BYU Studies Quarterly Volume 11 Issue 4 Article 3 10-1-1971 The Newell K. Whitney Collection Chad J. Flake Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byusq Recommended Citation Flake, Chad J. (1971) "The Newell K. Whitney Collection," BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 11 : Iss. 4 , Article 3. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byusq/vol11/iss4/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in BYU Studies Quarterly by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Flake: The Newell K. Whitney Collection the newell K whitney collection CHAD j FLAKE the writing of history always difficult is made even more formidable in certain eras of mormonism due to the lack of documentation A review of the material published during the last two years on the new york period demonstrates some of the problems of solving various historic dilemma due to lack of adequate source material this same lack of documentation is critical to the study of the ohio period such problems as the mass apostasy in kirtland and yet the seeming contradiction of the relatively little apostasy of zion s camp which has been usually portrayed as rather a debacle the position of the kirt- land safety society and affiliated banks in the total picture of ohio settlement the shift in consecration during the period and the seemingly unnatural violence of the anti mormon act- ivities on the western reserve where innovative religion was not that uncommon are a few of many events for which docu- mentation is less than adequate it is because of this lack of source material that the acquisition of the newell K whitney collection by the BYU library is so very important the whit- ney collection is an aggregation of several hundred manuscripts and some rather important early imprints kept together by the family of newell K whitney who as presiding bishop was given the responsibility of trying to settle some of the financial accounts first in kirtland and later in nauvoo the collection is important both for its scope and for individual items newel K whitney was born at marlborough vermont february 5 1795 by 1814 he was a settler at plattsburgPlattsburg new york and by 1817 had settled at kirtland where he joined with algernon sidney gilbert in a merchandising enterprise later called gilbert and whitney early in 1831 he joined the mor professor flake is special collections librarian at brigham young university and editor of mormon americana 322 Published by BYU ScholarsArchive, 1971 1 BYU Studies Quarterly, Vol. 11, Iss. 4 [1971], Art. 3 WHITNEY collection 323 tircuitiocui cn ha6wwuaiaaa6 lclacl eail y T me ailaamila1 L 5 77 13 lvjeevje cpltrtia hkatayy ul 1 l A 0 t 4 ftuatu 01 rtkatk 10 ljlajl cllallaluafu maimabfai clotcadtdaut U ijlajl si f cl y si 1 opeoge SL TT ti 2 41i ellt cle tfktfxtak intinosno klat u j bfhelo jiedie ihlftslfaslc IAOTA L K jaalaaltac ytol A iJ J jaftjft itcelazolaoo tu UL timdimmff ttiati A & reirelekx kltjflaicaklej ziaeeziaen llouloljuboLA j4&ttl itxe llultuul lt lt ftl sloskonskosvonivo T tkx ilail 127 14 iv ft ij u efti lmalmo a nIX X 1ttvvk la ufaufcfc iijiaiji c ftcc r4raY tfti tk ii4t l4 vc yl tto U U L cl&jlfta lmyalmy aftdrwtft aivccto tco ta UU 11 lvjls tl tw fc ik itsilsjvikiiol i ifeibe ptuxiivvvw o ftvft D fc onakCUWK tt W 0 iv tt liajaciaja 117itin pyflpyal id n lr lattat couscows allihlll tuitukrukniuenigl ljilai 4 1kinakin alvflv lsetseyae ititu K 14jl14 4 9a4 t4ta e j lisulasu ft JL hlli V l atu rtmirami e nam A lonvahvvhuon ct sa lai 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Whitney Collection J NS i i y9ya L Q cbyca joilijoelirr CD rsa wj tw l2gcyq afcr attellattexlt aeqe 0 o sendcr 1 elw1- 1 it i to a- ila it 1 ft ith nwybwy nlw V iinain i I1 tilthefilfit 6061i al010l ilc nilanita ml gd fr tle i 1 V 1 ur 1 wilwll kirthirt littl 111 I1 IS iai1 1 lit andnt non w KI 1 mid I illiltillintlit upi1 zil tiltiiall j mi its ia h ihiIKI iiil toi inhaaehaaci 61ciiluildiaIlUuiildialiuioliujo0 it I1 i t cli 1 r hi u IH fi llli A U 1 oui1 1a e fl iliiti inteit t a HI ji t ertiertl in iiiirilriirs eieelelatit oiioil intaint ttillstill iiiiinii i h-ha tic 11 I1 CAN sayill tlletiletinlekinlet 1 sarilliu 1 1 11 I1 t i 1 looktheok the cit 1tuI a saintsumnummaintmaini inanuk il lavlovI 111111 atkktk ll tl ni llalialialliml lst b inuk ilm-1 cityellyalsttb t 1 1 i hen th ing of making to to if chresphresic awililldlhwil r- t limliw u S thei neatreatcwlw helihell itlktutt I1 i unceastmcpcism 1 S or i w 1 eted il ii udmitlni tilen ii app oiiitcdlted lorfor sor 1 aquuqu antol withyiti arearo I dw O i ortionzzi or bhohtheahol6hol tiletlleii tittiifit sit atiollatholl ofklikyi 0 is bmbinlbinilt r t situltkhllit cltiitit saintsuilhpburpoepurpoePO i 10 ifaif7ionlon ti t i l tlthro ghostghout lillii e itinent j d eflill unless t itii safszfivthivah11 il th tho hand 1 to ne th liaceilace with tile seryvery flattem ther for r1c4luired1 at the building they wi gether of1I our01 codood boahenhon be exlie of tlletiiecity off of brethrenbrttlirinjopiljoseph prospectsprosp ofot thetile iop it i joel 3 nyn one it hllhil611 not ca beH idmonishcadnionishe tt lop 1 nd hithbith airi sidneyiiiiiiiiiuiu rig-nisi teel 1 l iliilliti our li s llinlilnjiinjllll hv of oul tielthetiletlle cau- 0 sith aa this vmtlii it ithen oveoye nitanit1 andiniuni let licilcricnc n0tnat mar idd thlthichapter t atten thenotthcnotlits l if con foildonlon inc whominiho illghive1a not 1 tf axiixi tltietimA otthaw1ol01 thehe pcuinirpecullarpeculiar ion inelneineninin I nen which isis ido thithl ltionaltion will see that it t reI1 at1 olcoctouof co etouatou I erey ot land tho theitheltl dearit r ultomito sel ditltlitiontuition ol011 tinthe eitycityerty of kirtlandelitKlitlaidlind thountthoulitkhountulit clrcir n oddlyildlv ambition hir tiei1 C thelastth listhise jays and ofofthoaththe zionion itoitry TiEi olast lon e whichi is kildbildkmij ofot fustrust truittraitfruit thentchentthcnf in odcraorderodaraodera huhemohemobe cauatlthean ie il der yourii but gathe up11 you id ft ofaofo d 0 abene jaitt dall ariidr of tilellie c1ca tietle hiell tiltlardl1rd orgbc16116 tben drii oflhentk tllsrd of6 M thenshen is the lord bonowtonowto U indundiudand bolliyolliconronr iliffilifrtirersikerziker iniuniand a haslu liinabegli oatigaiigatt 1 buildbelld ulitojaputo pstcfeatsi wliorf M liintbee int widmid W brlt n ibn t a meansvoumeans youvou iiilildn and sebendpnyenipn twefl laa aotjuie baehae H la ha patpotpoh q es inikanik toeflfr lonon iftonifflaf ii elfinin tinitiuetittiifit listiA dassdaysdaydys it has P 1 i 1 listiys I ic ttonyisrejotttotliesaintfathesathesatutsk lutsintstuts whoto drearere lnen 1 an b au I n ililii iu 11A eaktrtatsrtateatdtwipormlpr hotesaittiiywonsburiu&tnsla 0n 0u 1 answer imagedede& iriairi4 thisthais great work c o 1 v I waiewabe th ts itts-toa g ea lain t 1 K i tt 0 th to wlioaithavorkWOM iseeisue bcloaga kaie tsit t e to
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