»>:--• -i —• i- -i... -v;. ^Ksw-N-;*;*^^ PAGE Btt — TWURSOAy, JUI.Y ti. 1887 I AUTO FOR SALE rOMOMVE I S2B^^.^e5ffi4MS 1991 DODGE CARAVAN. 80.000 (Mas. Air. Great anap*- Asking $6000. Call AUTO FOB ULE : 973-325-8781. ' • 1848 ANTIQUE PAOWHP Detfia Bflht 8e- 1984 OOOQE MM Ram Van. Customized. Cere) In Uribn Oeur*/. 10O000* mass, great shape Inakl* and out, chankaty perfect Orjpjri Waaai. MuaTM* sound engine. 11.750. Cal 201-326-7285, moving must set 98.500 or best otter. 1ttB MBSAN 300 W TMn. OoM, power 201-428-2557. sMrino AWrTM caatttm, 73X frtraa. laMhar DREAM MACHNES-gMapUure or your car? interlof. air. Price negotlabla. Carlo 201-38»340Br-416-8257. ' 1991/ Kim—a, Run*tor4w*«ks.oray$4aCalCaM*aedat write. 71,000 n (.air.Runs 800-584-8811 far datass. Your Best Source For Community Information" great. $7800 eal 201 or 973«B-0586: 1BMMB8ANPATHnNdBI8EFu»ylaadarJ. 1978 FERRARI 308 GTS, Red/ tan Manor. Exssant oontaon. 41k maat. 4 door. red. tISPECTIOr 1992 ACURA VJOOfl. Burgendy «•) beta* Original owner. 72,000 highway mess, exeat- muw be seen AaMng $17^00.908-887-1084. leaOiar Interior, ai power, sunroof. 6*000 lent oondktan. S3&5O0 nsgoBsMa. Serious rimes. GoQdcona8on.>fesOO.g06«4-9419. 1967 PLYMOUTH COLT Premier, flood tsne- 2 lee! ? WBj coupon. Carewl Inquiries. 201-325-8163. ponelon. Ae la. $i36a Ca> 90M8M826. 1967 ASTRO MM van. VMe. Runt great. 1984 HERO SE. Loaded Red. sunroof, auto- 1966 PLYMOUTH GRAND Voyager IE. Very my other Oder. Must exca«MoondHon.tjOWffllMB*.$1SOOorb«R mate new Orss. 75.000 mesa. 4 cytnder. orlar. Cm 90fr340-OW5. good shape,. 12O000 mess, new engine/ (mentBtftmof ' AsHng $1850.973-782-3271 or 973^86-0217. brakes/ air condition. $3,000. Call mm; 1993 AUDI 00 8. Automate ABS. SUtreof. XOPOH purhcase-MostUS 1965 FORD COUNTRY Squire Wagon. V-fl, 973-761-O28B. Fully loaded, red/ gray. heated easts, 71.000 |EIP.ttW.| wl Exp. 8/3 W7. automatic, alr-oondMon, power steering/ Summer program wi rrHes. $10,000. like newi 201-762-4085. 1883 SATURN SC2.44»00 miss. a*-, power losrus 7-fcOOPM. brakes. Wei kept 784X0 mass. $2,100. Cal •mows/ IOCKB, aunmaeo, onaw OUTRTOL 201-7432513 after 6pm. LosdaB. Sunfoot Basslent oondMon. $10^)00/ cms AUTOSPECIAL-t24.00fer10«a«tapnpakl Cal OasaMad tor degas. 800-584-6811. 1992 FORDTAURU8,0L Wagon. a8L,V-6,8 passenger, ant-tak brake system, loaded. SEIZED CARS tarn $175. Porsche*, CaoV 1996 BMW, 328 IS. 2 doorcoccM. low mass, •cs.. Chevyay.. BMW*. ConeOes. Also Jeeps, 4 I, Alii J mkk M • ^— •• ^m '~ — J • • jn, J_ n ^Ka^^A » 49K miles, excellent condition, $8,500. wrw, wuwiuoni, nmQ. MOVH^ ITIUK MH. 201-782-3060. • wheehl l drivesdi . Your areae . Tolo l free LIFETIME GUARANTEED OIL CHANG PaM $38k. Aafctng *33fc. 201-856-4873., 1-eOO-216-«oo Ext A-5139 tor current Blood screening 1093 FORD TEMPO. Back, gray Msrior. 4, CARS FOR $100 or beet cfler. Sated and A free blood pressure ac By Sean Daily '• • "^ door, power windows, brakes, AWFM cas- auctioned by OEA. FBI. '|RS. Al mo**, ing will be offered on the • •'••••• • •, •:•'••-".- Stan •WHtar.--v:^-:^• _._•;-- 4WD'».boe* * ' IVIUFFLER fcr ine year-iong negotuuons lor (eacoers; coritracts cobd'come u> an ena now! 1-600-451-0050 eaaenslon C1967" $3,700. Call luesday of every month from f 1363, 201- 77 REPAIRS. Wth coupon. $> when the teachers-return to school. '. - . ,. 1966 CHEVY WPAUL Convert**, mht condi- 1801 GMC SONOMA S10 PICK-UP. Qrsy. ; Foreion CSre • aaaaaiBBTaW '.^ T 3 to 6 pm .at the JUbway tion, $3000 Of best oiler. Cal 973-731-9031. 30.000 imas. power tods, alarm. S-apeed, 1988 VOLVO 24a BBQE, 4-door. Air oorxf- Bher; MOST US- ;GamolbBCorr4iried*ilhany Public Eibray.-For farther According to Ron Harvey of the New Jersey Education Association, the many aodna. Vary good oondaton. $5900. •on, power wMows, power brakes. Good .801/97. other ofler. Must present at Board of Education- and the Rahway Education[Association, the teachers' 1968 CHEVROLET BERETTA. Exceesnt *n- negottabte. .808-964-7684. ; oondaon. Asking $6503. Cal 374-2004 after information contact the Depart- dWon. just fuBy serviced. Mfrim. n«w tret and 8pm. I fime of purhcase. Most US ment of Health, WeUare and union, have reached a "tentative agreement" over teachers' contracts during battery. FbgM lender needs work. $800. Cat 1888 GRAND PRDt Powar steering, windows, 906-687-4216. air, AWFM atareo cassette. eSvOOO nwae. I cars. Exp. 8/31/97. Recreation at 827-2085. negotiations that took place last Tuesday.' < Good condition. $3100 or best offer. AUTO WANTH) FJIAIWTCHArJPC 4CYL. —MtchaclSUrvak, president of the Board ofEtfaflation, sakHast weclf that aSe- 1990 CHEVY- UiMIHfc-4-door.-tat puwei. 90S48S3O : ' wtrte, bluelnttrtor, dean, good condMon.wtjl ABLE PAYSTOP$$$ IN CASH meeting had not generated any agreement and thattjoe more meeting would be maintained. 77.000 meat. Asking $3085: Cal 1882 HONDA ACCQRr>£X. Fdy loaded, necessary before anything could be finalized. 201-761-7295. emeasnt condkn. Automate, green. AMFM f' Can; Troeks and Vans . rsiislH.aunroot.power.95flO0mesa. Aakkn AIR CONDITION Harvey, like Staryak, was unwilling to reveal details of the contract at this $8J00. Cel 90M8B-3361. ,_— and Al 4 Wheel Drives Marketplace open t«JS time.' . ... The 1997 season of the The association believes that it has a package that can be presented to its 19BB HONDA ACCORD LXL'WMe, frepeea me MCK UP 7 DAYS SERVICE SPECIAL power Meadna/ windows/ brakes, sun-rod, Saturday Markerpiace in down- new am*. Looks' run grist Aakkig $4800. , members that will be accepted," be said 201-783-2806, 201-243«05. LKlCYLl town Rahway is open. Tjie .-. Staryak and Superintendent of Schools William Petrino^^could not be reached Marketplace will be open every 1886 HONDA ACCORD DX MMe. 4 door. for. comment.. ; ' . burgundy Mertor, AM/FM raimlH. 134K Saturday througbout the suriftner The contract still needs to be approved by the Board of Education and REA mass, good oondejon. $3500 or beat otter. and until Oct 18 from 9-a.m. members, be said. The REA will probably vote to approve *e contract the, first 201-6800*20. i GET YOUR price. Tradsyourcar. tuck, boat or until 3.p.m. • • ,, day the members return to work. 1888 JEEP CHEROKEE. 4 door. (Hue w» tan RV. Spend on hundnds ol pmductt tvid mtarior. Power sleartngr brsfcaa. aenauwa. Mil aaMoes. John. 8O1-78»08Bg. ' Once again, the Saturday According to Staryak, one of the goals of this negotiation was to have a'col- FM, alarm. a\r.4^)Ber.i50fl00 mass. $4500 or QUICK CASH far Mining and not Mining cam Marketplace is a participant iq lective contract for the REA by the start of school in .^yti^ihT beat oaer. 201-686-5521. • •nlliiilis nniui«liisiiiiaala|<ilini.Tile)s the popular "Jersey ftesh" pro- •WE WILL eeAT wraumn teachers, in Rahwiy have Seen Jilthput a contract for more than one year, 1865 JttJ*. NBIV Mvtiw Plow, lunt QRML duce program, through which -since'July 1996. The negotiations process has been long and, according to REA Asking H-OOOorbeetoBer. Cat 973-731-8031. TOP DOLLAR pakl Wrecks, Me models, high naes OK. ojaaaea, unaaneja cars, vucam. Hae farmers offer their own fruits President Donald PeenelL was delayed until the last mmote before the contract 1965 LMCOLNCONTMENTAL. VALENTMO pick up. Call 201-268-1305. Page modeL Back/ gokt has enryHng. A-I oonoV rvMio wrm «MT OTHBIOOUPOM and vegetables for site directly expired. • Get It In gear with 201-421-2542. , miw. exn leaver..swans Winners from the annual Rahway flecrwatjon Summer Arts andCNfts Exhibit dteptay tton. $1^00/ beat oner, bays 6744808. to the customer with no middle- Contract negotiations with the previous board, whicfa included board Presi- the Auto Special •• e-nhgs/ Sunoaya. 7B3-0886. PEND UPOM VOUSI SSAKC OH their trophies at the Rahway FubfclJbraty. 11 cftyplayyrourtdt I In the craft $$$WE PAY TOP DOLLARSSI man. dent Edward Henderson and Joseph Hartnea. chsjnnan of the Employee Jlela- 10 Weeks - 20 wads r—.>'•- program. The annual Rahwayflecreation Summer Arts and<3mfto-6d*JtK»a» held at 1886 MERCUV COUOAR, «-cylnder. aoto- This year, the Saturday Mark- tions Committee, were sometimes stormy. , only S24.00 prepaid maac. al power: New brakes, nswbeaery. One For Your Jur* Car the Rahway Pubfic UMary.and was sponsored by the Summit Bank of Rahway Jury One vehicle per ad owner, $1^400.1881 OtawwbleOaaes.Su- coNvfaTeS etplace welcomes Son Haven 28-31. .. J . -r- 7 ...... 77 Hartoett had said the board was offering 3-9 percent salary increases each prame,6-cySndar.a nsv* osmBaw wSK on ' rms'and. Bill's Fresh Produce No refunds back to Rabway. Say "Hello" to See SCHOOL. Page 2- 1882 MERCURY SABLE WAGON-OS. V-6. 906488-7420 fttooai peiljf auVertwsrs oitfy. air. al power. AMffM caasaas. ABS: 3rd aaat a real farmer: Prioe*al«eMailsan*/copy change 84K, wal rnaWehed. Asking.«4^rja Cal. I/NOHTH NEWARK 8 Visitors to the Saturday 201-7630409. RECHEAHONML VBMLE8 254 VWHySt (off S. Orange Av«.) ,154BtoomfltldAva. Just tot dowo yoor ad and mal • In wwi: vm9 Marketplace wiQ also find ven- 1886 MERCURY SABLE OS. Futy powatad, 1982 0MC JMMY 4 X 4. al power. bs«a/ dtipSflSTS ' '(201) 743-74W • dors displaying jewelry, toys, Rahway mail arrested after fight, shooting in Linden gocd condklon, brown and 4an Marlor. IsatMr 75jOaonr arts and crafts items, brie JL 201-74fr3642 or 1-808-264^81. eonawan. $11joa pistol to atoot four times at and I AaVeaHeaag Das*. 9* - W««rfWd Aw. (r»xt to BurgW King) brae, antiques, compact discs By Sean Daily The blacjr.
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