Legislative Library, 63T Pa rliam en t B u ild ings, O Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4 YOUR HOMETOWN LOCALL Y OWNED AND OPERA TED NEWSPAPER TERRACE, B.C., WEDNESDAY, July 27, 1988 50 CENTS Vol. 4, Issue No. 30 Long wait, furthe.r study for park development plan TERRACE -- Anyone waiting Smith said that he represented a Scott suggested there should be to hear the final decision on the consensus of McConnell Ave. no further development of any Christy Park development will residents who were either "very type in Christy Park. He sug- have to wait for two to three opposed" or "extremely oppos- gested that there were already months. At last Monday's coun- ed" to the Northmen Rugby enough soccer fields in the com- cil meeting, a report from Parks Club's proposal to develop a munity, 13 on school property in and Recreation Director Steve clubhouse in the park. Accord- Terrace, one in Thornhill and Scott regarding future develop- ing to Smith, there were occa- three at Christy Park for a total ment of the park was received, sions when teens used wooded of 17 fields. and a nearby resident, Glen areas near the park for "rowdy Also, Scott points out that the Smith, voiced opposition to the behavior" and the noise they Terrace Community Plan has development of a clubhouse. create is heard throughout the designated Christy Park to be The entire matter has been refer- entire neighborhood. developed "in its natural state". red to the Recreation Commit- He said that this is only a hint He said that the plan envisioned tee, who are waiting for input of how a clubhouse would the northern part of Christy from the Parks Advisory Com- "deteriorate" the neighbor- Park as having a system of walk- mission. The next meeting of the hood, and McConnel Ave. resi- ing and cycling trails which commission won't take place un- dents preferred an alternate pro- would link up with existing and til mid-September and according posal in which the Northmen future trails in the area. to Mo Takhar, their findings said they would develop their Finally, Scott says that there is won't reach council until about own facility on North Eby. already a lack of parking space mid-October. and storage and washroom In his presentation to council, Meanwhile, the report filed by facilities in the park. Mayor Jack Talstra says that further reports are being compil- ed by the Advisory Parks Com- mission, the Recreation Depart- ment and council's Recreation Committee and the public can Patricla Thomson is one of the field experts offering free in- address any of these groups if terpretative talks and exploration at the Furlong Bay camp- they wish to express concern site this summer. For stow, see page 3. over the development. Skeena Tories go Lockout with Haivorson notice Skeena Progressive Conser- says he would prefer a spring vatives chose Ray Halvorson election because of the size of served Saturday night in Terrace as the riding. their candidate for the next by CFTK federal election -- an election Because the Northwest relies which Halvorson hinted would on a resource-based economy, be won or lost on the issue of TERRACE -- Final efforts Halvorson says that free trade is to reach an agreement be- free trade. This could mean an no longer a matter of choice. He early election, but Halvorson tween Skeena Broadcasters says that it's "mandatory" for and members of the National Skeena riding and, "It's the best Association of Broadcast platform we could ever have. Employees and Technicians It's something we can win on." local 827 broke down late Halvorson said that when Monday night, and the com- people know the true facts, they pany served notice that about will vote for free trade. He says 50 Northwest employees that few areas in Canada are as would be locked out effective vulnerable to American protec- today at 12:30 a.m. tionism than the Northwest, and The two sides have been right now there are "more than attempting to negotiate a 100" protectionist bills in front first contract for more than a of the American government. year now, Early this month a These would mean lost jobs, ac- conciliator booked out of the cording to Halvorson, but under discussions. free trade he predicts a 28 per- Last week Bryan Edwards, cent increase in employment op- executive vice-president for portunities in the Northwest. the company, expressed the "We can look at a number of intention to keep operations mines coming on stream. A at the regional television and paper mill in Prince Rupert radio outlet going regardless which would add 700 jobs of developments in the without us cutting one extra dispute. stick of wood. I think we can The two sides have failed look at a couple of new fish pro- to agree on wage scale cessing plants in Rupert to pro- classifications for certain Smoke rising from local chimneys last weekend is a sure barometer of unusually cool and cess Alaska fish," says Halvor- types of employees, and job damp weather for July. Record rainfalls and low temperatures have been some help to son. "These are things we can security and wage levels are gardeners and forest fire crews, but from a recreational standpoint this summer's weather look at as real possibilities under also at issue. has been a write-off in the Northwest. continued on page 3 II • ! / • (• !i¸ / !i/i i 21Terrace Revlew-- Wednesday' July 27'1988 Hubertssaysi : " No changes, TERRACE -- According to our just see how I feel about any activity. Working in conjunction new Minister of State, Terry changes that need to be made," with the line ministers, MLA's, Huberts, MLA for Saanich and Huberts said. chambers of commerce and the Islands, nothing in the He says that he would be cities is quite adequate." When asked if a conflict of in- operation of the North Coast "pleased" to hold press con- Development Region will change ferences and issue press releases terest couldn't arise where one -- at least not for six months. after the meetings, adding that minister represents two regions, Huberts said the two regions are Following the recent cabinet he was comfortable with that based on different economies shuffle in Victoria, Huberts because, "What some perceive and the possibility was remote. replaced MLA Dave Parker as as secrecy, others don't perceive He said, "There could be Minister of State for the North as secrecy.' ' possibilities at times that I need Coast region and was also given According to Huberts the to support one over the other, the portfolio as Minister of State newly formed Ministry of but that comes up even as for the Vancouver Island/Coast Regional Development will help to develop a provincial overview Minister of State for this one region. region... It's a big task but l'm Huberts says that Develop- for development. He dismissed sure I can handle it." ment Region meetings will con- critics' concerns that the Huberts was in the Ter- tinue to be held behind closed Ministers of State will soon be race/Kitimat area yesterday and doors. "I'm not opposed to hav- operating with their own discussed regional matters dur- ing cameras there, but if I start budgets on a regional basis as ing in-camera meetings with seeing people coming in with purely hypothetical. local councils and the Regional their political hats on and He says that the ministers will District of Kitimat-Stikine. posturing for position that not be getting any more power Huberts will return to the North- doesn't interest me at all. So than they already have: "I'm west at a later date to chair his from that point of view I would quite happy with the way it is. I first North Coast Development rather it was behind closed doors don't wish to be a dictator, I just Region meeting. and I'll need about six months to wish to facilitate and coordinate The new Northcoast Development Region Minister of State, Terry Huberts, said in Terrace yesterday he's comfortable for the time being with the present regional development Council committee referrals procedures. The following items were day, Aug. 4 at 4:00 p.m.): clubhouse in Christy Park. ..... I referred to committee by council I. A complaint from McCon- 2. A memo suggesting an in- Weather report last Monday and may be discuss- nell resident Glen Smith regar- crease in fees for community- ed at the next committee meet- ding a deterioration of the operated facilities. Date Hi Lo Prec. Forecast: Cloudy with ing. These meetings are open to neighborhood if plans proceed 3. A memo regarding July 18 27 9 nil showers until Wednesday the public but observers are not for the development of a development of Christy Park. July 19 31 12 nil with highs 16 to 18 and permitted to participate in any July 20 27 13 nil lows 10 to 12. Unsettled July 21 17 11 3.4ram on Thursday. Sunny and discussion or make any presen- Rising dollar hits mills July 22 18 10 0.6mm warmer by the weekend tation without an invitation. with highs in the low 20's Meetings have a set schedule the A rising Canadian dollar is good news for consumers. It means July 23 14 10 12 mm and lows to 16. week following each council that imports from the states are cheaper and a visit to a favorite .hllv 94 17 12 2.8 mm meeting, but this is sometimes U.S.
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