Simplified Geological Map of the Republic of South

Simplified Geological Map of the Republic of South

16° 18° 20° 22° 24° 26° 28° 30° 32° D O I SEDIMENTARY AND VOLCANIC ROCKS INTRUSIVE ROCKS N A R a O R E E E P M . Z I M B A B W E u C Sand, gravel, I SANDVELD (%s); Q %-s O 1.8 alluvium, colluvium, Z BREDASDORP (%b); y calcrete, silcrete Text r %k O KALAHARI a ALGOA (%a); i N t r E MAPUTALAND (%m) e C T SIMPLIFIED GEOLOGICAL MAP 65 . t UITENHAGE (J-Ku); ZULULAND (Kz); SUTHERLAND (Ksu); e r C Malvernia (Kml); Mzamba, Mboyti & Mngazana (K1) KOEGEL FONTEIN (Kk) 22° 145 *-J c 22° C i I s KAROO DOLERITE KOMATIPOORT DRAKENSBERG (Jdr); LEBOMBO (Jl); (J-d); (Jk); O s OF Z a Tshokwane Granophyre SUURBERG (Js); BUMBENI (Jb) (Jts) r P-* O u Musina S J Z2 E 200 Molteno, Elliot, Clarens, Ntabeni, Nyoka *-J c M i Z2 Kml s Zme Z4 V4 Jl s C T I a *-J i R V4 O r O Tarkastad *t THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA O T Z P-* O F O Zme P-* 250 R Z2 U R A V4 A E !-d K P-* E n Adelaide Pa N a B i A !s Kml m H r !s P e AND ECCA Pe *-J P Z2 P-* *-J Jl C 300 *-J I DWYKA C-Pd s O P-* !-d u Z !s o !s r O !bl e R4 Zgh f E i THE KINGDOMS OF LESOTHO AND SWAZILAND n A Msikaba Dm WITTEBERG D-Cw o L Louis Trichardt V4 !4 b A r E P Zba a & ti P V4 C Zba V-sy Vsc A BOKKEVELD Db Jl - Z2 C n R4 !w a i Zba r Z1 Zgi M b NATAL On TABLE MOUNTAIN O-Dt Vkd m a !-d C CAPE GRANITE (N-"c); 2008 KLIPHEUWEL "k !4 Vr 545 NAMA (N-"n); KUBOOS-BREMEN (N-"k); P-* *-J Zgh &ti VANRHYNSDORP (N-"v); Yzerfontein Gabbro-monzonite ("y) Zgh Vle O CANGO CAVES, C-Pd Vro R4 KANSA (N-"ck) MALMESBURY (Nm); N KAAIMANS (Nk); GAMTOOS (Nga) Zp Zp Zgh A Ellisras I R4 B I !w Zg Z M GARIEP Ng 1:2 000 000 &6 A N Vle Polokwane 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Kilometers Zgh Nr RICHTERSVELD Ngn GANNAKOURIEP R5 R4 &ti Zg Jts A R4 1000 Vph Timbavati Gabbro &ti !-d Vr ( ) Phalaborwa &ss Vra Zp V1 Rwo Sabie Sands Granophyre ( ) Zg !w Z1 !w HLOBANE, MACALA, MAMBULU, Vp Zg M 24° &8 !-d 24° MLALAZI, SITHILO & TUGELA RAND Projection: Albers Equal Area Vra Central meridian: 24° E R3 Z4 &o ORIBI GORGE Standard parallels: 20° S ; 30° S Vr Vp Jl Z4 B KORAS &k !3 !-d Jl & ti &s Thabazimbi SPEKTAKEL Undifferentiated Rb Vro n &7 a Namaquan granitoids, Z5 Rwo I u Rv J-d Z1 q LITTLE minor basic intrusions R3 Z1 Z4 &l Vro a Rkn NAMAQUALAND Vra m Vra a Vp *-J *-J !w P-* N V1 Vr Vp Q V5 &ke KEIMOES Vle N R3 PILANESBERG ( & p ); Vr &6 Vle A I B O T S W A N A !w & ti C MFONGOSI, TUGELA, L Rwc &p Jts I PIENAARS RIVER ( r); &4 &3 Jl O V5 O NTINGWE, MAPUMULO, WILGENHOUTSDRIF, AREACHAP V5 P-* SPITSKOP, GLENOVER, &6 V1 U K Z MZIMKULU O O KRUIDFONTEIN, &ss &6 &6 M R NOOITGEDACHT, Vp V5 E V1 Sout River, KORANNALAND &2 Vp T Undifferentiated TWEERIVIER, GOUDINI, R3 Vro Zne Rde O & p Vle &5 BUFFELSKRAAL ( & 6 ) Rwc J-d R Namaquan &6 P-* E P HARTBEES RIVER, gneisses V3 Rbp Vr &1 V1 & ti BRAKWATER METAMORPHIC, Sandnoute Pe Vra 1600 ARRIBEES, DROËBOOM, GRAPPIES, DE KRUIS, Vp Zne Kameelputs, Brulkolk, Soutputs, Geselskapbank, !2 Vro Vle Vro Moddergat Gneiss, Poliesberg, Jacomyns Pan Rkn %k V5 Jk R3 Vra !-d Nelspruit V5 & pr Pe n BUSHMANLAND !b !-d Kheisian diabase !-d a Rustenburg R3 i Vr R3 s i !w Vro e Pretoria C-Pd Vra Rgo h Zk Vp C-Pd Jl K BRULPAN, VAALKOPPIES, Kaboom, Spioenkop !1 Zb STALHOEK, HOOGOOR, Z4 *-J (!5); %k Zk Vp V3 V5 VIOOLSDRIF, GLADKOP Z4 V5 V5 OLIFANTSHOEK (¢o); SOUTPANSBERG (!s); Palala & Entabeni Granites (!4); DWARSFONTEIN, LOSBERG, Mafikeng V1 !3 V2 !-d Barberton ORANGE RIVER (¢or) WATERBERG (!w); Blouberg (!bl) KORINGKOPPIES Z4 Vp Vro Z1 2050 Vra Koedoesrand (Vkd); Glentig, Z5 Vle LEBOWA GRANITE PHALABORWA (Vph); V3 Rust de Winter, Loskop (V3) SCHIEL (Vsc); Zmz JohannesbuZ1rg !3 Jts Syenite (V-sy) R5 C-Pd D Zb L V5 Z4 E Pe V R1 26° H %k Vr RUSTENBURG LAYERED Rv Z4 Pe J-d 26° S U N Zk V1 B A I Zk L Zmz A R3 Z4 A J-d V ROOIBERG Vro Vra RASHOOP GRANOPHYRE Mbabane !3 Rv Z4 R5 V1 Ermelo Z3 L Vp R1 R1 A RIETFONTEIN, ROODEKRAAL, N-"n P-* A POSTMASBURG Vpo SCHURWEDRAAI (Vsu); PRETORIA Vp V5 !o R2 V Vaalian diabase, gabbro Bulai, Alldays & Malala Drift !o S V1 J-d 2500 Rv N Gneisses, Palmietfontein J-d R1 Rv A GHAAP, Vryburg V2 CHUNIESPOORT, Black Reef V1 R Granite (V4) %k Pe C-Pd C-Pd V5 Rv *-J T SWAZILAND Vsu Z3 2650 R3 WOLKBERG (Rwo); GODWAN (Rgo); Klerksdorp Pe BLOEMPOORT (Rbp); BUFFELSFONTEIN (Rb); R4 Late Randian biotite granites Vryburg R3 Z4 R1 J-d R5 Wachteenbeetje (Rwc) Standerton Z4 N A Vredefort I Z4 N VENTERSDORP (Rv); Kanye (Rkn); V2 Rv D Z1 R2 Kz A Pe N Zeekoebaart (Rz); Dennilton (Rde) E Jl A Skalkseput Granite (Rss); USUSHWANA, Randian basic, Pe A R5 R Z1 %m H other Randian granites (R3) ultrabasic & alkaline rocks DOMINION, WITWATERSRAND (R1); %-s C %m R PONGOLA, Amsterdam (R2); MARYDALE (Rmy) %k Z4 Pe A !o J-d R3 3100 Rv NELSPRUIT (Zne); Mpuluzi J-d Pe J-d Z1 C-Pd N BARBERTON (Zb); GRAVELOTTE (Zg); Granite (Zmz); Goudplaats- *-J A Rv I GIYANI (Zgi); PIETERSBURG (Zp); Hout River Gneiss (Zgh); J-d V2 Z other Swazian granitoids MESSINA (Zme); ROODEKRANS, %k Zk Vp (Z4) A BANDELIERKOP (Zba); Kuruman MULDERSDRIF, MODIPE (Z5) W MOUNT DOWE, GUMBU (Z2); KRAAIPAN (Zk); Pa P-* S Ngwane Gneiss, other early R4 other Swazian supracrustal rocks (Z1) Z3 R2 Swazian gneisses J-d %m Rv J-d Kz %-s Rank indicated as follows: SUPERGROUP, GROUP, Subgroup, Formation, COMPLEX, SUITE, other units C-Pd R2 !o Pa *-J C-Pd Pe Pa Pe Vryheid Jl %m Lithostratigraphic boundaries International border Pa Jb J-d *t Welkom Jb J-d *-J Faults (including thrusts and shear zones) Provincial border !1 V2 C-Pd N-"n & k %k C-Pd R3 !or & ke J-d 28° V2 Z1 28° Harrismith Pe & k Z4 !1 R2 Ngn %k *-J Pa %m !5 C-Pd Vpo & 3 Pe & 2 & 5 Upington & 3 Rv N A M I B I A & 5 & 1 & 5 Pe & 7 !o Kimberley J-d N-"k V2 Jl J-d Jdr Nr !2 On & ke R2 Z4 C-Pd Z4 Pa %-s C-Pd %-s Z1 *-J N-"n Z1 !or *-J %-s & 5 !or Pa &8 Ng & 7 Richards Bay !b !5 & 2 & 3 & 4 %m !5 J-d &8 !b !1 J-d Jdr Pe J-d *t & ke & ke !5 Pofadder !2 Rz & 7 %-s & 1 Bloemfontein &7 Vpo &7 R3 Rv C-Pd & 7 Z4 & ke & ke & ke Rss J-d & l & l !2 !2 V2 Pa *t !-d & o Port Nolloth Pe Pe !2 !5 C-Pd & ke C-Pd L E S O T H O !b !b & 7 & 1 %k Maseru On & l %k DOMINANT LITHOLOGY(-IES) N-"n !2 & s & 4 %m & 7 Prieska %-s EXPLANATORY NOTES !5 & o Pe C-Pd Diamictite & o Porphyritic granite, charnockite & ke Rmy Pietermaritzburg Springbok !1 %a Sandstone, limestone, conglomerate & Nepheline syenite, syenite, volcanic rocks Rv C-Pd This simplified geological map is based on the digital data of the p %-s Pa !b Pe V2 published 1:1 000 000-scale geological map of the Republic of & l C-Pd %b Limestone, sandstone, conglomerate & pr Syenite, nepheline syenite, volcanic rocks Pe !b & s South Africa and the Kingdoms of Lesotho and Swaziland (Council %k Sand/sandstone, gravel, clay & s Gneissose leucogranites & 7 Durban for Geoscience, 1997). Lithostratigraphic attributes have been Rss Pa %m !5 updated in places, where applicable, and have been assembled %m Sand, limestone, conglomerate & ss Granophyric quartz gabbro %k %-s & l C-Pd into larger groupings appropriate to the scale of this compilation. J-d Pe Jdr *t %s Sand/sandstone, limestone, gravel & ti Gabbro J-d All the original lithostratigraphic boundaries of the 1:1 000 000- %-s Sand, alluvium, calcrete On Sandstone On scale map have, however, been retained for the benefit of those 30° 30° who might require more detail in certain areas; a copy of the J-d *-J "k Conglomerate, sandstone, mudrock O-Dt Quartzitic sandstone Pa Pe & l Pe 1:1 000 000-scale map will obviously be needed to provide the *t *-J "y Diorite, gabbro Pa Mudrock, sandstone Pe %k names of those strati-graphic units which are no longer shown separately on this map. Db Mudrock, sandstone Pe Shale, sandstone !b &4 C-Pd Pe & o On Dm Sandstone P-* Mudrock, sandstone !b J-d & 7 Since the 1:1 000 000-scale map was last revised in 1997, the Pe & s most recent mapping is not reflected here. This problem is only D-Cw Quartzitic sandstone, mudrock R1 Quartzite, lava, shale, conglomerate Colesberg Aliwal North J-d really significant as far as the Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Jb Volcanic rocks, clastic sediments, syenite R2 Volcanic rocks, shale, quartzite !5 Province west of 20°E is concerned, where extensive remapping Pa C-Pd Port Shepstone has taken place in the past decade.

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