APR 2 3 2008 STEVE L. FAWCETT RALPH BECKER ''''Tl:RII~ D"U:r::TOR DEPARTMENT OF" MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY RECORDER COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL To: David Everitt, Mayor's Chief of Staff ~ April 22, 2008 Re: Appointments to Mayor's Records Appeals Board Recommendation: That the Council give advice and consent to the appointments of the Mayor's Records Appeals Board. Discussion: In order to provide due process of law ifthere is a request for a records appeals hearing, the creation ofa Mayor's Records Appeals board is necessary. As mandated by Salt Lake City Code § 2.64.140.A, the records appeals board consists ofthe City Recorder, a member ofthe public appointed by the Mayor (plus one altemate), and tIu'ee members ofthe City's Records Comruttee, (plus one altemate). Please see the attached letter from the Mayor to tIle City Recorder for tIle names ofthe members of this Mayor's Records Appeals Board. Ms. Jelllllfer Eshelman, the public sector member, has served on the board previously and has graciously agreed to serve again. Mr. Jess Hofberger, alternate member from the public sector, has agreed to serve on tills board. The other members on tills board have many years experience in records management and possess knowledge of GRAMA and otber records issues. The members oftllls board serve for two (2) years. Contact Person: Sonya Kjntaro at 535-6225 Sincerely, Clu'istine Meeker Acting City Recorder l.OCATION: 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROot., 415, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 MArLING ADDRESS: PO sox 145515, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH B4 I 14~55 1 5 TELEPHONE: 801-535-7571 r:'AX; 801-535-7681 .. - ", .- .' RALPH BECKER MAYOR OFFICE OF THE MAYOR April 21, 2008 Christine Meeker Acting City Recorder 45] S. State St. Roolll 415 Salt Lake City, VI 8411 1 Re: Mayor's Records Appeals Board Dear Ms. Meeker, The following individuals are appointed to serve on the Mayor's Records Appeals Board for a term oftwo (2) years. All members have experience in the records field, and have knowledge ofrecords management issues, including, but 110t limited to, Utall'S GRAlvLA statute and Salt Lal,e City code. Appointed are: Jenllifer Eshelman, member from the public Jess I-Iofberger, alternate member from the public Kanyn Greenleaf, records cOlllmittee member Pamela Thomas, records committee member Russell 'Weeks, records committee member Crayola Berger, alternate records cOlmmt1ee member Jim Lewis, alternate records committee member .. -. Ralph Becker Mayor 451 SOUTH STATE STREIT, ROOM 306, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 8411' TELEPHONE: 801·535·7704 FAX: 801-535·6331 ww"...... slcgov.com STEVE L. F"AWCETT RALPH BECKER 'NTeI>o'. D'Al:CTDIl MAye" DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES March 19,2008 CITY RECCROER Mayor Ralph Becker Oftice ofthe Mayor 451 S. State St. Room 306 Salt Lake City, UT 841 II Dear Mayor Becker, Re: Mayor's Records Appeals Board The Mayor's Records Appeals Board hears appeals by persons aggrieved by the city's classification ofa record or by a response to a records request. The current board consists of five (5) members, the City Recorder, a person from the public, and three (3) members ofthe City's records comminee. With the exception ofthe City Recorder, the other four members ofthe board are appointed by you. They serve for two years. I would like to recommend the following persons be appointed members ofthe Records Appeals Board and have their tenns start upon your approval and upon the advice and consent ofthe City Council. Jennifer Eshelman, member fTom the public Jess Hofberger, altemme member from the public Karryn Greenleaf, records committee member Pamela Thomas, records committee member Russell Weeks, records committee member Crayola Berger, alternate records committee member Jim Lewis, alternate records comminee member Ms. Eshelman and Jess Hofberger, citizens nf Salt Lake City, are attorneys by profession and have extensive knowledge of GRAMA and other records issues. The members of the records committee have dealt with GRAMA issues in their departments and are well qualified to sit on a records appeals board. Ifthese recommendations meet with your approval, I have included a letter for your signature approving UJe appointments to the Mayor's Records Appeals Board. Please feel fTee to edit as you wish. Thard, you for your attention to this marter. Sincerely, Christine Meeker Acting City Recorder CM:sk cc: Boyd Ferguson LOCATION: 451 SOUTH STATE 5TREET, ROOM" 1 5, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 841 1 1 r-1AILlNG AODRI::SS: PO 80X 1455 I Sf SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 841 14-5515 TI::LEPHONE: 801-535-7671 F'AX: 801-535-7581 AJ'PLICATION Salt Lake Cit)' Boal'ds & Commissions OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 451 S. STATE STREET, ROOM 306 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111 NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH YOUR RESUME. Name: Jess Rofberger Home 965 S. McClelland Street Address: Street SaltLa!:e City E4105 City Zip Council District . [email protected] Phone:, 801-349-6260 80 J-534~ 1700. j~ss..bofberger@us,atD1y.mail Home Work Cellnlar II E-Mail Address Occupation: ..:..:.A:;t'"lO:::;r:::;n::;e\L" _ Committee(s), Board(s), Commission(s) or Authority in which you are interested: :: .. :-., Record Appeals Board Reason for yonl' interest in this part'icular committee/board/commission or authorit}': ] would like to suppon tbe GRA_MJvL~ process, Are you currently sen-ing on any other City committees? Ifso, which committee(s)/board(s)/eommission(s)/authorit:l'? No. Have you had previous contact with the eommittee/board/commission/authority for which you are making application? Yes, Ifso, when, and the circumstances? I was asked to participate by JelIDifer Esbelman (OVER) Commnnit)' Service/Activities (past and present): Democratic Pam' delQate Food Bank YWCA Professional Activities: LiliQation CiviclProfessional Organization Memberships: Utah Bar Democratic Party Ethnic Group (to assure fair and equal representation - answer optional): Other Pertinent Infnrmation: FOnller Arml' Officer Please list three references and phone numbers: 1) Sarah Brown 694-6679 2) Thomas Karrenberg 534-J700 3) Jennifer Eshelman 534-1700 ~ DATE: 1+ ~7; SIGNATIJRE'fJ OllOO 758 Loveland Ave. 801-349-6260 Jess Hofberger Salt Lake City, VT 84 I 06 [email protected] 2001-2004 University of Utah S.J. Quinney College ofLaw Salt Lake City, Utah Jess • GPA 3.669; Juris Doctor awarded May, 2004 Hofberger • Order of the Coif(Top 10%); Recognized for Excellency in Bankruptcy Law • Wrote: The Growing Couflict Between the Endangered Species Act and Federal Takings Law: Who Must Pay the Price for Protection? e President Natural Resources Law Forum 'Education 1992-1996 Universil)' of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin • GPA 3.937; Graduated with Highest HonorslDistinguished Military Graduate c B.A., Insurance and Risk Management D Languages: Swedish, limiled Spanish and German Experience 2007-Present Anderson and K..1l-renberg Salt Lake Cil)', Utah Associate Litigation Attorney • Researches and composes memoranda oflaw, molions, letters and orders e Composes litigation related documents UDder the supen'ision ofsenior attorney: c Appears in Court to argue motions and to advocate on behalf of clients at bearings 2006-2007 Utab Supreme Cow·t Law Clerk Salt Lake Cit)', Utah Law Clerk to Justice Ronald Nehring • Composed bench memoranda and summaries ofpoints oflaw • Conducted legal research • Edited Supreme Court opinions prior to publication 2004-2005 Activated Army Reservist Djibouti, Mricn Budget Officer Jor Combined Joint Task Force- Horn ofAfrica • Applied federal fiscal law in support of multinational coalition • Provided budget supervision for multi-national, multi-service, combatant task. force • Coordinated Equal Opportunity/Semal Assault Response programs - Provides guidance to the Commander regarding issues ofdiscrimination and sexual harassment 2003-2004 Meuleman & Mollerup LLP Boise, Idaho Associate Attorney • Practiced in building construction and construction related insurance litigatioD • Developed expertise in mechanic's liens, Nliller Act, perfonnance bonds • Member Idaho Bar aod Federal District ofIdaho Summer 2002 Utah Legal Services SaltLake City, Ut-,h Civil Clinic- Senior Lawyer VolunteerProject • Worlced with volunteer attorneys to serve the legal needs oflocal senior citizens 1999-2001 TIS Army-Finance Command Korea and Germ:my 177iliFinanceBat1alion, lO6"FinanceBnltalion;UsTreasuryDisbUlSing Agent • Payroll and contracts maoager (3,500 accounts) for US Anny Post 1997-1999 1-4 Infantry Battallon' Hohenfels, Gei'many Platoon-Leacler • Tan1e Platoon Leader, "Best Platoon-Europe" (Germany) 1998 • Writing. running, outdoor pursuits. travel BOARDS & COI"fMISSIONS CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE STATEhJ1:ENT This st<:.tement is to be. :ilecl by ill applican.ts for posir.ions on. re.gular or speci.a.1 commi:t:ees., boards, autho:ir.ies, and commissions. of Sah Lake City. .--:-- 'I '/ I, ~~S 17J/~e/'1 c../~ (Name). being fim dulv sworn, cen:ifv that I U . ~ am applying to se:ve OD. the RC£O((!:; C1fJ,'lIt:< ( ~ F!JOIZllcLi,t Boa=d o~ COIDII'.i"io:l) and /1/ ' that the followin.g statement:s ofmy financiai rnte:-ests are t!U£ 2.nd·corre.r:t 'to me best 0: m.y l::nowledge. A. EMPLOYMENT Ser:tion :::.44.050J Salt Lake Cit"\' Code.. requires that every person hold.ing any posicion with Salt Lake City Corporation who is also .an officer, directo:::, Q~ employee of any other (non-dry) business entity disclose such posi.tion and the- nature of sud."'_ positioD.. or employment, A "business ventur~, !::ntity'l me;,.ns a sole proprieto::ship: partnership, asso.::i<!tioul jom<: co::poratio::J.J £inT., t::'us:; roundar.ion: or othe.r organi=ation 0:- em:i:y used in car:ying o!:.. ;;. busLi.ess. The. rolI.owin.g questions IeEe:: 1:0 you:: p::iz:r'._i!.IY !l.OI'_-city joo: i. Are you p:-esc:n.tly e.mployed~ \/ Yes ___ No '\ Ifyou 2.!lsv,,'ere2. I·yes'· La ihe: above ~ueStiQIlJ ple2.se list ea ..
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