting of CPM and number of children CVS Record Form, across language CVS word card and Test groups, using the Instruction Booklet for Hindi and additional seven Indian languages Indian language available separately from translations Raven’s CPM/CVS HINDI For enquiries and orders Pearson Clinical and Talent Assessment Call: +91 924 360 0012 | Email: [email protected] Request a quote and learn more at: www.pearsonclinical.in 76 INDIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY Volume 43 March 2016 No. 1 Editor : K. S. Sengar Editorial Board Editorial Advisory Board Anisha Shah (Bengaluru) A. K. Srivastava (Kanpur) Ashima N. Wadhawan (Delhi) Amool R Singh (Ranchi) D. P. Sen Mazumdar (Delhi) D. K. Sharma (Delhi) M. K. Mondal (Delhi) Devvrata Kumar (Bengaluru) M. S. Thimappa (Bengaluru) K. B. Kumar (NOIDA) R . G. Sharma (Varanasi) K. Pramodu (Kozikode) S. C. Gupta (Lucknow) L. S. S. Manickam (Mysuru) T. B. Singh (Patna) Maitreyee Dutta (Tezpur) Distinguished Former Editors Manjari Srivastava (Mumbai) S. K. Verma (1974 – 1983) N. G. Desai (Delhi) S. K. Maudgil (1984 – 1986) Rajeev Dogra (Rohtak) S. C. Gupta (1987 – 1889) S. L. Vaya (Ahmedabad) D. K. Menon (1990 – 1991) U. K. Sinha (Delhi) R. Kishore (1992) Sanjukta Das (Kolkata) K. Dutt (1993) Shweta Singh (Lucknow) K. Rangaswami (1994 – 1995) S S Nathawat (1996 – 2002) Russy Tamanna (Delhi) Amool R Singh (2003 – 2006) Nawab Akhtar Khan (Mysuru) Ashima N Wadhawan (2007) Shweta (Singapur) S P K Jena (2008- 2011) Renuka Jena (UK) Statistical Consultant Ram C Bajpai (Singapur) i JOURNAL COMMITTEE K.S. Sengar (Chairman) Rakesh Kumar (Agra) S. Balakrishnan, (Chennai) Jashobanta Mohapatra, (Cuttak) P T Sasi, (Thrissur) Kalpana Srivatava, (Pune) ([2I¿FLR0HPEHU EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President President Elect Amool R Singh K Girish ( Thiruananthpuram) RINPAS, Kanke, Ranchi (Jharkhand) [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] Immediate Past President Hon. General Secretary V. C. George Kalpana Srivastava Miraj Dept of Psychiatry, AFMC, Pune (Mah) [email protected] [email protected] Immediate Past Hon. Gen. Secretary Treasurer Masroor Jahan B N Roopesh RINPAS, Kanke, Ranchi (Jharkhand) NIMHANS, Bangalore [email protected] [email protected] COUNCIL MEMBERS All India East Zone Sanjukta Das Sameeta Nag [email protected] [email protected] Manoj K. Bajaj Bidita Bhattacharya [email protected] [email protected] West Zone North Zone Smita Pandey Vikas Sharma [email protected] [email protected] Sudipta Roy Atul Kumar [email protected] [email protected] South Zone President Nominee Sreehari R. S.L. Vaya [email protected] [email protected] Jini K. Gopinath Minkesh Chaudhry [email protected] [email protected] SECRETARIAT Department of Psychiatry, Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune (Maharashtra) India. ii INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS IJCP welcomes the submission of manuscript Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation in all areas of treatment, prevention and promotion /HQJWKDQGVW\OHRI0DQXVFULSW of mental health especially on issues that appeal Full length manuscript length should not to clinicians, researchers, academicians and exceed more than 5000 words tentatively 15 typed SUDFWLWLRQHUV LQ WKH ¿HOG RI PHQWDO KHDOWK 7KLV pages total (including cover page, abstract, text, journal publishes Research / Original Articles, UHIHUHQFHV WDEOHV DQG ¿JXUHV ZLWK DSSURSULDWH Review Articles, Brief Communications, Case margins (at least 1 inch) on all sides and a standard Reports, Letter to Editor, Book Reviews and News font (e.g. Times New Roman) of 12 points ( no about conferences etc. Manuscript must be prepared smaller). The entire manuscript (text, references, in IJCP format outlined below. Before submission of tables etc) must be double spaced, one side on a paper a manuscript to IJCP it is mandatory that all authors of good quality. The manuscript should conform have read the manuscript and owe the responsibility. the Vancouver style. The text of observational and The research that is reported in IJCP must be experimental study should be divided into following conducted after the approval of ethical committee sections: Title of the Paper, Name of the Author (s), and information regarding the same should be Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion furnished in the method section. In general, at least and References. Manuscript should be prepared in ¿IW\ SHUFHQW RI WKH DXWKRU VKRXOG EH PHPEHU RI following format: ,$&3 DQ\FDWHJRU\ D &RYHU 3DJH 7LWOH 3DJH (Page 1) should Publication Policy consist Title of the Article, name of the author The IJCP policy advice the author of (s)/ corresponding author (s), institutional manuscript not to submit the same manuscript in two DI¿OLDWLRQ WHOHSKRQH PRELOH QXPEHU H PDLO or more journals for concurrent consideration and the addresses, if any. It should also consist the same must be stated in cover letter. IJCP requires the source of support, if any, received in any form DXWKRUWRUHYHDODQ\SRVVLEOHFRQÀLFWRILQWHUHVWLQ (grant, equipment, drugs etc.) and word count, the conduct and reporting of the study. They should QXPEHURIWDEOHV¿JXUHVXVHGLQWKHDUWLFOH also describe their role and participation in designing the study; data collection; analysis; interpretation of &RQÀLFWRI,QWHUHVW data; writing of report and / or in decision to submit Authors are required to complete a declaration the report for publication. Acknowledgement must of competing interest on their cover letter or on be furnished in condition of participation in the separate page. They should also describe their study in any form or if the material (picture, tables role and participation in designing the study; or any other data, with permission) has been taken data collection; analysis; interpretation of data; from any other place/source and is part of the study/ writing of report and / or in decision to submit manuscript. Ethical standards must be followed in the report for publication. the treatment of their sample, human or animals, or Acknowledgements: to describe details of treatment and research must Acknowledge to them who have been involved be approved from ethical committee. Approval / contributed substantially in conception, letter should be submitted to editor, IJCP (for ethical design, data collection, interpretation of data principles one can visit www.apa.org/ethics). RUDQ\RWKHUVLJQL¿FDQWFRQWULEXWLRQLQVWXG\ IJCP requires from Author/ Authors to transfer E 3DJH should consist only title of the study copyright to IJCP for accepted manuscript before abstract and key words (up to 6 key words) publication. For further details of manuscript preparation “Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (6 th ed.)” can be consulted (also visit www.apastyle.org). iii Abstract WKH¿QGLQJVLQWKHOLJKWRIFXUUHQWO\DYDLODEOHOLWHUDWXUH Abstract up to 250 words should be given on whether supporting the results or contradictory.
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