EDITOR ........... SHEILABURLOCK JR. HIGH EDITOR ... DEBBIEPIDGEON ASSISTANT EDITOR .. TINA VINCENT PHOTOGRAPHY SENIOR EDITOR .... CINDY PIDGEON EDITOR ........... JANET SULLIVAN UNDERCLASS:MEN LAYOUT EDITOR .. COOKIE THOMAS EDITOR .......... LAURIE HAWKINS CO-BUSINESS MANAGERS ........... WALLYREED ALANA TRACY MR. FITZPATRICK DEDICATION 2 A FRIEND Time is a thing that passes by. Love comes and goes and makes you cry. But a friend is a friend forever. Nothing or no one can take them away. And when you go I will remember. I will think of your smile and kindness . Someday I hope we will meet again . Cause a friend is a friend forever. Dream your dreams and live your life. Make the best of it while it's there. Don's spend your time watching it pass. But a friend 1s a friend forever. Today and tomorrow are only there for a time. But the memories they hold are there forever. Memories are important when they are of friends. Cause a friend is a friend forever. We have tried, and sometimes succeeded. We have laughed and enjoyed. Most of all I met you and learned. A friend is a friend forever . God bless you and keep you well. Have Him always be with you. Sometime remember my crazy ways, Cause a friend is a friend forever. Joan Marsh 3 A GOOD FRIEND LEA YES During the 3 ½ years that Mrs. Cheri Angier was here as a physical educa­ tion teacher she succeeded in developing a very strong department. Girls ath­ letics blossomed under her direction. She always managed to convey her en­ thusiasm to her classes. As a result of her superb coaching ability, Mrs. Angier built the strongest field hockey and gymnastic teams V. U. H. S . has ever had. Her devotion to her teams helped to make them a serious challenge to in-state competitions. We were saddened by her departure, and will miss her warm personality and participation in school activities. She is a special woman to whom V. U. H. S. owes much. 4 TABLE OF CONTE DEDICATION 2 ACADEMICS 64 ADMINISTRATION 6 SPORTS 82 FACULTY 8 ACTIVITIES 110 SENIORS 16 SPONSORSHIPS 122 UNDERCLASSMEN 44 DIRECTORY 124 5 I The School Board Members are: Mrs. Lynn Jackson, Mr. Joel Fitzpatrick, Mr. Lawerence Gebo, Mrs. Anna Husk, and Mr. Nancy O'Brien. 6 PEOPLE WHO MAKE V.U.H.S. TICK Mr. Charles Memoe - Principal r Mrs. Edith Carpenter - Secretary Mrs. Anita Godard - Secretary Mr. Charles Usher - Asst. Principal 7 MATHEMATICS ...... ·,-_;;; ········•···~ Mrs. Susan Mosher, Mrs. Alice Maurer, Mrs. Janice Rheaume, Mrs . Evelyn Burke , and Miss Marianne Kulig ~ Mr. Robert Barlow Mrs. Burke counting hairs on Mr. Connors I head. SCIENCE Faculty Section Sponsored by Simmonds Precision Products Inc. Mr. Robert McNamara, Mr. Ron McKinnon, Miss Nancy Vandenburgh, and Mr. Earl Weeks 9 ENGLISH Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Stetson are discussing the finer points of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Mrs. Wanda Stetson I Mr. Ed Krasnow, Ms. Maida Townsend, Mrs. Nancy Prescott, Mrs. Ethelyn Bartlett, Mr. Jay Rogers. Mrs. Canna Fitzpatrick, Mr. Jeff Minns, Mrs. Cathy Spaulding. 10 FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND MUSIC Mr. Chuck Mander, Mrs. Joy Minns, Mrs. Carma Fitzpatrick, Ms. Maida Town­ send. Parlez-vous Fran\ais? HISTORY Mr. David Davidson, Ms. Pamela Taylor, Mr. Barry Aldinger, and Mr. Jon Yarnall. 12 READING AND SPECIAL SERVICES Mrs. Ann Sullivan, Mr. Larry Shepard, Miss Mary Ellen Sessa, Mr. Jeffre y Neilson. Mr. Shepard instructs his students . 13 FEW CLASSES ARE AS Mr. Michael Thibault and Mrs. Nancy Emberly Mrs . Cheri Angier and Mr . Bill Conners 14 FUN AS THESE! Mr. Roland Guyette Mr. Harmon Boyce and Mr. Scott Lynk 15 0 YESTERDAY FLOWS THROUGH MY MIND. WITH WEEPING WILLOW GESTURES SHE CARESSES SCATTERED FRAGMENTS, SENTENCES LONG SINCE SAID, FADED PICTURES LEFT BEHIND: AND WITH A SINGLE MOTION, SHE BRINGS THEM TO THE SURF ACE FOR BRIEF INST ANTS OF RECALL. A TEAR IS SHED .. A SMILE AGAIN .. HER COBWEB GOWN DUSTS THE CORRIDORS OF MY MIND. IT TRAILS BEHIND HER IN MY MIST OF THOUGHTS. EACH PLACE IT TOUCHES IS LEFT WITH VAGUE REMEMBRANCE­ A FEELING OF HA YING BEEN THERE ONCE BEFORE. HER EVANESCENT PRESENCE, NOW HERE BUT MOSTLY NOT, TREDS DOWN A SEPARA TE REALM OF MUSTY DREAMS AND TIRED MEMORIES BELOW THE CONSCIOUS THOUGHTS OF NOW. HER WORLD EXISTS IN PEACEFUL OBLIVION, SILENTLY GATHERING THE PAST, WHILE I NOW AND THEN RECALL. -C. PIDGEON 16 SENIOR SECTION SPONSORED BY POLLENDER'S REAL EST A TE John Cannine Allo Pierre Joseph Angier Helen Anela Ansell 1 'Take a sad song and make it 1 'Happy are those who dream 1 'Remember always the good better. 11 dreams, and are willing to pay times. 11 the price to make them come J. V. Basketball 1- 2, V. Bas - true. 11 Office Aide 3, Library Aide 4, ketball 3- 4, J. V. Base ball National Honor Society 3-4 Mgr. 1 , Student Council 2- 3 , J. V. Soccer 1, V. Soccer 2-4, V. Base ball Mgr. 2 - 3 , Mural J. V. Wresting 1 , V. Wrestling Painter 2, Boys State 3, Prom 2-4, V. Track 3, Prom Comm. 3, Prom King 3, Sadie Comm. 3 Hawkins Queen 3, Sr. Hike 4, Newspaper Staff 4, Ass 1t Busi­ ness Mgr. 4, N .H. S. 4, Marine Corps . Physical Fitness 4, In - tangibility Club 4 Michael W. Austin 1 'A Chevy's a poor man's Cad­ illac.'' F .F .A. 2-4 "THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD 17 THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD 1 1 1 Sharon Lee Baker Sheldon Jim ' Ball 1 'Never underestimate the 1 1 Poor Mexico, so close to the power of a woman. 1 1 United States, yet so far away from God. 11 J. V. Field Hockey 2, V. Field Hockey 3 -4, J. V. Cheerlead­ Spring Production 1- 2, Band 1- ing 1-2, V. Cheerleading 3-4, 2, X-Country 2-4, Travelers J. V. Softball 1- 2, V. Softball to France 3 3-4, Class Sec. 2, Prom Comm. 3, Sr. Hike 4 Jay L. Barry David A. Bannister 1 'When the time comes, 1 1 1 1 A note , though brief, if from might think about it. the heart spans the miles when friends are apart. 1 1 F.F.A. 1-2 J. V. Soccer 1, V. Soccer 2-4, V. Golf 1-4, German Club 1- 4, Travelers to Germany 2, Prom Comm. 3, Buggy Pusher 18 THAT LEADS TO YOUR DOOR David Bodette Jo-Anne Patricia Bodette 1 'The only way to have a friend 1 1 They would not find me 1 is to be one . ' changed from him they kne w ­ Only more sure of all I thought Baseball 1- 2, Student Council was true. 11 2-3, Wrestling 3-4, Class Of­ ficer 1-4, Prom Comm. 3 J. V. Basketball 1- 2, A. F. S . 3-4, N .H. S. 3-4, Pres. 4, Girls' State Delegate 3, Trav­ elers to France 3, A. F. S . Americans Abroad Candidate Terry P. Brace ' 'Life is too short to make all the mistakes . learn from others. 11 James M. Breur J.V. Soccer 1- 2, V. Soccer 3- 1 'What lies behind you and 4, J. V. Wrestling 1 what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you. ' 1 F.F.A. 1-4, V.I.C.A. 4, 1 'Bye Bye Birdie' 1 1, 1 'Okla­ homa'' 2 19 WILL NEVER DISAPPEAR - Susan Mary Brigan Richard Marcel Brunet 1 'Happy memories are forever ''Live for today and hope for friends. 11 tomorrow . ' 1 J. V. Cheer leading 2, V. Basketball 1 , 2 , 4 Cheer leading 3, Prom Comm. 3 I I CRYSTALLINE DREAMS I I MY DREAMS ARE PRESERVED INSIDE ME IN THE FORM OF GENTLE SNOWFLAKES. EACH TlNY CRYSTAL REPRESENTS A DREAM THAT GREW INTO A SOLID ENTITY - YET ONE WHICH SO APTLY CAPTURES THE FLEETING ASPECT OF OUR HOPES. SO TANGIBLE- BUT SO QUICKLY GONE. THEY ARE FORMED AMIDST THE SILENCE OF MY MIND, EACH ONE CREA TED IN THE SAME WAY; BUT STILL SHOWING THEIR INDIVIDUALITY, THEIR TOT AL UNIQUENESS TO EACH Matthew Thomas James Bushee OTHER- Sheila May Burlock JUST AS MY DREAMS ARE MANY AND 1 'If life were here to hate, then VARIED, 1 we all wouldn I t be here . 1 1 'When you come to the end of SO ARE MY SNOWFLAKES. your rope , tie a knot and hang on!,, BUT THE WORLD FORGETS THAT I Soccer 2, J. V. Basketball 1- 2, CARRY A SNOW -CASTLE IN MY MIND, V. Basketball 3-4, J.V. Base­ WHICH ALL MY HOPES AND DREAMS HAVE ball 1-2, V. Baseball 3-4 Yearbook 1-4, Sports Edt. 2- BUILT TO SHOW THE FINAL DREAM 3, Editor 4, J. V. Basketball 1- THAT I MUST REACH 2, V. Basketball 3-4, Co­ TO MAKE MY LIFE WORTHWHILE. Capt. 2,4, J.V. Softball 1-2, THEY FORGET THAT 1 AM LIKE THEM, V. Softball 3, Travelers to AND THUS WE CAN NOT OPEN OUR MINDS France 2, Elem. Tutor 1- 3, TO EACH OTHER, Band 1 , Office Aide 4, Pa per FOR FEAR THE SNOWFLAKES WILL MELT Staff 3 UNDER THE HARSH LIGHT OF REALITY - LEAVING US WITH A PUDDLE OF DREAMS LEFT UNFULFILLED. 20 I'VE SEEN THAT ROAD BEFORE Suzanne Lynn Bushey Tammy Sue Bushey Christopher William Campbell 1 1 1 ' 'Take some time to dream ' 'A friend is a friend forever. ' We have left undone those awhile.'' things which we ought to have Track 1-3, V.A.C. 2, J.V. done, and we have done those Gymnastics 1 , Field Hockey 2, Field Hockey 2, V.
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