
S7342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 3, 2012 An advocate for people with disabil- death—and the loss of four other play- defend freedom, and they have earned ities, Deborah Kendrick of Cincinnati, ers and the bus driver and his wife— our deepest respect. I rise today to recently wrote that supporting the would not be in vain. thank the veterans of Northern Colo- U.N. Convention on the Rights of Per- Out of the Bluffton bus tragedy—and rado Honor Flight, and pause to re- sons with Disabilities is ‘‘the good old- other tragedies like it—Senator member those who laid down their fashioned right thing to do.’’ HUTCHISON and I introduced the Motor- lives for us all. I would like to read the She is absolutely right. The CRPD is coach Enhanced Safety Act—to help names of all those who made this visit an antidiscrimination treaty, a civil prevent the loss of life on our nation’s to our Nation’s capital and to each of rights issue, a human rights issue. It roadways. them, I say thank you. embraces the values of our own Ameri- President Obama signed the bill into Veterans from World War II include: cans with Disabilities Act. law earlier this year to ensure that Willard Bauer, Robert Bell, Edward It will not affect U.S. law and does tour buses are equipped with seatbelts, Coleman, Floyd Ewing, Albert not infringe upon U.S. sovereignty. stronger roofs, safer windows, and driv- Fairweather, Marvin Fowler, Elwyn Ratifying this treaty does allow us to ers that are better trained. Frazier, Robert Fulton, William Gar- reassert our leadership globally on dis- This safety bill was written with the cia, Edward Glover, Herold Hettinger, ability rights. It will give us a seat at support of the Betts Family, the Bryan Raymond Holiday, Buford Johnson, the table as parties to the convention community, and a national community William Kammlade, Donald Lawless, grapple with how best to implement it. of people who have lost loved ones in Russell Maxwell, Dale Norwood, Philip This treaty is important for Americans motorcoach crashes. Owen, Paul Painter, George Parker, with disabilities, including soldiers and Some 5 years later, this close-knit Theodore Pratt, Henry Redd, Kenneth veterans when they work abroad, study Ohio community also has a tangible Robb, Harley Rouze, Harold Scatterday, Dean Severin, Leonie abroad or simply travel abroad. That is monument in memory of one of their Shannon, Keith Simons, Jacob Stieb why I urge my colleagues to join in sons. Jr., Howard Teague, Margaret Thomp- ratifying this treaty, to stand up for May the David Betts Double Play Di- son, Charles Vogel, Thomas Weathers, people with disabilities in Ohio, amond serve as a remembrance to this Victor Weidmann, Milo Whitcomb, wonderful young man and help this throughout America, and around the John Williams, and Quentin Younglund world. community continue to heal and move Veterans from the Korean War in- I suggest the absence of a quorum. forward. clude: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f Bobby Andersen, Emmett Achuletta, clerk will call the roll. Donald Armagost, Robert Arnbrecht, The assistant bill clerk proceeded to HONOR FLIGHT OF NORTHERN COLORADO Gary Beverlin, Stanley Black, Ronald call the roll. Brasseur, Earl Buckendorf, Robert Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Madam Presi- Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Presi- Buttner, Donald Campbell, Clarence dent, I ask unanimous consent that the dent, I rise today to pay tribute to the Carnes, Jerald Clark, Robert Clayton, order for the quorum call be rescinded. military service of a group of remark- Keith Coates, Kenneth Comin, Victor The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without able Coloradans. At critical times in Crenshaw, Dean Daggett, Lester objection, it is so ordered. our Nation’s history, these veterans Edgett, Arnold Engele, Roy Erickson, f played a role in defending the world William Erickson, Bernard Erthal, MORNING BUSINESS from tyranny, truly earning their rep- Donald Fenske, Donald Fickenscher, utation as guardians of democracy and Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Madam Presi- Russell Foster, Franklin Fronek, peace through their service and sac- Porfelio Garbiso, Wiliam Goble, Carl dent, I ask unanimous consent that the rifice. Now, thanks to an organization Senate proceed to a period of morning Goeglein, Delbert Gorsline. George dedicated to honoring those who have Gray, Kenneth Hoff, Robert Hull, Rob- business, with Senators permitted to defended us abroad, these great Colo- ert Jones Jr., George Knaub, Arthur speak therein for up to 10 minutes radans have come to Washington, D.C. Kober, John Leach, Roger London, Wil- each. to visit the national memorials built to lard Loose, Joseph Lopez, Arthur The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without honor their service, to share their ex- Lukemire, Charles Mahoney, Eathon objection, it is so ordered. periences with later generations, and Marr, Vernon Marston, Robert Martin, f to pay tribute to those who gave their George Maxey, Loren Maxey, and Al- DAVID BETTS DOUBLE PLAY lives. It was an honor to have them bert Melcher DIAMOND here, and I join with all Coloradans in Veterans who served in Vietnam in- Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Madam Presi- thanking them for all they have done clude: Leonard Beutelspacher, John Gruver, dent, I rise to commemorate the grand for us. I also want to say a word about the Gaylord Mekelburg, and Cloyd Rael. opening of the David Betts Double Play And from the War in Iraq: Diamond, which will take place a week volunteers from Honor Flight of North- ern Colorado who made this trip pos- Marshall Spring from today in Bryan, OH. Our Nation asked a great deal of sible. They are great Coloradans in As the result of a community’s com- these individuals. They left their fami- their own right, and their mission to mitment to working together, an un- lies to fight in distant lands against bring our Northern Colorado veterans used farm field will soon cultivate the our nation’s enemies. And each of these to Washington, D.C. is truly commend- next generation of Bryan-area baseball brave Coloradans bravely answered the players—nourishing friendships and able. They have been doing great work call, placing themselves between this supporting sportsmanship. since their inception in 2008 and their country and harm. They served our This new indoor field in Williams flight in September brought another country through dangerous times, County honors the life of an extraor- group of American heroes to Wash- when democratic nations and ideals dinary young Ohioan. ington, D.C. The volunteers of Honor around the world were threatened, and David Betts would have been 26 years Flight of Northern Colorado believe they saved millions of people from fall- old on December 10, 2012, the day that our veteran heroes aren’t asking for ing to fascism and tyranny. this field will open for members of the recognition, but they certainly deserve Please join me in thanking these entire Bryan community to enjoy. it. This opportunity to come to Wash- American veterans and the volunteers David, the beloved son of John and ington is just a small token of appre- of Honor Flight of Northern Colorado Joy, died in a March 2007 motorcoach ciation for those who gave so much. for their tremendous service to an eter- accident along with other members of I want to publicly recognize the nally grateful nation. members of the Northern Colorado the Bluffton University baseball team f in Atlanta, GA. Honor Flight who are visiting their Na- He was a graduate of Bryan High tion’s capital today, many seeing for REMEMBERING LARRY HAGMAN School. the first time the memorials that stand Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I After this tragedy, John and Joy as a tribute to their selfless service. ask my colleagues to join me in hon- Betts made a promise that David’s These Coloradans risked their lives to oring Larry Hagman, who passed away VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:18 Dec 05, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S03DE2.REC S03DE2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with December 3, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7343 last week in Dallas at the age of 81. the 100th anniversary of the Stockton EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Like most Americans and millions Gurdwara, the first Sikh temple in the COMMUNICATIONS around the world, I knew Larry United States. The following communications were Hagman as J.R. Ewing, the best loved In the 1890s, the first Sikh immi- laid before the Senate, together with villain in television history. But I was grants, mostly from Punjab in north- accompanying papers, reports, and doc- also fortunate to know Larry as a pas- western India, arrived at Angel Island uments, and were referred as indicated: sionate advocate and friend, and I will Immigration Station. These pioneering EC–8375. A communication from the Chief miss him. immigrants had crossed the vast Pa- J.R. was larger than life, but Larry Counsel, Federal Emergency Management cific and came to the shores of Cali- Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Hagman’s life was much more than his fornia in hopes of a better and freer transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of most famous character. He was a de- life. a rule entitled ‘‘Final Flood Elevation Deter- voted family man, a true friend, and an The San Joaquin Valley of Cali- minations’’ ((44 CFR Part 67) (Docket No. active citizen who worked with me to fornia, with its Mediterranean climate FEMA–2012–0003)) received in the Office of ensure that our families are protected and abundance of fertile soil and arable the President of the Senate on November 28, from pollution and toxins. He also land reminded the new immigrants of 2012; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, worked for years to fight lung cancer their native Punjab, and became a and Urban Affairs.
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