Directory of Radio Richfield Roosevelt

Directory of Radio Richfield Roosevelt

Utah Directory of Radio (84408- 2188). (801) 626 -6450. FAX: (801) 626-6935. KPRO(FM)-Co -owned with KRPX(AM). December Roosevelt Licensee: Weber State College Board of Trustees. For- 1985: 100.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 111 ft. TL: N39 32 42 W110 mat: Urban contemp. News progmg 4 hrs wkly. Target 48 56. Stereo. Firs opn: 24. Dups AM 100%. Steve KIFX(FM)-Dec 14,1987: 98.5 mhz; 2.65 kw. Ant 1,853 aud: 18-26; college students, teens & minorities. Spec Laude, gen sls mgr. ft. TL: N40 31 15 W109 4217 (CP: 3.19 kw, ant 1,689 ft., prog: Black 12 hrs, Sp 12 hrs wkly. Bob Wayman, gen TL: N40 32 16 W109 41 57). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box mgr; Kathy Costello, stn mgr& opus mgr; Ashley Jensen, 2384, Rt. 2 (84066); One Mile S. Ballard (84066). (801) dey dir; Bret Gove, gen sls mgr; Derek Criman, progmg 722. 5011;( 801) 789 .5101. FAX: (801)722.5012.Licen - dir; Chanteau Richardson, mus dir; Carole Noel, news LAUREN A. COLBY see: Evans Broadcasting Inc. (acq 5- 31 -91; $283,750; dir; Barry McClellon, engrg mgr; Bill Clapp, chief engr. 301 -663 -1086 FTR 6- 24 -91). Net: ABC /SMN. Rep: Art Moore. Wash COMMUNICATIONS atty: Trot Tanner. Format: Adult contemp. News staff one; KYFO(AM )-April 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N41 14 news progmg 5 his wkly. Target aud: 21-45. Joseph L. 50 W111 58 46. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 1506 Gibson Ave. ATTORNEY Evans, pres & gen mgr; Teddie Evans, vp; Vickie Reary, (84404). (801) 394 -8833. Bible Licensee: Broadcasting Special Attention opns dir; Earl Hawkins, gen sls mgr; Bob Watts, progmg Network (acq 1994). Rep: Schubert. Format: Rock. dir; Fred Brown, news dir; Brian Leifson, chief engr. News staff one. Target aud: Adults. Lowell Dazey, pres; to Difficult Cases Russ East, gen mgr. KNEU(AM) -Jan 6, 1978: 1250 khz; 5 kw-D, 129 w -N. TL: N40 17 13 W109 57 32. Hrs opn: 5 AM -11 PM. Box KYFO -FM-June 1983: 95.5 mhz; 64 kw. Ant 2,368 ft. 238, Rt.2 (84066); One Mile South Ballard (84066). (801) TL: N41 1517 W112 14 14 (CP: 75 kw, ant 2,293 ft., TL: 722-5011;(801)789 -5101. FAX: (801)722-5012. Licen- 15 Provo N41 27 W112 26 24). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Prog sep see: Country Gold Broadcasting (acq 2 -84; $419,419; from AM. Format: New rock. Target aud: 15-35. Bruce November 1960: mhz; FTR 2- 20-84). Rep: Art Moore. Format: C &W. News staff Jones, mus dir. KBYU -FM- 89.1 32 kw. Ant 2,913 ft. TL: N40 36 28 W112 09 33. Stereo. Box 26408, one; news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. 0302 Harris Fine Arts Ctr., Brigham Young Univ. (84602). Joseph L. Evans, pres & gen mgr; Earl Hawkins, gen sls Orem (801) 378-3551. FAX: (801) 378-5300. Licensee: mgr; Fred Brown, progmg dir & news dir; Brian Leifson, Brigham Young University. Net: PRI, AP, NPR. Format: chief engr. KMXB(FM)-Nov 15,1978:107.5 mhz; 45 kw. Ant 2,850 Class. News progmg 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus. ft. TL: N40 16 48 W111 5605. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite Spec prog: Relg 2 hrs wkly. Thomas A. Griffiths, gen D-272, 5282 S. 320 W., Salt Lake City (84107). (801) mgr; Walter Rudolph, stn mgr; Christine Nokleby, devdir; Roy 264 -1075. FAX: (801) 269 -8595. Licensee: U.S. Radio Elizabeth King, prom dir; Daniel Cronenwett, progmg dir; `KANN(AM )-September 1961: 1120 khz; 10 kw -D, 1 II Inc. (acq 7- 29 -92; $400,000; FTR D 8-17-92). Rep: & Rob Millett, mus dir; Crystal Heer, asst mus dir; Duane kw -N, DA -2. TL: N41 03 31 W112 0410. Hrs opn: 24. Box R Radio. Adult Format: contemp. News staff one. Target Roberts, news dir; Lynn Edwards, chief engr. 'KBYU -TV 3880, Ogden (84409); 2500 W. 3700 S., Syracuse aud: 25 -49. Ragan Henry, CEO & chmn; Donald L. affil. (84075). (801) 776-0249. Licensee: Faith Communica- Kidwell, pres; Bill Struck, vp & gen mgr; Ladd Hadlock, tions. Format: Relg. News progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: mgr; 1949: 1 gen sls Karen Gallegos, prom mgr; Tom Connelly, KEYY(AM) -December 1450 khz; kw-U. TL: 25 -44; young families. Jack French, pres; Bob Alzug- progmg dir; Kelly Monson, mus dir; Robin Morales, news N40 13 49 W111 41 12. Hrs opn: 24. Box KEYY (84603- arat, gen mgr; Brad Staley, opns mgr; Chris Staley, dir. 3200); 307 S. 1600 W. (84601). (801) 374 -5210. Licen- progmg dir; Tim Hunt, chief engr. see: Biblical Ministries Worldwide (acq 5- 10 -88). Net: KOHS(FM) October 1974: 91.7 mhz; 1.75 kw. Ant -- Moody. Wash atty: Haley, Bader & Potts. Format: Relg. KRGO -FM- September 1986: 107.9 mhz; 67 kw. Ant 831 ft. TL: N40 17 48 W111 41 04 (CP: Ant -869 ft., TL: News progmg 13 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Steven 2,383 ft. TL: N41 15 27 W112 26 24. 1975 W. 5300 S. N40 17 W111 40 175 400 E. (84058). 32 56). Stereo. S. A. Barsuhn, gen mgr; Charlotte Bechtel, pub affrs dir; (84067). (801) 773 -1301. FAX: (801) 972-3440. Licen- (801) -9236. Licensee: Alpine 224 School District. For- John Steel, chief engr. see: Kargo Broadcasting Co. Wash atty: Robert Olender. mat: Post -modem. Ken Seastrand, stn mgr. Format: Country. Target aud: General. Gene Guthrie, KSRR(AM)-See Provo. KOVO(AM) -Sept 12,1939:960 khz; 5 kw-D, 1080 w-N, pres, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & adv dir; Steve Hatch, DA-N. TL: N40 12 44 W111 40 13. 81 E. Center St. progmg dir; Joe Jackson, Steve Hatch, musdirs; Glenda (84606- 5524). (801) 375 -9091. Licensee: The Great Beeching, pub affrs dir; Dennis Silver, chief engr. Park City Stock Co. (acq 3-13-90; $972,000; FTR 3- 9 -90). Net: ABC /E. Rep: D &R Radio. Format: Big band, nostalgia. KPCW(FM) -July 2, 1980: 91.9 mhz; 105 w. Ant -23 ft. News progmg 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus; upper St. George TL: N40 40 59 W111 3122. Stereo. Box 1372, 445 Mar - income affluent males & females 35 -65. Judith W. KDXU(AM) 3,1957: 890 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -N. TL: sac Ave. (84060). (801) 649 -9004. Licensee: Commu- Grow, pres; Karen Greening, gen mgr. -July nity Wireless of Park City. Net: CNN. Format: Adult N37 04 04 W113 31 04. Box 1890 (84771); 750 W. Ridgeview Dr. (84770). (801) -3579. FAX: (801) contemp, class, news. Spec prog: Class 17 hrs, C &W 18 KSRR(AM) -Nov 24,1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N40 673 673- hrs, jazz 12 hrs wkly. Blair Feulner, pres & gen mgr; 12 52 W111 3919 (CP: IL: N4015 29 W111 42 24). Hrs 8900. Licensee: Simmons Family Inc. (acq 11- 10-86; Don Gomes, progmg dir; Leslie Thatcher, news dir; Den- opn: 24. Box 828, 1240 E. 800 N., Orem (84059). (801) $807,000; FTR 10- 13 -86). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Banner, Art nis Silver, chief engr. 224 -1400. Licensee: Positive Communications Inc. (acq Moore. Format: News /talk. News staff one; news 2- 1-85). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Eastman. Format: Adult con- progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. Spec prog: Relg 4 temp. News progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 18 -54. hrs wkly. C. Craig Hanson, pres; Don Shelline, gen mgr Payson Robert H. Morey, gen mgr; Gordon W. Bullock, gen sls & gen sls mgr; Marti Zohner, opns mgr; Kelly Thacker, mgr; V. Ray Bishop, progmg dir & chief engr. prom mgr; Dave Dart, progmg dir; Mike McGary, news KTCE(FM)-Not on air, target date unknown: 92.3 mhz; dir; X.V. Kelly, pub affrs dir: Jed Wilkinson, chief engr. 110 w. Ant 2,215 ft. TL: N40 05 27 W111 49 16. 1150 Inca KXRK(FM) -Feb 14, 1968: 96.1 mhz; 55 kw. Ant 2,620 KZEZ(FM) -Co -owned with KDXU(AM). June 15,1973: Townhouse, Denver, CO (80204). Licensee: Moenkopi ft. TL: N4016 48 W111 56 05. Stereo. 165 S.W. Temple, 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant -125 ft. TL: N37 06 54 W113 34 23. Communications Inc. Salt Lake City (84101). (801) 364 -9601. FAX: (801) 365- Stereo. Dups AM 5%. Format: Adult contemp. News 1811. Licensee: ACME Broadcasting Inc. (acq 9-2-93; progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 12 -49. Pleasant Grove $925,000; FTR 9- 27 -93). Wash atty: Fletcher, Healdretts. Format: Rock/AOR. Jim Facer, gen mgr; KONY(AM) -(Washington). June 6,1982:1210 khz; 10 KPGR(FM )_May 1976: 88.1 mhz; 115 w. Ant -1,128 ft. Mike Summers, opns dir & progmg dir; Sean Zieearth, kw-D, 250 w -N. TL: N37 08 38 W113 30 03. Hrs opn: 24. TL: N40 21 48 W111 43 30.700 E. 200 S. (84062). (801) mus dir; Andrea Cappmeyer, news dir. Box 2530, St. George (84771);135 N. 900 E., St. George 785-5747; (801) 785 -8700. Licensee: Alpine School Dis- (84770). (801) 628 -3643; (801) 673 -1210. FAX: (801) trict. Format: CHR. Target aud: 12 -18; students. Van KZHT(FM)- January 1981: 94.9 mhz; 47 kw. Ant 2,798 628 -3643; (800) 289 -KONY. Licensee: Red Rock Broad- L. Bulkley, gen mgr & chief engr. ft. TL: N40 16 58 W111 5611. Stereo. 3595 S 1300 W, casting Inc. (acq 5- 5 -87). Net: ABC /SMN. Format: Mod- Salt Lake City (84119).

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