Florida Presenters Fall Summit Attendee List The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts Oscar Quesada oquesada@arshtcenter.org Ellen Rusconi erusconi@arshtcenter.org Liz Wallace lwallace@arshtcenter.org Joanne Benko jbenko@arshtcenter.org G Young gyoung@arshtcenter.org Artis-Naples David Filner dfilner@artisnaples.org T. McDevitt tmcdevitt@artisnaples.org J. Poppert jpoppert@artisnaples.org Arts Garage Marjorie Waldo marjorie@artsgarage.org Ethan ethan@artsgarage.org Serena serena@artsgarage.org ASM Global - Jacksonville (Ritz Theatre & Museum) Stacy Aubrey saubrey@asmjax.com J. Mahaley mahaleyj@asmjax.com B. McCoy bmccoy@asmjax.com Aventura Arts & Cultural Center Jeff Kiltie jkiltie@browardcenter.org M. fulfaro mfulfaro@browardcenter.org J. Lerner jlerner@browardcenter.org Professional Facilities Management (Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall) Scott Saxon ssaxon@bbmannpah.com P. Welty pwelty@bbmannpah.com J. Iverson jiverson@bbmannpah.com Beaches Fine Arts Series Kathryn Wallis kathy@beachesfinearts.org Big 3 Entertainment (Mahaffey Theater) Joe Santiago jsantiago@themahaffey.com Big Arts Naomi Buck presentationsplusinc@gmail.com M. Dest mdest@bigarts.org W. Harriman wharriman@bigarts.org R. Jones rjones@bigarts.org Friends of Boca Grande Community Center Debbie Frank dfrank@fobgcc.org M. Howell mhowell@fobgcc.org Broward Center for the Performing Arts Matthew Mcneil mmcneil@browardcenter.org Jill Kratish jkratish@browardcenter.org J. Sierra Grobbelaar jsierragrobbelaar@browardcenter.org T. Lessig tlessig@browardcenter.org Center for the Arts at River Ridge Rick D'onofrio rdonofri@pasco.k12.us Faith Brooks brettcenterfortheartsriverridge@gmail.com Central Park Performing Arts Center Rob mondora rmondora@largo.com D. Pinto dpinto@largo.com J. Ingrao jingrao@largo.com Century Village Theaters / WPB, Boca Raton, Pembroke Pines Abby Koffler akoffler@cenrec.com M. Caza mcaza@cenrec.com Charles F. Dodge City Center Steven Clark sclark@ppines.com Chipola College Evelyn Wood warde@chipola.edu Clemont Performing Arts Center Chris Dudeck cdudeck@clermontfl.org Johnathan Pominville jpominville@clermontfl.org Culture Shock Miami (Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs) Christina Tassy Beauvoir christina.tassy-beauvoir@miamidade.gov Mary Margaret Dale Mary-Margaret.Dale@miamidade.gov City of Daytona Beach Chad Smith smithchad@codb.us smartemile@codb.us Don don@suncoproductions.com Delray Beach Playhouse Kevin Barrett kevinbarrettgm@gmail.com Dr Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Jay Cohen jay.cohen@drphillipscenter.org Jason jason@drphillipscenter.org Don don@drphillipscenter.org Flagler Auditorium Center for the Performing Arts Amelia Fulmer amelia@flaglerauditorium.org University of Florida Brain Jose bjose@performingarts.ufl.edu Elizabeth Auer eauer@ufl.edu B. Nappy bnappy@performingarts.ufl.edu M. Cox mcox@performingarts.ufl.edu FSCJ Artist Series Milt Russo mrusson@fscjartistseries.org Karen Williams karen.williams@fscjartistseries.org Karen Longacre karen.longacre@fscjartistseries.org Opening Nights @ Florida State University K. M. Woods kmwoods@fsu.edu Opening Nights @ Florida State University R. Dirr rdirr@fsu.edu Larry larry@productionsupportgroup.com Florida Theatre Performing Arts Center Kevin Stone kevin@floridatheatre.com Jake jake@floridatheatre.com Saul saul@floridatheatre.com Glenridge on Palmer Ranch Ben Turnoff bturoff@theglenridge.com Sarah Hoover shoover@theglenridge.com Gold Coast Jazz Society Pam Dearden pam@goldcoastjazz.com Friends of Hemming Park Liz McCoy lizmccoy@hemmingpark.org Jacksonville Symphony Peter Gladstone pgladstone@jaxsymphony.org Sydney Schless sschless@jaxsymphony.org King Center for the Performing Arts Karen Wilson wilsonk@easaternflorida.edu Justin MacCulley jmacculley@asmmelbourne.com R Adams radams@asmmelbourne.com The Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts Tracy Butler butler@kravis.org Brandon Newman newman@kravis.org Hansen hansen@kravis.org Birdsey birdsey@kravis.org Rogers rogers@kravis.org Lakeland Center, The / George Jenkins Arena, Youkey Theatre (RP Funding Center) Scott Sloman scott.sloman@rpfundingcenter.com Jason Refermat jason.refermat@rpfundingcenter.com Joseph Havens joseph.havens@rpfundingcenter.com Friends of the Lyric, Inc. Kia Fontaine kia@lyrictheatre.com Mike Barton operations@lyrictheatre.com SueNauss tech@lyrictheatre.com The Manatee Players, Inc Janene Amick ceo@manateeperformingartscenter.com Rick Kirby productions@manateeperformingartscenter.com Mattie Kelly Fine & Performing Arts Center Jeanette Shires shiresj@nwfsc.edu M. Stratco stratcom@nwfsc.edu Miami-Dade County Auditorium (Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs) Patricia Arbelaez PA93@miamidade.gov Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs/South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center Javier Siut javier.siut@miamidade.gov Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs/South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center Eric Fliss Fliss@miamidade.gov Annie Hoffman annie.hoffman@miamidade.gov Harry Schueren Harry.SchuerenIV@miamidade.gov Miami Theater Center Victoria Row-Traster victoria@mtcmiami.org National YoungArts Foundation Roberta Behrendt Fliss rfliss@youngarts.org Rebekah Lengel rlengel@youngarts.org Matt Neilson mnielson@youngarts.org H. Dempster hdempster@youngarts.org L. Leone lleone@youngarts.org Ocean Reef Cultural Center John Hunt jhunt@oceanreef.com Old School Square Ryan Holland hryan@oldschool.org Shannon Eadon jsteinweg@oldschool.org Jayson Tomasheski Jtomasheski@oldschool.org Olympia Center Inc. Robert Geitner rgeitner@olympiatheater.org Palm Beach State College Mark Alexander alexanmp@palmbeachstate.edu Jennifer Anderson andersoj@palmbeachstate.edu Polk State College Nancy Lozell nlozell@polk.edu Pompano Beach Cultural Affairs Department Jody Leshinsky jody.leshinsky@copbfl.com Phillys Korab Phyllis.Korab@copbfl.com The Rhythm Foundation. Inc Laura laura@rhythmfoundation.com Benton Galgay benton@rhythmfoundation.com The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Elizabeth Doud elizabeth.doud@ringling.org Jemma Fagler jemma.fagler@ringling.org Sonjia Shea sonja.shea@ringling.org Ruth Eckerd Hall Jacob Rosado jrosado@rutheckerdhall.net Bobby Rossi brossi@rutheckerdhall.net Brandon Groc bgroc@rutheckerdhall.net T. Smith tsmith@rutheckerdhall.net A. Turley aturley@rutheckerdhall.net Seminole Theatre Katherine Rubio katheriner@seminoletheatre.org The Sharon L. Morse Performing Arts Center, The Villages, FL Elizabeth Constant elizabeth.constant@thevillages.com The Society of the Four Arts Phillip J. Bergmann pbergmann@fourarts.org H. Roth hroth@fourarts.org South Florida State College Cindy Garren garrenc@southflorida.edu G. Carney carneyg@southflorida.edu Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. Jeanne Piazza jeanne.piazza@strazcenter.org Roxanne Gallo roxanne.gallo@strazcenter.org Joel Lisi joel.lisi@strazcenter.org Summer Bohnenkamp summer.bohnenkamp@strazcenter.org Gerard Siegler gerard.siegler@strazcenter.org City of Sunrise Daniel Domoinique ddominique@sunrisefl.gov Sunrise Theatre for the Performing Arts Sharon Engel sengle@sunrisetheatre.com Savannah Richmond info@sunrisetheatre.com A. Satterlee asatterlee@sunrisetheatre.com St. John's County Cultural Events Division Cari Baker cbaker@sjcfl.us C. Libertore clibertore@sjcfl.us R. Hall rhall@sjcfl.us St. Johns River State College Anna Zirbel annazirbel@sjrstate.edu Jolynn Carter jolynncarter@sjrstate.edu Jan-Hein Phelps janheinphelps@sjrstate.edu Tarpon Arts Diane Wood dwood@ctsfl.us TCMA/Township Center for Performing Arts Kristen Ernst townshiptheater@gmail.com Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall Mary Bensel mary.bensel@sarasotafl.gov Kelli Maldonado kelli.maldonado@sarasotafl.gov Stephen Baker stephen.baker@sarasotafl.gov Kyle Turoff Kyle.turnoff@sarasotafl.gov Derick Kitson derick.kitson@sarasotafl.gov Victory Productions Keith Hinson keith@victoryproductions.org Fernando Varela fernando@victoryproductions.org.
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