Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 11-1958 The aG zette November 1958 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette November 1958" (1958). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 24. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUME EIGHT LANGSTON UNIVERSITY. LANGSTON. OKLAHOMA. NOVEMBER, 1958 NUM BER O N E Homecoming Set November 8,1958 National Teachers The theme lor homecoming is Exammafion "C hanging Patterns for Tomorrow.” Princeton, N. J., the National I'.arl IVrry, presiilent of the Stu­ Teacher Ivxaminations, prepared and dent ('ouncil, will be in charge of I s lu H ilii like to take tliis oppor­ administered annually by Education­ the student rally in the I. W. Young tunity to wclcomc new stiiclcnts to al Testing Service, will Iw given at auditorium, I’riday, November 7, Langston University and to extend 250 testing centers throughout the eight o’clock p. m. Koseniary Lewis, a welcomc to former students who United States on Saturday, Febru- sophomore from Los Angeles, ('ali- are returning. We arc all anxious to ary 7, 1959. fornia, will leaii the pep rally. The work logellier — students, faculty, .\t the one-day testing session a band will play at the gathering. and administration to make Lang­ candidate may take the Common Highlights of the Saturday sched­ ston L’nivcrsity a “greater eiiucation- Examinations, which include tests ule will be a breakfast dance spon­ al center.’’ in Professional Information, (Jeneral sored by the State Alumni Associa­ I slunild like also to take this op­ Culture, English Expression, and tion at 5:00 a. m.. Student Union Non-verbal Reasoning; and one or portunity to commcnd the staff of fUiilding. ('offee will be served dur­ the Langston University (razette and two of eleven Optional Examinations ing the hours 5:00 a. m. to H:oo p. ilesigned to demonstraate mastery of its faculty ailvisor. .Mrs. A. C. Park­ m. Mrs. Bernice Thompson, chair­ er, for the valuable services the Ga­ subject matter to l>e taught. The col­ man ot the entertainment commit­ zette is rendering in terms of pro­ lege which a candidate is attending tee will be in charge of the coffee. viding students, friends and alumni or the school system in which be is The Alumni Breakfast is scheduled of the L’niversitv with information seeking employment, will advise him Front row: left to right: Opal Combs, Business Administration, Clear- lor 8:00 a. m. All alumni members vlew, Oklahoma; Rayford Harrington, Agriculture, Muskogee, Oklahoma; relative to the activities of Langston whether he should take the National and their guests are cf>rdially irivitcil Teacher Examinations and which of Venora Ware, English, Meridian, Oklahoma; James Abram, Biology, Ard­ L^iivcrsity. to breakfast. more, Oklahoma; Shirley Owens, Music, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Lafayette M c­ Langston L^niversity, a Land- the Optional Examinations to select. Kinney, Business Administration, Chlckasha, Oklahoma. Back row: left to Grant institution, exists for the pur­ ('./uif^el Scheduled for 10:00 u. m. lUilIetin of Information (in which right: Mrs. M. C. Allen, Head of Business Department; Harold Washing­ pose of promoting through instruc­ I. If’. Young Auditorium an application is inserted) describing ton, History, Wichita Falls, Texas; Ray Jones, Business Administra­ registration procedure anil contain­ tion, Tulsa. Oklahoma; G. L. Harrison. President of Langston University; tion the practical applications of X homecoming feature again this H erm an M cK inney, Business A dm inistration, Chlckasha, O klahom a; G e ra ld knowledge to s fX 'c ific life si*''Ttions. year is the art exhibit tu be held ing sample test questions may be Tilford, Music, McAlester, Oklahoma; and Mrs. T. B. Moore, Head of The ohiectives arc: t. To pro !c in­ lr(.m g-ii a. m... I. \V. Young /\udi- obtained from college officials, Elementary Education Department. struction and experience for improv­ toriam, F'oyer— Sculpture and Draw­ school superintemleiits, or ilirectly er! cultural background, health, bal­ ing by prolessor }ack Jordan. Dor­ from the Nnional Te.acher Examina­ anced personalitv, and norma! social mitory visitiation— open house, and tions, Educational Testing Service, Alpha Kappa Mu Coetta Berry Gets adjustment. 2. The preparation of displays are scheduled for the day. 20 Nassau Street, Princeton, New teachers for those branches of serv­ The kick-off will lie at 2:00 a. m., Jersey. Completed applications, .ac- initiates Four y . G ra n t companieil by pro|x-r examination ice which meet the common de­ I.aneston Lions‘vs. Northwestern. Alpha Chi Chapter of Alpha Kap- fees, will be accepted by the ETS of- The Boston University Sch(X)l of mands of the state. 7,. To develop ■>a Mu initiated four new mem­ lice during November and Decem­ Social Work announces that Coetta definite skills which enable those bers, Tuesday evening, October 14, ber, and early in January so long as Lou Berry has l>een given a United taught to attain greater economic 19^8. The new memlters are: Opal they are receivetl bctore January 9, States Public Health Traineeship for freedom. 4. To provide pre-profes­ Combs, P>usiness Administration, Mrs. M. C. Allen, C. P. A., Head graduate training in Psychiatric sional backgrounds. 5. To promote '9 5 9 - Clearview, Oklahoma; Herman Mc­ of the Business Administration De­ Social work in the amount of Si,800 research directed toward solving in­ Kinney, Business .\dministration, partment atteniied the i8th Annual for first-year level and $2,000 for dividual and group problems. LANGST N'S NEW Chickasha, Oklahoma; Gerald T il­ Joint Meeting of American Wom­ O sccond-year level. This traineeship The Institution has achieved out­ ford, Music. .McAlester, Oklahoma an's Society of Certified Public Ac­ STAFF MEMBERS is not subject to federal income tax standing recognition in many fields. and Harold Washington, Sociology, countants and .\merican Society of and is awarded through recommen­ Langston University’s band was elec­ The new faculty members are; I W'ichira Falls, Texas. After initia­ Women Accountants, Octol>er 8-11, dation of the school. ted to membership in the Kappa tion ceremony, the members enjoy 1958 at the Statler Hilton Hotel in Dr. K. C. Miller, head of the de­ Miss Berry is the first Boston Uni­ Kappa Psi Fraternity, a national hon­ ed a banquet served by Misses Peggy Detroit. Michigan. partment of moilern languages; Dr. versity student in Social Group or fraternity for bands. Lantiston T. J. Anderson, head of the depart­ Ann Cooksey and Mildred Johnson. Work to receive a traineeship to do University’s 07 piece Nfarching Rand According to Mrs. Allen the con­ ment of music and Mr. Chester W. Alpha Chi Chapter was honored group work in psychiatric setting. is one of the outstanding bands in vention program was well balanced; I larrell, instructor in the biology de­ I to have President G. L. Harrison, an .\mong her affi iations are the Na­ the nation. including business, technical lectures, partment. honorary member, present at the tional Association of Social Work­ Many of our faculty members arc sightseeing, lunches, banquets, mix­ Dr. .Miller holds a Ph. D. degree ers, etcs. Of special interest was the initiation ceremony and banquet and ers, Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society, frequently called upon to serve as I from f)hio State University; and Dr. Dean L. G. Moore, Dean of In­ Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society consultants for in-service workshops, lecture on important changes made Anderson holds a Ph. D. degree struction present at the banquet. and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, for career conferences, for commun­ by the 87th congress in the Internal from the University of Iowa. With the initiation of four new ' Inc. ity projects, and for assistance in the Revenue Act. members. Alpha Kappa Mu has been Miss Berry is a 1958 graduate of program for the accreditation of high The sight seeing trip to Ford Mu­ enabled to give a more extensive Langston University. She is the schools bv the North Central As­ seum anil Greenfield was enjoyable tutorial service. Alpha Kappa Mu, daughter of Mrs. Thelma B. Arter- sociation. There are manv other serv­ anti informative. urges all freshmen men and women | bery of Langston University and Mr. ices rendered bv the staff of the In­ Mrs. Allen and Dr. L. Golden to take advantage of the tutorial Oscar Berry of Amarillo, Texas. stitution. Hale, C. P. A., a Langston Alum­ service offered, (schedule on page 3) O nly recently, a Langston Uni­ nus felt honored by being asked to During freshman orientation. Al­ versity graduate, and presently a participate in a radio interview with pha Kappa Mu sponsored a pre-ori­ the convention and publicity chair­ Continued on Page Two entation session for'.men. The men on Thursday at noon. purpose of this program was to give Mr. L. G. Moore, Dean of In­ freshman tips on college life con­ Eleven Receive struction, has been invited to serve cerning social and academic values Scholar Awards as ;i discussion group leader during in college. Freshmen were also giv­ the National C'onsultation Uonfer- en information on college registra­ cncc on Religion (Centennial of Stu­ F.levcn students were pleasantly tion. dent Religious Work) held at the surprised to rcceivc awards from dif­ Alpha Kappa Mu’s Orientation University of Michigan.
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