EVALUATION Evaluation COOPERATION IN CENTRAL ASIA AND SOUTH CAUCASUS ASIA IN CENTRAL COOPERATION Finland´s Development Cooperation in Central Asia and South Caucasus Evaluation report 2009:1 ISBN 978-951-724-728-3 (printed) Evaluation report 2009:1 ISBN 978-951-724-729-0 (pdf) 2009:1 ISSN 1235-7618 Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF FINLAND Fidida… 2/23.12.08. kansi 14.1.2009 13:34 Sivu 2 REPORT 2008:6 The Cross--cuttttiing Themes iin tthe Fiinniish Devellopmentt Cooperattiion ISBN: 978-951-224-714-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-224-715-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2008:5 Finnish NGO Foundations ISBN: 978-951-724-709-2 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-710-8 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2008:4 FIDIDA: An Examle of Outsourced Service 2004–2008 ISBN: 978-951-724-690-3 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-691-0 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2008:3 Evolving New Partnerships between Finland and Namibia ISBN: 978-951-724-701-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-702-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2008:2 Local Cooperation Funds – Role in Institution Building of Civil Society Organizations ISBN: 978-951-724-701-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-702-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2008:1 Finnish Partnership Agreement Scheme ISBN: 978-951-724-672-9 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-673-6 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 SPECIAL EDITION FAO: Utmaning till förnyelse. Sammanfattning 2008:1 (SWE) ISBN: 978-951-724-670-5 (print), ISBN: 978-951-724-671-2 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 SPECIAL EDITION FAO: Haasteena uudistuminen. Lyhennelmä 2008:1 (FI) ISBN: 978-951-724-655-2 (painettu), ISBN: 978-951-724-659-0 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 SPECIAL EDITION FAO: The Challenge of Renewal. Summary 2008:1 (ENG) ISBN: 978-951-724-657-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-661-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2007:3 Implementation of the Paris Declaration – Finland ISBN: 978-951-724-663-7 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-664-4 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2007:2 Meta-Analysis of Development Evaluations in 2006 ISBN: 978-951-724-632-3 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-633-1 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2007:1 Finnish Aid to Afghanistan ISBN: 978-951-724-634-7 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-635-4 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2006:3 Review of Finnish Microfinance Cooperation ISBN: 951-724-569-6 (printed), ISBN: 951-724-570-X (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2006:2 Evaluation of CIMO North-South Higher Education Network Programme ISBN: 951-724-549-1, ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2006:1 Evaluation of Environmental Management in Finland´s Development Cooperation ISBN: 951-724-546-7, ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2005:6 Evaluation of Support Allocated to International Non-Govermental Organisations (INGO) ISBN: 951-724-531-9, ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2005:5 Evaluation of the Service Centre for Development Cooperation in Finland (KEPA) ISBN: 951-724-523-8, ISSN: 1235-7618 Fidida… 2/23.12.08.REPORT kansi 2005:4 14.1.2009Gender Baseline 13:34 Study for FinnishSivu Development3 Cooperation Fidida… 2/23.12.08. kansi 14.1.2009 13:34 Sivu 2 ISBN: 951-724-521-1, ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2005:3 Evaluation of Finnish Health Sector Development Cooperation 1994–2003 ISBN: 951-724-493-2, ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2009 :1 Finland´s Development Cooperation in Central Asia and South Caucasus REPORT 2005:22004:4 EvaluationRefocusing of Finland’s Finnish HumanitarianCooperation with Assistance Namibia 1996–2004 ISBN: 978-951-724-728-3 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-729-0 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 ISBN:ISBN: 951-724-491-6,955-724-477-0, ISSN:ISSN: 1235-76181235-7618 REPORT 2008:7 Kosovo Country Programme REPORTREPORT 2005:12004:32004:4 Ex-AnteEvaluationRefocusing Evaluation of Finland’s the Development of CooperationFinnish Development Cooperation with Namibia Cooperation Activities of inFinnish the Mekong NGOs andRegion Local Cooperation ISBN: 978-951-724-716-0 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-717-7 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 ISBN:FundsISBN: 955-742-478-9,in955-724-477-0, Tanzania ISSN:ISSN: 1235-76181235-7618 ISBN: 951-724-449-5, ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2008:6 The Cross-cutting Themes in the Finnish Development Cooperation REPORT 2004:42004:3 RefocusingEvaluation ofFinland’s the Development Cooperation Cooperation with Namibia Activities of Finnish NGOs and Local Cooperation ISBN: 978-951-224-714-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-224-715-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2004:2 EvaluationISBN:Funds 955-724-477-0,in Tanzania of Finland’s ISSN:Development 1235-7618 Cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina ISBN:ISBN: 951-724-446-0,951-724-449-5, ISSN:ISSN: 1235-76181235-7618 REPORT 2008:5 Finnish NGO Foundations REPORT 2004:3 Evaluation of the Development Cooperation Activities of Finnish NGOs and Local Cooperation ISBN: 978-951-724-709-2 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-710-8 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2004:12004:2 EvaluationFunds in Tanzania of FinnishFinland’s Education Development Sector Cooperation Development with Cooperation Bosnia and Herzegovina ISBN:ISBN: 951-724-440-1,951-724-446-0,951-724-449-5, ISSN:ISSN: 1235-76181235-7618 REPORT 2008:4 FIDIDA: An Examle of Outsourced Service 2004–2008 ISBN: 978-951-724-690-3 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-691-0 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2004:22003:32004:1 EvaluationEvaluationLabel Us Able ofof Finland’sFinnish – A Pro-active Education Development Evaluation Sector Cooperation Development of Finnish with Development Cooperation Bosnia and Herzegovina ISBN:ISBN:co-operation 951-724-446-0,951-724-440-1, from the ISSN: ISSN:disability 1235-76181235-7618 perspective REPORT 2008:3 Evolving New Partnerships between Finland and Namibia ISBN 951-724-425-8, ISSN 1235-7618 ISBN: 978-951-724-701-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-702-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2004:12003:3 EvaluationLabel Us Able of Finnish – A Pro-active Education Evaluation Sector Development of Finnish Development Cooperation REPORT 2003:2 ISBN:Evaluationco-operation 951-724-440-1, of fromFinnish the ForestISSN: disability 1235-7618Sector perspective Development Co-operation REPORT 2008:2 Local Cooperation Funds – Role in Institution Building of Civil Society Organizations PART 2 ISBNISBN 951-724-416-9951-724-425-8, ISSN ISSN 1235-7618 1235-7618 ISBN: 978-951-724-701-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-702-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2003:3 Label Us Able – A Pro-active Evaluation of Finnish Development REPORT 2003:2 co-operationEvaluation of fromFinnish the Forest disability Sector perspective Development Co-operation ISBN 951-724-425-8, ISSN 1235-7618 REPORT 2008:1 Finnish Partnership Agreement Scheme PART 12 ISBN 951-724-407-X,951-724-416-9 ISSNISSN 1235-76181235-7618 ISBN: 978-951-724-672-9 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-673-6 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2003:22003:1 EvaluationEvaluation ofof FinnishtheFinnish Finnish ForestForest Concessional SectorSector DevelopmentDevelopment Credit Scheme Co-operationCo-operation PART 2 ISBN 951-724-416-9951-724-400-2, ISSN ISSN 1235-7618 1235-7618 SPECIAL EDITION FAO: Utmaning till förnyelse. Sammanfattning PART 1 ISBN 951-724-407-X, ISSN 1235-7618 2008:1 (SWE) ISBN: 978-951-724-670-5 (print), ISBN: 978-951-724-671-2 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2002:9 Evaluation of the Development Cooperation Activities of Finnish NGOs in Kenya REPORT 2003:22003:1 EvaluationEvaluation ofof Finnishthe Finnish Forest Concessional Sector Development Credit Scheme Co-operation ISBN 951-724-392-8, ISSN 1235-7618 PART 1 ISBNISBN 951-724-407-X,951-724-400-2, ISSN 1235-7618 SPECIAL EDITION FAO: Haasteena uudistuminen. Lyhennelmä REPORT 2002:8 Synthesis Study of Eight Country Programme Evaluations 2008:1 (FI) ISBN: 978-951-724-655-2 (painettu), ISBN: 978-951-724-659-0 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2002:9 Evaluation of the Development Cooperation Activities of Finnish NGOs in Kenya REPORT 2003:1 EvaluationISBN 951-724-386-3, of the Finnish ISSN Concessional 1235-7618 Credit Scheme ISBNISBN 951-724-400-2,951-724-392-8, ISSNISSN 1235-76181235-7618 SPECIAL EDITION FAO: The Challenge of Renewal. Summary REPORT 2002:7 Review of Finnish Training in Chemical Weapons Verification 2008:1 (ENG) ISBN: 978-951-724-657-6 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-661-3 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2002:92002:8 Synthesis Study of Eight Country Programme Evaluations EvaluationISBN 951-724-378-2, of the Development ISSN 1235-7618 Cooperation Activities of Finnish NGOs in Kenya ISBNISBN 951-724-392-8,951-724-386-3, ISSNISSN 1235-76181235-7618 REPORT 2007:3 Implementation of the Paris Declaration – Finland REPORT 2002:6 Kansalaisjärjestöjen Kehyssopimusjärjestelmän arviointi REPORT 2002:7 Review of Finnish Training in Chemical Weapons Verification ISBN: 978-951-724-663-7 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-664-4 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 REPORT 2002:8 SynthesisISBN 951-724-376-6, Study of Eight ISSN Country 1235-7618 Programme Evaluations ISBNISBN 951-724-386-3,951-724-378-2, ISSNISSN 1235-76181235-7618 REPORT 2002:5 Evaluation of the Bilateral Development Co-operation Programme between Kenya and Finland REPORT 2007:2 Meta-Analysis of Development Evaluations in 2006 REPORT 2002:6 Kansalaisjärjestöjen Kehyssopimusjärjestelmän arviointi REPORT 2002:7 ReviewISBN 951-724-373-1, of Finnish Training ISSN in1235-7618 Chemical Weapons Verification ISBN: 978-951-724-632-3 (printed), ISBN: 978-951-724-633-1 (pdf), ISSN: 1235-7618 ISBNISBN 951-724-378-2,951-724-376-6, ISSNISSN 1235-76181235-7618 REPORT 2002:4 Evaluation of Bilateral Development Co-operation between Nicaragua and Finland REPORT 2007:1 Finnish Aid to Afghanistan REPORT 2002:62002:5 Evaluation of the Bilateral Development Co-operation Programme between Kenya and Finland KansalaisjärjestöjenISBN 951-724-372-3,
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