Claims of Tampering With Kennedy Medical Evidence Continue By Scott Hatfield Custer, the former Navy radialogic This radiology evidence shows JFK's day they worked on JFK, including a ADVANCE Staff technologist who claims he radio- right eye and surrounding bone blown wooden table. The controversy over the assasination graphed Kennedy's body, said only two away. The face is intact, however, in au- Custer said he always initialed his films ofjohn F. Kennedy continues, this time photographs of the head films have sur- topsy photographs. and in fact, the series of films he did on with allegations of tampering with the rived. although Custer said he took be- "The X-rays are not the ones I took JFK that day were recorded in the radiol- radiology record of the autopsy. Nearly tween 14 and 20 radiographs of JFK's simply for the reason that they don't ogy department's log. 30yearsafter President Kennedy was shat body, including additional views of the match the photographs that were taken And the log conveniently disap- to death on Dealey Plaza in Dallas, a head. by Floyd Riche (a navy photographer peared,' Custer, who is now a staff radiologic technologist has supplied new 'The right side of the skull on the X- who took JFK's autopsy photographs)," radiographer at Presbyterian Hospital in evidence alleging the autopsy X-rays were rays that I took do not match the right Custer said. Pittsburgh, said. faked. side of the skull in the pictures," Custer Other autopsy photographs show the The morning after the event, Custer The claims ofJerroll Custer and other said in an interview with id)VANC.1-..."Not back of JFK's head, "retouched to con- said he was made to sign a "gag order." professionals present at the autopsy, only that. hot I remember the skull not ceal a large exit hole from the bullet "We were told to say nothing because dispute a recent article in MI' journal of damaged (as seen in the two head films entering from the front," said Harrison this was national security, and if we did Aim-Firm; Afrdiral Assoringion (JA MA ) that materialized for the House Select Livingstone, who has spent 25 years of his mention anything, we'd end up in prison," that underscores the Warren Com- Committee on Assassinations' report) in life investigating the JFK assassination Custer said. mission's findings that JFK was struck that arca_ it was all futher back.' case. In an interview with ADVANC.,E, from behind by one lime gunman. Lee Custer. during a news conference in "The X-rays and photos make it look Livingstone said, 'The X-rays are fake Ha rveyOsavald. I n theif.-tapt article James New York City held shortly after theJAM4 like there were only shots from behind, and were used to trick the Chiefjustice of Joseph Humesm, MD, said. in [963, we ankle was published. was shown the X- blowing out the president's face." the United States. The X-rays (seen by proved at the autopsy tahle that President ray photographs included in the House The men also say that there were ob- ChiefJustice Earl Warren) show that the Kennedy was struck from above and be- Select Committee on Assassinations' re- jects in the autopsy photographs that president's face is blown out. There was hind by the fatal shot." port, he said. were not present in the autopsy room the no damage to his face." Witnesses Continue to Dispute Official Story at the Colony Club, located next to Ruby's By Scott Hatfield that was odd, she dismissed the scene and 'The whole back of his head looked like Carousel Club in Dallas. She often took ADVAN(21: Stuff continued looking for the man who she a bucket of blood came out the back...she her breaks at Ruby's club and said she Conflicting medical evidence surround- thought was the shooter and for the man said in an interview at her home with it was awful. They are never remembers seeing Ruby and Oswald to- ing the President John F. Kennedy assassi- who ran in front of the depository. ADVANCE. gether. nation is just one aspect Of the case that "While l'm frantically looking a man going to convince me that that fatal shot "Jack says want to introduce you to my intrigues Americans to this day. Witnesscs grabbed me with a painful grip and said he came from the book depository." friend Lee Oswald. He's with the CIA,'" to the assassination who stood on Dealey was Secret Service." Hill said. "I told him I While Oliver did not sec the bullets, she Oliver recounted. It was when Oliver Plaza on Nov. !a 1963. bring another could identify the man," said she saw "puffs of smoke behind the watched the television news broadcast that dimension to the Warren Caimmission's At that point Hill was taken to the Dallas picket fence." showed the shooting of Oswald that she report. County Criminal Courts Building across The following Monday. Oliver said her realized it was the same man. Jean Hill stood so dose to the presiden- from Dealey Plaza. There were two other film was confiscated by FBI agent Regis "I saw the guy (Oswald) and thought tial limousine. she could touch it with her men sitting at a table overlooking the Kennedy. 'Gee, that is Jack's friend_ What is going hand. But Hill was more interested in assassination site. Both the Warren Commission report on?'" Oliver said. 'Then I got scared. seeing her boyfriend, a Dallas policeman "I kept telling them I heard four to six and the House of Representatives Select "I still believe there is risk involved," she who was riding behind the presidential shots, and why didn't they come help me Committee on Assassinations concluded said. "I believe there are people alive who motorcade. identify the man I saw behind the fence? that Oswald and Ruby did not know each worked don't want the truth out." Just as 11111 was hacking away From the They told me I did not see the man run- other. But Oliver differs. She had motorcade she saw a flash of light from a ning and did not hear four to six shots—I rifle. a puff of smoke and a shadowy figure . only heard three. They said not to men- of a man holding a rifle at the very instant tion anything-it would be bad for the gov- JFK's h cad exploded. ernment and bad for me." "I saw the flash ()flight behind the picket Thus began Hill's ordeal with the JFK fence behind the grassy knoll." Hill said in assassination. Since then she's received an interview with ADVANCE. h undreds of phone calls from the press, as She also said she saw a man running well as harrassi ng phone cal Is and attempts from the school book depository area to at her life and her two children. the end of the wooden fence. later, Hill And while she is included in the Warren said she thought the man was jack Ruby. Commission's report. she said the facts in the assailant of Lee Harvey Oswald whom that report were altered and were not part the Warren Commission concluded killed on her original testimony. JFK. Her full story appears in her recently "Everyone was frozen and motionless." published book. FK: The Last Dissenting she said "But I looked up and saw a man Witness And hercharacter is seen in Oliver running fast.' Stone's movie JFKforwhich Ms. Hill served Hill wanted to catch that man who she as a technical consultant. thought was somehow involved in the Also on Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22. 1963 shooting. She darted across the street, up was Beverly Oliver who came Lobe known the grassy knoll (which she claims to have as the "babushka lady." It was years later named) to the parking lot behind the before her identity became known for the picket fence. She lookedaround forwhere simple reason that government officials she thought the shots had come from and never sought her out, she said. saw one single uniformed policeman. She Oliverstood on Dealey Plaza filming the 22, T963. (photo/courtesy JFK Assassination said the policeman was guarding what motorcade as it approached:through her The fateful motorcade, November looked like a rifle. But while she thought view finder she saw JFK's head explode. Information Center, Dallas) ADVANCE for Health Information Professionals 5 August 31, 1992 PUBUSHER Ann Mau kielinsil EDITORIAL Edliet.thiletIne Kasha Reny • An lactate IdlierdAargle Hamilton. linear! billion?. Allthels Emmen Reed • CoaseltIng Edlters.Von Fnpe El. Aram Sherry A. Fax, Jeff Con We Mooney, Undo Jam, Jeonrone Monne • Special Pro!. Idhartlea T. Hasid • S pedal Assignments Fiftordlornald 1. Colon • Coe rthirtIn g Idliare-Itencle Scan Scott mtoNkl, Brands Nl, torero A. Manntf, Aitchsh P. Promell, Roxemory Mastrangele, Heide A. Long, Devlin Sield. Robert Trace, two K. Brother, Sharon Inks, Orhard A. Leona *;R lima larch*, Hume Stehtu • Felltorlal Antstant.Iynn MaNk • Riperitr.Cerellalineld • tdharial (omit ant e.Suranne ILEA ARA, lease Haul. IRA Stanley P. Greenberg, IA, Alt, Doke O'llentn, MIA, AAA • Field Correspondent-turban Jambi, ERA PRODUCTION Art Dirertar.Susan OVA • bit. Art Patter-Mode ilicrie • Graphk Artlits.Jonke E. %Mr, Marti Hamill Patricia Mon, Nerdy Hamilton, hikhael km Ed RiggIns• Ad (oatennolor-Eleonor lachmo • Ad Deibiners,Lawo Loeyy /0111 Maine, lune Mai • Aril. Ad Designer. Mary lonams • Comet R layout-Imo Hansen, IlArrat J. Selokii • Predscrlan Anst.-kerrr Jo Sharpe, The Winer COMMUNICATIONS Corporate CommtnItaIlles DIrttior-inky loylan • Mlle Relations Ccarilnater.Sal Wield • Promotions Coemilnararikrtilnylew • Promotion Aelle..(inistion Mirth!, Kenton PhlRgge, thristIno Cloak ADMINISTRATION General Alenager.W.H.
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