1 Minutes of the Meeting of Houghton on the Hill Parish Council, held in the Methodist Church Schoolroom, Main Street, Houghton on the Hill, Wednesday 5th October 2011, at 8:00 p.m. Present: Cllr. Mrs. Ann Sleath (Chairman) Cllr. Mr. Huw Francis (Vice Chairman) Cllr. Mr. Peter Duke Cllr. Mrs. Rosemary Hamilton Cllr. Mrs. Hazel McSweeney Ms. A. M. Davies (Clerk) 3 members of the public including District Cllr. Mrs. Amanda Burrell 01-10/11 Apologies Apologies from Cllr. Mrs. Susan Swann had been received and accepted Cllr. Mr. Simon Whelband absent 02-10/11 Declaration of interest Declarations of interest, both personal and prejudicial, were to be made when agenda items were being discussed and recorded accordingly. 03-10/11 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 14th September 2011 It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Houghton on the Hill Parish Council Meeting 14/09/2011 be confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting. 04-10/11 Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on the 26th September 2011 It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Extraordinary Houghton on the Hill Parish Council Meeting 26/09/2011 be confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting. 05-10/11 Matters arising for information There were no matters for information 06-10/11 Clerk’s report The Clerk’s report as circulated was taken as read and accepted. See Appendix 1 attached to these minutes. 07-10/11 Informal Public Participation Session The Chairman temporarily adjourned the formal meeting to allow the public to make comments, discuss issues of interest, ask questions, and provide information. Individual contributions were limited to 3 minutes unless, at the discretion of the Chairman, a time extension was permitted. 1 member of the public made representation to the Council. Council having heard the public, the Chairman re-opened the formal PC Meeting. 08-10/11 Planning Applications Planning Applications considered by PC: 1. Planning Application 11/01255/FUL Proposal: Erection of first floor side extension, insertion of dormer window, alterations to eaves line over existing first floor windows Location: 9, Winckley Close, Houghton on the Hill Leics. LE7 9HS No comment. Clerk to inform HDC accordingly Action: Clerk 1 2 2. Planning Application 11/01250/TCA Proposal: Works to trees. Location: 1, Hollies Close, Houghton on the Hill, Leics. LE7 9GW No comment. Clerk to inform HDC accordingly Action: Clerk 3. Planning Application 11/01297/TPO Proposal: Works to trees (including felling of a TPO tree) (LCC TPO ref 67 1975) Location: 10A, Elizabeth Close, Houghton on the Hill, Leics. LE7 9GA No comment. Clerk to inform HDC accordingly. Action: Clerk 4. Planning Application 11/01334/OUT. Proposal: Residential development of up to 50dwellings. Location: Land South of Uppingham Road, Bushby. Comment: Council feels that green wedges between existing village communities should be retained as their retention is essential for maintaining the separate, individual identities of these communities. Applying the same basic, essential community identity principle, the open spaces between Scraptoft, Thurnby and Bushby, Houghton, Stoughton, Great Glen, Oadby and Leicester City should be retained. The retention of green wedge areas is an essential in fostering community identity with reference to all the villages east of Leicester. Council is concerned that Thurnby and Bushby are already in danger of being considered extensions of Leicester City. Council is greatly concerned that not only will the proposals of planning application 11/01334/OUT generate an unacceptable increase in traffic volume on the A47, exacerbating existing traffic issues, but that this development also has the potential to mushroom at the expense of the loss of the existing open space between Thurnby and Bushby and Houghton. Clerk to inform HDC accordingly Action: Clerk 09-10/11 Correspondence 1. LRALC September 2011 Newsletter. Noted. 2. E-mail attachment letter, 12/09/11, from Mrs. Barbara Butler, Churchwarden - application for 2012/13 PC grant towards restoration of the building structure of St. Catharine’s Church. Noted 3. E-mail, 13/09/11, from LCC – Notification that LCC has co-ordinated a series of 7 District- based “Big Society” Roadshows, which will be held in September/October 2011-09-27. Noted. 4. E-mail and attachment letter, 16/09/11, from Mrs. Francesca Wall-Bray informing Council that a group of villagers has already given thought to the two forthcoming celebrations: The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee June 2012 and Olympic Britain July 2012. The group is taking the initiative to invite all residents, village organisations, clubs, Houghton School and the Parish Council to support this opportunity for a village wide celebration next year. The group has taken on the responsibility of co-ordinating the celebrations to mark these two historic occasions. Noted. Cllr. Duke informed Council that parishioners delivering the group’s information leaflets, to all village households, had reported that there is much village interest in celebrating these two historic occasions. 5. Letter, 19/09/11, from Mrs. Carol Davis, Secretary Village Hall Committee - Application for repetitive PC annual grant 2012/13 to Houghton village Hall. Letter also requests that the grant might be increased by £1,000.00 to £3,000.00. Noted. 6. E-mail, 20/09/11, from RCC announcing plans to publish a feature within the December edition of ‘Village Voice' regarding Leicestershire and Rutland's celebratory plans for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Letter invites appropriate possible submission from Houghton village. Noted. The Clerk reported that this e-mail had been forwarded to all relevant village organisations. 7. Letter, 21/09/11, from Boundary Commission for England - Initial proposals for new Parliamentary constituencies in England, published 13th September 2011. Consultation deadline on proposals is 05/12/11. Noted. 8. E-mail plus attachments, 22/09/11, from Big Lottery - East Midlands Region, promoting awareness that a share of £5million is available to community groups in Leicestershire and Rutland. 2 3 Rural communities grants of between £10,000 and £30,000 are available to help develop a community enterprise such as pubs and shops, broadband schemes, and local food or craft projects. The closing date for applications is Thursday 20 October. Noted. The Clerk reported that this e-mail and attachments had been forwarded to all relevant village organisations. 9. E-mail plus letter & plans attachments, 23/09/11, from Peter Lightowler, LCC Streetlighting, outlining the proposals for Houghton on the Hill concerning the forthcoming introduction of the ‘part-night’ lighting scheme (where lights are to be switched off between mid-night [GMT] and 5.30am [GMT]) Peter Lightowler requests that the PC might extend an invitation for his attendance at the next PC Meeting and that this subject might be placed at the top of the meeting's agenda to enable it to be discussed promptly. The closing date for submission of comments is 23rd November 2011. Noted and considered. Council agreed to invite Peter Lightowler, LCC Streetlighting, to speak to Council and public at the PC Meeting 02/11/11 Action: Clerk 10. E-mail, 25/09/2011, from Francesca Wall-Bray, Houghton Tree Warden, informing PC about LCC work to the Silver Birch on the LCC verge adjacent near the Black Horse Inn. E-mail also expresses that Mrs. Wall-Bray considers the PC reply to her letter 10/09/11 to be inadequate and informs the PC that it is it is unlikely that she will be able to attend the PC Meeting 05/10/11. Noted 11. Letter, September 2011, from Society of Local Council Clerks – Opportunities and support for Local Council Clerks’ CiLCA training. Noted 12. Letter, dated 28/09/11 received 30/09/11, from Barbara Scase on behalf of Parklife. Application for repetitive PC grant 2012/13 of £1,5000 to Parklife. Noted 13. Letter, dated 29/09/11 received 30/09/11, from Houghton Methodist Church - Application for PC grant 2012/13 towards maintenance of community room. Noted 010-10/11 NALC Legal Briefing: “Councillors' Notification under the Data Protection Act 1988”. It was RESOLVED that, pending confirmation after 01/11/11 of the PC address and details of named contact person, payment of the annual subscription of £35.00 to notify and register Houghton on the Hill Parish Council with ICO be approved. 011-10/11 Financial matters 1. Accounts to be settled RBL Poppy Appeal, Remembrance Day Sunday wreath £ 18.50 Houghton Methodist Church, Community Room maintenance Grant 2010/11 £ 400.00 Houghton Village Hall, hire of room for EPC Meeting 26/09/11 £ 10.00 It was RESOLVED that all accounts presented for payment 05/10/2011 be paid in full. 2. Revision of PC Budget 2011/12 For Councillors’ information, a financial spreadsheet, “Budget 2011/12, Original Budget, Revised Budget 01/06/2011 and Revised Budget 05/10/2011”, had been included in the meeting packs for this PC Meeting. The spreadsheet gives detailed analysis and comparison of the 2011/12 Budget at each date of revision, estimated Expenditure/Income and Balance as at 31st March 2012 for each revision and a budget update analysis of actual Expenditure/Income and Balance at 30/09/2011. In order to facilitate expenditure resolved by Council since previous budget revision 01/06/2010, the clerk presented Revised Budget 05/10/2010. It was RESOLVED that the revised Houghton on the Hill Parish Council Budget 2011/12, presented 05/10/2011 by the Clerk/RFO, be approved. It was RESOLVED that £75.00 from "Legal & Financial"(Election Charges) and £205.00 from "Contingencies" be vired to S137 3 4 012-10/11 Remembrance Day Sunday procedures Cllr. Duke and Cllr.
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