Revista Gerencia y Políticas de Salud ISSN: 1657-7027 [email protected] Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Colombia Ferreira, Aldo Pacheco The Precautionary Principle: perspectives involving human health aspects and environmental pollution Revista Gerencia y Políticas de Salud, vol. 6, núm. 12, enero-junio, 2007, pp. 77-89 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá, Colombia Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=54561203 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative The Precautionary Principle: perspectives involving human health aspects and environmental pollution Aldo Pacheco Ferreira* Fecha de recepción: 07-03-07 . Fecha de aceptación: 24-05-07 Abstract It’s presented reflections and questions involving environmental perspectives, public health and, anthropogenic actions related to the crescent consume instigated by the modern world. The precautionary approach arises from recognition of the extent to which scientific uncertainty and inadequate evaluation of the full impacts of human activities have contributed to ecologi- cal degradation and harm to human health. It can be used to help address these circumstances, bringing together ethics and science, illuminating their strengths, weaknesses, values, or biases. The discussion here proposed can contribute as a guide in evaluation the impacts provoked by human activities at the environment and provide a framework for protecting the public health, and life-sustaining ecological systems now and for future generations. Key words: Precaution, public health, human activities, environmental pollution, ecosystem, risk Resumen En este artículo se presentan reflexiones y preguntas que tienen que ver con la perspectiva ambiental, la salud pública y las acciones antropogénicas relacionadas con el aumento de con- sumo estimulado por el mundo moderno. Asimismo, se presenta un acercamiento preventivo sobre el reconocimiento del grado en que la incertidumbre científica, además de la evaluación inadecuada de todos los impactos de las actividades humanas, ha contribuido a la degradación ecológica y al daño de la salud humana. Este trabajo puede ser utilizado para ayudar a abor- dar estas circunstancias, reuniendo la ética y la ciencia, iluminando sus fuerzas, debilidades, valores, o vertientes. La discusión aquí propuesta puede servir como guía en la evaluación de los impactos provocados por las actividades humanas en el ambiente y proporciona un marco para proteger la salud pública, además de los sistemas ecológicos que sostienen la vida ahora y para las generacion es futuras. Palabras clave: precaución, salud pública, actividades humanas, contaminación ambiental, ecosistema, riesgo. * Título en ciencias biológicas, Universidade Gama Filho, 1982; magíster en ingeniería biomédica (COPPE/UFRJ) 1996 y doctorado en ingeniería biomédica (COPPE/UFRJ), 2000; actualmente es investigador en la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública Sérgio Arouca/Fiocruz, y coordinador adjunto en el programa de posgrado en salud pública y ambiente en la misma institución; correo electrónico: [email protected] 77 Rev. Gerenc. Polit. Salud, Bogotá (Colombia), 6 (12): 77-82, enero-junio de 2007 A LDO P ACHECO F ERREIRA Introduction What is the Precautionary Principle? The precautionary principle is a guide to public policy decision making. It responds to The precautionary principle was first men- the realization that humans often cause seri- tioned at the Second International Conference ous and widespread harm to people, wildlife, on the Protection of the North Sea (1987). In and the general environment. According to this manner, it effectively shifted the burden the precautionary principle, precautionary of proof from the regulatory authority to the action should be undertaken when there are polluters. However, the principle was only credible threats of harm, despite residual codified for the first time at the global level scientific uncertainty about cause and ef- in Principle 15 of the 1992 Rio Declaration fect relationships. Additionally, should be on Environment and Development, which considered within a structured approach to stated that “where there are threats of serious the analysis of risk which comprises three or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific elements: risk assessment, risk management, certainty should not be used as a reason for risk communication. The precautionary prin- postponing cost-effective measures to prevent ciple is particularly relevant to the manage- environmental degradation” (Heazle, 2006). ment of risk (Tallacchini, 2005; Vineis, 2005; Dorman, 2005). Intrinsic to the precautionary principle is an express rejection of a focus on the as- Pollution prevention means the use of similative capacity of the environment, which processes, practices, materials, products or heretofore held sway in the arena of interna- energy that let alone or minimize the cre- tional environmental decision-making (Snell, ation of pollutants and waste, and reduce Cowell, 2006). The assimilative capacity the overall risk to the environment and concept emphasizes the ability of scientists human health (Tickner, Geiser, 2004). It to use predictive modelling to accurately shifts the focus of environmental protection ascertain the carrying capacity of, and the from end-of-pipe reactive control, where magnitude of threats to, the environment, pollution is managed after it is created, to as well as society’s technological capacity to front-of-process, where preventive measures mitigate such threats once detected. It also are adopted. Additionally it makes economic presumes that there is sufficient time to act sense, because to pollute means inefficient to avoid harm from such threats once they use of energy and materials, wasting natural have been detected (Karlsson, 2006). resources and relying on subsidies to cover the social cost resulting from polluting water, The precautionary concept advocates a shift air, soil, etc. With issues such as hazardous away from the primacy of scientific proof waste, acid rain, the depletion of the ozone and traditional economic analyses that do layer, the greenhouse effect, and the scarcity not account for environmental degradation of air and water more urgent than ever, it (Tallacchini, 2005; Turvey, Mojduzka, 2005). is not surprising that the global community Instead, emphasis is placed on: (i) the vulner- has begun to question and reassess the ba- ability of the environment; (ii) the limitations sic elements of industrial production as an of science to accurately predict threats to the underlying cause of these environmental environment, and the measures required to atrocities (Som, Hilty, Ruddy, 2004; Ellis, prevent such threats; (iii) the availability of 2003; Rogers, 2003). alternatives (methods of production and 78 Rev. Gerenc. Polit. Salud, Bogotá (Colombia), 6 (12): 77-82, enero-junio de 2007 THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE products) which permit the termination or environmental regulation and management minimization of inputs into the environment; (Heazle, 2006; Dupuy, Grinbaum, 2005). and (iv) the need for long-term, holistic eco- Pollution prevention strategies have been re- nomic considerations, accounting for, among placing more conventional pollution control other things, environmental degradation and ones. Whether referring to the clean tech- the costs of waste treatment. nology or the precautionary principle, the concept remains the same for all: sustainable The precautionary principle can also be industrial practices that can be implemented viewed as a safeguard against the opportun- without posing undue environmental risks ism of decision-makers in situations of asym- now or in the coming decades. metric information or imperfect monitoring by society (Dupuy, Grinbaum, 2005). In the Even though the concept is constantly de- context of management and conservation veloping, there are six basic concepts now of wildlife species, the principle reflects the enshrined in the precautionary principle (Tal- recognition that scientific understanding of lacchini, 2005; Vineis, 2005; Ravetz, 2004). ecosystems is complicated by a host of factors, They are as follows: including complex and cascading effects of • Preventative anticipation: calls for human activities and uncertainty introduced willingness to take action in advance of by naturally chaotic population dynamics. scientific proof if it is deemed that an action will be too costly in the future. The precautionary principle has been char- acterized as a public policy guideline for • Safeguarding of ecological space: in- environmental issues which ensures that a volves deliberately holding back from substance or activity posing a threat to the possible but undesirable resource use in environment is prevented from adversely order to widen the assimilative capacity affecting the environment, even if there is of natural systems. no conclusive scientific proof linking that • Proportionality of response or cost ef- particular substance or activity to environ- fectiveness of margins of error: used to mental damage (Dorman, 2005; Rogers, show that the degree of restraint is not 2003; Karlsson, 2006). too costly if there is a great danger of fu- ture life support capacities being unduly The Principle is premised on four basic as- undermined. sumptions: (i)
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