E54 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 23, 2013 engagement and community participation for her compassionate, dedicated, and unre- mind, body, and spirit to fight both overt and began. Mrs. Delgado was instrumental in the lenting pursuit of women’s reproductive free- covert impediments to the most powerful non- creation of the Hill Health Center for Children dom. violent tool we have in a democratic society. and Youth at Yale University. Recognizing the f The right to vote is precious, almost sacred, need for a youth-oriented and minority-focused yet millions of Americans are still not reg- health care center, Mrs. Delgado obtained a THE DEDICATION OF A MONUMENT istered to vote. How can we continue to be grant to better serve these children and her HONORING NAVY SEAL AARON global leaders in promoting democratic values community. Because of her leadership on this VAUGHN and principles, when so many citizens still issue, Mrs. Delgado served as Health Edu- face barriers to participating in an electoral de- cation Assistant to the Center’s Director. HON. PATRICK MURPHY mocracy? Working alongside the Dean of the Yale OF FLORIDA When my colleagues and I introduced this School of Medicine, Mrs. Delgado helped IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legislation last year, we urged prompt action to ensure access, accountability, and integrity in guide the school’s implementation of its affirm- Wednesday, January 23, 2013 ative action program. At the time, affirmative our nation’s electoral system. Last November, action policies were often limited to African Mr. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise we all watched aghast as Americans stood in American students, but Mrs. Delgado encour- today to honor the life and legacy of Navy line for hours on end determined to cast their aged the school to extend their efforts to other SEAL Aaron Vaughn, whose memory was re- vote. Some were able to weather the difficul- minority communities, such as Puerto Ricans cently honored by a monument being dedi- ties, while others were forced to give up. Mr. and Mexicans. Thanks to Mrs. Delgado’s in- cated in tribute to his service and sacrifice at Speaker, this is unacceptable. Earlier this volvement, the school graduated twenty-five the Sailfish Splash Water Park in Stuart, Flor- week, the President stated in his inaugural ad- minority students. One of these students who ida. dress that, ‘‘Our journey is not complete until went on to serve his community is the Honor- It is most appropriate that the memorial is no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exer- able Judge Wilfredo Martinez of Orlando, Flor- located at the Sailfish Splash Water Park. As cise the right to vote.’’ The Voter Empowerment Act responds to ida. Aaron’s mother, Karen Vaughn, described at that call to action with a plan. H.R. 12 modern- Drawing again on her intimate knowledge of the memorial service, it is ‘‘most fitting since izes the voter registration system in this na- the community and innate ability to express its inside those gates there will always be living, tion. It helps voters with disabilities, members needs, Mrs. Delgado obtained another grant to breathing representations of the things Aaron of the military and young people to fully ac- begin operation of the Fair Haven Health Clin- held most dear—love, laughter, family, friends cess their right to vote and to have their vote ic. This clinic recently celebrated its forty-third and fun.’’ Aaron Vaughn grew up in Florida’s 18th counted. anniversary. The VEA also restores the integrity of the Though Mrs. Delgado retired at age sev- Congressional district, where he attended Mar- voting system, by providing well-informed, enty-two, her record of accomplishments in tin County High School and was a member of well-trained poll workers who know the law, the physical and mental health areas remains the football team. Aaron then received his As- and ensuring that election officials don’t have impressive. She has served on a variety of sociate’s Degree from Indian River State Col- a vested interest in the outcome of political public service and community advisory boards, lege, studying turf grass science. Aaron later campaigns. This bill protects voters from de- including on the Board for Progressive Action, enlisted in the Navy and became a member of ceptive practices and intimidation and prohibits which aimed to empower low-income commu- the elite Navy SEALs. voter caging, and will ensure that every vote nities through education, counseling, and oc- Aaron bravely served as a Navy SEAL, a is counted. H.R. 12 creates a national hotline cupational training. lifelong dream of his. Aaron’s father, Billy so that problems are reported, corrected and In 1991 Mrs. Delgado relocated to Irma Vaughn, said that ‘‘the commander of SEAL prevented in real time, and it reauthorizes the Shores Lake in Orlando, Florida, where she Team Six said he was a fearless leader who Election Assistance Commission, the only began several small businesses and became was headed to the top.’’ In August 2011, agency with election administration expertise, an active member of the community. Mrs. Aaron lost his life when his helicopter was to ensure the highest standards are being met Delgado served as a Regional Field Operator shot down in Afghanistan. Mr. Speaker, Aaron Vaughn dedicated his nationwide. for President Bill Clinton in 1996 and helped People sacrificed their lives for this precious coin the term ‘‘I–4 Corridor’’. life to this country and I am proud that the city of Stuart has recognized his service by dedi- right. We have a duty to honor this legacy and Mrs. Delgado is a proud member of the the lives that were lost by ensuring this sacred ´ ˜ cating this memorial in his honor. It is truly Asociacion Borinquena de la Florida Central right. We must all come together to guarantee and currently serves as Vice Chair for the humbling to recognize his life and his great service to our country here today. open, fair, free access to democracy in our Black-Latino and Puerto Rican Alliance for great country. I hope that each and every one Justice of Florida. f of my colleagues will join me in support of this Please join me in recognizing Mrs. THE INTRODUCTION OF H.R. 12, landmark legislation. Delgado’s lifetime of civic achievement and THE VOTER EMPOWERMENT ACT community involvement. f f THE INTRODUCTION OF CENTER HON. JOHN LEWIS TO ADVANCE, MONITOR, AND HONORING MONA REIS OF GEORGIA PRESERVE UNIVERSITY SECU- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RITY SAFETY ACT OF 2013 HON. LOIS FRANKEL Wednesday, January 23, 2013 OF FLORIDA Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to re- HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA introduce the Voter Empowerment Act. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, January 23, 2013 I am proud to be joined by my friends and Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I colleagues—the Gentleman from South Caro- Wednesday, January 23, 2013 rise today to honor Mona Reis, a courageous lina (Mr. CLYBURN), the Gentleman from Mary- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, today advocate for women’s reproductive freedom. land (Mr. HOYER), the Gentleman from Penn- I am introducing the Center to Advance, Mon- Ms. Reis runs the Presidential Women’s Cen- sylvania (Mr. BRADY), the Gentleman from itor and Preserve University Security (‘‘CAM- ter in West Palm Beach, Florida which has Michigan (Mr. CONYERS), and over 160 of our PUS’’) Safety Act of 2013. The CAMPUS provided quality individualized health care for Democratic colleagues in sponsoring this land- Safety Act previously passed the House of thousands of women since its founding in mark legislation. Our good friend, Senator Representatives by voice vote as a standalone 1980. Without this exceptional resource, many GILLIBRAND, is also introducing the companion bill in the 110th and 111th Congresses and women in South Florida would go without to the Voter Empowerment Act in the Senate. was included in the House-passed versions of needed wellness and reproductive health care Today, January 23rd marks the 49th anni- the College Opportunity and Affordability Act services. versary of the 24th Amendment to the U.S. of 2008 in the 110th Congress and the Vio- Today, as we commemorate the 40th Anni- Constitution. This is the amendment which lence Against Women Reauthorization Act of versary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe ended poll taxes, a tool used to undermine the 2012 in the 112th Congress. It is my hope that v. Wade decision, which affirmed a woman’s right to vote for millions of African Americans. the CAMPUS Safety Act will be signed into right to reproductive choice, I thank Mona Reis On this day, we must recommit ourselves in law during the 113th Congress. VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:21 Sep 05, 2013 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2013-BATCH-JAN\2013 NEW REC FILES\E23JA3.REC E23JA3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E55 The purpose of the legislation is to enable IN RECOGNITION OF THE COMMU- including 39 boiler houses, are an important our institutions of higher education to more NITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE OF source of housing for military families and the easily obtain the best information available on WILLIAM J. UGGIANO local area. This group of homes is more than how to keep our campuses safe and how to just housing or a neighborhood, it is a commu- respond in the event of a campus emergency. HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT nity. The housing lease for this Section 801 con- The bill creates a National Center for Campus OF PENNSYLVANIA tract expired in 2007 and the ground lease is Public Safety (‘‘Center’’), which will be admin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scheduled to expire on June 26, 2018.
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