Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection C -_^- V Science & Technology O A fitOChester Public Liorary #4 Court St Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection pf* .4 wm * Nl ENLARGED FROM A KODAK VERICHROME FILM NEGATIVE Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection IN SELECTING A CAMERA, CONSIDER... THE PICTURE SIZE. ..The following pages show sample pictures made with various cameras, and in most cases an enlargement as well. Select the picture size that appeals to you most, remembering that, as illustrated in this catalog, any good picture can be generously enlarged. THE TYPE YOU PREFER ... box camera or folding camera. THE VARIETY OF PICTURES you want, and the range of conditions under which you expect to take them. These factors apply particularly to the folding cameras. The ver satility of a camera depends largely upon the grade of its lens and shutter (see page 23) ... and, in some models, upon the variety of negative materials which can be used. THE PRICE... Camera prices are determined to a great extent by the types of lenses and shutters employed, since these items represent a large part of the manufacturing cost. As pointed out above, this equipment to a large degree determines the scope of the camera. GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION YOUR DEALER WILL BE EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, N.Y. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AN INDEX OF THE CON TENTS OF THIS CATALOG IS PROVIDED ON PAGE 40 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection *L*M i Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection ACTUAL-SIZE PICTURES, AND ENLARGEMENT, FROM JIFFY KODAK V.P. NEGA TIVES MADE ON KODAK VERICHROME FILM V.P. stands for "Vest Pocket" and the designation really fits, for this camera is small enough to slip into vest pocket or handbag. Newest of Kodaks, and one of the simplest, it brings you the latest wrinkles: light-weight body of black, molded material. .good-looking and efficient folding direct-view finder. .the action front that springs out into picture-taking position when you touch a button. Styled to the minute, the V.P. matches style with photographic ability. It makes . ones. .on a roll of "vest eight \Y% x 23^-inch pictures. .good pocket" (No. 127) Kodak Film. Small, smart, swift, it is a big bargain at $5. see camera itself at dealer's. See the details on page 24. .and the your Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection .,V' ? Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection A JIFFY Kodak gets into action with the greatest of speed and ease a button it Touch . hence its name. Touch "Pop" opens. another "Click" it makes the picture. Simplest folding camera ever devised, the Jiffy actually combines the dependable simplicity of a box camera with the an model. smart, compact lines of up-to-the-minute folding That fact, and low The plus generous picture sizes prices, explains Jiffy popularity. Six- 16 size makes 2 J/9 x 4^4 -inch pictures, costs but $9. The Six-20 size makes 21 i x 3V.1 -inch pictures, and costs only $S. Details listed on page 24. 5 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection ACTUAL-SIZE NIGHT SNAPSHOT, AND EN LARGEMENT, FROM KO DAK JUNIOR SIX-16 NEG ATIVE MADE ON KODAK "SS" FILM, WITH THE AID OF MAZDA PHOTO- FLOOD BULBS THESE new Kodaks are both versatile and low-priced. They can be had with the keen Kodak Anastigmat /-6.3 lens and, so equipped, they make snapshots even on dark days, or at night with Kodak "SS" Film and Mazda Photoflood bulbs. The/.6-3 models have eye-level finders as well as regular waist-level finders. All models have self-erecting fronts : one pull opens the camera and snaps the lens into position. More modest lens equipment is afforded by the reliable, simple Kodak Doublet. And, regardless of the lens, you may have a Kodak Junior in either of two favorite sizes. for 2li x 3^ or 2}/2 x 414-inch pictures. Prices, from $10 to $15.50. Details on page 24. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection '. i *>"iw^-^o^wBBBi Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection 2^-*i ^fe^BSH^to ^^M^^^ 3p P \V . WmSL facte, ;> sfPrpw1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection "SOMETHING to be proud of"... that phrase describes these famous Kodaks. Their octagonal motif and enameled sides spell smartness. Built around Eastman's smaller, all-metal film spool, they arc notably compact. Pressure on a button snaps the camera open. .the lens into position. And there is photographic capability galore. It reaches its peak in models equipped with /-4-5 lens and Compur shutter masters of light and action. The six available models are described on pages 24 and 25. Prices, from $14 to $40. 9 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection ACTUAL-SIZE PIC TURES, AND ENLARGE MENT, FROM KODAK VOLLENDA NEGA TIVES MADE ON KODAK PANATOMIC FILM MODERATELY priced yet Kodak thoroughly capable, Vollenda is an excep tional value cameras. It makes among miniature-type sixteen pictures, 1% x on a roll of 1% inches, "vest pocket" Kodak Film. Either of the versatile lens- and-shuttcr combinations offered permits making snapshots under widely and the varying conditions, pictures can be greatly enlarged, especially if made on Kodak Panatomic Film. Action front. .sturdy construction. .low oper cost... extreme ating compactness ... these are outstanding features of the Vollenda, priced at only $25 and the details $39.50. Study given on page 25. 10 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection i a Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection OUTDOOR SNAPSHOT, AND ENLARGEMENT, FROM KODAK DUO SIX-20 NEGA TIVE ON KODAK PANA- TOMIC FILM INDOOR SNAPSHOT FROM DUO NEGATIVE MADE ON KODAK "SS" FILM WITH THE AID OF MAZDA PHOTO- FLOOD BULBS HERE is a camera that has the precision and compactness of the true . x 21 "miniature," yet makes sixteen larger-than-usual pictures. ljg , 620 Kodak Film. The . inches. .on a single roll of / 3 5 anastigmat lens and Compur shutter with speeds to %<><> second spell almost unlimited possibilities. Action shots. .rainy-weather pictures. .indoor snapshots "SS" Film and Mazda Photofloods. .all are at night with Kodak easy for the Duo. And its pictures are so sharp that they can be enlarged to striking proportions. The price is $52.50. See page 25 for the details. f.!- 13 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection } ACTUAL-SIZE PICTURES,AND ENLARGEMENT, FROM KODAK RETINA NEGATIVES MADE ON KODAK PANA- TOMIC FILM fc it THE Retina is a high-precision, high-speed "miniature" offered at an unusually low an price. Equipment includes f.3.5 anastigmat lens, nine- to speed (1 1/500) Compur-Rapid shutter, automatic film-measuring mechanism, exposure counter, and enclosed eye-level finder. It loads like roll-film with any camera, convenient magazines of Kodak "SS" or Panatomic Film. It's built for versatility. .quick action Nega tives are so sharp that can be they greatly enlarged from their original size of about ixiH inches. At Kodak $57.50, Retina is a real "buy" for the miniature-camera enthusiast. See page 26 for further details. 14 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection ACTUAL -SIZE PRINT, AND ENLARGEMENT, FROM RECOMAR 18 NEGATIVE MADE ON KODAK VERICHROME FILM PACK, WITH THE AID OF A MAZDA PHOTOFLASH BULB KODAK RECOMARS 1 8 AND 3 3 BOTH of these cameras are built for the serious amateur photographer. .not the advanced worker alone (for the Recomars are simple to operate), but any one who intends to make photography a major hobby. They utilize the almost limitless variety of negative materials afforded by film packs, cut film, and plates. Aside from their splendid Kodak Anastigmat 7.4.5 lens and Compur as the extension shutter they are equipped with such features double bellows and bed, ground-glass focusing backs, and wire-frame finders. They bring the and sub user extreme adaptability, precision construction, great durability, x the x inches. stantial picture sizethe "18," 2^ 31 , inches; "33," 3J , 41 , Prices, $54 and $63. See the details of these expert cameras on pages 26 and 27. 17 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection BECAUSE of their unfailing reliability, Brownies have long been the most famous of box cameras. These two models em body traditional Brownie de pendability, and in addition oiler new convenience and style. They are the only cameras equipped with the Diway lens, which by one simple adjust ment insures sharp locus for both near and distant subjects. The prices: Six-i6, for 2] ._, \ 41 !-inch pictures, $3.75; Six- 20, for 2^ x ^.j-inch pic tures, $3.00. Details on page 27. 18 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Trade Catalog Collection ACTUAL-SIZE PICTURES FROM SIX- 20 BROWNIE JUNIOR NEGATIVES MADE ON KODAK VERICHROME FILM SIMPLICITY is the keynote of these popular box cameras. Anyone can use them success fully. It isn't necessary to focus, and the sum and substance of their operation is simply this: "Load. .aim. .shoot." Chil dren and grown-ups alike make good pictures with the Juniors right from the start.
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