.·~.·.··.·.·.· -~' ..- f:S..,_~ . e 'fl',""""; Conference·""Programme Papers Abstracts 20]6 List of Paper Based on Sub-Theme . PAGE~7 Hermansah", Ermadaniz, Yulnafatmawita~, Optimizing The Utilization Of Auzar Syarif3, Bujang Rusman1 • Palm OU Mill Effluent And Its I Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, And.alas influences On Nutrient SAT-56 University, Pad~ng, Indonesia hermankara:ni@yah®.com INOON£SIA 2Graduate Program of Agriculture Sciences. Andalas University, Availabitity And Soil Organic Padang , Indonesia. E·mail:[email protected] Carbon On Ultisols 3Department of Agronomy. Faculty of Agriculture, AndaJas University, Padang, Indonesia I Gusti Made Arjana ", Yohanes Parlindungan: Study Artificial Irradiation Situmeang # · Setting on Growth and Yield of Four SAT.. 57 #faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University, Jalan Terompong INDONEstA 24 Tanjung Bungkak. Denpasar, Bali, 8023$, lndonesia Varieties of Chrysanthemum E~mail: [email protected], E-mail: [email protected] Response Growth, Production, I Dewa Nyoman Sudita., t Nyoman Kaea, Luh And QuaHtypennlsetum Suariani, and Ni Made Yudiastari Purpureum C.V. Mott Are Given SAi-SS INDONESlA Aflitnal Husbandry Departement, Fakulty of Agri.culture fertilization Ur.ea, -Bio-Ur~ne And Warmadewa University-Denpasar,Bati. INDONEStA . ~~mail; dewasudlta@yahoo com Combinations Dwi Rustam Kendarto•, Sophia Dwiratna NP.'", Third Author' " Soil and Water Engineering laboratory. Agricuitural Engineering. Effectiveness Of The Use 'Of Faculty of Agriculture Industrial Technology,. Padjadpran University, JI. Bandung Sumedang km 11 Jatirnmgcir, SU1nedang, Earthenware Filters With Addition Of SHver Nitrate SAT-59. West Java. lndonesia INDONEStA E-maik dwitustamkendarto@gmaiLcom Solution. Te Reduce The * Soil and Water Engineering Laboratory, Agricultural Engineering. Content Es:cherichia Coif l Faculty of Agriculture Industrial Technology, Padjadjaran University, JI. Bandung Sumedang km 'll Jatinangor, Sumedang. 1 West Java, lndonesiaSecond Institution i J Edwin'\ Arnrizal Saidi0, Aprisalc, YuJnafatmawitac: ,. Students Doctoral Program of the Graduate University of I Andalas, -Padang, -25163, Indonesia · Agr;:oecotechnology Department, Facutty of Agriculture, University of Andafas, Campus Ui Dharmasraya, Pulau Punjung, 27513, Evaluation Of Ph_ysical Suitability• Indonesia E~mail: [email protected] E~mail: land For Agriculture On Sub I ~T~O [email protected] INDONESIA Watershed Sumpur Singkarak hSoil Department. faculty of Agriculture, University .of Andatas, Padang, 25163, Indonesia E·malt: amrizal.saidi@gmaitcom <soil Department, Faculty of ~riculture, University of Andalas, Padang, 15163, l,ndonesia E·mait: [email protected] dSoil Department. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Andafas, I Padang, 25163,. Indonesia E-mail : yulna fatmawita@yahog£qm I I . Zainal. Muktamar1, Sigit. Sudjatmiko1.. • I' Muhammad Chozin:J. Nanik Setyowati4 and Fanrurrozi5 • Sweet Corn Performance And 1 1Soil Science Department, University of Behgkulu, Bengkulu 38371, tnaonesia E-mail: muktamat I '[email protected] Its Major Nutrient Uptake 1Agronomy Department University of Bengkulu, Sengkulu 38371. following Application Of l SAT.. 6t lNDONESlA lndonesia.E-maU: s I g I [email protected] Vermhzompost Supplemented 3Agronomy Oej)attm~nl. Untversity of.Bengkutu, Bengkulu 3837~. With Liquid Organic Fertilizer lndonesia.E-maif: [email protected] 4Agr1>norny Department. Univet$Jty of 8engkulu, Bengkulu 3837 I, I lndonesia.E·mallz nanjk.,[email protected]"! . _ ~ I 5.Agronomy Department, University of Bengkulu, Bengkutu 38371, I lndonesia.E-malf; roz\38 t 2Sl'RMlhoo.com Genetlcs O.fversity And Agronomlc Chara<:ters Of F3 Reny Herawati*1, Rustikawad1, Entang Lines Seiected Using Recurrent lnoriy~1 Selection To Developed Department of Agronomy. Bengkulu University, WR -Supratman fNOONESIA Street. Sengkutu, sa:mA. Indonesia Drought Tolerance And Blast E-mail: refW.hetawatl70@gmaiLcom Desease Resi$tance Derived &ngkutu t-oca,I Rice Variet1es -- ·z.. ft.~-•---~ ft------- Abstract I SAT-032 SAT-62 GENETICS DIVERSITY AND AGRONOM,IC CHARACTERS OF Fl LINES SELECTED U·SING RECURRENT SELECTlON TO DEVELOPED DROUGHT TOLERANCE .AND BLAST PESEASE RESISTANCE DERIVED BENGKULU LOCAL RICE VARIETIES Reny Herawati"', Rustikawatil, Entang lnoriyah-~ Department of Agronomy, 8engkulu University,WR Supratman Street. Bengkulu, 38371A,Indone sia E-mail: [email protected] Ab$trnct-Recyrrent selection (RS) has applied in local SengkuJu rice varieties to developed drough tolerance and blast desease resistance lines. RS is a methode selection and crossing pfant sel~t~c:f from sistematic population to develope . new superior ?Qpulation. RS had been used since 2004t in new plant ~ development. From this methode by the crossing in selected populations produced 12 number combination. In t~ ffl!~t ~~on1 as many as 12 numbers . are planted in bulk, and produced 180 number oflines ready to be examined further. Selection and characteristics was represented by plant height. n.umber of tillers, flowering and maturity, leflgth of ~ide, number of filled grains Per pani<::l§t number of unfilled grains, and weight of grains per hill. The result showed that there were broad variation in the agronomic characters of F3 RS lines. There is an increase in the average values of number of grains fifllpanicl~ fertility in popYl~tion of Fl RS compared with its constituent of parents. Selection of characters plant height, number of tillers, number of grains fill per panide, and weight of gFains per hill wilt be effective in early geµerations because ·it has a hi·gh heritabili~ value and b.road genetic diversity. · Keywords-:-Re<:t,.1rrent s~•ection. genet;lc diversity, Fl RS Line, I~ varieties SAT-6.3 Effect of Gib~·relin and Sitokinin on growth of tile index is the harvest and the quality of the fruit Corn (Zea mayz) . Abu Rahmat lbr3him 1 lfaculty of AgricultUf'e_ Khairun Univenity T ernate, f ndonesia . [email protected] Abstract--Gibberellinapplication to overcome the low harvest index of Com (Zea mayz.) at corn plantation Taliahv Island of North Maluky Community~. Cytokinin. is kl'lQWPto prqmotgth~ altoc~tion of as$irtiilates to sink organs. This . research was aimed to evaluate the effect bf gibberellin and cytokinin on growth, harvest index. and fruit quality corn. Factorial Randomi~~~ Complete Stock Design (RCBD) was used in this experim~nt. first factor applied . gibbereUin levels (0, 50, 100 ppm) while the second factor applied was cytokinin levels (0, 14, 20 ppm), for treatment combination SO t"§plicat~swere used and the experi_m~n.t. YI~ refH!ta.ted 2 times. Gibberelin and cytoki were applied in the I th and 2th months on vegetative plants and in the 2th and 4th weeks on fruiting plants. Pi vegetative growth observati~:mw~ ~ried out at lth month. Harv1ts~i~~ and fryit quality analysis were determi in the I OOthday after flowering. The results showed that applying gibberellin increased D-leaf length, D-leaf area, crown length. Harvest index inc;-re~ed slightly following appli~ation of , 00 ppm. of gibb9r~Hins but this treat slightly delayed fruit ripening {±5 days). Water content and Jiotassium content of corn were improved by appli of 24 ppm of cytokinin. Compared to th~ ~<itnt;rQI gr-oups, application of 48 p.pm ()f ~tokinin 1m;;r~~ed .chlQr_ content and plant fresh weight to S4,6% and 15,3%respectively but total soluble solid (TSS) decreased to 9,5 Applieation of I 00 ppm of gibbere!Un and 24 ppm of Gl(tOkinin iner-ea:sedfruit fi~r c;on~~nt~"4 crown po~si· vitamin C content but decreased the sucrose/hexose ratio in corn fruit. Keywords- Corn (Zea mayz) gibberellin, cytokinin, harvest index, fruit quality SAFE2016- Book of Program GENETICS DIVERSITY AND AGRONOMIC CHARACTERS OF F3 LINES SELECTED BY RECURRENT SELECTION FOR DROUGHT TOLERANCE AND BLAST RESISTANCE OF BENGKULU LOCAL RICE VARIETIES Reny Herawati*, Rustikawati*, Entang Inoriah* Department of Agronomy, Bengkulu University, WR Supratman Street, Bengkulu, 38371A, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Local varieties had been used in the breeding program to improve genetic potensial. resistant/tolera nt to biotic or abiotic stresses on a specific location Use of local varieties as parental hybridization is recommended, to get superior specific genotype on the new varieties, so that released varieties should have a broad genetic variability INTRODUCTION Recurrent selection (RS) is a method of selection by crossing selected plants from sistematic population to develop new superior population. This methode is powerful procedure to accumulate desirable genes from crossing recombination between continous selected segregants to get the best new population. This methode has been done and succed in breeding some crops (Rangel et al, 2002; Abdullah et al, 2008; Niu et al, 2010; Silva et al, 2010; Morais et al, 2015). This research aims to study genetic diversity and agronomic characther of F3 lines population using RS methode to make the selection of the population in the next generation. MATERIAL AND METHOD SRIWIJAYA LOCAL VARIETIES BUGIS (RESISTANCE TO BLAST) IR7858-1 IRRI Introduction Lines (Drough tolerant) IR48 MATERIAL AND METHOD Some populations that showing Selected plants among the good segregations in plant type were populations that having good selected to be used as base agronomic characters were populations selected crossed to each other Observed based on plant vigor, plant height, number of tillers, flowering and
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