ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION REGISTERED FOR PER LIVERPOOL, JULY, lst, POST .1.d Post No. 874 TRANSMISSION ABROAD 1954 PRICE 4d. 52 • Free 5/6 THE REVISED · NOW READY Rsso.n.. STILL MORE BANDS invest in A NEW ARRANGEMENT OF NATIONAL AIRS CORNET- BY TUTOR NEW B & H INSTRUMENTS TRUMPET FRANK WRIGHT By S. V. Balfour I 6/8 (plus 9d. postage) Orders B.B.J. 853 The recognised standard Tutor for the have recently Royal Marine School of Music. been received COMPLETE SET Send for it NOW ! from ••• TOWYN SILVER BAND MELODIES OF BRITAIN BESSON, 15 West Street, London, W.C.2. HERRINGTON MILITARY BAND . COMPLETE SET MUNN & FELTON'S BAND . ·SET IMPERIAL BASSES Containing-Intro: "Heart of Oak"; "A Farmer's * Boy," "Ye Banks and Braes," "Oft in the Stilly Band Teachers, Adjudicators and Soloist• CHURCH GRESLEY COLLIERY WELFARE BAND SET IMPERIAL BASSES Night," " Men of Harlech "; and Finale: " Rule Britannia." LINGDALE SILVER BAND COMPLETE SET WALTER B. HARGREAVES BASFORD HALL COLLIERY BAND COMPLETE SET THIS SELECTION, WHICH MAKES AN EXCELLENT BROADCAST Professor of Cornet AND CONCERT PROGRAMME ITEM, HAS BEEN SPECIALLY STANTON IRONWORKS BAND . COMPLETE SET (Royal Marines School of Music) ARRANGED TO BE WITHIN THE CAPABILITIES OF E.VE.RY BAND. CONDUCTOR AND ADJUDICATOR BESTWOOD COLLIERY (BLACK DIAMONDS) BAND COMPLETE SET Prices : B.B. set 8/- net. Extra Parts 6d. each net. 34 VICTORIA ROAD, CLIPSTONE COLLIERY BAND COMPLETE SET DEAL KENT. Full Conductor Score 4/6d. net. Postage Extra NOEL TH ORPE Invest in the bt:st ! Only B. & H. is good enough for YOU ! Single instruments or complete SEND FOR A FREE SPECIMEN SOLO CORNET PART NOW! SOLO CORNET, BAND TEACHER AND sets are available for cash or on easy terms. Full details on request without obligation. TO MUSIC DEPT., 295 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W.1. ADJUDICATOR 20 BYRON AVENUE, BOOSEY & HAWKES LTD., Band Dept., Instrument Division, FREDERICK CLOSE STANHOPE PLACE LONDON W.2. PADDINGTON 3091 BLACKHALL COLLIERY, WEST HARTLEPOOL, , , , /4 Co. DURHAM. GEO. HAW KINS Leading Soloists (Band Teacher) Three 6ra1id Numbers 13, HOBSICK, BRINSLEY, NOTTS. Theory Harmony by play the world's Teacher of and DOit for your Programmes! JOHN FAULDS, M.B.E. finest Cornet . 2nd RllAPSODY BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR 44 KENNEDY CRESCENT, KIRKCALDY, on NEGRO SPIRITUALS FIFE THE Rssa.n_ By Eric Ball. Set 10 ·-, Score 6 ·-, Extra parts 6d. HAROLD LAYCOCK NEW STANDARD 181 WILLIE LANG NORMAN ASHCROFT TEDDY GRAY PUPILS PRIVATE oa POSTAL Black Dyke Mills Fairey Aviation Works Fodens Motor Works ()AS()ADE BAND TEACHER AND ADJU.iHCATQB 16 GRAHAM CRESCENT, DERICK WARD, Brighouse RICHARD CARR, Trio for Cornets by LEO STANLEY, arr. Bram Gay FORFAR, ANGUS DERYCK WATERS, Harton Colliery Brass Band parts 10/- per set. Extra parts 6d. each Cal/ender's E. COOMBS, Park & Dare DAVID ASPINALL K. CALDWELL, E. DENTON, TROMBONES MWlie&l Director, Ra·nsome & Marl.ee Worb' Baad lLa\e Clooductor, Orelwell Colliery and FrW,. s,_.,. C. W.S. (Manchester) Rushden Temperance IN TRIPLl(JATE Bands) ALAN SMITH, GEORGE DUNN, Carlton Main BAND TEACHER, BAND AND Cl!ORAL Munn & Fe/ton's Trio for Trombones by LEO STANLEY, arr. Alex CONTEST ADJUDICATOR MERVYN GRIFFITHS, ·•PRIORY VIEW," 14 FRIARY ROAD. JACK BROUGH, Luton Creswell Mortimer. Brass Band parts 8/- per set. Extra part NEWARK-ON-TRENT, NOTTS. 6d. each. Tel.: Newanc •5&·7·8·9 A. ROBERTS, C. SAYERS, WILLIE BARR DEREK GARSIDE Rushden Temperance Crookhall Colliery Scottish C.W.S. C.W.S. (Manchester) Send for them to-day S. S. H. ILIFFE We apologise to the numerous other "181" soloists whose names it is :mpossib!e to mention on this occasion. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR 10 NUTFIELD ROAD. LEICESTER BESSON & CO. LTD., 15 WE ST STREET, LONDO N, w. c. 2 TEMPLE BAR 9018/9 W. WOOD CONDDCTOR AND TEACHER Yollll11 Bands a Soeciall'y 6 COLBECK STREET, HANSON LANE, A 6ood Case is an Investment HALIFAX, YORKS. REYNOLDS SHAPED CENTRE OPENING ARE SMART AND STRONG, BEING BUILT OF H. MUDDIMAN l3AND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR TIMBER COVERED IN BEST QUALITY REXINE, WITH STRONG LOCKS AND HANDLES "ASHBURN," ALLOA J. BODDI CE CANVAS COVERS £ s. d. £ s. d. REPAIRS AND BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR 13 LAKE ROAD, WOODLANDS, AVAILABLE FOR CORNET 2 0 0 EUPHONIUM 8 10 0 SILVER PLATING DONCASTER. ALL INSTRUMENTS FLUG EL 4 15 0 T. TRO MBONE 6 10 0 HAROLD BARKER lSvec.ial Tuition for Radio and Televisien Artlata• T. HORN 6 15 0 G. TRO MBONE 7 10 0 NEW & RECONDITIONED BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR ALL ACCESSORIES BARITONE 7 10 0 TRU MPET 4 5 0 INSTRUMENTS "SOMERVILLE," ECKI.NGTON SHEFFIELD - I Phone: Ecklncton 273 TBOS. REYNOLDS SENR. & SONS LTD. Lieut. JOHN FLET CHER PROFESSIONAL CONDUCTOR .!ND ADJUDICATOR 43 CB.APEL STREET, SALFORD, 3, MANCHESTER Brass - Military - Orchestra COMMON LANE, SOUTHOWRAM, ESTABLISHED 1862 OUR ONLY ADDRESS TEL : BLACKFRIARS 7 5530 HALIFAX, Yorks. HAR OLD MOSS L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. (Bandmasten:lllp} Muaie&l Director, Leyland Motora Band TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR Bandsmen •.. tor Exarns by (Coach Diploma . Pie., post) Sue<:eBlles in various Gradea of the B.C.M. Examination• includinl' Bandmuw.hl• HOW RIGHT YOU ARE TO CHOOSE YOUR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 56 SANDY LANE, LEYLAND BESSON - Nr. PRESTON, LANCS. FROM THE RANGE OF OUR LARGE STOCK OF - NEW BOOSEY & HAWKES HIGHAM SELMER - PREMIER, Etc. Dr. DENIS WRIG HT CONDUCTOR, ADJUDICATOR & ALSO FROM OUR RECONDITIONED (AS NEW) INSTRUMENTS LECTURER. 28 BRICKWALL LANE, RUISLIP, BEFORE THE SEASON IS OVER, SCORES WILL BE BLOWING THEM MIDDLESEX. 'Phone: Ruislip 2463. FOR US, TO EVERYBODY'S SATISFACTION, THEIRS, YOURS AND OURS * "A SERVICE WITH SATISFACTION" ' DRAKE RIMMER J• BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR "MIRELI.A," MILTON ROAD, & LTD. KIRKCALDY -1--�t('AJTERS HARRISON l't>on«: KIRt..CALDY U4 JOHN BALDWIN 207-215 GT. JAt:KSON ST., MANCHESTER, 15 L.G.l.M., B.8.C.M. BAND · TEACHER & ADJUDICATOR. TUNE IN TO-UENiral 3639-AND SAVE ASPER STREET, NETHERFIELD, NOTTINGHAM. 'Phone : 58704. WRIGHT & ROUND'S 2 BRASS BAND NEWS. lst JULY, 1954. Band Teachers, Adjudicators and Soloists J. M. HINCHLIFFE MINOR ADVERTISEMENTS 20 word• 5/-. 2/- for each additional 10 word1, Remittances must accompany adver­ l!'.uphollium Soloist (late Black Dyke· B-J tisement and reach us by the l4th of the month. For Box address at our Office count six BAND TEACHER ADJUDICATOR words, a�d add 6d. for forwardin11 of replies. Thi1 �ate does not apply to Trade Adverts. AND SENSATION 56 NEWTON STREET, HYDE, te Coruettist So o Comet, ERBERT BROOKES, the celebra d SMITH, l Brass Band Trainer and Adjudicator, CHES_tl!_RE. • (l n w open for engagements is ope e ch ao r ate ol Wingates) is o n to t a or judge ywhere. Te ms :­ From Only H Soloist, mo t, as Teacher, or Adjuclicator.-The Library, R" Beau n " Scarborough Road, Muston, Filey, Yorks. Parrin Lane. Winton, Manchester. HERBERT SUTCLIFFE E BA!\DSMAN'S r 1H COLLEGE OF .MUSIC.-All inquiries hould OFFER 1 s be made to Se I the cr tary, HARRY RYDER, ,HE ALEXANDER OWEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP e �Jr. R emede " 614 :V1oor R d s woo Musical Director Full details regarding Examinations can be " os , oa , Be t d, Notts fSf Sf- 1 FUND. s obtained from the Secretary, Mr. J. BUTLER, 29 Leven Smart and Attractive ( VICKBRS-AR.MSTRONGB LI.MITBD ) U AND OF.TIIE ROYAL l . Street, :Maston, cf ester 10. HORSE GUARDS (The B ues) Mau , D Vacancies 1 exist for the following instrwnentalists : BARROW SHIPYARD SILVER BAND FLUTE, CLARINETS Per Suit and BASSOON, CORNET, TENOR UNIFORM .)ROMISING YOUNG CORNET PLAYERS required for TROMBONE, S (Jacket & Trousers) BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR EUPHONIUM, BBb BASS. First-class instru· Doubling m t list only can be ROY AL ARTILLERY BAND, Woolwich. en a s considered for direct enlis.tment, re­ ROAD, pianoI or violin preferred but not essential. Musical duties o�ly. enlistment or transfer. Apply for audition 41 CEDAR to DIRECTOR OF These are converted from part-worn ex-poiice Apply Royal Artillery, Woolw1ch, Uniforms, BARROW-IN-FURNESS DIRECTOR OF MUSIC, MUSIC, ROYAL HORSE GUARDS, Combermere Barracks, S.E.18. Windsor. renovated and altered to individual measurements. BAND, ROYAL RANGING. - COMPOSITIONS HAl<MONISE.D TAFF BAND VACANCIES-ALAMEIN R THEY ARE REALLY ASTOUNDING VALUE. Send NOW GEORGE THOMPSON S TANK REGT. can accept a few young instrumentalists SCOI<ED, REVISED for publication. Piano Parts years. nspo ed First-class work. A. C P R, B.B.C.M., L G M. for training, age 15-17 Apply to DIRECTOR OF MUSIC, traA s . - CHAS. OO E 1 !l for range of samples and Prices. .S. Street, Many pleasing designs available. ALAMEIN BAND, TJDWORTH, HANTS. �lm�_ia Huthwaite. Notts. BAND TEACHER AND A"QJUDICATOR IRST CLASS MILITARY BAND has vacancies for lsT and . (Aylesbury) BAND AZELL'S PRINTING WORKS 2ND COR:-IET PLAYERS, also BOYS (all instruments, Bandsman's 2nd Tenor Trombone, As11ociatea Teacher to the require the following Players : orF keen ]ads with no musical experience). Regular Bandsmen H gular College of Music 2nd Euphonium, Eb Bass, Flugel and Drummer. Re preferred, bul National Serviccn1en of good standard accepletl. working cond1t1ons,. Pension Sc ei�e, ARMY & NAVY employment, good � MUSICAL DUTJES ONLY. Good opportunities for advance­ SUPPLY STORE S : BAND, OFFICE, The Pnntrng DESIGNERS .<:Jo JOHN WHITE FOOTWEAR Sports Club. Apply-PERSONNEL ment. Good engagement season. Apply BAND:\1ASTER, AND MAKERS OF ATTRACTIVE UNIFORMS . Works, yles ry HIGHAM FERRARS, NORTHANTS. A bu . (7) lsT BN. THE Kl.'JG'S ROYAL RIFLE CORPS., The Depot, Winchester. 153 PRAED STREET, PADDINGTON, N ED, TENDERS for Band performance on Saturday, LONDON, W.2 - lfoshden 2236 A T Telephone: Phone October 2nd for Alston Agricultural Society, ' ' Tele11ram1: 1051 HE SClJl'\THORPE lllUTISH LEGION BAND have for I PADdin11ton 206''67 Alston, Cumb.
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