,-i.'( .Eon. STA7Z }IIsTO~lCAL S,:tE~Y 10.00 R sT~~;eT LINeOL)'.. 1.<:3:1. €c:,oa 'j fu.bUsbed Ev.ry Monday and Thursday at 114 Main. Wayne, ~'IIE WAmE'6HERALD Nebraska 68787, WAYN~, N~BR'ASK'A68787, M~NDAV, MAVl1980 Ott&JiIJ~_EQlJJilti.YEAR---,-. NUMB£R S£V£NTV,DN~ Mother of t\he Y~ar Ent~y Deadiine Near Entires for this year:s Mother of the DEADLINE for entering the contest Year are now being accepted at ·the is Thursday, reports Gary Van Meter, Chamber of Commerce office, 108 West Chamber executive vice president. Third 5f The name.of the winning mother will be announced Saturday, with the win· ENTRY BLANKS are being ner notified Friday. distributed to Wayne arca schools, with The winner will receive a Mother's youngsters high school age or younger Day traveling trophy and several hun­ eligible to enter the event. dred dollars In prizes from par· Those entering are to tell why their ticlpating merchants. A list of gifts and mother should be Mother of the Year In thelr sponsors Is found elsewhere In this 50 words or less, Entrants are asked to issue. send or deliver their letter to the Wayne Chamber of Commerce. Box 349, YOUNGSTERS are urged to get their Wayne. Neb., 68787. entrIes In as quickly as possible. Ballot Wording May Be Problem in Allen George Emmons says he may have found ment funding or serving bonded in· a quirk In the wording of an Allen Con­ debtedness) beginning with th~ 1980-81 solidated School District spending Ilmlta fiscal year be limited to a zero percent in· lion issue planned tor the May 13 ballot. crease over the amount budgeted by the school district for the like portion budgeted EMMONS, AN Allen farmer. has been the tor the 1979'1)0 school year?" I fJlgin _s_vpporter of placing a limitation on the grow1h of the Allen district's budget for HOW~V~R, ~MMONS sal~, pelllion. clr, fiscal year 198081. He said Wednesday he culated by the pro·lid group say the "limit plans to file a complaint with the DIxon shall be not more than 100 percent of the cur, (ounty attorney's office rent budget." He says this Is what should ap­ A check with the County A1torney Friday pear on the ballot. afternoon indicated no complaint had been Emmons said the same concern was rais­ tiled there yet ed by residents Omaha and Nebraska City a year ago, A pre-election test in Douglas Emmons main1ains language on the peti County courts affirmed that the words "zero percent Increase" should not be used on the THE TREND IN AGRICULTURE TODAY Is toward minimum or c6nservallon IIl1age prac, plow nor does he disc, The minimum till system '><'1 v','> lOWdderdble tuel and costs. q,nd helps lions has been ignored on the bdflots printed tlcest AbOve, ,FlojoCi 'Glassmeyer uses his ~uft~lC? system to ~"!~~stra,tethe m~th~~~ \!ses re(t~~,1tl~ ~mount at soil lost to,eroslon ~E.c;.h,y(,(l' by the Dixon County clerk's otti~e, Clerk ballot, h.e added. - -b';rPlamJjijf6ifWee...,,-u-Sfyeaf..,----rOwsOf slalks.-Gla-ssmeyer-does notshred his stalks, does not Audrey Dohma said Friday she, too. had The lid proponent said If the Dixon County not had any official word of the complaint attorney does not order the ballots reprinted. then lId supporters may take THE ALLEN FARMER said he felt the their case to court. wording was misleading. and leaves the. 1m Reduced Ti II System Come,fs of Age pression that the school district will end up ALLEN VOTERS will decide the fate of • ",1-., with no money at the end"of the year.~ the no·growth lid on the budget May 13 dur· complaint deals with the lero percent In ing the primary election. twice, pllmted' and then cUlflva,ted once, eltl'n'lni'tln~~"4ia:'h(scIllQ "'armersln' Wayne 'Ci!only ere I....rnlng table. DIspelling a myth about 7) gallons1hour crease" referrl!MS.tQ'.on the printed ballot, Tax coUectlQf1s wOUld be limited to To cultivate once, he said, takes 1J 't:!~1t new ways to ,redvce the use of ,energy, cut ,the plowing each fall or $Pr1ng" he nO,led 18 gallons!dcre The election question 'is as follows' $354,669, or the amount that wa~ collected per-~lIcre cOl~lLn!lJ!f'!\itlntsolleroslon, -mlnutM- and uses L6' galton'S 01 his land appears 10 have become more lIJIt'V,lt'llq .15 qdllons hour "Shaft that 'portlon of the budget of the for the current year tor the district's diesel tuel per acre. Planting .fakes 11, I mellow and has not compacled m ..my Thl,'Floyd Glassmeyer farm tour miles as 50 gallons' ncre School District of Ailen 70-70A ... tunded by general fund and capital construction fund. minutes per acre and uses 65 hundredths of believe south and one half mlle,west of Wayne was !'I'1 ,I 5 gallon.., hour ad valorem taxes (except such funds as are The lid would remain until voters decide to gallon fuel per acre. Cultivating takes ha~ site of a co....rvall'!,n IIl1age demonstrallon, a of He not experienced any addillonal in '>0 q<lllon,; acre necessary to pay Interest on and for retire· remove it. 61/3 minutes and uses one half gallon at tuel sect or weed problems. and has nol n~eded Thursday .venlng, More Ihan !.001orea f'ldI1tll,q I gdll;'Il<' hour farmers were en hand for II look at"fhe '.test per acre. Total average cost per acre l~ 10 shred his stalks, His graIn Is h<1rvesled in 65 g,1110[1'> .I' It Ideas in saving the el''lVlronment and saving • $5,20, lhe fall, and the grounQ is not worked until hiS minimum tillage program starts in the them money. YET ANOTHER ASPECT ot reduced ,,!,'U p'anting - this Involves shredlng ,-prmg. Iilldq,> I,lr rilinG I'; Ihe <>ilvlnq<, in ,>oil L'rOSion EX:r~NSION staUI;!~:~~~ntt~~ COUNTY Agenl Don Spllze on .the ridges that 'have not Spil.'I' !l()IIl1('d uut le<fthe program, which Included demonstra· beeh disturbed and then cultivating tWjce. GLASSMEYER ALSO uses a heavy duty Ar I1nld Mdrr d rnprnb"( 01 the Sad Can tlons ot two different types' at minimum Shredding takes, ~.9 minutes per acre and cultivator which reduces the number of V'I V,l!I<Jfl <:"'( V,I" hert'. II1ChCd/f'cJ Ih.)t not I tillage equipment -,ooe developed by John uses one·half gallof! of dlelieUu.eLper acre. weeds, and,.applles anhydrous ammonia rdQr,' .11-1.111 f,v£' ton" of soil ,>hould be 1951 to i Deere. and the' other by Fletcher of Co'tum· Planting takes 12.& minutes and uses 65 hun prIor 10 planting ,'rO',UJI'I "d( II yl',lr 111,,/ I~ bdsed on SCS bvs, the Buffalo system, dredths at a gallon of tu~1. Cultivating twice Despite the numerous advantages of U)C,t c,tdllddr(jc, Each was a modified venlon 01 a reduced takes 17.4 mlnues' and uses one gallon 01 redur:tions and tuel savings, there arc 50111" til lag••v.I.m, R.pr••entatlv.s 01 Log.n fuel. Figuring labor at SS an hour, the total drawbacks wllh the system. Spllle expl,,),rl SOIL ON THE GI,l'-,"irneyer l,;nm IS can VaHey Implement dlsc~ssed their s-ystem, cost per acre $5.12, Spltze said, is er . \Idt'red Moody ",Ity (Idy lo.1fn ,\nd produces which displayed tour - different types ot F ir'st 01 all, the equipment 'or minlrnum ,1n (lV('r dClI' of 100· busheh per acre equipment. -Glas:U1neyer ·was c.hlet, Conventtonal tillage - Includes plowing, tillage i<, costly. Also, he ,said. "Patience ,<, LIVI",tO( k. I'. It-d hdll ot the stalks spokesman for the Buffalo system. dlsklng, dlsklng with harrow. planting and, needed In learning the new manaqerlll'ni a H,)\pd un c1 '\ percenl ..,Iope such a<, on the As explained' by Spltze, conservatlori cultivating once. system Glil,,<,lfll'yt'r L-'lrm. ,onvcnl,orldl lillage tll.lil~~_I~_~.. 5rste,m ~!,~r_eearin,9 tarT~nd}n Ell:perlments at tho Unlver"'ily 01 rp<,ull', In'n 1o,,>,; ot 17 ton,,> a ye,lr, conserva the 5'Prlng 'or plarif!ng. The normal method Plowing 'akes 19 mInutes per acre and Ne.~r ask <l j_f1J.ltlll;lr.,~~l!~LlliI.Y.e...S.b.Q.W"{l. \Ldr ,Y-­ flM-'lflTiHfl' fCllJ'r- Ton<,--'~ricr' con~;:varrq~ ot""5PT"lng":'preperation~~'-known----as-conven--'--- -z;J'-gartonsorrue'r~pel'~a-crif.'-Dlsc-mg- Y~elds "- U'5l!S -I"g frgures. have tended to be slighl1y Iillaqt' with c.ontour planllnq two Ions an tI~al till~e. takes .13 minutes per acre and 1.6 gallons of 10WN in wet years. and'sflghtly higher III nually , fuel, Planting takes 11.1 minutes per acre dry ~ear5 THRE~ TYPES OF corn (or soybean) and 6S"hundred'hs 'of a gallon of fuel per BASED ON A ",Iope otB to 10 perc,'nt and 1 2 acr~ CERTAIN TYPE.S of soils (pke hl~dvy manageme.nt Iy,stems were explained by acre. Cultivating takes 6 mlnues per Moody Class 111 soli (at which there IS con Spltze.-These.were reduced tillage. till plan· and one-half gallon of fuel per acre. Total types found in Mln'nesota) are not practicdl ';Ide-rable in the lounfy). "loll erosion is ttng and corwentlonaJ.
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