Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1946 The olC lege News, 1946-10-30, Vol. 33, No. 05 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1946-10-30, Vol. 33, No. 05 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1946). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/763 For more information, please contact [email protected]. , , .. ... � .. , . .. � .. .. • . .. • 0- ••• •••• ••• � •• . H. .. ..... • 0-' • • OLLEIiE EWS " VOL . XLIII, NO.5 ARDMORE BRYN MAWR, PA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, Copyrl&hl Tru.slUI . J..R1CE 10 CENTS and 1946 DrYn Mawr Collt.e. ot1145 r � _ .. ' , • '" '. t . HarrisonSpeaks Conimittee'Deals B. M. to Support Freshman Plays Uncover Talent Combloux Chalet �. ." With Complaints, On Nazi Trials . By Relief Drive Rockefeller Wms Placque • . ' CurrIcular Needs 1946 The Committee for Relief for Friday's Plays Exhibit Conleciy I'erfor"munccs, Un g aduat w;th problema Europe is directing its efforts this Pohclesinvolved d" c .. A�lillg, Oirecling Sentimental Drama concerning the curriculum are ure� year to the suppollt of the Worlrl 24. reo Student Service Fund and. more Goodhart. October The ed to take them to any member Talent Given Satllr<!;!y ,pedfically to the maintenance of. cent war crimes trialll at Nurem- of the Student Curriculum Com­ If the Chalet des Etudantes at Com­ Oy '49. '47, berg have "advanced tKe whole mittee they are of a general Helen Hale and By Emil" Enrt8 and bloux, France. They have choeen ·.a9 '.f7 cause of international justice." nature or, if closely related to the Barbara BeHm.n Naney MorehOWle this I�ternational Student Rehab­ stated Mr. Earl Harrison, dean of work of a particular department, ilitation Center beeause of the Friday night', hall plaYIi pro· Concentrating on the comedy the law school or the University of to the representative of that de­ duced an unusual quality of acting side, Saturday night', freshman partment. The committee meet, similarities of interests involved in Pennsylvania, in a talk on "The among at working (or an International Stu­ and quantity of actorS, actresses produced Thornton Wil­ Implication, the NUremberg once every two weeks, and its cen­ �oel dent 'Grou,p. whom were. Theresa LObo in Cap­ der'a Pullman Car Bin'atha, Triala" at the first Alliance assem· tral executive comntittee meetl . Kings: am Combloux was opened for fifty tains and Shirley Winter Coward's Ways and �'leanll. and bly of t.he year. "I wholeheart­ with the Faculty Executive Com­ students whose health and endur­ and Ethel Stolzenberg in IJe.c:k)· Booth Tarkington's The Tryslinl': edly for the trials, the prindples mittee whenever necessary. 40 ance had been strained by deten­ Sharp: Mimi Lukens, Raskind Plat.. The victorioua Roekefeller established � regard to .them, and The following are the members to 01 tion in co]:centrutwn campe, de. and Jean Pieri in Ridefll the freshmen, however, concluded the the results of the trials," he con­ the Student Curriculum Com- N portation, and the resistance move­ Sea: and Ann ewbold in The evening on a sentimental note with tinued. mittee: A Continued 011 I"'nM;e 6 ment. The French Student Relief Happy JournlY:"; J. M. Barrie's Well Remembered In discussing the question of Committ.ee reports that lrom Feb- Special c]·cdit goes to Elizabeth Voice. whether or not .the trial, should Continued Page l! A on Dowling, director of the Pem West Well Remember� Voice, di­ held at all, Mr. Harrison have been Conf. Discusses play, for biting off more than she rected by Carol McGovern, '48, was begnn by eatablishing precedent a could chew in J. !\t. Synge's tragic carried by the acting of two indi­ for thc principles involved. Belore Delegates Show Irish aaga-and masticating it viduals, and the work of coordina­ the 18th and 19th centul'ies, he Humanities' Place thoroughly. The three principal tion seemed to have been a nern­ stated, a diatlnction was always Role of Women actresses showed feeUng and re­ gible factor in the production. unjust made between just and In Next Century straint as the mother and two Katherine Harper ns the father, wars. but during the centuries that as daughters who-lost t.heir men to and Emily Townsend Dick. em­ Miss Taylor, Dean of the Grad­ In Modern Life followed. the idea developed that the sea. moving gracefully and phasized the sentimental elements liL"W"'tL.by sOl'CreienJtateLJn: uate Sch� and Mias Gilman, of of-therr-1'01 Delegates from the Internation­ subtly aeross a well-dHiined stage. fredively, but to be accepted as legal. "The invader the French Department, were two al Assembly of Women, meeting The men, however. made no effort the virtual exclusion of all other intent on pillage was given the of the three women who attended with a group of students and fae­ either to speak or act in keeping elements. same ,tatus as people delending the Con-ference on "The Rumani!­ ulty for an informal discuuion at with the mood of the play. and the The supporting cast, consistinJ their homes." The trials at Nur- tic Tradition in the Century M.. the Deanery, spoke of the contri­ entire performance was not heard of the mother, portrayed by O. Ahead" held at Princeton Univer­ emberg marks a return to the at the. rear o( the auditorium. One Harris, Laura, the fiancee, Pamela· 6 6 bution which women can make older idea of ju,t and unjust wars. sity last week from October 1 to K. J. through education, the family and of the chief difftculties of Riders Wahl, and Cllsssrd and Nice­ 18. Other delegates to the Con­ When Justice Jack,on was faced through direct to the Sea is the keening, which ly as the Major and .Mr. Rogers, ference were presidents and pro­ community lile, and with the question at the end of . political action, to national was handled effectively. and cli­ gave adequate but rather colorless fessol's, in the fields of Literature, and J. the war of what to do with cap­ international development. maxed by A. Rock', keen. The performances. set.ting up the bark­ Philosophy, History, and the .Arts, tured Nazi l�aders. three courses combination of the play's essen· ground f�r the centml scene be, (rom several outstanding collegQs Mias Anna Lea Lelli, delegate were qpen to him. lie could free tial violence and Pem's' subdued tween the. father and lion.A smooth and universities, creative artistll Irom Italy, opened the disculSion them without hearings, which trellt.ment.. • of thill violenee produc. production fron\ the technical such as W. H, Auden and Artur by stressing the need lor a Socrat­ Continued on Pll,e 5 would certainly have been unfair standpoint, the piny did not seem Schna'hel, and prominent foreign­ ic education, "to make a better to the soldiers and civilians who to, shf\w a ·group contribution. It ers: Lord Lindsay. Salvador de man in the spiritual values, in the rell during the war begun by these tha was apparently a poor choice for Madri�ea, Jacqu,es Maritain. and mental values, and in moral men; he could have executed them Alumnae to Meet production by a group and tailed in Edmundo O'Gorman. value!." She pointed out that good without he!rings, which would its lew opPOrtUnities to make the The three days were divided in­ education had been included among have violated the American con- It play an integrated whole. to four hour and half seasions at. the five basic rights ·defined by the Weekend Nov. 2-4 eept of right and wrong; or he 1 In contrast, an example of a " hich speakers discussed special International Assembly 0 Women. was c.uld pas, judgment on them aftel· ' well-eoordinated production ISpec:ts of the central theme. fol­ Dr. Stene. of Norway, and Mrs. "Education at the Crouroads" a hearing, which was the alterna­ Rhoads' Pullman Car llia� alha. 01 discussions towed by comments from the floor. Rydh, of Sweden, emphasized the wiJl. be the theme tive he choae. The trials at Nu· directed by Jessica Levy, ·.a8, and .umbug The purpose impo tance of betw.een alumnae, studen18. and the Continuedof onthe PAl'e Conference r action in building ,�. were result of this 5 Alumnae Nancy Schwartz, The act­ up community responsibili a faculty at the Seventh decision. ty nd resses recognized the. importnnce to be held at Bryn MIlWr • in expressing the woman' p n �eekend 4. It s oi t 2, of coordinatioh, so that feeling Once it had been decided to bold 3, and The,e •. of view in the political fi on November eld. Dr. for the whole waa obtained. An .the trials certain other matters Players to Glove discussions are highlighted by the Continlled Po,. I !)l Stene noted that daring the war . on , policy had to be aereed on. The for Faculty §Ill­ ch ildrt\n, hither;to liberated from Alumnae Drive British lIuggeated that the Nazis and Academic T. Wilder D rama any responsibility, had been re- aries, Scholarships be tried only lor specific violations Projectl, and plans for the Drive at incorpot;ated into lociety through Brice Will Offer of treaties and agreements. The The Varsity Players Bryn be discusse during the week- resistance to the Nazis, both men- '!iill d .Russians and French favored trials Mawr and Cap and Bells of Haver- tally and actively.
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