STATISTICAL HAND BOOK MIZORAM 1985 N IEP A D C D06409 caChar (viAmpuB.. CH,-: fcix v j / •: " ’ < I-.. .V REFERENCES OISrtNCT HORS. DIST. BOUNDARY SUB DIV. b o u n d a r y BLOCK CENTRES SUB DIVISIONAL ROAD BLACKTOP h o s p it a l Copies 3,000 X)- 3 - t o - S I Department of Economics & Statistics Government of Mizoram ^Uzawl. Printed at the GOSEN PRESS, Aizawl, Mizoram. PREFACE This is the sixth issue of the Stat istical Hand Book published by the Directorate of Economics and Statis­ tics, Mizoram. Efforts are made to improve its cover­ age of data and to fill up the gaps of statistical infor­ mation as far as possible. The primary data presented in this book are most­ ly collected from various departments and the source of information is indicated at the top of each table. The data collected from various sources are scrutinised and compiled by Shri C. Lalparliana, Statistician and charts are prepared by Shri V.L. Ruata, Artist under the supervision of Shri Y. Chhetri, Research Officer. We gratefully acknowledge the co-operation exten­ ded to us by various departments in making available the materials for this publication. We hope Government departments and research scholars will make the best use of this publication. (F. THANGHULHA) Joint Director Economics and Statistics, & Add I. Chief Registrar of Births&Deaths, Mizoram (i) CONVERSION TABLES I-Standard of Weights 1 Ounce 28.350 grams 1 Pound 453/92 grams 1 Tola 11.664 grams 1 Chhatak 58.32 grams 1 Seer 933.10 grams I Maund 37.324 Kilograms 1 kilogram 2.205 Pounds 1.072 Seers 1 Ton 1016.05 Kilograms 1 Quintal 100 Kilograms I Metric tonne 220.462 Pound 10 Quintals Il^Standard of Length 1 Inch 25.4 Milimetres 1 foot 0.3048 metre 1 Metre 3.2808 feet 1 Yard 3 feet 0.9144 metre or 91.44 Centimetres 1 Mile 1.6093 Kilometres 1760 Yards 1 Kilometre 0.6214 Mile (ii) III-Standard of Capacity 1 Gallon 4.546 Litres 1 Litre 0.220 Gallon 1 Cubic foot 0.0283 Cubic nfietrc. IV-Standard of Area 1 Sq Inch 6.4116 Sq Centimetres 1 Sq food 0.0929 Sq metre 1 Sq Yard 0.836 Sq metre 1 Sq Centimetre 0,1550 Sq Inch. 1 Sq Mile 2.590 Sq Kilometres 1 Sq Kilometre 0.386 Sq mile 1 Acre 0.40469 hectare 43560 feet. 1 Hactare 2.47105 acres 10,000 Sq metres V-Standard of Volume I Cubic Inch, 16.3871 Cubic Centimetres 1 Cubic foot 0.0283 Cubic metre 1 Cubic m etre 35.315 Cubic feet 1.30795 Y ards 1 Cm 3 0.06102 In 3 VI-Temparature C® (Centierade) |F —32 F" (Fihreaheit) |C+32 (iii) CONTENTS Table No. Pages GENERAL 1.1 Government of Mizoram — 2 The Council of Ministers 1.2 Mizoram Legislative Assembly — 5 1.3 Heads of Departments — 7 AREA AND POPULATION 2.1 Mizoram Population, area. Rainfall and Altitude — 9 2.2 District-wise area, density of population and percentage of literacy. — 10 2.3 Number of villages (district-wise) — 11 2.4 Area and population and density of population of Towns — 12 2.5. Scheduled Tribes population of Mizoram (1981 Census) — 13 2.6 Religious-wise population of Mizoram (1981 Census) — 14 2.7 Block-wise population of Mizoram (1981 Census) — 15 2.8 Area of Sub-Divisions of Mizoram — 17 2.9 Altitudes, Lerigth-width and Borders of Mizoram — 18 2.10 Rivers and Mountains of Mizoram & Mizoram House — 19 (iv) 2.11 Lists of Villages with number of house­ holds and population (Alphabetical Order of Aizawl District ' — 25 2.12 List of villages with number of house­ holds and population (Alphabetical Order) of Lunglei District — 45 2.13 List of villages with number of house­ holds and population (Alphabetical Order) of Chhimtuipui District — 54 AREA AND PRODUCTION 3.1 Area and production of principal crops of Mizoram for the year 1982-83, 1983- 84 and 1984-35 — 64 3.2 Agricultural tools and impliments distri­ buted for the years 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 66 3.3 Horticulture Development in Mizoram for the years 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 69 3.4 Production of Fish in Mizoram for the year 1984-85 — 70 EM.’LOYMENT 4.1 Educated persons registered in Eniploy- meht Exchange (Aizawl District) — 71 4 2 Employment throught Employment Exchange in Chhimtuipui District for the ycar» 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 72 (v) 4.3 Employment Occupation Distribution by Application on the Live Register- Chliimtuipui District for the years 1983- 84 and 1984-85 — 73 4.4 Employment throught Employment Exchange in Chhimtuipui District 1981 to 1985 — 74 4.5 Employment through Employment Ex­ change in Lunglei District for the years 19S3, 1984 and 1985 — 75 4.6 Live Register as on 31. 8. 1985 in Lunglei District — 78 EDUCATION 5.1 Distribution of Educational Institutions of Mi?oram (District - wise) as on 1-4-1985 — 80 5.2 Numbers of students in Educational Institutions of Mizoram, 1984-85 — 81 5.3 Number of Trained and Untrained tea­ chers in Mizcram 1984-85 — 82 5.4 Results of various examinations in Mi­ zoram 1982-83. 1983-8t and 1984-?5 — 84 5.5 Number of students in Educational Ins­ titutions of M izoram 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 86 5.6 Enrolment in Educational Institutions by standard • — '88 (vi) 5.7 Number of Adult Education Centres 1982-83, 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 9*0 INDUSTRIES 6.1 Small scall and Cottage Industries in Chhinntuipui District for the year 1984-85 — 92 6.2 Different types of trade receiving 50 p.c/ 70 p.c subsidy in Chhimtuipui District for the year 1984-85 — 93 6.3 Industrial Loan (in cash and hire pur­ chase) given in Chhimtuipui District fi r the years 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 94 6.4 f-'mall scale and Cottage Industries in Saiha.Town, 1984-85 value of produc­ tion and profit - 95 6.5 Small scale and cottage industries in Saiha Town 1984-85 Type of Organisa­ tions — 96 TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 7.1 Various essential commodities imported from outside for 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 97 7.2 Number of motor vehicles registered in Mizoram during 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 98 7.3 Number of vehicles held by Transport Departm ent as on 31. 3. 1985 — 99 (vil) 7.4 Routes Operated by Transport Wing in Mizoram as on 31. 3. 1985 — 100 7.5 Number of Motor vehicles on road in Mizoram for 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 102 REVENUE/PASSES 8.1 Rc\enue receipt from different sources of taxation by Government of Mizoram for 1983-84 and 1984-85 . — 103 8.2 Number oi house, shop garden, WRC passes granted by Revenue Department — 104 8.3 Number of House, shop, garden, WRC Fishery farm pas3es granted by Pawi * District Council. — 105 HEALTH SERVICES 9.1 Population per Health Unit/Director — 106 9.2 Medical Units and Medical staff in 1982—83, 1983—84 and 1984—85 in Mizoram (District-wise) — 108 9.3 Hospital?!, dispensaries and Primary Health Centrss of Mizoram for 1982-83, 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 110 9.4 Authorised beds in Hospitals/Health Units as on 1st April 1983-84, 1984-85 (District-wise) — 111 9.5 Number of Indoor and Outdoor patients treated (District-wise) and Number of (viii) patients operated in Mizoram for 1982-83, 1983-84 and 1984-85 — 112 9.6 Health Institutions of Mizoram for the yea'-s 1983—84 and 19^4—85 — 114 9.7 Annual Incidence of Diptheria, Partriasis, etc. during the years 1983—84 and 1984-^85 — 115 9.8 Family Planning Progress in Mizoram during the years 1983—84 and 1984—85 — 116 NEWS PAPER 10.1 List of approved newspapers, periodicity registration no, and place of publi­ cation of Mizoram as on 9.9.1985. — 118 ■» POWER 11.1 Numbers of villages electricfied in Mizoram as on 1.4.85 * — 122 11.2 Details of Installed capacity (Diesel) Mizoram as on 1,4.85 — 125 11.3 Installed capacity and electric generated in Mizoram. — 127 FOREST 12.1 Types, sanctuary and area of forest of Mizoram. — 128 12.2 Qassification of forect in Aizawl Forest Division for the years 1932—83 1983—84. — 130 (ix) 12.3 Tax ition of forest in Aizawl Fore'^t Division for the years 1982 to 1984, — 130 12.4 Classification of forest area under Lunglei Forest Division for the years 1932-83, to 19}!4.S5. — 131 12.5 Classification of Forest area of Pawi Dis­ trict Coucil for the years 1982-83,1983-84 and 1984—85 — 132 POLICE AND GRIME 13.1 Number of Police stations/ outpost in Aizawl District. — 133 13.2 Strength of Civil Police in Aizawl District for the year 1984-!^5. — 134 13.3 Incident of crime in Aizawl District for the year 1983. — 135 13.4 Incident of Crime irt Aizawl District for the year 1984 — 136 13.5 Incident of crime in Aizawl District for the year 1985 upto 12.8.1985. - 137 13.6 Incident of crime in Lunglei District for the years 1983, 1984 and 1985 (upto 31.7.85) — 138 13.7 Strength of Civil Police in Lunglei District — I40 13.8 Incident of crime in Chhimtuipui District for the years 19S3. 1984 and 1985 (31.7.85)— 141 13.9 Strength of Civil Police in Chhimtuipui District for the year 1982 and 1983&1984 — 142 (x) COOPERATION 14.1 Types of Societies, No.
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