DOCUMENT RESUME ED 084 395 CE 000 550 TITLE Directory of Schools Approved for Veterans. INSTITUTION New York State Education Dept., Albany. Bureau of Veterans Education. PUB DATE 1 Jan 73 NOTE 140p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; *Directories; Post Secondary Education; Veterans; *Veterans Education; *Vocational Schools; Vocational Training Centers IDENTIFIERS *New York State ABSTRACT The directory gives name, address, and course offerings of 1,413 schools in New York State which have been approved for the t' ining of veterans, servicewomen, servicemen, and eligible dependents under Title 38, United States Code, as of January 1, 1973. The index is compiled alphabetically with reference numbers assigned for correlation with the course index. (MS) el DIRECTORY OF Sc11000APPROVED FOR VETERANS I APPROVED FOR'. THE ENROLLMENT OF VETERANS-AND OTHER ELIGIBLEPERSONS UNDER TITLE 38 -- UNITED STATES CODE AS OF JANUARY 1,197" U.S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION B WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACT' V AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON 0 1 ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATiNC, IT PO, .5501 VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSAku REPRE SENT OF 1 ICIAL NATION AL INStii UTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POI ICY The Univeis141 of the',Stcite'of Now York yitESTATEfigt1CATIONDEfARTMENT Dioision of Spitc(a1,1;i5q1pCifictill'Services at/leak OfItlite'rani FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY DIRECTORY OF SCHOOLS APPROVED FOR VETERANS Approved for the Enrollment of Veterans and Other Eligible Persons Under Title 38, United States Code as of January 1, 1973 University of the State of New York THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Division of Special Occupational Services Burea- of Veterans Education Albany, New Yoirk 12210 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University (with years when terms expire) 1984 Joseph W. McGovern, A.B., J.D., L.H.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Chancellor New York 1985 Everett J. Penny, B.C.S., D.C.S., Vice Chancellor White Plains 1978 Alexander J. Allan, Jr., LL.D., Litt.D Troy 1987 Carl H. Pforzheimer, Jr., A.B., M.B.A., D.C.S., H.H.D. Purchase 1975 Edward M. M. Warburg BS L H.D New York 1977Joseph T. King LL.B Queens 1974 Joseph C. Indelicato, M D. Brooklyn 1976 Mrs. Helen 8. Pouter, A.B., Litt.D., L.H.D., LL.D. Rochester 1979Francis W. McGinley, B.S., J.D., LL.D.. Glens Falls 1986 Kenneth B. Clark, A.B., M.S., Ph.D., LL.D., L.H.D., D.ScHastings on Hudson 1983 Harold E. Newcomb, B A. Owego 1981 Theodore M. Black A B. Litt D. Sands Point 1988 Willard A. Genrich, LL.B., L.H.D Buffalo 1982Emlyn I. Griffith, A.B., J D. Rome PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY AND COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION Ewald B. Nyquist EXECUTIVE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION Gordon M. Ambach DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FOR ELEMENTARY, SEi.:ONDARY AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Thomas D. Sheldon ASSOCIATE COMMISSIONER FOR INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES William L. Bitner ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION Robert S. Seckendorf DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL SERVICES John M. Leslie 48725 A MESSAGE TO NEW YORK STATE'S ViET NAM ERA VETERAN We in the New York State Education Department want to express our appreciation of your service to our country and welcome you back home. We know that your life and plans for the future were interrupted and we want to help you prepare for that future. The Education Department ha3 been designated by Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller as the State Approving Agency for the institutional training and education programs in New York State. The Education Department works closely with the Veterans Administration and advises that agency as to which institutions offer programs in keeping with the requirements of the G. I. Bill. To assist you in making your plans for the future, and if those plans include more education and training, we have published this directory of schools which have been approved for the training of veterans, servicewomen, servicemen,and eligible dependents. The directory includes a wide variety of approved programs and courses Which should be suited to your needs. If you need to finish high school you -an do so in a public school system at no tuition charge and at no charge to your entitlement under the G. I. Bill. If you have completed college you may be entitled to use your benefits for fureLer specialized education and training. For more specific information about any school, course of program, you are encouraged to write to the school for a catalog and visit the facilities if possible before making a formal application. It is the sincere desire of the Education Department to assist you in your transition from military to civilian life and the pursuit of an educational program leading to the career you desire. Faithfully, wald B. Nyquist President of the 6niversity of the State of New York and Commissioner of Education iii HOW TO USE THIS DIRECTORY This directory is made up of two parts:a Course Index of all approved courses and programs followed by numbers assigned to schools listed in the second part of the directory, and an Institution Index of all approved schools followed by numbers assigned to courses and programs listed in the first part of the directory. The letters shown with the numbers of each index mean: X for Diploma B for Bachelor's Degree C for Certificate M for Master's Degree A for Associate Degree D for Doctor's Degree Look through the Course Index to find out what courses and programs are available and are of interest to you. You can find out which schools offer the course or program by finding the school, by number, in the Institution Index. You may also find out which coursed 6re offered by a school if you use the numbers listed after the address as a guide to the numbers in the Course Index. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Commissioner's Message iii How to Use This Directory iv Course Index 1 Institution Index 39 f COURSE INDEX Courses are listed alphabetically by subject area. Cross indexes have been added in some instances for clarification. In all cases, re- ference should be made to each possible subject area title which may lead to the desired vocational objective. Users of this directory should con- tact individual institutions directly, in order to determine the suit- ability of course offerings as lo specific objective, content and length. 1. ACCOUNTING 5X, 6X, 9MB, I3A, 18AX, 63Ac,.97MB, 105C, 110c, 141A, 146A, 1538, 164ACX, 178B, 194A, 222MB, 224A, 241A, 251DM, 267A, 249A, 316B, 319X, 323C, 327A, 350C, 352XC, 3538, 369A, 380B, 387B, 404A, 410Ac, 463B, 465B, 467A, 4791.M, 495A, 4968, 508AX, 511MB, 516B, 522AX, 523A, 527A, 550X, 564A, 568X, 5828, 603MB, 609MM, 633B, 678B, 686X, 704X, 723AC, 724AC, 727AX, 728X, 729A, 745A, 762C, 764B, 776A, 785C, 793BA, 794BA, 7958A, 8208, 822DMC, 838A, 870C, 872A, 875A, 877C, 879C, 882A, 891MBA, 893BA, 901C, 923AX, 936C, 943A, 962X, 971X, 977MBA, 978BAX, 984AX, 995X, 1008B, 10098A, 1011D, 10158, 1028B, 1032B, 1036B, 1094A, 1114BCt, 1122C, 1124C, 1138C, 1167A, 1170A, 1171A, 1172AC, 1174A, 1180MB, 1185B, 1187B, 1202B, 1233C, 1240A, 1241C, 1242A, 1257DM, 1263DMB, 1269AX, 1272X, 1278A, 1296A, 1312M, 13208, 1324AX, 1341X, 1351X, 1361X, 1362A 1.1 CPA Preparation 393C, 479M, 820B, 822N, 891M, 1036M, 1037M, 1122C, 1320B 1.2 Taxation 97M, 609M, 763C, 821M, 826C, 891M, 915C, 1036M, 1037M 2. ADMINISTRATION 13A, 63A, 164AX, 194AX, 269C, 288M, 360A, 479M, 5388A, 605M, 657A, 723C, 724C, 823DM, 875A, 923X, 943A, 962X, 971X, 977MBA 2.1 Business 7A, 13A, 18AX, 36B, 63AC, 97M, 141A, 146A, 162AX, 164X, 178M, 219D, 224A, 234M, 2378, 2388, 241A, 251M, 263D, 267AC, 287D, 288M, 290M, 294A, 316B, 317B, 323C, 327A, 329B, 346A, 353BA, 359AC, 360A, 366A, 369A, 380B, 384M, 404A, 410A, 459X, 467C, 474A, 490B, 4918, 495AC, 508A, 516B, 522AX, 523A, 527A, 547A, 550X, 564A, 582B, 603MBA, 604MB, 633BA, 661 MB, 6788, 686X, 729A, 745A, 764B, 774CX, 776A, 790C, 793MBA, 794MBA, 795MBA, 820B, 822DMC, 823DM, 826C, 8270MBG, 838A, 844BA, 853A, 870X, 875A, 882A, 891MB, 893B, 899A, 939A, 943A, 971X, 978BA, 985M, 991A, 995X, 1002B, 1008B, 1009BA, 1011AX, 1028AB, 1032B, 1040B, 1069A, 1094AC, 1119B, 1122C, 1141X, 1145A, 1149B, 1153B, 1160B, 1167A, 1170A, 1171A, 1173AC, 1174A, 1180MB, 1187B, 1189A, 1202DMB, 1240A, 1242A, 1257DM, 1266B, 1272X, 1278A, 1285C, 1296A, 1312D, 1318B, 1320B, 1324AX, 1334A, 1338B, 1341X, 1351X, 1361X, 1390X 2.2 Hospital 287M, 288M, 605M, 636C 1 ADMINISTRATION (continued) 2.3 Industrial 222DM, 251DM, 5828, 1254DMB, 1296A, 1299M, 13000M 2.4 Personnel 823DM, 826C, 923C, 978BA 2.5 Public 97B, 262D, 288M, 290M, 410AC, 538M, 564A, 821D, 823DM, 1178DM, 1258D 3. ADVERTISING 62C, 366A, 645C, 723AG, 724AC, 776A, 787C, 820B, 875A, 991A, 1103C, 1173A, 1257M 3.1 Design 44C, 52C, 119C, 163C, 327A, 334C, 335C, 366A, 367BA, 586C, 588C, 723AC, 776A, 787C, 793B, 7948, 795B, 801C, 894C, 926BA, 978X, 9BOMBA, 991A, 1103C, 1134C, 1137C, 1173A 3.2Management 723C, 724C 4. AERONAUTICS 317B 5. AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY 1173AC, 1254DMB 6. AIRCRAFT DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE 4AC, 16C, 117C, 297C, 310C, 965C, 1368C 7. AIR CONDITIONING, HEATINa AND REFRIGERATION (See also Heating & Refrigeration) 13C, 58C, 92C, 119C, 328C, 466C, 492C, 495A, 615C, 617C, 623C, 625C, 634C, 640C, 646C, 698C, 723C, 724C, 751C, 753C, 775C, 777C, 826C, 860C, 863C, 877C, 886C, 922C, 936C,966.1C,973C, 992C, 1134C, 1167A, 1171A, 1173AC, 1230C, 1360C, 1369C, 1385C 8. AFRO-AMERICAN STUDIES 153B, 213B, 287M, 381B, 3908, 1176B, 11858 9. AGRICULTURE 191C, 204C, 240C, 281C, 287DM, 334C, 368C, 466C; 589C, 852C, 854C, 861C, 881C, 901C, 1125C, 1163BM, 1167A, 1170A, 1171AC, 1173A, 1174A 2 LO. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS 191C, 204C, 209C, 240C, 286MB, 328C, 33GC, 334C, 368C, 409C, 466C, 528C, 541C, 589C, 851C, 852C, 854C, 870C, 887C, 90IC, 1087C, 1096C, 1106C, 1125C, 1163B, 1170AC, 1171A, 1172A, L174A, 1281C, 1350C, 1356C, 1367C, 1368C 11.
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