WWW.BEVERLYPRESS.COM INSIDE • Patio smoking ban considered. pg. 3 Partly cloudy, • Iranian Jewish with temps Center examined. around 68º pg. 4 Volume 20 No. 36 Serving the West Hollywood, Hancock Park and Wilshire Communities September 9, 2010 Sunset Time Project Subway to Sea Gains Steam With EIR n Officials Hope to Razes House of Blues Secure Federal n WeHo Council Approves Project 4-1 Funding For Project BY ANNA BAKALIS with city staff on the project for the BY ANNA BAKALIS last few years, and the council he West Hollywood City voted 4-1 in favor, with ollowing the release of a Council on Tuesday night Councilmember Lindsey Horvath draft report detailing alter- approved the Sunset Time dissenting. T natives and impacts of project, a large mixed-use develop- “This project has a lot to offer,” F extending the Metro subway ment that could replace the House Councilwoman Abbe Land said. down Wilshire Boulevard last of Blues, and bring in between $1.7 But she also expressed concern week, local officials came togeth- and $2.2 million in tax revenues for about giving approval to the devel- er Wednesday to call for speedy the city. oper, since other projects with bill- financial help from the federal The developer, Combined board components have been government for the “Subway to Properties, Ltd., has been working See Sunset Time page 22 the Sea” and other projects. “Los Angeles needs jobs, clean- er air and less traffic now,” said Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti. Standing outside of the Wiltern/Wilshire subway station, Garcetti was flanked by photo by Anna Bakalis Assemblyman Mike Feuer (D- State Assembly Member Mike Feuer hopes the subway project can be California), Councilman Bill built in 10 years. He was joined by Los Angeles City Councilmember Rosendahl, 11th District, and Matt Bill Rosendahl, and City Council President Eric Garcetti. Toledo, chair of the Los Angeles area Chamber of Commerce. “We are asking the federal gov- citizen-based advocacy group that improve and build upon our ernment to not wait decades, but works to stand up to powerful nation’s transportation infrastruc- to do its part to put people to interests for the public good, orga- ture is exactly the type of invest- work, clean the air and reduce nizers said. ment our country needs,” traffic now,” Garcetti said. Earlier this week, Mayor Villaraigosa said. “This is an inno- Local transportation advocates Antonio Villaraigosa hailed vative vision that will give a are urging federal officials to President Barack Obama’s much-needed boost to the econo- adopt the “30/10 initiative”, which announcement of an additional my and will create a better system seeks to complete transit projects $50 billion in federal funds for in which these critical investments in 10 years, instead of 30. roads and other transportation are made.” The press conference was orga- projects. Metro’s draft Environmental “President Obama’s plan to nized by CALPIRG, a nonprofit See EIR page 20 photo by Anna Bakalis The House of Blues will be relocated to another part of the Sunset Time project in West Hollywood. No Student Drop-Off Allowed at Ross Lot n Developer Restricts Ancient Ritual Still Practiced Parking as School by Local Jews for Holidays Year Begins BY IAN LOVETT BY IAN LOVETT along with any other members of the orthodox Jewish community ith classes set to begin next week at Hancock he High Holy Days began who wish to practice kapparot, Park Elementary School, last night at sunset with Symbolically, kapparot transfers W parking remains a concern for par- Rosh Hashanah, and Jews the person’s sins to the animal, as T ents dropping their children off at all over the city are preparing to part of a cleansing process at the the school. observe their holiest week of the start of the new year on the In past years, many parents have year in a variety of ways. Jewish calendar. The ritual can used the parking lot at the Ross For some local Jews, those also be performed with a fish, or Dress for Less, which is empty observances include kapparot, a with money, which is also given when school starts, to get their kids ceremony in which a Jew will cir- to charity. safety across the street to school. cle the chicken above his head In recent years, kapparot has During the summer, however, three times before the chicken is been a source of some controver- school officials received a letter slaughtered and donated to chari- sy. People for the Ethical from Casden Properties, the devel- ty. Next week, the day before Treatment of Animals (PETA) opers who own the property where Yom Kippur, the parking lot at has protested the practice, and the Ross is located, instructing par- Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad some call the ritual illegal, noting ents not use the lot anymore. High School will be covered off that Los Angeles municipal code The letter articulated yet another with a tarp. The students from also outlaws animal sacrifice for photo by Ian Lovett reversal of policy with regard to use Esther Bnos High School will religious purposes, even if the Parents of students at Hancock Park Elementary School will not be able of the Ross parking lot. Last join the Yeshiva Chabad students, See High Holy Days page 21 to use the Ross Dress for Less Parking lot when school begins on See Parking Lot page 21 Monday. (&&43(("&2" (&&43((" #)2%!# )10 333 $(&&43(("1(4(1 !(' 2 September 9, 2010 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 10 Bergman Films West Hollywood Community he Los Angeles County Center at Plummer Park, 7377 Calendar Santa Monica Blvd. The event will TMuseum of Art presents a film screening titled “The Psychological feature karaoke, movies, a potluck dinner. Admission is free. For infor- Cinema of Ingmar Bergman: celebration; complimentary food Persona” on Friday, Sept. 10 at 7:30 mation, call (323)848-6826 or visit from Pink’s Hot Dogs; dog agility www.timepresses.com p.m. “Persona” is considered one of classes; and a fundraiser for Morris Bergman’s most audacious and Animal Foundation, of which Betty enigmatic films. The screening will White is a trustee and president 16 Pops Concert be held in LACMA’s Bing Theater, emeritus. For information, visit he New West Symphony pre- 5905 Wilshire Blvd. Admission is www.zoomroomonline.com. Tsents the “New West Pops” on $10. Call (323)857-6000, or visit Thursday, Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at www.lacma.org. the Alex Theatre; 216 N. Brand 14 Women Blvd., Glendale. Titled “Broadway 11 9/11 Memorial Masterminds Meets Hollywood — In Concert”, he City of West Hollywood is he West Hollywood Women’s the show features special guest Tholding a special ceremony in TMastermind Group will meet Lorna Luft. The show will also be honor of the victims of the Sept. 11 on Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 6:30 p.m. held on Sept. 19 at the Thousand terrorist attacks on Saturday, Sept. The event is an interactive meeting Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, Bank of 11 at the Sal Guarriello Veterans about the mastermind group con- America Performing Arts Center. Memorial, where a static display cept, in which a group uses the Tickets are $25- $69.50. Call will be placed at the memorial. For power of collective brainstorming (818)243-ALEX, or visit information, call (323)848-6503, or to develop goals, come up with cre- www.newwest-symphony.org. visit www.weho.org. ative solutions, and create account- ability for implementing the solu- tions. Women who own or operate a Coming Soon Cowboy Clothing small business or are seeking assis- he Autry National Center pre- tance in reaching career goals are Distinguished Tsents an installment of its “Let’s encouraged to attend the monthly Make History at Griffith Park” meetings. RSVP to Speakers Series he Distinguished Speaker Series series titled “Puños” on Saturday, [email protected]. For infor- of Southern California will pre- Sept. 11 from 1–3 p.m. mation, call (323)848-6460. T Cowboys wore puños, or leather sent its 2010-11 season running wrist cuffs, as protection against from October through May in brush, as well as to protect their 15 Celebrity Portraits Pasadena, Thousands Oaks and shirt sleeves from wear. he Pacific Design Center pre- Redondo Beach. The series begins Participants will learn more about Tsents an exhibition titled “Greg with appearances by CNN’s chief cowboy gear and make a pair of Gorman: A Distinct Vision” run- medical correspondent Sanjay puños to keep. The Autry National ning Wednesday, Sept. 15 through Gupta from Oct. 11-13. Additional Center is located at 4700 Western photo © 2008 Global Creatures Oct. 29. Gorman, known for his installations include columnist and Heritage Way in Griffith Park. For “Walking With Dinosaurs: The Arena Spectacular” will be held at the portraits of celebrities, will partici- author Peggy Noonan from Nov. 8- information, call (323)667-2000, or Staples Center for five performances running Thursday, September 9- pate in a lecture and book signing 10; former First Lady Laura W. visit www.theAutry.org. 12. The show is based on the award-winning BBC Television Series, and on Sept. 15 at 2 p.m. in the Blue Bush from Jan. 10-12; travel expert and investigative journalist Peter depicts the evolution of dinosaurs, with the climatic and tectonic changes Conference Center, Suite B259. A reception for the artist will be held Greenberg from Feb. 20-22; former that took place that led to many speciesʼ demise. The show features Photography Benefit from 7 to 9 p.m.
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