w< >l F=Fli >w , ^ >< c Q. (5 (/) >< Q Q 3 ifl 1 u -i — — n 3 "0 3 ^ ?r S (11 • ii ir-ji I- ^ .*> a - i J The ajna Offensive is pro 1 ^ I <4 ( present a series of aui interpretations of visual / Recently the realization set in with me about my current surroundings and lack of inspirational environs, and the difference between those and newly rediscovered potentials. the self-limitations one imposes. since leaving europe it has been this way it seems, in general, the fountain of vision/creativity has been tapped a bit by a _ and shallow production outlook... it became clearer recently what was ULTRA fistic and characteristic expression and what wasn't. unfortunately, over the "ABANDONED"/ THIS LACK OF CREATIVE INFLUXLUX HAS SPILLED OVER TO MY WORK WITH THIS MAGAZINE, IT .AND FORGOTTEN' T SEVERAL NOT SO IMPORTANT (UPONON REFLECTION) IDEAS AND ATTITUDESATTITU CLOUDED OVER 7" OF MY WORK HERE, LUCKILY TYLER HAS KEPT•'-'•- THE- '- FIRE BURNING - HEART OF HANK YOU SO VERY MUCH MR. DAVIS. SO, THE DEATH ISSUE DO LLY HAVE IMPRESSIONS FROM HANS BELMER, MUCH TO DO WITH THE MAGAZINE ITSELF BUT IT'S RATHER A DOCUMENT OF PERSONAL LIMITED TO 300 COPIES ISSUES. AS I EMBARK AWAY FROM THE WEST COAST AGAIN FOR AN'T REALLY + 26 LETTERED AND SIGNED EDITIONS ENVISION WHAT IS NEXT FOR THIS PUBLICATION... OR OTHERWISE.... HER THAN ANNOUNCE OR $8 US/$10 OVERSEAS PREDICT THE NEXT MOVE AS WE HAVE IN THE PAST ;W NATURALLY THIS TIME, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. IT'S ALWAYS A SLOW, PA IEND DESCRIBED IT) BUT MAYBE IT ALWAYS WAS SO BECAUSE VIOUS EXPECTATIONS. I RECIEVED A CALL A DAY AFTER BRINGING THIS ISSUI ER WITH THE INQUIRY OF IF THIS IS A WHITE SUPREMIST MAGAZINE! THIS l-« I I'VE HEARD THIS (OR SOMETHING SIMILAR TO), AND AFTER__THIS ^SSUE^TWISSUE |HB 'ON T BE THE LAST. OPLE DON T SEEM TO REALIZE WHERE TJ LIES BETVTCErW INTERVIEWEE'S W THE WRITER'S. THIS MAGAZINE P WILL BE ABOTT MUSIC, ART. AND POSING THE PERSONALITIES AND PHILOSOPI REATION OF SUCH. THERE'S NO ( GENDA/MOTIVE HERE, MOST D'EFINATELY f AS A RACIAL OR POLITICAL (IN CO..JlRAST TO THE ARTISTIC FOCUS THAT IS). WOULD BE OBVIOUS TO THE^READREADERS THAT THIS IS "'"> THE CASE IT'S PROBA. WORDS AS YOU ' XTRACT WHAT IT, VALUE YOU MAY FROM IT AS YOU LIKE BUT PLEASE DO US (AND Tl ,. ^VIEWED) THE FAVOR OF NOT CATAGORIZING _L UNDER ONE COMMON SIMPLE DEFINITION, I, o INSULTING AND IRRATIONAL TO DO SO. ENOUGH BULLOX FOR NOW BUT MORE TO COME LATER ON ANYWAY. Angelcorpse blood Axis Bethlehem b^ocas Helm Coil Control Resistance Darkthrone der Blutharsch VALEFOR Destroyer 666 dream Into dust enslaved ernte eyehategod genocide organ Stephen kasner marduk mayhem "zos vel thanatos"/ orplid pentacle psywarfare boyd rice sleep tlermes turbund sturmwerk valefor "Lunar Emanations" Kadmon: Wiener Staatsopernballett, Hermann Nitsch, Island Eine Sinfonie In lO saetzen Impressions from Austin Osman Spare, limited to 300 copies DESCENT VOLUME FIVE (THE DEATH ISSUE) WAS CREATED BY STEPHEN O'MALLEY AND TYLER DAVIS AND PUBLISHED VIA THE overseas AJNA OFFENSIVE CONTRIBUTORS INCLUDE RUNHILD GAMMELS/ETER $7 US/$9 ALEXANDER HEINE KADMON JC SMITH SPIDER TAINT MARKUS WOLFF DESIGNED BY O'MALLEY COVER FRITZ LANG METROPOLIS ' THANKS TO ALL WHOM HAVE ADDED THEIR VISION TO THIS ISSUE AND OUR SUPPORTORS Stephen O'Malley. POB 2339. Stuyvesant Station, NYC. NY 10009. USA. [email protected] The Ajna offensive TYLER DAVIS. POB I I 74 I . OLYMPIA. WA 98508. USA. AJNAf'TELISPHERE.COM f I 1 POB 74 , OLYMPIA, WA 98508, USA [email protected] ' , « ' HER CZH One of the few newer metal bands hailing from nt iliiii type nl ideology Hut then I may have other topics of interest, for example, America that is able to keep my interest is Angel "Perversion Enthroned is about the emperor Caligula. Then nn this new album I have Corpse, All the better that the lyrics are thought gol "Thai Which Lies I'pon" which is about an incubus. Things like that are mil nee provoking and intelligent. I attempted to see them essarilt tongue in check, but off the central core of the idea « hutch lam li ving to pin is live during their North American tour and was forth. Bui. in ail respects. Ihe I'acl ibai at leasl 50?S ol ubai I am doing going to be thwarted two limes. Some day 1 hope I shall see the pari and parcel of that ideology which 1 ant expressing Out of Order From Chaos and powerhouse in action and witness the awesome into Angel Corpse- how and why the shift? .Musically, chuck Keller was Ihe primal i force that Is Angel Corpse. Interview conducted with songwriter in OFC, and 1 contributed quite a hit as well, bul we had a different sly le iV'*V'>«flrstJ Pete of Angel Corpse this Monday evening, Ihe 30th and sound. 1 know that I have changed a bil as well, bul ils primarily Gene now of March 1,998. Tell me about your new Lyrically die topical cote issues for Angel Corpse arc preparaton for Ihe OFC stuff 1 bonk, in. *5l most people probably know il'scallcd E In a strange way it's like now I am presenting Ihe llie ushering People will and It's got Joe Pelagno cover art, whicn i mum probably start wilh litis and work back to lite OFC stuff and sec that il is the culm! 1 oul really well. We're quite happy will) it. Il nation. \s Angel Corpse is progressing thai will soon be a logical end. Willi AC ly i ics i an improvement over our last album jusi in as well, as we are moving forward, and I really want lo transcend llie lyrical style. t that we are operating as a full unil know, in The first two albums, I Ihink, are prcllj unified uiib ideas put forth, bin on flic next album I waul lo try and conclude a lo'l of lite op ended Hems and lake the nexl I pulling llieir heads together. Ihe hand is step, which lo me will he lite culmination of Ihe OFC concent So would you say that ,e sum of ils parts rather Ihan just a few peo- AC lyrics are more of a reaction whilst OFC was the Ideology Implemented? Vis. I ideas outing up (Villi We arc ictlb, happy with think that is pretty well put. \lihough maybe mil a reaction to things | would say lite way il sounds and the production and the inten- more gut level, where as wiih OFC it's more nl a philosophy and ii certainly on a high- sity ol it. I ihink, ivc capture il prelly well, whereas er intellectual plane. Not ton say AC lyrics have been dumbed down I don't mean a wiih ihe first album it fell short in a few aspects. negative thing by using reactionary. I consider Ihe human thai populate this portion «Ww ,||n>idi got twn new snugs thai were working of the country cattle, I don't know if that is indicative ol everything, bin ihey are a ml Ihe drummer. John, a few months ago despicable lot. They just follow themselves in circles \ lot ol it does have lo do n illi m/I really showing the desire or drive necessary dealing wilh Ihem in close proximity, and you can't help but have a reaction lo il. I for Angel Corpse, so we gut Tony Laiireano who played in think particularly "Ctirislhammci. which I wouldn't rani to call the typical and reli figlevolcnl Creation and a few oilier bauds down in Tampa. giiius sung, ii is that, hut I offer.,. 1 don't use t Inl nl dot ogaloi i rcmai ks and in ihe He's a machine. He's fuckin* excellent. So we have now risen lo end I offer a hope of sorts, lb me, I hope thai one day we will he rid o! this blight thai a wiiote new level. I imiiK mat our playing is even beticr man has been inflicted on us for two thousand years. Il onlj others lias [he will. What NITSCH HERMANN I il is on 'Exterminate! so we are ready lo go. How does the about other religions? hope religions in general will dissipate. But. I am mainly talk Tap M/rt /o re/jror/iice sonic scans of a sacre*/ night of the mienl mis sound carry over live? Thai was one of Ihe shortcomings that ing of the Western world, w Inch is whal 1 know, and that is what I am a memner ol ilniiii'iii losaet/cn Vii of logically, Chrisiianiiy is tin- of lite Lower luslrian Doiiaufolival. liie Ballet of llie we had wild John. He had Ihe problem reproducing ihe yoke put upon the western wiir' \{ the opening .linn im almost in. ..inn,...,, iimiiti^willi mil If iUiH:im Jimui.n niun'iurui.ituiiunf'i quin- im Stale Opera danced Igor Strawinski's Le sacre (In prinlcmps and llie siring ibe walls thai need lo come crumbling down. How abo Nilsch. [he choreograph) was etc- tet Mvinos hi llie Austrian artist Hermann enlisting in tony, so it s as iignt as it is on ami sperm... 'Thallelujah'? Thai's ancient song title 1 :!> I'imrVjfe oIlHi: .in ;l with me amnm, more an actually wrote those lyrics in w (Skholas Roerich) litis symphony, recorded in march 15 'il sited by Rena'lo Zanella.
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