Eastman Business Park Site Newsletter Issue 3 Letter from Mike Alt Letter from Arline Liberti Director, Manager, Kodak Fall 2010 Eastman Business Park Rochester Facilities I’ve now been the Director of Eastman Amid all the change and challenge that Business Park (EBP) for five months and surrounds us today in our business world, during this time have had the opportu- the Kodak Rochester Facilities (KRF) mis- nity to meet most of our tenants. sion of creating value in the delivery and Shortly, with the arrival of our three quality of service to our tenants remains Cody Gate Companies, there will be 30 at the core of everything we do. We are tenants at EBP. excited about the new prospects resulting I have spent most of my time networking from Mike’s efforts to attract new tenants externally, focusing on understanding to the site, and are also pleased to share what we need to do to attract new busi- with you a number of improvement initia- nesses and tenants. I’ve attended over tives that will create greater sustainability 10 events, spoke at a NYS Economic De- in support of your business operations on velopment Conference, and hosted at EBP site. more than 20 tours. My learning’s from networking were applied to the develop- 43 Boiler Tube Replacement – On Sep- ment of a strategy for our future busi- tember 12, 2009, the site experienced a ness development. major steam and electric shutdown due to a tube failure on 43 boiler and subsequent Here are the key elements: www.eastmanbusinesspark.com shutdown of other operating boilers. Ko- Our strengths are our infrastructure dak and Duke Energy Services have com- and technology base, and diversity of pleted a $5M project to re-tube #43 boiler Inside This Issue: on-site companies. and the boiler recently returned to service during the first week of October. This We are relatively unique in our ability EBP Activities 3 to provide a multitude of utilities ser- upgrade will provide improved boiler reli- vices. It is a competitive advantage ability for many years into the future. Marketing Update 3 that we have in luring manufacturing Rochester Switching Services – One of to EBP. the services available at Eastman Business Tenant Survey 4 Our areas of focus are: biofuels; Park we are most proud of is our internal Did You Know? photovoltaic on thin, flexible films; railroad, operating for over 100 years, 4 specialty chemicals for a variety of with approximately 16 miles of continu- markets; electronic/medical compo- ous track. As buildings and parcels have nents; and small start-up companies. been sold to external companies/tenants, Check out our updated We chose these focus areas after careful several requests have been made for ma- evaluation of the marketplace, taking terial shipment using rail service. Kodak website to find details on recently entered into an agreement with available space, along with into account what segments would be growing, and how these aligned to EBP’s Rochester Switching Services, a subsidiary services and amenities capabilities. Now comes the tough part of G&W Railroad, to provide rail service to available! – finding and attracting new companies both Kodak operations and external ten- www.eastmanbusiness park.com to EBP. Competition is fierce, but I am ants. The transition to the new company confident we will be successful. began October 4, 2010. - Continued on Page 2 - - Continued on Page 2 - Letter from Mike Alt Letter from Arline Liberti Continued from page 1... Continued from page 1... We currently have four active leads in the area of biofuels. Planning District #12 – In an effort to facilitate business Two are from cellulosic materials such as grasses, branches, growth in EBP-East, our team recently worked with the City of woody mass, etc. Two are from a more renewable and abun- Rochester’s Zoning Office to develop regulations and stan- dant material, algae. We have several initiatives to attract dards for the three major parcels bounded by Ridge Road, photovoltaic companies. First, we applied for a Department Lake Ave, Dewey Ave and Merrill Street. The outcome of this of Energy Grant to create a Thin Film Solar Panel Manufactur- collaboration was the rezoning of the parking lots surround- ing Center of Excellence right here at EBP. We will be notified ing EBP-East from transitional parking to Planned Develop- if we will be awarded a grant in the 1st Quarter of 2011. ment District #12. The intent of PD #12 is to promote high Second, we have several companies that are very interested employment and economic development opportunities that in partnering with us to develop thin, flexible film solar pan- will benefit from existing extensive utilities and site infra- els. Our thin film development assets are a perfect comple- structure, for the establishment of a mix of commercial, re- ment toward developing this next generation of solar panels. tail, residential and industrial uses on lands formerly utilized Also, in this area, we are working with a national site selector by Kodak. who has a client interested in building a facility in our EBP- Compressed Air Project – During 2010, KRF invested over South Greenfield location. $750K in the site compressed air system which has signifi- For chemical manufacturing, we have submitted a proposal, cantly enhanced the service in many ways. It has eliminated through NYS Empire State Development (ESD), to an interna- significant energy waste, while improving the flexibility and tional company desiring to build a chemical facility in the US. firm capacity of our compressor installed base. It has also We are one of four remaining sites that the company is con- improved our capabilities of delivering a reliable utility service sidering in NY. Of course, they are also considering other that can handle any fluctuation in loads with no impacts to states. More to follow as this project progresses. the system pressure. We continue to learn more about our compressed air demand and already have more ideas to fur- In the area of start-up companies, in the past two months, we ther optimize this important utility. have added 4 companies to our site. Sensivida, Novomer and Okapi are leasing space in Research Labs, while Orthogonal is Silver Compliance Award – NYWEA – EBP has continued to in Building 337. We are hopeful that they will become larger sustain a reliable and compliant wastewater treatment proc- companies, growing their R&D operations and ultimately ess at its Kings Landing Wastewater Treatment Plant, and in manufacturing at EBP. recognition of its excellent compliance record, has once again received the Silver Compliance Award from the New York While we are not being as aggressive in pursuing projects Water Environment Association (NYWEA) for exceeding 99% outside our core strategic areas, we are still making deals. compliance with all the limits of our State Pollution Discharge One example is our leasing of approximately 46,000 square Elimination Systems (SPDES) wastewater discharge permit. feet of parking lot space to Bob Johnson Chevrolet, signed in EBP has received this award for the last 7 years, and our com- September. Another, the Building 502 sale to a logistics com- pliance record in 2009 was 99.8%. pany is in the final stages. If all goes well, we should close in mid-December. Emergency Response – several notable process improve- ments have been implemented to improve response and So am I optimistic about EBP becoming a mixed use, communications with both internal and external tenants in industrial and technology park? Absolutely! the event of an emergency situation. Tenant contact infor- We are putting together a marketing plan for 2011 that will mation is now updated in our database, and Bruce Moyer emphasize our strengths, and improve our visibility for these (Corporate Security) and Sharon DiTucci (Tenant Interface) larger, more strategic projects. Landing one of these in 2011 plan to test the process with external tenants during the 4th will have a significant, favorable impact to our site. Qtr, 2010 to ensure an effective response. Details to follow. In the meantime, let’s continue to share leads, information, Eastman Business Park’s future is built on the strength of our and promote each other’s businesses. We thank you for be- team, the sustainability of our operations and continued focus ing a valued tenant, and customer at EBP. on meeting your unique utility and site service needs. Please let us know if there is any way we can be of help. Page 2 EASTMAN BUSINESS PAR K What’s Happening at EBP? Site Branding— you may have noticed a few subtle additions around the site with our continued efforts to bring our Eastman Business Park logo and information to some key locations: Two free-standing banners located in Building 28 on either side of the lobby desk that highlight our offerings and current tenants. EBP logo boxes with back lighting installed in Building 326 lobby, Building 320 lobby and Building 205 North Lobby. Pole banners around the site displaying out EBP logo Eastman Business Park again experienced a very successful “Clean Sweep” this summer which resulted in several colorful ac- cents around our site. We had a record number of volunteers, and their great efforts have been visible this summer/fall as you walk around the site. We look forward to repeating this event next year, and again thank all our wonderful volunteers! Community Advisory Council Meetings—did you know that Kodak meets with leaders from Neighborhood Associations, local governments and school districts on an on-going basis? The Community Advisory Council (CAC) meets on a regular basis and the forum provides this group of community leaders the opportunity to learn about on-going efforts at Eastman Business Park.
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