..i ~~.. -.,•.. ~ --- ·-· - --~ - --- ! 1 - ! OIL HEATING! I • - ' •• ALAN HAYES FOR EXTRA ROBERTSON OVAL- WAGGA WAGGA e WARMTH ... ~. ... .. ; e ECONOMY e SPECIALISED SERVICE . ,N. S. W. • • ." ' .·., • • : ' "z" ·~ • CHOOSE ·~·~USTRALIAN ! i FOOTBALL.' ~- - CHAMPIONSHIP. :': .:: . .. .. ~ sAT. >Wth & sllN .. 1sth M~vJ 1974 The Crier Price 20 cents ' Your Local Agent ...... I . H. L. COX &SONS 1 WAGGA GAN MAIN I 214731 133 • J _I BRUCE WILLIAMS BILL HART 32 .··-· ----~ -~-f-~-~ ~@---ff--~---~-~~-~ ~=-!~~~~~D~~~~!~~T~~ 1 MODERN BLOWER UNIT - BAGGING ~ ~&tAtE_!~1~ ~~~~::;~~i~;~~~~~jl :~ ~-= iN FARMER'S OWN BAGS FERTILISERS HARDWARE Caltex Petrol - Oil - Lubrication PHONE LOCKHART 221 r , I Specialised Car Care ---=-=·-=====================..:• MERCHANTS I EXPERT MECHANICAL HOST COUNCILLOR'S MESSAGE 61 BAYLIS STREET REPAIRS WAGGA WAGGA ICnr._ DOCKER & EDWARD ST~~ I extend a very wann welco~e to all the officials, players and snpporters of the fonr leagues - Farrer, Mur­ PHONE 214216 WAGGA WAGGA ray, South West and Sydney - gathered here in Wagga All Plumber's Supplies and Wagga this weekend for the first ever N.S.W, Australian Phone 251094 Football Championship Carnival. Painter's Requisites I A special welcome to Bill Hart, President of the N.S.W. Australian Football League, Stewart Wren, President of the Vktorian Country Football League and Jack Hamil- CURRENT LEAGUE LADDERS ton, Manager (Administration) V.F.L. and Secretary of the FARRER LEAGUE SOUTH WEST LEAGUE Victorian Country Football League. Collingullie 5 596 393 28 N ·• d 547 256 213.6 16 ;The Championships this week end will add another chapter to the progress Lockhart . 5 524 439 26.5 1 a_rr~n era 5 286 145.1 12 1 41 of-Australian-Football-in-Ne.w-South-Wales.-----------------1--MGU-.-"-,~~~--~~--~6 ~-4.19_2o .5)_-fe~~~ ~~---. _··_·---526-364-144,5-l-2----- Full credit must go _to the delegates, officials and players of the four repre- North ., agga ) · 6 ) 4 87 1 9 · Ganmam · ·. 325 265 122.6 12 sented leagues and to. the Central Riverina League (who are having a general bye) Henty 5 428 362 19 ' for their united effort to promote Australian Football in our State. Cukairn ... 5 464 458 18 .. 5 i~~~~~~~~k j~j ~~: }6~:~ 1 ~ It would b.e remiss of me not to expres5 my sincere thanks and deep ap- Wagga 5 532 447 17.5 GGM 317 381 83.2 4 preciation to the many workers - both men and women - who so willingly Holbrook 5 424 568 10 r\PM 312 446 69.9 4 accepted the challenge this New South Wales State Championship presented to Temora 5 431 470 9.5 Ardlethan 331 530 62.4 o the supporters of our code in Wagga Wagga. TRYC 5 339 524 6 Whitton 220 557 39.3 O The Press, Radio and TV have all been prepared to play the part expected of the media. MURRAY LEAGUE SYDNEY LEAGUE Tocumwal . 359 264 16 135.9. To our sponsors - Th-: Riverina Australian Football Clnb, McCallum's 220.8 28 Whisky, Wagga Motors, J. Fleming Pty. LM. and Cohos - a really big ''Thank Numurkah. 290 175 12 165.7 Wests 7 0 0 Cobram 3.45 265 12 130.1 St. George .. 4 2 1 99.7 18 You". 16 It is not easy to generate financial snpport for a new venture. Your unso­ Nathalia 298 364 8 81.8 S. Districts 4 3 0 113.2 Newtown 4 3 0 86.2 16 licited willingness to assist.with prize money and awards is to be highly commend­ Jerild~rie 264 357 8 73.'J ed. Deniliquin. 222 189 4 117.4 East Sydney 3 4 0 102.3 12 It is our sincere wish that from this very humble beginning, the New South Strathmerton 241 258 4 93.4 N. Shore 2 4 1 104.9 JO Wales State Championship title will become a great honour, keenly sought after Berrigan 217 257 0 84.4 S. Sydney . 2 5 0 92.2 8 by all leagues. - J. G. CLEAR Finley .... 265 372 0 71.2 Balmain 1 6 0 52.3 4 i With the Compliments of BILLABONG MOTORS COLONIAL RIVERINA BAKING FORD ~DEALERS MUTUAL New Holland, Shearer, Connor-Shea LIFE . CO. PTY. LTD. Farm Machinery, Ford Tractors and Equipment For all your For Variety, Quality and Service We specialise in mechanical repairs Assurance backed by a full range of batteries, needs see Sole Manufacturers of tyres and spare parts SI EBE LS BR-OS. Golden Heart Country Style Bread CALL or PHONE DAY or NIGHT PTY. LTD. JOHN BANCE For all Classes of Commercial and Member of The Murrumbidgee Milling LOCKHART 199 - A.H. 64 ASSURANCE CONSULTANT Industrial Building URANA 87 - A.H. 46 Company Group Phone 'Wagga 253655 PHONE 213512 A.H. 251944 2 31 WHEN NEXT AT THE i<OCK - POP INTO THE McFARLANE FAMILY'S KING'S OWN HOTEL - MOTEL ,For the Best in Bar Service and Accommodation Counter Lunches Daily - Counter Teas Saturday PHONE THE ROCK 11 or 92 AN HISTORIC OCCASION The 1974 New South Wales State Southern States have not been fully Championships could well be the ~e­ aware of the need to promote our ginning of a new era for Australian code into the Northern States. Football in New South Wales. True it is, promotion has been car­ Over a long period of time it has ried out but not to the extent which puzzled people from outside our area we believe it should be. how leagues with clubs entirely in New The main opposition code to date, South Wales are part of the V.C.F.L. Rugby League, has had the benefit of It is inC:'eed a strange geogr:aphical promotion within schools and it is es­ fact. but one which has worked to sential that our code be promoted in the advantage of the leagues in the the schools. VCFL and other than the Sydney In adC:'ition, we cannot underesti­ League, all leagues participating in mate the very serious threat which these Championships are affiliateJ Soccer will pose in the years to come. with the VCFL. We in New South Wales have been Far sighted administrators have ar­ critical of the lack of foresight which gued during recent years that it is we believe the ANFC and VFL have · time for leagues with clubs domiciled shown in their attitude towards op- ' in New South Wales to be affiliated posing codes. with the parent New South Wales These codes - and particularly soc- · League. cer - are vigorous in their approach Mr. Bill Hart has long campaigned «md if our code is to gain its rightful THE COVETED that this should happen. place in every state of our country, then The above trophy shows the "Mc­ the Player of the Match. With the playing of the State Cham­ l! great deal more concentrated effort Callum's Perfection Scots Whisky Both major leagues in the area pionships this could be the start of a will be required from National Ad; Bowl" and is the major prize for the Farrer and South West - have much new era in thinking, namely towards ministrators in the promotion and main­ winner of the 1974 championship. to thank McCallums for and are de­ New South Wales and awav from taining of Australian Football in the It will no doubt hold pride of place . lighted to have a trophy of such grand~ Victoria. Northern States. i~ the headquarters of the winning· eur to compete for during these cham- UndoubteC:·Iy if Australian Football The coriducting of the New South ,.,,, .. league and will take a strong challenge pionships. h to become the National Sport which Wales State titles is a timely innova-. ~· to remove same in future years. .This magnificent symbol qf football we all hope it will in the years to tion and one which cannot !:zip but It is trophies like the one picturec.' supremacy in New South Wales is a come, then it seems obvious that a have an impact in the promotion· of that makes winning all the more mem­ perpetual trophy and will be keenly New South Wales affiliation is essen­ our code, but the real value will be orable and our thanks must go to the rn1.ight after by the losing ..teams in tial. in the efforts that follow., donors - McCallum's Whisky. future years. · The fact that a New South Wales All players participating will have McCallum's Whisky have supported Whatever the result of this year's State Championship is being played is an incentive to gain State selection and our code in this area over the past championship, the winning siC:·e will indeed a tremendous step forward in the above that, the- possibility of gaining few years and have created much in­ hold for the next twelve months, one prom·otion of Australian Football. selection in an Australian siC:'e to play terest each Saturdav and Sunday in the of the most sought after trophies in Many adminis!:;;~vrs in New South promotion matches overseas later this broadcast _match by giving a trophy to the state. Wales have long since felt that the year. ---1 IAN KING'S MENSWEAR ENGELBRECHTS TEMORA KEEP IN TOUCH 126 Green Street, Lockhart with the rest of the Sporting World with AWA FULL RANGE OF Car Radio Stereo Cassette or Car Radio from. Men's and Boy's Clothing and Footwear $69.00 fully installed 30 3 BOUNDARY AND GOAL UMPIRES GREG KERSHAW BEER'S BUTCHERIES SATURDAY, 18th MAY tion has done a tremendous job to· 33 Kiri~aid Street, Wagga PTY. LTD. - CUI.CAIRN COMMENCING AT 12 NOON wards furthering the objectives of our Tile and Carpet Layer, Supply and Fix PHONE CULCAIRN 298365 FARRER v MURRAY great code as well as greatly enhanc­ For all Floor Coverings (Also at Walla and Rand) Boundary: · ir:;g it's presentation in the area in PHONE 212785 Sides of Beef our Speciality Stevens which they operate.
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