n i u K i m w SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1948 iSIattrbrBttir Ev^tiitta BrraOk Average Dally Ctrenlation The Waathir F w Nw Moath of October, 1942 •f B. a. OfmOm St. Mary's Toung People's FM- lowship win omit lU.meeting to­ A bout Town morrow afternoon. The next meet­ Church Bazaar Local Priests REYMANDER’S FOOD ------- BETTER-THAN EVER I 7,696 ing win take place Sunday. Decem­ Heard Along Main Street Btanber «f Bw Audit ber 6, at four o’clock s h ^ , when HAVE A GOOD TIME — DINE AND DANCE! a n ipi «C tlM IfMIUStal Details Ready To Officiate Banm i o f in*s audUaiT will it is expected to have a speaker, Jrul on Some of Mancheife^t Side Streettf Too Manche*teirr ‘"A Cky o f Vittage Charm ____ afUmoon at two and follow the meeting with a TODAY WE FEATURE ^ « t tba TJC.CJU M n. D. social time and refreshments. President o f Society AH' Center etreet from Winter tq^^on to' the desk the ration card of F ath ers D uillly T im m in s Delieions Broilcra Roast Prime Ribs of Beef OtfOwoO’a gmq> win aerva aa VOL. LXn., NO. 52 (OlBoaSoe AivertMat «■ U) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICK THREE CENTBI w ' HM. Tlia froupo always Bdwln Bolinski, son of Mr. and nounces Those Who tha underpasa'’bf the New Haven * ypung man who has been in a A n r i Sa 'T uIta Oysters and Clams Veal Cutlets Steaks and Chops ____ tovotbar wben a fifth Mon- Mrs. Lawrence Bollnskl, of 16 Nor­ railroadnUroad laU inla extremelyextremelv dangerousdannro.1. P«ckpeck — trouble.___________ She____ waa_ a sister- .***^*!. aaauiB la any month. man street, left yesterday for Are in Charge. in-law ot the young fellow. Part m Dedication. Newport, R. I., for preliminary condition. The state haa under­ ’’We've done all we can for that Reymander's Restanvant X«4f Robsrta Lod(a, Daugtatan training in the Navy. Accompany­ token to rip up the old troUey rails' fellow, trying to keep him ing him, having also enlisted, was Mrs. Ines Truax,' president of and la making a major task of the | straight,” she told one o f the The new church of St. Francis Fine Wines, Liquors and Beer fit a t Oaonfo, win moot Tuoaday the South Methodiat Woman's So­ •foataar at sight o'clock la ths Eklward Grzyb, son of Mr. and whole affair.- ■ Oonditiona- <m this clerks. “There is his ration card of Assisi in South Windsor will be 35-37 Oak Street Telephone 3922 Mrs. MarUn Orsyb, of 97 Bridge As far as we’re jaiaonJo Ihaqila. Dlatrlct Deputy ciety of Christian Service and gen­ street right now a n really danger­ concerned he’s dedicated tomorrow morning at 11 'Mka. iamaa Sutton of Hartford and street Both are g ^ u a te s of the eral chairman of the CbrUtmaa dead.” ’ Manchester High school and were ous. For upwards o f two hundred ______ o’clock, by Most Rev. Maurice F. har lastantag team win be present baeaar, “The House Beautiful,” Deaths in Boston Fire Now Total 477; McAuhffe, D.D., Bishop of Hart- to aaat the now offloers of the employed at the Aircraft plant. has announced the departments in iford. lodge. An ofReers are requested there the^!^ ii ^"5 "'eiit into a local restaurant last to wear white. A social time wlU Raymond F. Barrett, aon of charge of the various groups, as there the Job stands, with piles of TneMtav and #>rdered . h.m Other officers of the mass will follows: fioOow the eertmony. with refreab- Mr. and Mrs. William F. Barrett broken concrete littering the high- Lch ^ ***” * *»»»> sand­ be Rev. Thomas J. Dtonnan, D.D., aianta a w o d I7 Mrs. Bra XiesUe, of 367 East Center street who re­ The Stanley group will arrange way, c a u ^ delays and making -siirry’’ said the waltii- “we for the nursery, the Mlspah group of St. Mary’s church, ICsst Hart­ Mrs. Dorotlqr Belcher and Mrs. cently enlisted in the U. S. Navy, .It has ca n ?7 e^ rv .^ u a ham Fred Parker. will leave Monday for Camp Allen, the "bread box,” the Willing been a poorly managed task in the ford. aa celebrant; Rev. J. Clement Workers, the pantry; the Ep- opinion of ail the residents from today. It’s meatless Tuesday.” Martin, Burnside, deacon; Rev. Norfolk, Va. He is a graduate of The waiter was asked what LEGION BINGO James Farr, aon of Dr. and Mrs. Manchester High school and was worth Circle, the kitchen; the Adams street to the point where John A. Costello, St. Catherine’s Allied Forces Within 12 Miles of Tunis! Men's Friendship club, the dining the men left^iff working last Tues­ kind of sandwiches were being church. Broad Brook, sub deason; f . W. Farr of 647 Main street re- employed in the office of Colt’s served on meatless Tuesday. In­ tamed home last night from the Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing room; the Gleaners, the guest day. The puttering around under Rev. William J. Dunn of St. room; the Hustlers group, the at­ the direction o f someone not cluded in the list he named was James's church, Manchester, and Memorial hospital where be under­ company at Hartford. ”hara and egg” aandwich. Wben ^ ■ ■ tic, and the Study group of the familiar with the job aeema to be Rev. Dennis L. Gleason, St. Mary’s went an appmdectomy tw o weeks the customer remarked that it was TOJVIGHT ago. James Is a freshman at High Theodore C. Zimmer has a posi­ W. S. C. S. will take charge of the reason. The crossovers arc church. Stamford, chaplains; Rev. the fancy work booth. poorly laid at street intersections odd they couldn’t serve a ham Francis X. McGill, former resident Removing Victime From Night Qnb Holocaust 8«dK>oL tion in the state police depart­ sandwich yet could serve a ham ment and is located at the Col­ The A.ibury group will aerve and the rain during the week haa of South Windsor and now at St. Red Shock Troops and egg. the waiter told him that chester barracks. Mr. Zimmer the supper, and during the after­ not tended to improve conditions. Rose's church, Meriden, master of 1Trying to Determine An evening o f laughs Is in store noon tea and cookies will be It would have been in keeping when you put something else with ceremonies; Rev. James Gannon, LEGION HOME for those who plan to be at Temple was at one time employed as a it, it ceased to be meat. guard at the Hartford county Jail. served by Girl Scouts of the with the times if those In charge of East Hartford and Rev. Fran­ l-eonard Street Beth Bholom tomorrow evening at cis P. Breen of St. Bridget’s 6:30 when Attorney Irving Davld- church troop. had used aome foresight on the Job Gain Another Don church, Manchester as acolytes; aon of New York lectures on the Rev. R. Mueller, of Bristol, will The “ House Beautiful” will be as the sharp pointed bits o f broken We’ve heard of several different conduct the services at the Ger­ open for In.^pection at two o'clock concrete are not consistent with types of romances—of how cou­ Rev. Joseph D. Carey of S t aubfect •‘Contemporary Jewish Wit Augustine’s church. Glastonbury, and Humor.” ‘Dekets are available man Lutheran church on Cooper in the afternoon of Thursday, De­ saving tires. In fact, the long line p le s meet and fall in love on a If Violation of Law street tomorrow. The pastorate cember 3. An entertainment Is. of cars that is forced to slow up bus, in the library, at church, and Ihurifer. _ from members of the Sisterhood. Rev. James P. Timmins of St. Nine 25 River Stronghold A social time with refreshments has been vacant since the death planned for the evening, following when a heavily laden truck or the so on, but the other night w# heard win follow the program. of the Rev. Hugo F. R. Stechbols. the supper. The spacious parish bus crawls up the hill is also not ot a blackout romance. Bridget’s church. Manchester, will In keeping with the gas raUonIng preach the sermon. hall will be used for all depart­ A couple chanced to meet in a ments of the basaar. plans of the OPA. Someone ought The new church will accommo­ to get together with someone and local restaurant. The fellow wasn’t date 600 persons and waa started Door Big P^ess West Through Contributed to Fir el hustle the work along. making much progress in the light last April. It is of Longmeadow Blizzard in Parallel R u m ors H it // ot the girl's affections, it was brownstone and brick. In the judged by those watching the af­ basement there is a hall that will Variety Sale and "Kaffe Stuga M anchester TTiere Is going to be one con­ fair. Then came the blackout. All Offensive West of Mos­ A s D a n ger State Fire Marshal Give solation in this dimout plan. A lot accommodate 600 persons. The Prizes Games the Ilghto went out in the restau­ parish numbers 1300 persons and $ cow; Germens Dying Gestapo Chief ^ AUSPICES OF DORCAS SOCIETY Date Book of dimwits who used to drive sec­ rant because there were’ no black­ Boston Fire Preliminary Report at ond or Silrd car in a line of traffic are from ,St Mary’s In East Hart­ out curtains.
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