
University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 10-9-1966 Kabul Times (October 9, 1966, vol. 5, no. 163) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (October 9, 1966, vol. 5, no. 163)" (1966). Kabul Times. 1332. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1332 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PAG•• I " < . Politkal Aims Behind Trade 'World Briefs JohllSOn (Re~ts US Does SUijftJls ¥i8it MOSCOW, Oct S (T_, - Th. ... (Contd from pal! I) Soviet Union II reldy to help Ai ..unaY ai{ded We Tuilii ~ aerla on mutuau'y acceptable terms Not War China Terms, Says Philippines Want' Withj • grateful to you 19r your l.ineqlli· tn the better uee of 011 relOurcea, ib (CoMd from JHtg, I) The ~ ssloM &!:QusM on Utia vocal ai\d valiant iittltude w!#.cb ferro~s InSJlI~ .NEW YORK, Oct 8, (AP)­ the development of metal WQt;l\t thing the United issue lli Aust'raIJa were traglcal Is ily YQur concern \ tell' Seoator Ambrosio Padilla of the l'hlllJpplnes charged here Ftl lurgy and the bulldmg 01 fertiliser Stales could do be said, would Iy illustiated liis~ June when an jUstice and human conalder'tlQ~ da,; that "the great tradIng oattonS !tllt preter to mUilj)lilate plants be to gol Into a larger war Wilh unsucCesSful attemPt was made on our Cyprus case :AS fO/i..t,t¥.o. trade arrangeJ;nents with the developIng countries for poUtica1 'rhis statemeot was made '!'hur-. othet countries to assassinate Labour oPposition KasIuDIr case, Turkey !Wi JUen: end" day by Nikoltil Balbailllu chalrmao We are constantly concerned leader :Arthur Ctilwell as he left Its plitce on the aide of IUlUce of the VSSR Plannlni Cominlttee WIth the dange1'\l of ~at he a mee~g where he had denounc- and legalIty It ~ our JitlMie Tbey are nol 100 eager 10 open MeaowhIle pro~sed chao&e" n when he received ao A1aerlan dele­ declared ed AustraIJan partIcipation 10 that the demands of PaIdliWi on 1345 SH) Pnce Af 3 gation headed by Ka.-nal Abdalla Ihelr markets to the products of the .he ASlao Afncan resolution .", SECURITY IlEAJ)ACHE the war , lUshmlr, whiCh /lave Iieeii Bl!P" .. J) , develoPIng countnes and 10 pay Ihe SOuthwest Alne.. have been lioJa general director of the Chiel A Canherra report ll8YB Presl EarIJer Umted States VICe- ported by the Umted Natlolii and ~ , . ~lllhtM fair and stable pnce. for wbat they referred for study 10 a llpCC1al PlanOlog BOard dent JOhnson. VIsits to Canberra President Hubert Humphrey. was have become a claliil, fliid l MaiwGhdwal Phones Etemad; buy he lold the UN Geoeral steenog comtmtlee of!he As18n The Soviet Union is ready to and Welhngton thl8~ month will gIven a t'Q'Wdy reception by anti· a satJafactory solutIOn ~ Gromyko HoldS To HM Thanks Sunay ~verY' Re$Pims.e ......n1lily s EconolDlc CommIttee Afncan group The comm.ttee s continue aSllBUni Itt way the gIve the Auatrallan and New VIetnam war demonstrators Earlier Preildeot Ayull \ti.cl KABUL Oct 9, (Bakhtar)­ Coosequently he saId they reSort to report oext Monday development of Alaeria s national Zealand poltce the. hlgges~ eecu when he visled Australia and 88Jd The government Ql the Vietri~\ProP9.salS PrlJne MlnlSter Mohammad Hashbn Malwandwal continues to ForMessage to. such mampuJatlOn Instead d1 Reuter adds The General As- economy Balbakov streS5ed nty headache In theIr hIStory New Zealand people of Pakistan are grateflil Brown's lliake goOcl pro~ In Ankara hospItal He will stay In the hoa entenng 1010 more equl18ble and sembly s Tusleesh.p ComD1ltlee In both countrlea there IS 8 In New YQrk teports AP, US for the spontaneous 8uPWri and ~AI.ALl\i3AD, O/:t. 9 tBakhtar) ~ pltaI for some more days KABUL Oct 9 (Bakhtar) -H.s A~dul Ghalfout: Alimadl ailvls.lr to more rahonal Ifade relations dictaled ThlIl'sday decIded to open debate MOSCOW Oct 8 (Ta••)-A vocal mmonty who have demon Sectetary of State Dean Rusk assistanCe Turkey haa extended Frank\Excliange Of Views At 100 •MinnW A~ntIn&' to & medical report issued yesterdllY by Dr Abdl Majesty the King ID a telegram 10 solely by consideratIOns of mutual on the SlIuatlon In Rhodesia next delelatton of the HUn&anan national atrated flel'l"'ly agaInst the send and Foreign Mmlster Mohammed til Pakistan during the IJIont,li of the Ministry of Mupation returned /liUJl Ata, elilef doctor of the hospItal, to a reporter of AnstoUa, Cevdet Sunay PreSident of turkey need and mutual profil TU'tSday assembly led by Saodor Galpar Ing of Australian and New Zea Rlad of the United Arab Repub- September 1965 Wdl"dil cannot from .ralalabad yesterday after in.. Conference In New York & bheck up Ilt 8 a.m yesterday showed that the Prime Minister's has thanked b,m sendmg a messago land troopa to fight 10 Vietnam ItC dIScussed the war In Vietnam express our feelings and gratl ov~r 10 lh s connection and WltJ'10Ut Tbe debate IS certam to hear member of the political Bureau of I\ecllnj{ work on the Nangryhar blood pi'e'sSlJl~e, temJl'ratlire, and poIse were normal wblle hIS plane was passlog the Central Committee 01 the Hun Friday during a conference olt tude and I would not even jij NEW YOBIi, Oct (DPA)­ Teachers TrainIng C;oUeae and AfghanIStan on the way to PakIstan naming any particular coun4ry he further demands for decisive action II PrIme MIDlster Malwandwal yesterday monilng spoke on the c.ted the failure of the recent UN gaflan SoclaUst Workers Party and world Issues to do so But I mWlt say tli8t Soviet ForeIgn Mlilister Andrei Gromyko's reaction to British Niljmul Madares a rellillous school In bls message Cevdet SUDay seot cocoa conference whIch broke by Bntaln including use of force telephone to aqtlng Prlme MInIster and l\Unister of Foreign Vice-President 01 the PreBldium 01 the support which Turkey 0 Foreign Secretary George Brown's slil: poInt plan end the Viet ill fladda hiS beSI WIshes for \be health and down mamly because of the US and the ap.P)lcation of mandatory • We always hope for peace' to Affairs Nour AhlJUld EteJiladt and assured him of hts lIrogress ~nction in Rhodesia the Republic arrIved here for a ten Yaftali Urges tended to Pakistan refleeted hllr nam war was nor encouraging well Informed British sources said Ahmadi also visited the Mllrad prospertty of HIS Majesty the KlDg poSition RIM told newsmen after the great traditioll§ and her love lor 'this was the flrst tIme the Prime Minister had talked on the day friendly VISIt at the lovitatlon (Contd from page 2) - here last night All High School and the Fuodamen and for the Afghan nation meeting, but he added he had The current trading pohc.es of 01 the USSR Supreme Sovle( ~mmend tbem for call1og atteotion freedom and1ustice ThIa haa tal School In SllIIllar lIaral ylllaae telephone to Kabul since falling llJ In Ankara ahout a fortnight reply H,s Malesty has expres­ brought no neW Infonnatlon to Accordlilg to the aame sources Union saId bluntlY that US ac "hi the developed countnes bllve resulted .Apart trom Moscow the delelates to these problems 10 recent atate­ further extended ties of friend Kama woleawall In Beluloon, he sed hIS pecsonal appreciation as l\usk on P9S8lble avenuea for lIe!­ Brown a proposals made at the tIons In VJetnam made nonnal \ &go In a WIdening disparIty between WIll VisIt Minsk and Kiev ments We applaud Canads for ship and brotherhood between visited the Fundamental .Scliool of ---,---.,..-~--------------.....;--...;.....,....~well as that of the Afghao oahon their economIes and those of the tlIng the conflict the peoples of our two countries. Bnllsh Lacour Party conventIon relations unposslble takmg tbe mluauve 10 cutting or In Bnghton England On Thurs­ In the last few weeks U 0fIl Karie BOland Ghar for the allenlton paid by the Presl developing countnes he declared SOviet Scientist abolishtng tnteresl rates and aoften The United Arab Republic was A jomt communIque IS8Ued Yell­ 5: one of several countries report.: day topped the agenda at the clals have been heartened by • Belore leavina lor Kabul yeister Comecon Membef@ dent and the TurkJsh nation to Ambassaijor Mal.d Rahnema of ALGIERS Ocl 8 (AP) -Flash tng the term. on which loans are terilay by Iran and Turkey at the day morning Ahmadi met Nanga,. INEZ DROWNS Pnme MInIster Mohammad Hashim Iran told the commIttee Ihat tbe fioods caused by sudden heavy prOVIded ed earlter thIa week to be ex end of Turkish PresIdent Sunay'l 100 mmute meetlOg between the several sIgns The Soviet UnIon two Mmistel'/l agreed to discuss the openmg of har Governor Mohammad Sidlq To Boost Trade Malwandwal who has been receIving world economy was underdeve:loJ)!:d Finds Properties raIDS Friday n1&ht were reported to plormg possible new moves to five day VISIt there Ignored the 44 REFUGEES end the war North V,etnam has But after the talk WhlCh tOllk a direct Moscow New York aIr Provincial Director of Educatioo MOSCOW Oct 0 (Reuter) -The medical treatment 10 an Ankara and not Just some countries 10 It have drowned six persons and cau~ Bluet" Operations Central Treaty Org81UZAtlOn (CE­ Rahmatullah aald halt the work 00 eight member nations of Comecon hospItal He suggesled that the reallsallon of a dlplomabc mission In CaIro NTO) and haIled the Regional place WIth the
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