OFFICIAL REGISTER OFTH1~ OFFICERS AND CADETS OF THE U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT, NEW YORK. JUNE, 1861. BOARD OF VISITORS. The following named Gentlemen were invited by the Hon. Secretary of,War to attend the Examinaticn of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy, in JUNE, 1861. 1 PROFESSOR CHARLES DAVIES, (PRESIDENT) - - - NE\V YORK. 2 HERMAN HAUPT, Esqr., (SECRELIRY) MASSACHUSETTS. 3 HON. JAMES S. ALBAN, WISCONSIN. 4 JAMES H. BLAINE, Esqr., MAINE. 5 ASAHEL BUSH, Esqr., OREGON. 6 REV. JAMES CLARK, DISTRICT COLUMIIIA. 7 HON. DAVID COOPER, MINNESOTA. 8 ALEXANI)ER CUMMINGS, Esqr.. PENNSYLVANIA. 9 HON. i)AVII) 1)AVIS, ILLINOIS. 10 COLONEL FITZ HENRY WARREN, IOWA. Ii HON. JOHN WOOI)RUFF, CONNECTICUT. 012 GENERAL H. H. CARRINOTON, OHIO. *13 HON. JOHN J. CRITTENDEN, KENTUCKY. *14 BRIG. GENERAL JOFIN GARLANI), F. S. A. - - - *15 HON. ANDREW JOHNSON, TENNESSEE. *16 JOHN P. KENNEI)Y, Esqr., MARYLANI). *17 HON. FREDERICK P. STANTON, KANSAS. 0 Not Present. EXTRACT FROM AN ACT OF CONGRESS, APPROVED AUGUST 8TH, 1846. SEC. 2. And be it furl/ocr enacted, that the President be authorized to appoint a Board ofVisitors to attend the annual examination ofthe Military Academy, whose duty it shall be to report to the Secretary of War, for the information ofCongress, at the commencement of the next succeeding session, the actual state ofthe disci- pline, instruction, police, administration, fiscal affairs, and other concerns of the Institution—-Provided, That the whole number of Visitors each year, shall not exceed the half of the number of the States in the Union; and that they shall be selected, alternately from every second State, each member being a benajide resi- dent citizen of the State from which he shall be appointed; that not less than six members shall be taken from among officers actually serving in the militia; and that a second member shall not be taken from any Congressional district, until every other district in the State shall have supplied a member.—Providedfurtlzer, That no competisation shall be made to said members, beyondthe payment of their expenses for board and lodging while at the Military Academy, and an allowance not to exceed eight cents per mile, for travelling by the shortest mail route from their respective homes to the Academy, and back to their homes. Al OFFICERS OF THE MILITARY ACADEMY, Colonel ALEXANDER H. BOWMAN, Major Corps of Engineers, with Locab Rank of Col. of Engineers, Superintendent of the Military Academy and Commandant of the Post. ACADEMIC STAFF. DENNIS H. MAHAN, LID., Professor of Military and Civil Engineering. Assistant Professor of Military antI 1st Lieut. WILlIAM P. CRAIGHItL, Eiigineers, ç Civil Engineering. 24 Lieut. WILLIAM E. MERRILL, Engineers, ActinsiAssistant Professor of Mili- tary and Civil Engineering. WILUAM H. C. BARTLES-], ~,. ~. B., } Pi ofessor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 1st Lieut. GEORGE H. MENDELL, Top’l Engineers, Assistant Professor of Philosophy. 1st Lient. CyRus B. CoMsTocsc, Eogine2rs, Acting Assistant Professor of Philosophy. ALBERTE. CHURCH, L.L.D., Professes of Mathematics. 1st Lieut. G0uvERNEuR K. WARREN, Top’l Engineers, AssistantProfessor of Mathematics. *1st Lieut. OLIVER 0. HoWARD, AM., Ordnance Corps, Acting Assistant Professors 1st Lieut. HERBERT A. HA5cALL, 4th Artillery, of Mathematics. TIIEEUOR, Top’l Engineers, 1st Lieut. JuNws B. W ROBERT W. WEIR, N. A., Professor of Drawing. 1st Lieut. HENRY I)ouGLAss, 9th Infantry, Assistant Professor of Drawing. f2d Lieut. JAMES MCMILLAN, 25 Infantry, Acting Assestant Professor ofDrawing. HYAcINTH H. AGNEs., Professor of the French Language. ~st Lieut. BEEKMAN Du BARRY, 3d Artillery, }Assictant Professor of the French Language. 1st Lient. WALw0RTH JENRINS, 1st Artillery, Assistant Professor of the French Language. Rev~ Jonx W. FRENCH, B. Il, Chaplain, and Professor of Geography, History and Ethics. * Relieved from duty at the Military Academy, June Cd, noel. 1 Relieved from duty at the Military Academy, May 2d, joel. I Relieved from duty at the Military Academy, May 11th, 1061. 6 Assistant Prei/Fsssn ~tfGeoss- *1st Liout. STEPHEN V BERET, Ordnance Corps, ) raphy, Ilostory and Ethoco. lot Liout. SAMUEL BRacE, Jr., lot Artillery, Actisog Assistant Professors of Gess- f25 Liout. HERMAN BIOGS, lot Infantry, ç yraphy, history and Ethics. HENRY L. KioNDRICK, A. M., Professor ef Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology. Assistant Professor of Chemi.sii’~, 1st Lieut. THOMAs 101. ViNcENT, 2c1 Artillsry, ~. Mineralogy and Geology. P.oTRiri: HE JAN0N, Professor qf the Spanish Language. ) Assistrsnt Prqfessesr cf the Npanisli .~ist LEnt. GEORGE A. WIi.IJAMS, lot Infantry, ~. Jangeaqe Ac/ioU ,4ssistant Professor cf tins I t ii it Wi san Cswan 11 ( in ho I- Spanuh Language. (onooi’t of Cadets and Instructor of IA. Col. JoHN F. REYNouos, Capt. 3d Artillery, I Arty Bjtetics, Army Organizatiess. and Bvt. Major U. S. A -, with local Rank ~- Adsnini.ctratis.io; Cncalry Tactics. of It. (‘oil, of Engineers, Eqnitation, Out Post Duty; Inf’o~ J Tactics, Strateqy di Grand Tactics. list Lieut. RoliER~’WiLLIAMs, let Dragoons, Assistant Instructor (f £‘av’alry. 1st Lieut. GEoRGe 1). HAYAIO0, lot Cavalry, Assistant Instructor qf Ceecalry. lot Licut. WT1LLIAM B. ILIzEN, 8th Infantry, Assistant Instructor qf Infitsstry 11w/ice. **Captain ,IAMOSS H. JIENT0N. Ordnance Corps, Inst rector of Ordnance and Gunnery. lot Lieui. J.sMiss (‘. 1)IANE, Engineers, Instructor qf Practical Military Engineering. ttlst Lieut. JoHN C. KEO;roN, tli Infantry, Instrnctor in the Use cif Small Arms. ANToNio l,eReNTz, Moors! Master, Assbstaoot to the lnstrncter in the U3e qf Smelt Aims. MILITARY STAFF. Ulst Licul. S.s~iri, ii. i{os..sssiRo, 1st Infantry, Aeijsetas’it. Surgeon C’sLiRi.Es McDoust.ost,, It. 1). Surgeon Gsoviost ‘ruiN, M. I). Assistant Siirgessn DalLAs HAc’iie. B. P. lot Liesit. CyRus B. C’onlsTocoo, Engineers, Ti-easssrer. 1st Listit. Suu’isi. S. CARRoLL, 10th Infantry, Qeoao’ter Master. * Appeusled Contractor of Ordnance and (luonery, May 22d, noel. o Appeloled Adjutaist Military Academy,’May 13th, 1801. 5 Relieved temporarily frsm the Spanish Depactmeni, April 22d, 1861, and assigned Is duly hi the Taclical Deparlmcnl. § Relieved Croon sluty al Ihe Military Arasiemy, June 25th, loOt, having been appointed J,ieut. Col. 14th Infantry. II Relieved freon duly at the Itilitary Academy, Slay 24th, toes, having been appointed Bccvet Capt. Adjulant Gensral’s Dept. ** Relieved lrsrn duty at the Military Acaden’iy, April 26th, 1061. it Relieved from duly, at the Military Academy, April 20th, 1861. II Relieved rresn dilly al the Military Academy, May 2211,, 1001. CADETS ARRANGED IN of ~icritin tj~eir z~tcti~~tJa~ts, OS D}hTEIMINEI) AT TillS GENERAL EXAMINATION, tx MAY AND JUNE, 1861. NOTE. ‘Names marked thus * are to be attached to the ssext Arnsy Register, iso conformity with a regulation for the goverssmesst of the Military Acade- my, requiring the names of the most distinguished Cadets, not exceedisig five in each Class, to be reported for this purpose at each Annual Ex- amination. Cadets whose names are marked thus f were found deficient, and turned back, to re-commence the studies oftheir respective Classes. Cadets whose names are marked thus ~ were found deficient, and recommended for discharge. 9 FIRST OLASS—45 MEMBERS— Graduated May 13th, 1861. ()ods.,’ J)v- 5- a 0/ ,itea’#t lot ii,t’o~tf a . 5- Date esf u Hames. State.’ . , ~‘ - .~ I - at.o,llehtelol. ~‘ •~ ~ — a 5- 0 . ‘-t~ *1 Henry A. Du Pont, AtLarge, July 1, ‘56. 17:11 11 1 3 5 242 *2 Charles E. Cross, Mass. do 18.1(1 1 9 2 2 142,72 *3 Orville E. Babcock, ‘Vt. do 20 6 7 2 1 1 21 21 *4 Henry W. Kingsbury, N.Y. j do 19: ~ ~ .11010 8, 3 *5 Adelbert Ames, Me. do :20. S 2 ii. 4 §; 1515 OLlewellyn G. Hoxton, AtLargej do ‘18 0 12 6 617.. 4420 do 18 7 5.13 8 .1’ 7040 7:Adelbert R. Buffington, 8 Emory Upton, N. Y. do ‘1610 .j 7 5 3 ~i1~ 9 Nathaniel R. Chambliss, Tenn. do 19’ : ‘10 10 1118 16: 6 10’Edmund Kirby, At Jun-I,.. tb .16; 3 :k14 13 9 2417 11 John I. Rodgers, Pa. do 17 2 917 7 8 8632 l2 N.Y. ‘ do 17 6 20 5 916 18 .7 1Sarnuel N. Benjamin, Oregon (10 11 21 13~JohnAdair, Jr., 16 ; 3 is 14 ~i Wis. do 18. o i~2:•l Ii 12 43.is 14:John W. Barlow, Ohio, July 1, ‘55. 16 8 14 12 19 19 12660 IS1Charles E. Hazlett, Ark. ‘July 1, ‘56. TO 5 13 812 7 iGiCharles E. Patterson, o544 lljJudson Kilpatrick, N. J. do 19, 5 1721 2013 0 0 l8tFranklin Harwood, At Large, do :17 8 19 15 [62410455 Mass. do 18 9 1s252215 4339 l9lGeorge W. Dresser, Pa, do :1611 ~s 16,1.120 lii ~ 20~CharlesMeK. Looser, N.Y. do 16 7 21222128 8751 21Henry C. THlasbrouck, N.Y. do 1 221 William A. Eldorkin, ii 16362711 5630 AtLorge, do .18 1 27 :~52821 5033 23Francis A. Davies, Mo. do 18 5 2.1 192434 187 93 24’Charbos C. Campbell, N. Y. tb 1.727 19(1 91 25:Malbono F. Watson, 17 1 iS Mich. (10 S lI 78 29 26~J.Benson Williams, lB ~5 35 23 At Large, 4.1. 27’Guy V. Henry, do 17 3 20.25 22 5 0 28 Jacob H. Smyser, Pa, do 1711 32:13 293s 1126$ 29:Jacob B. Rawlos, Micli. Sept. 1, ‘56. 17 0 2328 :I7 29 9428 ‘Md. July 1, ‘56. It,; 1 .1.0 37:23 32 104 38 30 Erskino Gittings, 31:J. Ford Kent, Pa. do 20 6 39 27 :o; :17 :19,23 Pa, do 1811 2629322510034 32 Eugene B. Beaumont, Wjs. 17 2 383911.12:17565 33 Leonard Martin, do md.
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