OONNECTICUI ^ STATE LI3RARY * Discarded CSL WY 13*5960 Weather Editorial Hour of Sorrow Fair la% (EampitH (See Page 2) 'Serving Storrs Since 1896' MONDAY. MAY 9. 1960 VOL CXIV. No. 61 Olln in Student Union Building STOKRV CONNECTICUT Complete UPI Wire Service Senate Resolution Mortar Board Taps Students, Declares Its Intent ^ . i nV • n/r In CDC Intervention Dean WfWidmer This Morning By JEFF OSSEN itor McGurk stated that the could be nO graft involved. The twelve most outstand- Those selected for his high- Physical Therap] Association; nuttee; junior Panheiienu- student Government Council. ing junior women at the Uni- est general honor lor a woman Physical Therapy Club; HDJel; representative; resident hall seniui social i lalrman, execu- Staff Reporter Campus had advertising con- The Senators stated that all tive boexdi Newman Club; tracts and to break these versity were tapped at dawn student will wear the pin of Tassels; Freanman Council house chairman; Will's; New- bids are put out by the State Reatdent Hall Standards chair- A resolution 'declaring the would cause a lot of trouble. this morning by"Mortar Board, a present Mortar Board until Representative; sister of Al man Club, co-chairman, fall and are opened by One State. pha Epsiion Phi. Communion breakfast; Tas man: Anjrel Flight; Tassels, Student Senate's intention of He also noted that the Univer- the national senior women's they receive then own pin. The only part that the Univer- DOROTHY I .OMSK, BROWN i sels; Block (': Connecticut vice president; Nutmeg; atoter halting publication of the sity catalogue, "which has honor society, Mrs. Carolyn Widmer, dean sity plays is to request the Universlt) Scholar; Newman Writer; Dad's Daj Committee; ol Kappa Kappa Gamma. Dally Campus should it use been described as a contract State to send out bids and to Chosen for scholarship, lead- of nursing department, Will be bad taste again as it did In the ership and service, these worn- tapped as an honorary mem- club, president, membership Homecoming Committee; sis- These twelve woman coma by Provost Albert E. Waugh, pass the three lowest bids on chairman: Kappa Alpha Theta. ter of Delta Zeta. from a wide variet] ol ara Scampus' was passed at Thurs- "states that money Is collect- en were awakened by this her. Speaking al the Ranquet to the houses for which the scholarship committee, com- HARRIETT MII.DRED demic life: Miss Bowles, Ena> day's Senate meeting. ed from the students express- bids were sought. Though in a year's Mortar Board dressed tonight will he Miss Marian nnssaiv treasurer; American DOUOHERTY: Phi Upsiion Uah; Miss Bowerlng, borne eo- The resolution, introduced c ly for the Campus and to fail majority of cases "Silverman" '" "l» and gown and signing Doro. Province Director of the Pharmaceutical Association; Omlcron; Exchange Student to onomlea; Miss Bragln, physio* by Senator Howard Belkln to use the mo'ney lor this pur- had tihe lowest bid. each house the traditional song, "We Mor- National Mortar Board nrgani- Mortar and Pestle, honor BO- Denmark: Home Economies al therapy; Miss. D, Brown, (ISO), reads as follows: "RE- pose would violate a contract could have chosen the othei tar Board's receive thee . " Mtion. She will speak on "The ctet] ni pharmacy; secretary; Club, co-chairman, inteination pharmacy; Mia* P Brown, SOLVED: That the Student between the University and two low bids and in some in ' Each student was presented Meaning of Mortar Boai■ I." Lamba Kappa Sigma, sorority al dinners; International home economics; Miss Ceppe< Senate, believing that the the students. stances did, according to the a rose, an invitation to break- Also present at tihe banquet in pharmacy, piedgemastor; House; University Christian telh. English; MISS Ditux-eluo, Connecticut Daily Campus is Upon a vote. Belkin's resolu Senators. fast at Delta Zeta this morn- will be the group's advisors, Tassels: sister of Kappa Al- Association; Student Senate. English; Miss Dougherty, a student owned and. student tion passed, 25-6. Contracts For Tower Dorms inn and the annual banquet Mrs. Carolyn Widmer. Mr. and pha Theta. chairman BloodmobUe, Alumni home ecohomlca; Miss Recken- financed newspaper, and rec- lit II-1 IN Committee; Independent Btu dorf. foreign languages; M « Senator Nevas then moved In referring to the contracts tonight at Altnaveigh Inn and Mrs. Carl Fischer and Dr. and PRUDENCE ognizing its (Senate'sl duty as Wemslein, French; Miss Wink- that tie rules be suspended to for the new Tower dormitoi a letter of congratulations Mrs. William II. Harbaugi. BROWN: Intel national Farm dents Organization, women's the elected representatives of from the sponsor. The following women were Youth Exchange, delegate to v ice president; Tassels; Hol- ler. psychology; Miss Zera, the whole student body charg- allow impeachment proceed- ies. Senator March, with rat* English. ings against McGurk in his erence to the furniture con- Those tapped this morning tapped this morning: COBta Rica; International comb Hall, ed with the allocation of the will wear caps and gowns on JUDITH ARI.EEN BOWLES) Friendship Project; Interna- VERN'A RACHAEI. BBC- Senior Women In Mortar role as an ex-officio Senator, tracts that tihe West Campus student's activities fee in sup- campus today. Senior women Connecticut Daily Campus, as- tinnal House; Phi t'psilon Dm- KENDOKK: University Sc hoi Board include; Margaret Nevas stated that McGurk was houses had originally signed, port of that newspaper, go on will wear the Mortar Board sociate editor; Gamma Sigma ICTWl, honorary home econom- ar; International House Presl Manning. Aiiision Johnston, responsible for the "Scampus" said: "We've got a lawyer... record as informing the Con- outlit. black skirt and sweater Sigma, recording secretary. r.\ ic society; Home Kranomir.sdc.it; llolcomh Hall. WKGC Betty Jean Forrester, Eleanor and in so doing he had viol- so there will be no tricks pull- necticut Daily Campus, its and white Jacket Initiation ecutive board; Delta Pi. social Club; 4-H Club; Tassels; I'ni represent lhm Und. Be* Harris, Denies staff and board of directors, ated his Senate oath of office ed this time." Tsukalas and Phyllis Porter. will precede t he hanouet tn chairman, song chairman; Tas versity Christian Association, ehamnan dorm Improvement that wc will, if the Connecti- "to uphold the standards." March also noted that "the night. sels; Newman Club; sister of membership chairman; Slu- committee; Student Counse- cut Daily Campus does not This motion to suspend the University has been very le- Delta Pi. di-nt Union Cultural Commit- lor; University Choir; Hockey meet the provisions for Res- rules was overwhelmingly de- nlent" in catering the con- DOROTHY BOWEsUNG: tee; University Glee Club; sis- Club. Block an.i Bridie Club; APO Names ponsibility and Efficiency, as feated. tracts to our liking and added Class Agents Women'g Student Government tei of Kappa Alpha Theta. Tassels, social committee; Hoi- stated in their own constitu- The Senate then moved into that the Tower contracts will Council, treasurer, house rep- KABBAHA ANN CEPPE- comb Hall. tion, halt publication of the it, regular business and heard be very similar to the con- In Pharmacy resentative. Chairman Consti- TEI.1.1: Vice President Asso- TAUBK WEINSTEIN: Resi CCC Head newspaper and take whatever committee reports. A recom-, tracts that the North Campus tutional Committee; Kappa Al dates Student Government, dent Hall House Chairman; steps necessary to Insure a mendatlon by the Finance fraternities have. Last Thursday moi.ung, the pha Theta. president, parlia- Freshman, Sophomore, and Gamma Sigma Sigma; HUM, Stephen Driggers, Sigma Phi responsible and efficient press. Committee that a budget of ^mlOT Clas in the Scnool ol mentarian, assistant steward- Junior Senator; Co-chairman executive Board Secretary, re- Epsiion, will head next years FURTHER RESOLVED: in answer to some questions |.hai.macy eicclea phihp Dileo ess scholarship committee. Queens Committee for t.he llglous chairman; Student Community Cheat Carnival. $571.30 be allowed to the Pho that were raised about the at- That we make no attempt to and Gerard Weitzman as Class rush committee; Storrs Con- Junior Prom; Co -shall-man In- Zionist Organization; Alpha The appointment was made by topool was approved. It was tendance regulations as they censor any material appearing pointed out that this sum is agents. The Class is donating gregational Church choir; Unl- firmary Committee; Aea.lem- Epsiion Phi, Junior Panhelle Alpha Pht Omega President apply to students with high $5.00 per person out of their versity Choir; Senate Goodwill ics Committee; House of Rep- nlc Representative; Folk Donald Wilson. In the Connecticut Daily Cam- $173.98 less than last year's qjjj."^ Miss Elizabeth Nolls- pus, but that we do reserve budget. breakage fee as a gift to th« Committee; Freshman Conn reaentatiVMj Class Offices, Dance C Driggers, a sophomore, served ker, Senate Adviser, clarified JUDY WINKI.KR: Student the right to demand that this During the- report of the School of Pharmacy. dl; Junior Class Represents Freshman Class Secretary. as head of the tickets ind pro- the policy. "The Board of Union Board of Governors, material (Including the "Scam- Division of Student Personnel The Class agents have been •**•! sister of Kappa Alpha Sophomore Vice President; gram committee for Ihi. >eais Trustees has said that every ^^ , Theta. Dorm Chairman for the Inde- treasurer; Social committee pus") be an accurate and res- Committee, it was noted, as MeA to implemen[ urther ccc, was a member of the freshman and sophomore must ,„,, „ SARA JESS BRAG1N: As- pendent Students Organiza- chairman of Winter Weekend ponsible representation of the reported in a recent issue of contributjons of kjnd nd i'CC Executive Committee, attend every class for which sociated Student Government, tion, Newman Club; Tassels; Formal; Resident Hall House news, when its purpose is to the CDC.
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