■ T; ■..... v "' <• 1 - V- "7 \ '■ • W. e, - - - ' V ’ ■•: ■ 4 : ....... ,• . / ^ * ' n - I:' SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1953 Average Daily Net Press Run PAGE TWELVE For the Week Ended ' * The Weather Jnne i. 1958 Fereeaat ef 0. B. Weather Bureau street and, unnert^ed as he was by 10,955 Fair, cool tonight. Cloudy Tues­ M 1 Cantor Etra Joiiig the series of night visits, didn’t CABINET MAKING day becoming warmer and moro About Town notice a hoop lying, in ,the road. He Hutchins-Copding fitember of the Audit Heard A long Miiin Street stepped into ihe’ hoop, his'legs gol America Assembly 'Bureau e f’ClretflaRona ■ hiimhi; ■ Rev. Arnold W. Tozer, of Henry tangled in it, and he , tripped. to Furniture Finilhiug Manchester— A City of Village Charm street, wdll attend a special con­ the pavement. 20 Years of the Best ference Monday and Tuesday a f And on Some of Manchester*g Side Streets^ Too The buddies still chuckle when In ft ftpecifti conaecrfttion cere­ the Senexet House, Woodstock, for telling the story. VOL. LXXII, NO. 2 1 1 ^ (ClaatUlfd Adverttalng on Pago 14) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1953 (SIXTEEN PAGES) young ministers who have Iwcn out mony ftt the Concord Hotel, Lake DWYER PRODUCTS PRICE n V E CENTS of seminary for foiir years or less. A Report on Radio ed by boys.” You don’t get that on New Angle in Snob Appeal Klftmishft, N. Y „ laat Monday eve­ TV. Because we still belong to the We have always thought that the ning, Cantor Melvin Etra of Tem­ •West Street— Bolton Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Schieben- rapidly thinning ranks of folks who Sometimes, when rain is forecast, ple Beth Sholom waa formally in­ pflug, of 192 School street, whose he reports simply "R ain followed men who patronize neighborhood Mitchell 3-5326 do not own (perhaps 'afford' la the bars were price-conscious shoppers. ducted- Into memberahip in the golden wedding anniversary will word to use I a television-set, w.e by little, girls carrying umbrellas." fall on June 9, will he honored at We know we are and we expect to Cantora’ Asaembly of America. want to report here that radio is Sometimes he might npy, "Rain Cantor Etra waa among 22 a celebration of the event on Sun­ still continuing in (air health, thank followed by boys wearing rain­ pay the 10 cents which has been day, June 14. when their son and coats.".. considered standard price for a American cantors to be so honored you, and that it occasionally pro- this year. The ceremony waa part daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wdes a topic for conversation -When a hot day is predicted, the glass of beer ever since the short of the opening aeaaion of the aixth John Schiebenpflug, of 281 School Along Main street. 1forecast might be "Hot and sunny one passed definitely out of the street will keep "open house" for This report on the state of affairs followed by perspiration.” picture. annual convention of the B.aaembiy. them between 2 and 5 p.m. Friends in radio Is prompted by the type You just can’t tell what the But it seems now that some The Cantera Aaaembly la a FILMS of the couple who have lived here of greeting which has replaced the weather will he or what the fore­ brewers have joined some auto branch of the United Synagogue DEVELOPED AND since their marriage will be wel­ cheery "H'arya" that, in the pre- caster will say but you don’t get makers in putting snob-appeal Into of A'merica, repre-aenting conser-' PRINTED come to call at their convenience. TV days, was quite common and that type of forecast on TV. their advertising. vative aynagoguea in the United sufficient to push the conversation In case you want to hear this peer We were a bit surprised the Statea and Canada. The Connecti­ 24-HOUft SERVICE Rev. Carl E. Olson of Emanuel into a lengthy review of the weath­ of forecasters, he's on WDRC at 7 other day when we entered our cut region of the aaaembly, among Film Deposit Box Lutheran Church will leave Tues­ er, past, present and future. a. m. favorite watering place to notice its other actlvitlea, waa- outatand- day to attend the six-day synod Today, Mike greets Ike with signs indicating one brand of brew ing in the country last year in the At Store Entrance of the Augiistana Lutheran Church "Didja see the fights last night on Tip To I»og Owners was advertised at half again the raiaing o f funda towarda the aup- which opens in Chicago for the TV?',’ Sometimes he. chirps, "Watta Dog owncis in Manchester are traditional price. We read further port of the Cantora Inatitute of first time thai evening. ball gam e; 1 got so excifed l spilled hereby advi.serl bf a recent good to determine the reason for the Ole’ Jewiah Theological Seminary. KEMP^S my beer I ” Another time it might piece of recodifying the dog laws pre)Tiium payrnent required. We Daughters of Liberty No, T25. be,■■■"Wasn't that a neat horse in the'State of Connecticut by the found the manufacturer rafne right r-TT LOLI. will hold its monthly meet­ opera? I laughed until my Jaw® Legislature. out and said his brand U ing Tuesday night at Orange Hall, ached." The new law is clear and simple America's Highest Priced Draught starting with a potiuck supper at And Mike and Ike re-hash the a.s to the owner re.spon.slbility. Any j Beer” Weddings 6:30 In charge of Mrs. Bessie Far­ show or game or horse opera so dog, not under leash. Is a loamlns Smoke, Flames at Height of $50,000 Fire at Hackett Plantation ris and her committee. It, is ex­ That may seem like fire-engines- loud and long that the non-TV own­ flog once it leaves it,s owner's! are - red - because - fire - engines - Hlnda-Bidwell Ike’s Note Spurned pected that Installing Deputy er figtires he doesn't need to buy a premises. This piovision enables Mrs. Margaret Campbell from are-rer| sort of reasoning, but It Mrs. Anna W. Bidwell, formerly set to keep pace with the television lhe,,wardens to pick up a.s violators has its selling points. of Manchester, now residing In 'Brookline, Ma.as.. and S\iprcrr»‘ presentations. Grand Mistress Mr.<. Martha Ster­ every dog wliich is not under leash The idea, of course. Is to suggest Compton, Calif., announces the ling from Allston. Mass., will he But, we report here, things arc and not on Its owner's properly. that any discerning beer drinker marriage of her daughter, Jean L. By Political Leader present. Officers should wear fine in radio. We help the red-hair­ A slate dog warden will be ap­ knows a I.') rent beer Is better Bidwell, to Thomas L. Hinds, son ed half of the clan with the dishes pointed’ and three deputies, oper-. o f Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hinds of Met white. than a 10 c.ent one. and listen: we read—and listen; we ating under Ihe Doiiartmcnt of We, of eourse. had two - Just two Tonto Basin, Arizona. The Auxiliary Police will meet talk and listen; we shave — and Farms and Markets. TTiese officer.sj gla,sses of regular brand. We are The double ring ceremony was Seoul, June 8— (/P)— South Korea gave flat notice today it listen. In fact, we maintain our Will have broad authorit,y over | intcnd.8 to continue the Korean war despite an urgent mes- Monday night at 7 o’clock at Mt. going hark some evening, how­ performed May 23 in Las Vegas, Panmunjom, Monday, June 8—<yp)_The UN command and Nebo. iisual routine around the house local dog wardens with regard to ever, and we may try 4hat hlgh- Nevada, the attendants were Mr. *age from Pre.<«ident FMsenhower that the UN- and the war- while keeping pace with the news enforcemerit. prieed beer—just curiosity you and Mrs. Leland P. Boarts. sister torn republic are “ required” to accept truce on present Reds today signed a momentous agreement on exchanging commentators' and the plays “and Better gel Fido trained or he's a Gerald T. LaPine, seaman. USN. understand. and brother-in-law of the bride. terms. — prisoners of war in accord with Allied principle of voluntary son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. the ball games and the fights. liable to be occupying one of the k> a The hride waa graduated from Say, you TV owners, remember .South Korean President Syng- repatriation, wiping out the last major barrier to an amiia- LaPine, 90 Branford street,. Is Town of Manchester's private One on the’ Hniiae, Please Manchester High School in the man Rhee told Associated Press tice in the three-year Korean war. •> ______ . serving aboard the battleship USS the days when you used to get rooms in the dog pound. Class of 1948 and was employed as The agreement clears the way ^ things done? •And speaking of salesmanship photographer Fred Waters "The New Jersey, which, started its sec­ and beverages, we learned a great a secretary in the Scottish Union Korean people will pay no atten­ Face Facts, for signing of a full armistice. I t ' T R T ’K I ond tour of Korean duty In April. Just t^o show that things are im­ Pala — It Says Herei Ic.sson in merchandising from a ■ToMph P.
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