ContI'. Mineral. and Petrol. 20, 244-267 (1969) On the Mechanism of Prograde Metamorphic Reactions in Quartz-Bearing Pelitic Rocks DUGALD M. CAR1\UCHAEL Dept. of Geological Sciences, .l\..lcGill University, Montreal, Canada Received September 2, 1968 Abstract. An empirical method is described whereby the sequence of textural changes in pelitic rocks from one zone to the next may be reconciled with the balanced metamorphic reaction inferred to have been in progress. It consists in deducing from the textures of a single thin section a set of metasomatic cation-exchange reactions, which proceed in different microscopic domains of the rock, but which add up on the scale of the whole thin section to give the balanced metamorphic reaction. Each metasomatic subsystem is closed to aiuminulll, but open to the more mobile cations, which are free to diffuse from one subsystem to another. subject to the requirement of short.range electrostatic neutrality, and to the assumption that the system is closed on the scale of the whole thin section. Evidence in support of the central postulate that aluminum is relatively immobile is found in 1. the preservation of bedding laminations, on a finer scale than the staurolite porphyroblasts which transect them without disrupting them. 2. The fact that quartz, the only abundant aluminum-free mineral in pelitic rocks, is by far the most common mineral in veins and" pressure shadows". 3. The fact that the reactiolls so deduced provide reasonably precise descriptions of such common textures as the sillimanite needles in biotite and quartz, and the abundant quartz "inclusions" in staurolite. Introduction Prograde regional metamorpltic reactions generally do not reverse themselves during cooling and erosion, so that with few exceptions, the mineral assemblage in a metamorphic rock apparently records the most intense metamorphic con­ ditions to which that rock was subjected. Several lines of evidence indicate tJIat metamorphic assemblages commonly represent a close approach to thermodynamic equilibrium under these conditions, but little is known of the path by wltich the rocks approach this state. Does the pattern of metamorphic zones that may be mapped in space correspond to the time sequence of changes at anyone point, wltile the metamorphic conditions were slowly intensifying 1 If so, then each mineral assemblage will form directly from the assemblage that precedes it in the spatial sequence of zones, by means of the chemical reaction that "relates" the two zones, and the isograds will migrate slowly through the rock body, keeping pace with rising temperature and pressure. A sequence of rock specimens collected across an isograd should record each stage of the reaction by which the mineral assemblage of the lower-grade zone was transformed into that of the higher­ grade zone. It has long been a problem that the textures of such a sequence of specimens, as seen in thin section, generally do not accord with the reaction that may be deduced by comparing the mineral assemblages on either side of the isograd (cf. :Mechanism of Metamorphic Reactions in Pelitic Rocks 245 WILLIAMSON, 1953; TURNER and VEltHOOGEN, 1960, p.480 and 486; CRINNER, 1961). There is a gradual reduction and ultimate disappearance of the reactant minerals. compensated by the appearance and growth of chemically equivalent product minerals, but generally the products do not grow directly in contact with the reactants. Instead, the products and reactants are in different domains of the same thin section, separated from each other by minerals that are stable on both sides of the isograd. This prohlem has led some petrologists to douht that the metamorphic reactions deduced from ohserved changes in mineral compatibilities actually happen in metamorphic rocks (cf. RAST, 1965; CKAKRABORTY and SEN, 1967; GANGULY, 1968). ATHERTON (1965) has invoked the ambiguous textures of regional meta· morphic rocks in support of YODER'S (1955) view that rocks attain their meta­ morphosed sta.te directly, without passing through each of the progressive zones in turn. This inference. if correct, is a serious challenge to the hypothesis that metamorphic assemblages generalJy represent a close approach to equilibrium. If ea~h mineral assemblage forms directly from the well·crystallized assemblage tha't precedes it in the spatial sequence of zones, then the possibility of a given assemblage forming outside its own stability field would be remote, because the free energy change between the initial state and the stable state would be too small to bracket any conceivable metastable states. On the other hand, if it were possible for a deeply-buried shale to remain in an unmetamorphosed condition throughout the necessarily long period of time required to heat it to the tempera­ ture at which a high-grade assemblage would be stable, then each of the lower­ grade assemblages would be an accessible metastable state, having a free energy between that of the shale and that of the stable high-grade assemblage. Depending on kinetic factors, the shale might come to rest in any of these metastable states, or conceivably it might remain unmetamol'phosed during the subsequent cooling and erosion, and reappear at the surface of the earth bearing no imprint of the high temperature and pressure to which it had been subjected. Clearly, any attempt to correlate the physical conditions of metamorphism with natural meta­ morphic assemblages is futile if the natu.ra.1 metamorphic reactions are too sluggish to keep pace with rising temperature. The a-im of this paper is to show that certain common isogradic textures, ob· served in a typical regional metamorphic terrane, can be reconciled with the meta.­ morpltic reactions inferred to have been in progress, so that there is no reason to doubt that the regional metamorphism was progressive. and no need to invoke post-metamorphic recrystallization. Constant·Aluminum Replacement A crystalline phase may dissolve congruent,ly, whereby all of its constituent ions go into solution, or it may dissolve incongruently, whereby some of its ions go into solut'ion, and the others rearrange themselves to form a different solid phase. However, if the solution contains ions of a kind not present in the crystalline phase, a third possihility arises. The crystaBine phase may "dissolve" by ion exchange. some of its ions going into solution, and the others combining with ions from the solut.ion to form a different solid pha-se. 246 D. M. CAR.J,UCHAEL: This third possibility is already qualitatively familiar to the geologist, as replace­ ment. LINDGREN (1918) has discussed constant-volume replacement, and BARTH (1948) has discussed constant-oxygen replacement. These are not the only pos­ sibilities; in fact, depending on how the boundaries of a system are defined, any one of the extensive variables may be held constant, as a reference against which to measure changes in the other extensive variables (GIBUS, 1928; THOMPSON, 1959). Students of metasomatism and bydrothermal alteration have found that the extens.ive variable most nearly held constant in many natural hydrothermal systems is the aluminum content (MEYER, 1950). That is to say, aluminum appears to be the least mobile of the major components of metasomatic systems. Inasmuch as metamorphic reactions are metasomatic if considered on a small enough scale, the question arises whether the growth of the products of meta­ morphic reactions in aluminous rocks might approximate a process of constant­ aluminum replacement. The concept of the limit of migration of different chemical species during metamorphism (HARK}JR, 1893) is useful in this rega,rd. If aluminum is significantly less mobile than any other major component, then its limit of migration will be significantly smaller than that of any other component, and a "local system" (THOMPSON, 1959) may be envisaged which would be large enough to encompass the limit of migration for aluminum, but small enough that the other components could dilfuse into or out of the system in response to externally controlled gradients in their activities. A chemical reaction taking place in such a system would be a process of constant-aluminum replacement. Evidence f,hat the Limit 01 ~ligration 01 Aluminum is Small There is reason to surmise that aluminum may be relatively immobile during metamorphism, both because its diffusion coefficient is likely to be small (FYFE et at., 1958, p. 62; TURNER and VERHOOGEN, 1960, p. 479), and because its equi­ librium concentration in the intergranular "dispersed phase" (cf. HEIER, 1965) is likely to be small. The higher the concentration of an ion in the dispersed phase, the steeper the chemical potential gradient that can be established for the ion, and hence the faster its possible rate of diffusion (FIeFE et al., 1958, p. 79; MUELl4ER, 1967). MOREY (1957) has shown that the solubility of alumina in superheated steam is three orders of magnitude smaller than that of silica. Moreover, the solubility of aluminosilicate minerals in a quartz-bearing assemblage is likely to be restricted by the common-ion effect; the solubility of albite in a quartz-saturated solution is much smaller than the solubility of albite itself (W. S. FYFE, personal communi­ cation, 1966). In the absence of convincing experimental evidence that aluminum is relatively immobile, some indirect evidence recorded in the textures of pelitic rocks may be cited. The fol1owing examples are from the vVhetstone Lake area, southeastern Ontario, mapped by the writer for the Geological Survey of Canada during the summers of 1965 and 1966. Small·Scale Constancy of Aluminum, Concentration A convenient numerical measure of the volumetric concentration of aluminum in a minera.I may be derived by dividing the number of aluminum ions in a miner- Mechanism of Metamorphic Reactions in Pelitic Rocks 247 aI's formula by tbe molar volume of that mineral, and multiplying by 100. Some common minerals of pelitic schists are listed below, in order of increasing con­ centration of aluminum, based on chemical data of ALBEE (1962), HOUNSLOW and MOORE (1967), and DEER et al.
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