T Timesi mes Concierge Newsletter Newsletter NovemberTimesAugust 20192017 Concierge Newsletter August 2017 Concierge Newsletter August 2017 FrancisFrancis GarzaGarza Times Concierge Newsletter November 2019 ABMABM JanitorialJanitorial SeniorSenior AccountAccount ManagerManager FFoooodd TTrruucckk WWeeddnneessddaayyss August S It’sp timee toc orderia yourl As a Senior Account Serving from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm August Special As a Senior Account HoServinglid afromy 11:30 Sa amfe – 1:30ty pmfr o m hams and turkeys for Tenant Winners is offering fresh out of MManager,anager, FrancisFrancis isis Entryway on Akard Street 4545 OaksOaks CateringCatering Thanksgiving!is offering fresh Ross out Tower of Entryway on Akard Street the oven cookies, and a gallon of milk delivered responsibleresponsible forfor providingproviding Ross Tower Security the oven cookies, and a gallonis pleased of milk to partner delivered with from the Chili Cook-off to your suite! Treat yourself and your team! trainingtraining toto allall custodiancustodian August 9 Sandy Sue’s BBQ to your suite! Treat yoursHoneyelf and yourBaked team! again AugustWith the holidays9 Sandy approaching Sue’s it isBBQ imperative that we staffstaff inin thethe portfolioportfolio FollowFollow usus onon [email protected]@45Oaks.and offer this exclusive http://www.sandysuesbbq.com/foodhttp://www.sandysuesbbq.com/foodare all aware of the increase in burglary and--trucktruck theft. Winner! Charity’s Whiteassignedassigned Cluckin’ asasChili wellwell. Charity asas is an ContactContact [email protected]@compassdelivery--usausa program toto order.order.! And employee with Jackson Lewis.assisting Property AugustDiscuss office 16 safetyEggstand with your employees and please what’s better during the holidays than preferred assisting Property August 16 Eggstand 1st Place John Hewitt’s Bandera Chili remind them to remain alert and practice crime pricing, NO shipping fees, and NO lines. To order use ManageManagementment inin addressingaddressing http://www.eggstand.org/menuhttp://www.eggstand.org/menu – Director of Security with Iidon. prevention measures. Don’t make it easy on a thief. the Link: https://epp.honeybaked.com/4308 Enter aa varietyvariety ofof janitorialjanitorial 2nd Place Sherri’s Redneck Chili - Rogge Dunn, P.C. AugustOffice Safety: 23 Jack’s Greet all Chowhoundwho enter your business. the Code: CLGESC issues.issues. August 23 Jack’s Chowhound SStarbuckstarbucks hourshours Best Chili Name ‘The Honorable Sir Winston http://www.jackschowhound.com/menu.htmlCheck the identity of a stranger/ visitor to your office. Select your items and pre-pay. Deadline to order is http://www.jackschowhound.com/menu.html Monday – Friday ChurCHILI’ Alex with Echo Global Logistics and escort the individual to the meeting area. Sunday, November Monday 24th. Tuesday, – Friday November CareerCareer HighlightsHighlights August 30 To be determined Thank you to all of the participants and for submitting AugustAvoid discussing 30 To where be determinedyou live or vacation plans in 6:306:30 amam –– 7:007:00 pmpm FrancisFrancis hashas overover 2727 yearsyears ofof experienceexperience inin BusinessBusiness && 26th pick up your order at the Concierge such clever names for your chili! front of customers or a stranger. IndustryIndustry andand supervisingsupervising overover 1.51.5 millionmillion inin squaresquare desk fromSaturdaySaturday 12:00 – 3:00andand pmSundaySunday. If you want a Chili Cook-off Winner – Charity Keep purses, wallets, and keys with you or in a locked feetfeet inin thethe DallasDallas metroplex.metroplex. SheShe isis accountableaccountable forfor Thursday, August 10 & 24 reminder let me know you ordered and I will contact Thursday,cabinet or closet. August 10 & 24 7:307:30 amam –– 3:003:00 pmpm implementationimplementation andand operaoperatingting proceduresprocedures witwithh thethe you that day. All orders to be picked up no later than Ensure all doors Steel other City than Pothe psmain entrance are HPIHPI ––RossRoss TowerTower portfolioportfolio Steel City Pops 3:00 pm. Note: This discount cannot be combined secured. with any other coupons or offers. Questions? Contact Other responsibilities include: janitorial logistics, Other responsibilities include: janitorial logistics, Treat doors with coded locking systems as you would safety training, quality control, budgets, tours, payroll, Cassie at hpitx.com 214.954.3344. safety training, quality control, budgets, tours, payroll, a key. Codes are released to appropriate individuals customer relations, daily/weekly inspections and WWW.HONEYBAKED.COM customer relations, daily/weekly inspections and only. continuing education for custodian staff. continuing education for custodian staff. Escorts are available to your vehicle if you work late. She regularly conducts physical site inspections and She regularly conducts physical site inspections and Call security with an estimated time you will depart. visitations with the tenants and assisting their needs visitations with the tenants and assisting their needs 214.954.3030FFeeeedd MM y y S S t t aa r r v v ii n n g g and provides the best quality of service. and provides the best quality of service. If you notice a suspicious individual on your floor or With her years of experience and proficiency she has With her years of experience and proficiency she has in your suite contact security immediately at Full-service Café been involved in major Business & Industry accounts CChhiillddrreenn AAuugguusstt DDoollllaarr DDaayyss aatt tthhee been involved in major Business & Industry accounts 214-954-3030. on the Second level suchsuch asas thethe MaryMary KayKay portfolioportfolio (2(2 millionmillion sq.sq. ft.),ft.), 17001700 We hope you have a happy and safe Holiday! Weekly menu https://eurestcafes.compass- PacificPacific (1(1 millionmillion sq.sq. ft.),ft.), 21002100 RossRoss TowerTower (1(1 millionmillion TurnTurn hungerhunger intointo HopeHope John Hewitt, CPP Director of Security usa.com/45OaksCafe/Pages/Menu.aspx?lid=a1 DDaallllaass AArrbboorreettuumm sq.sq. ft.),ft.), CitiCiti GroupGroup portfolioportfolio (1.5(1.5 millionmillion sq.sq. ft.)ft.) andand ByBy volunteervolunteering,ing, fundraisingfundraising oror makingmaking donationsdonations youryour The Comptroller of [email protected] BeatBeatCatering thethe dogdog days daysBashar.ammari@compass ofof summersummer withwith $1$1 admissionadmission-usa.com toto managed over 100 employees. generositygenerosity cancan helphelp hungryhungry childrenchildren inin 7070 countriescountries managed over 100 employees. the Currency the Dallas Arboretum and $1 admission to the Rory around the world. Bring your friends and family to the Dallas Arboretum and $1 admission to the Rory RecognitionRecognition waswas receivedreceived forfor thethe HighestHighest CleanlinessCleanliness around the world. Bring your friends and family to Recognitionemployees tasting was received for the Highest Cleanliness MeyersMeyers Children’sChildren’s Garden.Garden. PlusPlus $1$1 popsiclespopsicles anandd $2$2 makemake “manna“manna packs’packs’ ofof drieddried rice,rice, soy,soy, veggieveggies,s, andand raratingting inin preparationpreparation forfor TheThe TOBYTOBY AwardAward (Office(Office make “manna packs’ of dried rice, soy, veggies, and chili and queso hothot dogs!dogs! BuildingBuilding ofof thethe YearYear Award).Award). vitaminsvitamins onon AugustAugust 1818,, 1919 andand 20,20, 2017.2017. GroupsGroupsRoss Tower ofof 2525 SipSip teatea atat thethe GardenGarden TeaTea RoomRoom inin thethe DeGolyerDeGolyer oror moremore cancan reservereserve times:times: emailemail tenants House….RunHouse….Run oror walkwalk thethe TTourour dede FleursFleurs ¼¼ andand ½½ mimilele [email protected]@gmail.com.. receive a MarathonMarathon atat WhiteWhite RockRock Lake….cLake….checkheckRoss outout Tower thethe SolarSolar ConsiderConsider donatingdonating –– eacheach mealmeal costscosts onlyonly $0.22,$0.22, soso tenantsthth receive a 10% off EclipseEclipse WWatchingatching PPartyarty onon SeptemberSeptember 1616th andand otherother The Celebrity JUDGES: (L to R): Rogge Dunn, Scott with HPI, justjust $80$80 feedsfeeds onon childchild everyevery dayday forfor aa yearyear!! ForFor moremore 10% discount off discount for activitiesactivities thisthis summersummer atat thethe Arboretum!Arboretum! Chef Pete with Dakota’s, Jennifer with Willis Towers Watson, informationinformation onon howhow toto donatedonate visitvisit activitiesyour lunch this or summer dinner. Enjoyat the theArboretum! dining experience at TxGiving, and Chef Bashar with Forty-Five Oaks Café http://bit.ly/2pHajuFhttp://bit.ly/2pHajuF Dakota’s Steakhouse. http://www.dallasarboretum.org/visit/seasonalhttp://www.dallasarboretum.org/visit/seasonal-- Thanksgiving Brunch with a Texas flair, on Thursday, 600http://www.dallasarboretum.org/visit/seasonal N. Akard 214.740.4001 - November 28th with the code "GobbleGobble". For https://www.dakotasrestaurant.com/festivalsfestivals--events/summerevents/summer--atat--thethe--arboretumarboretum thth RossRoss TowerTower tenantstenants RossRossreservations, TowerTower hadhad please aa specialspecial visit visitor!visitor!www.eventbrite.com OnOn AugustAugust 77 and therethere enter TxGiving in the search field. Wear your cowboy waswas anan ‘‘escapeescape’’ blueblue ––andand –– yellowyellow macawmacaw parrotparrot inin Wednesdays YOGA class on floor 3 helpedhelped 3939 patients!patients! oneoneboots ofof ourouror hat ooakak to treestrees brunch
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