Em ulat ion Handbook The House of the Scorpion / Nancy Farmer by William Flenner Living in a lit t le house in t he poppy fields is all Mat t eo Alacrán(Mat t ) has ever know n unt il t he he m eet s t he pow er consum ing Alacráns (know n as t he House of t he Scorpion). Mat t soon Mat t discovers he is a clone of El Pat rón, a pow erful drug lord w ho rules over a land know n as Opium : a count ry in bet w een t he U.S.A and Azt lán(form erly Mexico). Mat t lives w it h El Pat rón?s fam ily(The Alacráns) w ho despise him , except for El Pat rón w ho loves him . As Mat t grow s up , he searches t he reason behind his very exist ence and for w hy he is w ho he is. The House of The Scorpion has received awards such as the John Newbery Medal and the National Book Award for young people's Literature. "An inspiring tale of friendship, survival, hope, and transcendence" -Kirkus, STARRED REVIEW (Seen on the back cover) Table of Cont ent s Slides 3-4 - Component #1: Point-Of-View and its Impact Slides 5-6 - Component #2: Plot Sequence Slide 7-8- Component #3: Narration and what the Reader Knows Slide 9 - My Emulation: A Rough Road for Two Slide 10 - Annotations Slide 11 - About the Authors Com ponent #1: Point -Of-View and it s Im pact ?But it w asn't all right . Som et hing about t he food, t he heat , t he light w as w rong and t he m an didn't know w hat it w as. Very quickly over half of t hem died. There w ere only fift een now , and Eduardo felt a cold lum p in t he st om ach. If he failed he w ould be sent t o t he Farm s, and t hen w hat w ill becom e of Anna and t he children and his fat her w ho w as so old?? (Page 3). Com ponent #1: Point -Of-View and it s Im pact What 's t his elem ent ? Here t he aut hor, Nancy Farm er, is expressing t he fearful m ood of t his quot e t hrough Eduardo?s t hought s w hich t he aut hor can read from t he t hird person view. We [t he readers] know t hat t he aut hor is describing t his in t he 3rd person because t he aut hor did not w rit e Eduardo?s t hought s in it alics like in ot her books t hat are w rit t en in t he first person and it w ould have quot at ion m arks before and aft er Eduardo?s t hought s. Also in t he quot e in says: ?...Eduardo felt a cold lum p in his st om ach.? w here if it w ere w rit t en in t he first person it w ould be w rit t en as ?...I felt a cold lum p m y st om ach.?. Looking for ?I? and ?m y? are m et hods of ident ifying first person w rit ing. Why does it m at t er? The quot e is from t he first chapt er so t his is im port ant t o t he st ory because it is int roducing us t o t he cells - t hat are being grow n by Eduardo - w ho w ill becom e t he m ain charact er Mat t eo Alacrán. In t he quot e t he cells alm ost died and based off of Eduardo?s, fear of t he cells dying and his punishm ent for it , w e know t hat Mat t is not only im port ant as t he m ain charact er t o t he reader he is also of im port ance t o t he ot her charact ers in t he book. What 's t he im pact on t he reader? The elem ent of t his quot e is Eduardo?s fear. Eduardo?s fear im pact s t he m ood of t he st ory t o be int ense so t hat w hen t he reader reads t his part s/ he w ill feel Eduardo?s fear and w ill feel concerned for w hat happens t o Eduardo and t he cells. We can t ell t hat Eduardo is w orried because t he m et aphor used in t he quot e: ?... he felt a cold lum p in his st om ach.? We can also conclude t hat he is w orried for his fam ily, because in t he quot e it says ?...and t hen w hat w ill becom e of? ?. This m eans t hat Eduardo does not know w hat w ill happen t o t hem , but w e can guess t hat it m eans som et hing bad w ould happen, based on t he effect Eduardo?s fear has on reader. In addit ion w e can guess t hat t he Farm s is a bad place because it is inferred in Eduardo's m ood. The aut hor ?s use of t his elem ent is so t hat t he reader w ould have a st ronger connect ion w it h t he charact er in t he book em ot ionally. Com ponent #2: Plot Sequence ?So Eduardo began t o w orry again. And for a m ont h everyt hing w ent w ell. The day cam e w hen he im plant ed t he t iny em bryos in t he brood cow s.? (Page 3). What 's t his elem ent ? In t his part of t he st ory t he aut hor is briefly explaining t he cells grow t h int o an em bryo and it is show ing t hat t he book?s w hole plot sequence is linear. Why does it m at t er? This is im port ant t o t he st ory because it is describing t he m ain charact er ?s grow t h. It is t elling t he reader w hat t he plot sequence is going t o be like t hroughout t he book, and t hat t he aut hor is speeding t hings along and skipping over t he unim port ant part s, such as all t he det ails of t he cells grow ing int o an em bryo, t o keep t he st ory from dragging along. This is t he aut hor ?s w ay of keeping t he reader 's int erest . What 's t he im pact on t he reader? This quot e is t elling t he reader w hat t he book?s plot sequence is and t hat t here w ill be m ore quot es like it t hat are sped up and are described briefly, w hich w ill com e lat er in t he st ory. This elem ent is keeping t he reader from being bored from t he book dragging along and from losing int erest . So t his effect keeps t he reader involved in t he st ory. Also, t his part of t he st ory also t ells t he reader a quick overview of w hat ?s going on in a cert ain part of t he chapt er. This quot e, specifically, t ells t he reader t hat it w ent from t rouble of t he cells dying t o t he cell successively grow ing. This m akes t he reader go from nervous t o relieved and calm . Overall, short overview s of a part of t he plot can quickly change w hat a reader m ay feel about t he st ory w hile reading it . Com ponent #2: Plot sequence Plot Sequence of Chapt er 1 Start: Day Half One Month: Cells Day embryos of the cells die grow into embryos are put in cows (pages 2-3) (page 3) (pages 3-4) Unknown Number of Days: Unknown Number of Remaining embryos grow into infants Days: The last infant and die until one is left (page 4) continues to grow (page 4) Day Eduardo Receives INewborn (page 4) Com ponent #3 Narrat ion and What t he Reader Know s I??Propert y of t he Alacrán Est at e?? That ?s us. It doesn?t m ake sense,? said St even. ?What ?s going on?? cam e a voice t hat Mat t hadn?t heard before. A large, fierce looking m an burst int o t he room . St even im m ediat ely st raight ened up. Em ilia and even María looked alarm ed. ¨ We found a kid[Mat t eo Alacrán] in t he poppy fields, Fat her,? said St even. He 's hurt him self, and I t hought t he doct or...t he doct or--? (Page 23) Background Inform at ion: Aft er Mat t Jum ped out of t he shat t ered w indow t o go play w it h St even, Em ilia, and María, Mat t falls on broken glass.
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