• ~----------~~-------- Page Twelve ROCKETEER Fri day, October 30, 1964 Shakespeare L. T. E. Thompson Awards Next Friday SHDWBOAT Station's Highest Comes to IWV FRIDAY OCT. 30 "McCLINTOCK" (126 Min.) Recognition To For First Time John Woyne, Maureen O' Ha ra , ' Shakespeare comes to the In­ _ ! . ~~" -:Ie o...,J t dian Wells Valley for the first (Western in Color) Fun filled 50g0 of a Be Presented time this weekend as the Des· rip-roari ng coll ie boron who con'el get ou t The Station's tnghest form of ert Division of Bakersfield Col· of the "dog house" and reconcile hi5 wife scientific recognition - the L. -until he hire5 0 pretly housekeeper. A5 lege opens "The Taming of the -' T. E. Thompson Awards -- will Shrew" with new costumes and wild and funny 05 they camel (Adults, Youth, be presented next Friday, Nov. a revolving stage. Children.) 6, at a luncheon to be held at Thirty costumes h a v e been SATURDAY OCT. 31 the Commissioned 0 f f i ce r s designed and built in the plush - MATINEE- Mess. style of the Italian Renaissance, " PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" (84 Mi n.) The awards program is to be Vol. XIX, No. 45 NAVAL ORDNANCE TEST STATION, CHINA LAKE, CALIFORNIA Fri., Oct. 30, 1964 and the play's seven scenes will Herbert l om held in conjunction wi t h the .be set on the colleges new reo I p.m. two-day meeting of the NOTS volving stage and moved on and Shorb: " 801$ in lelfry" (7 Mi n.) Advisory Board. off stage before the audience. " Sea Hound No. 14" (18 Min.) The Thompson awards, hon­ --EVENING- The p I a y, one of S h a k e· oring Dr. Louis Ten Eyck " SON OF CAPTAIN 8LOOD" (88 Min .)_ Jenkins, HMI, Selected speare's broadest comedies and Thompson, the Station/s first Sean Flynn, Ann Todd among the most consistently suc­ Technical Director are present· 7 p .m. l cessful in production, will play ed to present and former NOTS (Adventure in Color) The famou5 Cop loin'5 t onight and tomorrow night at employees whose contri.butions 50n finall y gets to sea only to be captured 8:30 p.m., and next Friday, Nov. to ordnance research and de­ by his fother'5 old enemy. An escape, o nd 6, at the same curtain time. velopment have been most ben­ back to sea rescue fair lady from quake 'Blueiackel of Year'. Tickets are $1.25 for adults eficial to the fulfillment of the and lidol wove. (Adults, Youth, Chil dren.) a nd 50 cents for children and ,-_ _ r'" Station's mission. h igh school students. They may Shor': " 80tn !funters" (21 Min.) Station personnel are invited b e obtained at the Gift Mart in SUNDAY·MONDAY NOV. 1·2 SMILES OF SUCCESS reflect good news on been sold. Committeemen (standing) are Dick to make reservations for the Honored by Ridgecrest, by calling FR 5-2348, " FLIPPER'S NEW ADVENTUJt.E" (103 Min.) sale of tickets to dinner dance sponsored by Rusciolelli, Dick Thomas and George Oster· luncheon, starting at 11 :30 a.m., or at the box office. The play l uke Ha lp in, Pamela Franklin Holy Name and Rosary Altar Societies fri­ mann. JoAnn Rusciolelli (left, seated) is gen· by calling 72934 or 72283. Tick· is to be presented at Burroughs 7 p.m. day, Nov. 20. Bids chairman Clarence W. Mit­ eral chairman and Marcia Smith, decorations ets will be available at the Mo· Navy League Auditorium. ten berg (left) reports all but 30 tickets have chairman. (Adventure in Color) Young l uke and Flip· per get involved with convi ct kidnappers w ho jave Room door. Wives of those ore holding a family for ransom on a small attending are also invited. At Banquet 3 0 Reservations Sam Hinton Stars Bo hama.h'and Sla , ';n. Ihe .ma"'" 0 0'- • phin in the world. (Adult5, Youth, Children.) William L. Jenkins, a career Still Open for I n Bonus Concert Sha" ,"Th. CatTh., Hatod P• • p" " (7 Min.) Navyman who won his first ac· TUESDAY·WEDNESDAY NOV. 3·4 NOTS Advisory claim here last May as the Com· · D N ext Th urs day " MARN"" (12' Mi n.) mand's outstanding enlisted Ca th 0 IIe anee A "bonus" concert for youth Ti ppi Hendren, Sean Connery, Dian Boker Board to Convene I man of the month, was select· Thirty reservations remain to holding season tickets to the 7 p.m. ed this week from China Lake's be taken for the annual dinner Music Parents Club Series will (Dromo in Color) Beautiful Tippi i5 0 can· Two New Members combined, 1200·man force of dance scheduled Friday, Nov. feature folk singer Sam Hinton fi rmed office thi ef in thi5 Alfred Hitchcock : Two new members e n l is t ed personnel as "Blue· 20, at the Community Center, ac. next Thursday, Nov. 5, at the p5ychologicoi story. Sean finally f ind5 the NOTS Advisory Board jacket of the Year." cording to general chairman Jo- Station Theater from 3:30 to ' clue 10 her kleptomania a nd key to romance. here next week when the 12- Attached loca lly to the Sta. Ann Rusciolelli. 4:30 p.m. (Adull.) TH URS DAY NOV. 5 man panel of distinguished in· tion Hospital, J e n kin s w.s Sponsored by the Holy Name The appearance of Hinton, dustrial . military leaders con­ picked from t he command's and Rosary Altar Societies, the well - known to China La k e " HO NE YMOON HOTE L" (89 Mi n.) Robert Goulet, Nancy Kwan, J ill St. John venes for two days of meetings. "Bluejackets of t he M 0 nth" affair is the Catholic communi- concert-goers, thus adds an ex· Dr. Luis W. Alvarez and Ad· since last October. ty's biggest social event of the tra show to the originally·sched· 7 p .m. I (Comedy in .Color) Howl away a5 two miral John H. Sides, both be· year, she said. uled fi ve concerts. A special board comprising handsome bachelors occidentolly check in at gin their terms as members of an officer and a chief petty of· Those who have reservations Tickets for th e ent ire series the Board with this meeting. are asked to pick up tickets at a "honeymooner's 5peciolty" hotel. And roar ficer from NOTS Enlisted Divi­ are still available at all the ele· when vacuum-brain J ill show5 up with his Other Board members include sion, Naval Air Facility and Air the Catholic Chaplain's office mentary school offices. Prices prior to Nov. 6. Tickets not bon, Keenan Wynn. Tops! (Adult.) Rear Admiral Rawson Bennett. Development Squadron . Five, picked up by that date will be are $1 for students, $1.50 for Shorts. " Mouse Cleg ning" (7 Min.) .USN (Ret.); Robert L. Biggers, was con v e n ed last week to placed on sale. adults. Single admissions at the " Speed on Ic e" (9 Min .) !'. H. Heinemann, F. G. Jame· make the selection. FRI DAY NOV. 6 son, Dr. Charles Lauritsen, Dr. The Chuck Messenger ban d box office are 35 cents for stu· The board's selection was " FRACTURED FOLLIES" W. Albert Noyes, Jr., Dr. IIhiel will play for the event which dents and 50 cents for adults. withheld in confidential status 8 p.m. de Sola Pool, Admiral A. M. includes a cocktail reception, until Tuesday evening at a spec.. Pride, USN (Ret.), Dr. Fred N. dinner and dancing until 1 a.m. tacular Navy Day ban q u • t Spiess and Rear Admiral F. S. Committee members include sponsored by the Ind ian Wells Withington, USN (Ret.). Marcia Smith, Clarence Metten· Valley Council, Navy League of .' Dr. Alvarez is presently as· NOT EXACTLY the June Taylor Dancers but this chorus berg, Dick Rusciolelli, D i c k AnIWtr 10 'tnto". PUll" the United States. CROSSWORD PUZZ~' sociated as a Professor of Phys· line certainly should wow the audiences wh~n "Fractured Fol­ Thomas and George Ostermann. Sets Precedent lies" is staged by the Pink Ladies of China Lake and Ridge. ACR05& '1-Lubrlcate ics at the University of Califor· 8:"Post nia at Berkeley and Admiral The Ridgecrest Chamber of crest at the Station Theater next Friday and Saturday, Nov. 6 l-1ac1t:et 9-Annoy Commerce, representing the and 7. Contact Mrs. George Silberberg, FR 5.2356, or Mrs. Jj:.Prepos1t1oD. 10· Great 'Lak .. Sides is for:mer Commander-in­ A.C.E. Members 9· Vigor U -Yaung City's businessmen and mer· Robert Hoagland, Ext. 77362.. for complete information. (colloq.). salmon Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet. He was 12·01rl'8 name 16'-Wears away retired from the Navy last Sep­ chants, numerous civic organi.. 13·Sllkworm. 20_Interpose zations and community leaders Return From U-Period or 22-Hebrew . tember. time month. jOined the Navy League in pre. 'Fractured Follies' Fillies Schedule 15·Hay 23-P ropel spreader onesel! senting a local precedent . set· Cambria Pines 1'7.Chlnel!l8 mIla t hrough ting tribute to the Navy on its Costume Cavalcade in Convertibles J18·Title o( water Local members of the Cactus respect 24-Quote Burroughs Dean of " BLUEJACKET OF THE YEAR" William L. many other honors. Mrs. Jenkins holds bou· 189th anr.iversary. The Fractured Follies cas t bers in the variety show, which Branch of the Association for 19·Engl!sh bab~ IS-P ronoull carriage 2&-Owlng Jenkin s, HM 1, gats bussed by his proud wife, quet of red roses from IWV Navy League The program, produced un· members will cruise the Station will run for two hours.
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