November 15, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2081 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING PATTY BURKHOLDER the Pentagon since 1978. He represented the tend my thanks to Congressman PETER KING best of America—an incredibly talented indi- for his leadership in introducing this resolution. HON. SCOTT McINNIS vidual who selflessly devoted his gifts to public Daw Aung-Sun Suu Kyi is indeed a heroine OF COLORADO service. At the Pentagon he was known for his to her country and to democratic nations IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brilliance with numbers, in addition to being a around the world for her leadership of the non- Thursday, November 15, 2001 caring friend and coworker. violent movement for human rights and de- Bryan’s official position was as a budget an- mocracy in Burma. She was born into public Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to alyst, heading the Defense Department’s pro- service in 1945 as the daughter of General take this opportunity to recognize the signifi- gramming and fiscal economics division. He Aung San, a national leader who was cant contributions of a member of the commu- was responsible for overseeing the capital assasinated 2 years after her birth, and Daw nity in Durango, Colorado, Patty Burkholder, budget, an immense and complicated task. He Kin Kyi, her mother who was appointed in who was recently honored by her coworkers took the Defense Secretary’s policy decisions, 1960 as Burma’s ambassador to India. for thirty years of involvement and leadership worked them into the budget and made sure In pursuit of higher education, Daw Aung- in the banking industry. Not only has Patty that the numbers added up. He also had over- San Suu Kyi went on to study abroad in Eng- helped improve the banking industry locally, sight over the Defense Department’s school in land, Japan, and India and worked in various but she has also spent a great deal of her Monterrey, California. He made several busi- capacities for the United Nations and as a fel- time and effort providing for the needs of the ness trips a year to Monterrey and was on his low and scholar at several educational institu- area in many capacities. way there on September 11, when the terror- tions. In 1988, she traveled back to Burma to Patty moved to Durango in 1993 where she ists hijacked his plane. He had planned to help her ailing mother while massive pro-de- assumed the position of President at the local stop over on his return trip to visit his parents, mocracy demonstrations against the repres- Wells Fargo Bank. She worked her way up Helen and James Jack, in Tyler. sive military regime arose. Later that year, she through several different banks holding posi- Growing up in Tyler, Bryan attended Moore led the charge calling for a democratic govern- tions that ranged from secretary to personal Middle School and Robert E. Lee High School. ment in Burma. Despite the military reestab- banker and vice president to president. The Both of Bryan’s parents were teachers—his fa- lishment of control and the crushing force that employees at the new Wells Fargo Bank rec- ther was a retired colonel from the U.S. Air retaliated against the pro-democracy sup- ognized the special relationship that Patty had Force—and Bryan was always an exceptional porters, she helped to form the National with them as well as the customers that has student. He graduated among the top in his League for Democracy (NLD) and was named influenced the success of the business. She is high school class and had been a state debat- its General Secretary. As the leader of the a team player who consistently supports and ing champion. He received his undergraduate NLD, she traveled extensively throughout encourages her staff to perform at the highest degree from the California Institute of Tech- Burma in support for the establishment of a level, giving staff the flexibility to perform at nology and an MBA from Stanford. Later, he democratic government. In 1989, she was their best. went on to earn his Ph.D. in Economics from placed under house arrest by the military re- Not only has Patty given to the Durango the University of Maryland. gime that reclaimed the power from the pro- community through her role at the bank, but Just weeks before his tragic death, Bryan democracy supporters. Despite her detention also she actively participates in other local or- had married Barbara Rachko, an artist from that year, the NLD won a landslide victory in ganizations. She is a member and past Presi- New York. In addition to his parents and wife, the general elections of Burma with 82% of dent of the La Plata Development Action Part- he is survived by a brother, Terry, who lives the seats. However, the military regime re- nership, and is past President of the Durango in Denver. fused to recognize the result of the election Area Chamber and Resort Association and Both in Washington and Tyler, Bryan leaves and she remained under house arrest. served in several other local volunteer posi- behind memories of a kind, caring and intel- On October 14, 1991, Daw Aung-San Suu tions. ligent individual. He was an exemplary ambas- Kyi was awarded the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize Mr. Speaker, Patty Burkholder has played sador from the Fourth District of Texas and and $1.3 million, which she used to establish an important role in shaping the community of will be truly missed by his family, friends and a health and education trust in support of Bur- Durango, Colorado. It is my pleasure to recog- coworkers at the Pentagon—but his memory mese people. Throughout the years of her de- nize Patty for her significant contributions both will live forever as one of those who made the tention and after her release from house arrest to the banking industry and to the community. ultimate sacrifice for their country on Sep- in 1995, she has continued to assert the rights Patty is a role model for us all as an active tember 11. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor for me of her people and move forward the struggle and responsible member of the community. to pay my last respects in the CONGRESSIONAL for democracy and the national reconciliation f RECORD to this outstanding American and a of the Burmese government. Last year, Presi- TRIBUTE TO AN AMERICAN HERO, true American hero—Bryan Jack—and to all dent Bill Clinton conferred the Presidential BRYAN JACK, PASSENGER ON AA those who lost their lives during this tragic day Medal of Freedom Award, America’s highest FLIGHT 77 in America’s history. civilian honor, to Daw Aung-San Suu Kyi for f her tireless leadership for her country. HON. RALPH M. HALL It is only fitting that today Congress pay trib- COMMENDING DAW AUNG SAN SUU ute and honor to Daw Aung-San Suu Kyi for OF TEXAS KYI ON THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her inspiring leadership and remarkable con- OF HER RECEIVING THE NOBEL tributions to bring peace and democracy to Thursday, November 15, 2001 PEACE PRIZE Burma. I urge my fellow colleagues to join in Mr. HALL of Texas. Mr. Speaker, today I support in the passage of H. Con. Res. 211. SPEECH OF rise to honor the life of Dr. Bryan C. Jack, a f passenger on American Airlines Flight 77, HON. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD NECESSITY OF STRONG MILITARY which terrorists hijacked and crashed into the OF GUAM Pentagon on September 11, a day that we will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES long mourn and never forget. Bryan grew up Tuesday, November 13, 2001 HON. BOB SCHAFFER in Tyler, TX, in my Congressional district, and OF COLORADO his parents live there still. We join them in Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mourning the loss of this wonderful and gifted strong support today of H. Con. Res. 211, Thursday, November 15, 2001 young man. which commends Daw Aung-San Suu Kyi on Bryan was an exemplary scholar and native the 10th anniversary of her Nobel Peace Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, defense of Texan who had faithfully served his country at Prize. I would also like to commend and ex- the American way of life is no less than the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 06:26 Nov 16, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.000 pfrm04 PsN: E15PT1 E2082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2001 defense of freedom. Our world changed for- concrete necessity than it is today. The exist- phone Company to become Marketing Man- ever on September 11th when our freedom ence of freedom is at stake and it must be de- ager for major accounts at Bell Atlantic New was attacked and a long present terrorist fended. Jersey, now Verizon. While at the former Bell threat was realized. f Atlantic, he quickly rose the corporate ladder Our government’s most sacred responsibility becoming Director of Sales in 1985. As Direc- is to provide for the common defense, pro- PAYING TRIBUTE TO GLENN L. tor of Sales, he supervised and coordinated a mote the general welfare, and secure the GRAYEM renowned sales team that led Bell Atlantic blessings of liberty to ourselves and our pos- sales for 8 consecutive years.
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