k i i K^^MANOffiSTER HERALD, Friday. March 29.1991 1? Tvrri irnrT'roiir i r i i i i i t t 1-% Batdo 1-% Wafab 1 4 , Rhrara 1-4, Moncrlaf Canucks 3, Jets 2 51). Foulad out—Koncak. RaBounda—Houeton 49 (Thorpa 13), Atanto 65 (WBia 17). Aa- Wkwlpog 1 1 ? ? ^ ttasketball aistik—Houalon 31 (K.Smilh 13), A tonta 18 VBnoouvar 0 11 1“9 (WaBB 7). Total loula-Houaton 28, Atlanta 23. Rrat Park)d-1. Wlmlpag. Cola 13 FEATURES INSIDE Tactwtcaia—Houeton Hlagal dalanaa, tC S m iti, Carlyla). 1530 (pp). Panaltlaa— Elynulk, IMn M BA standings Thorpa, Koncak. A—13,208. (aloohino), 9:56; Larionov, Wn (crooMhaA- Ing), 1338; MocDarmld. Win (Boarding), 17:W: lASTEHN CONFERENCE Dormally, Win (roughing), 1733: Murphy, Van AilMNIe DMMon Spurs 119, M agic 95 .....? " W L P e t OB ORLANDO (95) ■ TV listings grids /Pages 12,13 *"8 2 m IS’f12S ^% Winnipeg. Sykea 12 (Car­ i|«MI0n' 50 20 .714 — Scott 4-12 52 9, Turner 3-7 1-2 7, KHa 52 lyla, Oczyk). 131. 3, Vancouver. Momeaao 16 PNkldNphia 38 32 .543 12 3-4 3, SMIaa 5 1 3 5 1 0 21, NAndaraon 5 1 7 3-4 (Kurvera, Capuano), 16:33 (pp). Penal- ftewUM 34 37 .479 ie<« 1% Acraa 2-4 22 6, Raynolda 513 3-4 15, tiaa—Bozak, Van (croaa-chacking). 7:11; ■ Home and Seniors news /Page 5 What's VMNngton 26 43 .377 23i4 Smit) 513 2214, Wiley 241-2 5 Totala 3447 MorchmenL Win, m ito (lighting), 10A3; Mur­ '.Naw ilafM y 23 48 .324 27i/> 24-32 9 5 phy, Van, major (lighing), 10:43; Dormaly, Win ■ W ■ MM 22 49 .310 2Bi« SAN ANTONIO (119) (delay of gome), 1530. ■ Religion update /Page 6 C M iira l D IvM oci EBott 513 3-4 21. Cutnminga 515 55 21, Third Parlod-4, VBnoouvar, Ronnino 20 (Un- News >Oiie«ao 52 17 .754 - RoBlnaon 513 510 20, Strickland 34 22 6. dan. Udatar), 4:51. Panolllaa-Dohnally. Win ■ Children’s gomes /Page 6 *4)ii9ar . 44 27 .620 9 WAndoraon 7 4 2 2 16, F^eaaay 3-10 0 4 6. (rougNng) 733; Dkhjck, VBn (loughlnO), 733; Saturday, March 30,1991 n W w iu lw '■■ 42 .29 .592 11 Wingate 6 4 53 15. Qreen 1-2 04 % Johnoon Amial, w in , major-game mioconduct (hlgh-aVck- ■ .36 33 .535 15 14 22 4, Schintziua 51 1-21, Nggina 221-2 kig), 1821; Underv Von (Baking), 1833, ■ Reader’s forum /Page ■ ■•..36 36 .493, 16 5Totala 4578 27-32119. ' Overtima—5 Vancouvar, Coimnoi 33 (Un- 4 CMM . ^ 25 44 .362 27 Orlando 16 24 29 26— 95 daa Ronningl. 1:48 Ipp). Panaltiea— Nona. .Ctwiotti ^ 21 49 .300 31«4 San Antonio 34120 28 37-119 Shota on goal—Wlnnipag 4-511-0—23. VBn- . .WESTERN CONFERENCE 5PDlnt goala-O rlando 5 9 (SWiea 2 3 . Scott couvar 5 1 5 1 5 1 —33. 1-4, Smith 51. Wkay 51), San Antonio 24 (El­ Powor-play OpportunHiaa—Winnipeg 1 of 2: ' W .L Pet OB liott 2-4). Foulad out—Nona. FleBounda—Okm- W ncouver 2 of 5. ■'■ii-SwAnlBrtlo.--V ' . .46 23 .867 — do SO (Raynolda 8), Son Antonio 49 (Cum- QoaHea-Winnipao. Eaaanao, 15244 (33 Brmld Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper .. ■.■.46 24 .657 ' «« minga, RoBlnaon 9). Aaaiata—OrlorMlo 17 ahota-30 aovaa). Wincouvar. QomBla. 15164 K4kiutt6n :■ : 45 ■ 24' .652 1 (ReynoMa 5). Son Antonio 33 (Eliott 6). Total (2521). ,'Cyw. ■. • ■ -26 43 .368 20>/» ioula—Ortando 23, Son Antonio 2% A—15906. A -1 6 ,1 2 3 . OriMido. • 26 : 44' -.362 21 : ilnnMatB '. - ■.■ ’. 22'-.46. .324 23<« Warriors 106, Khicks 104 b rn m r 16 51 ;261 28 QOLDEN STATE (106) A . noiiiG piwiKin Baseball OselUiy r4 M u«I 51 18 .739 — Mardulonia 515 7-10 23, MuMn 521 5 8 26. r-IAUI i m 50 20 .714 1<« Uator 57 04 % Hardaway 7-20 04 17. Rtoh- White House x-PMank 40 22 .690 3 mond 7-14 24 16, PMoraan 2-4 1-2 5 Ela 14 Exhibition standings O o liM n B la l* 37 33 .529 14<« 04 % MokaoM 04 4-4 4, Hlggina 34 0 4 7. T5 SWMe 32 37 .464 19 tala 4 0 4 5 22-26106. AMERICAN LEAGUE Cummings] UPiplMra 27 44 .380 25 NEW YORK (104) W L PeL Secmnienio 19 49 .279 31<« Vtoxteweghe 511 7-7 17, WUkar 44 51 8. Boalan 16 7 .686 x<lndM d playoff berth Ewing 14-26 58 33. Cheeka 55 04 8. NawVBrk 16 7 .606 Q.WIMna 24 3-4 7, Starke 24 44 8. Tucker MInnaaola 15 7 .682 T h im d a y 'a Oamaa won’t assist / Chailotla 94. PMadalphie 90 2 1 0 0 4 6, O uim ett 3 4 1-1 7, E.Wilklna 1-4 1-1 Clavaland 11 7 .611 at odds Clawaland 10% W iahington 95 3, Jockaon 3-4 2-2 6, Qrant 51 04 O.Totala Rsc DepartmanI photo Saattia 11 6 .579 Miami 90. Boatorr 88 4566 23-30104. CHcago 11 11 .500 Chicago 12% Near Jaraay 94 Qolden State 33 26 26 21— 106 MIDGET CHAMPS — The Pistons won the micdget BasketBall title at the Community Y this CoNtornla 9 10 .474 HAPPY Nouaton 112; Atlanta 111 NawYBrk 31 26 21 26—104 Winter. Team memBers, from left, front row: Josh Egan, Aron Prasad, Brian Brodin. Eric BNHmora 10 12 .465 By SCOTT B. BREDE GoMan State 106. Naw YBrk 104 3-ftoint goala—Qolden State 5 7 (Hardaway Taxaa 9 12 :429 Manchester Herald_____________ EASTER San Antonio 119. Ortando 95 5 5 Nggina 1-2), New VBrk 1-9 (Tucker 14. Gregan. Randy Grad, Back row: RoBBy Stence, Anand Annigen. Rich Griffeth. Garen KanaaaCHy 8 11 .421 Iraqi rebels Phoonix 102. MKwauhae 88 Vandewagha 0-1, Sterka 0-z). Fouiao uoioarxi 7 1% .368 8aeranianB116.UtRh96 out—Nona. RaBounda—QoUan State 57 (Mul- Duchette, Tom Mckenzie. Missing: Chris Hamiin, Wiiiiam Heughins. Toronto 7 14 .333 MANCHESTER — Democratic Arab shoots F rfday'a Oamaa In 1%. New VBrk 57 (Ewing 14). Aaaiata-Qol- DatroH 7 15 3 1 8 By TOM RAUM However, he said, “the issue of in­ Town Chairman Theodore R. Cum­ ClaMlandat Boatoa 7:30 p.m. dan State 22 (Hardaway 9). New Iferk 25 Mllwauikaa 6 16 373 (Cheeka 9). Total loule-Qoldan State 21. New NATIONAL LEAGUE The Associated Press ternal unrest in Iraq is an issue that mings blasted Republican Town U.S. Marines XhailotlaatPhla dalphla. 7 3 0 p.m. ing),'1835; Graham, Chi (roughing), 1635. Mirk 24. Tachnicala—New VBrk Hlegol dafanaa. W L P o t ■Goldan Stale a t Dalrott, 8 pim. NCAA women’s tournament Shots on goal—Toronto 7-11-6—24. CHcago has to be settled between the Director Ronald Osella Friday for A -1 4 ,18 0 . S L L o u li 13 6 .684 I- RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) CNeago eMMuhInoton, 8 p.m. EAST REGIONAL 1 1 -5 1 8 -3 4 . H ouilon 12 6 .667 WASHINGTON — The Bush ad­ government and the people of Iraq.” having his own political agenda 'BacramanB at Danvar. 9:30 p.m. R egional SamHInala Hockey Power-play Opportonities—Toronto 0 of 3; — Three Marines were shot and •* -MInnaaola a t SaaMa. lOp^m. Su n s 102, B u cks 88 Son Dlago 11 7 .611 ministration refused on Friday to in­ “We are operating in Iraq on the when it comes to revamping the wounded by an Arab motorist as At Philadelphia Chicago 2 of 3. Nawlferk IS 0 .601 OalaaatLACIppara. 10:30 p.m. M5WAUKEE (68) Thurarlay, M atch 21 GoBies—Toronto, Ing, 1528-8 (33 shota-29 basis of the U.N. mandate,” Atlanla 11 8 .570 tervene to help Iraqi rebels fighting town charter. his sedan passed their vehicle on ■Airtand a t LA Lakara. 10:30 p.m. Brickowaki 517 56 17, RoBerts 2-3 2-4 6, Connscticut 8% North Cwolina State 71 NHL standings savaa). Chicago, Balfour (21-18), Hasek, 33-1 B alurday'a Oamaa PHtaBurgh 11 8 .570 Saddam Hussein, even to the extent Popadiuk said. “Once that mandate Cummings said Osella recently Schayea 510 2-4 5 Hunyihries 34 04 6. Cletnaon 57. James Madison 55 (2:39 3rd period, 3-3). a highway near Al-Jubail in ■ Houalon a t Orlando. 2 p.m. WALES CONFERENCE SiKi Frandaco 11 0 .550 RoBartoon 54 1-2 1% Hanaon 2-4 50 4, Ellis Regional Champtorwhip A—17,943. of trying to limit civilian bloodshed. is totally fulfilled, U.S. troops will made statements criticizing a mem­ eastern Saudi Arabia, the U.S. NawMirkatNawJoraay. 7:30 p.m. 511 3-513, SHuna 3-4 50 6, Lohaus 1-4 50 % Patrick Division Chicago 12 10 .545 At Philadelphia W L TPIa OF QA Rafaraa—DeHa Morel. Linesmen— Pierre CIndnnal 8 13 .381 The U.S. decision to stand by is be coming out. We have no plans for ber of the Charter Revision Com­ Command said Friday. pamrar at San Antonio. 6:30 p m Qmyer 1-5 44 6, Conner 1-2 2-2 4, Kornat 53 Saturday, March 23 Champoux, Leon Stickla. AHarda a t Mllwaukaa. 9 p .ta 51 4. Totals 34-7519-30 86 y-PittsBurgh 41 32 5 87 335 295 Montreal 8 13 .381 drawing increasing criticism, but ad­ keeping our troops in Iraq or in the mission that were an “insult to the It was the second reported Corxiecticut 60, Ciemaon 57 x-NY Rangers 35 30 13 83 296 256 MInnaaola a t Portland.
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