The Newark Post NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 NUMBER 5 SCHOOLS HONOR LIST KITCHEN Foreign War Veterans DEL GRADUATES Order Regulation Uniforms MA YOR FRAZER CONTEST At thc regular weekly III et­ ing. Tuesday night, in the Post HELD REUNIONS rooms, in the Old Academy Hold J Assembly At Hour Of Business Concerns Give Prizes building, J. Allison O'Daniel LAST SATURDAY Funeral Services ; Conclude F or Improved Kitchens P o~t . Veterans of Foreign Wars, awarded the contract for uni­ Alumni Pledge Themselves With Period Of Silence forms to Sol Wilson, the lowest "Quite a bit of interest is being bidder. The uniforms, tailored To Progressive Athletic Pro- And "Taps" shown in the 'Wife Saving' Kitchen to measure, are to be delivered Contest that is being conducted by by May 1. They will be the reg- gra:m; Alumnae To Throw the Extension Service of the Univer- ulation Foreign War Veterans' Yesterday afternoon, at two o'clock, sity of Delaware," says Mrs. Kate uniform, of khaki colored whip- Influence Toward Getting the Newark schools paid tribute to Henley Daugherty, County Home cord with overseas cap and Sam the memory of the late Eben B. Fra- Demonstration Agent for New Castle Brown belt. Ne..w Buildings zer, Mayor of the Town, whose fu- C The local Post, t he strongest neral services were at that hour. In o~~~ications are coming into the in t he State, is trowing rapidly, every grade throughout the schools Extension office daily from home and is averaging one new mern- LARGE ATTENDANCES a period of silence was observed, after makers enrolling in the contest. bel' every meeting. All eligible which the teache~ of the gra?e ad- Business concerns of the county are veterans are cordially invited Both the alumni and alumnre of the dressed the pupils on the hfe of offering the folJowing prizes to the to visit the Post on meeting University of Delaware held their Mayor Frazer. winners in this contest. night and be enrolled. annual reunions Saturday, the alumni The Junior and Senior High Schools Last night the Lt. O'Daniel meeting being in the usual form of illnJlI ba nkl'd fl owel's in such held a spec ial assembly in honor 01 Class I Post met with the Wilmington a dinner in the du PonD.Biltmore, and lhllt they ove rflowed the Mayor Frazer's memory, at which 1st prize-1 gal. ready mixed paint, Post in the Wilmington Y. M. the alumnre held meetings Saturday remains of Eben . B. Frazer, Mis,> Anna Gallaher presided. Mae 1 gal. of varnish stain and 1 gal. of C. A. afternoon at the Women's College of Newa rk, were viewed Malcom gave a brief talk on the life clear val'l1ish, given by the Bradford with a dinner Saturday evening in of friends from Delaware and works of MayoT Frazer. The Paint Co., Wilmington. Kent,Hall. as they attended his ices, yeslerday afternoon assembly sat with bowed heads for 2nd prize-White enamel topped COUNTY AGENT The athletic situation at Delaware . at. hi s latc home, Belmont 'oafye,vrhiol.dc hofMSril.e'.lHce., aEt. thBearckoenrclubslieO~ kitchen work tabl~ given by Butler's was the chief topic of the alumni ban- on West Mai n stree t, Newark. Furniture Company, Wilmington. quet and the alumni pledged them- "taps." 3rd prize-$5.00 worth of kitchen se lv ~s to a program for--building bet- th e sl'J'v ice , which we re con- The Newark School assembl y, yes- equipment, to be selected by the win- RADIO PROGRAM~ . tel' teams at Delaware. The main by the RO\'erend H. Everett tcrday morning, was in honor of ner, given by Stern's Furniture Co., _______- speakers were Dr. Walter Hullihen, ,]lastol of the Newark Pres­ , Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Jas. of Wilmington. Ed Willim Institutes Broadcast presiden~ of t he University; H . C. Church. ma ny joined the Stoll was student chairman of the lIs- 4th prize-Universal Aluminum "Curley" Byrd, assistant to the pres- cortpg'C lo West Nottingham, sembly. Josephine Blake recited double boi ler, given by Hance Hard- Service Over WDEL; On ident and director of athletics at the Count)·. Md .. where Mayor Longfellow's poem, "Excelsior," and ware Co., Wilmington, Del. University of Maryland, and the Rev- was laid al fina l rest. Grace ~erguEOn recited "The Arrow." 5th prize-Stepladder kitchen high- Air Every Wednesday erend John Hart, chaplain and assist- rame to MI' . F I'azel' at 2 HUBERT HEADS Frederick Porter gave a talk on the stool, given by Miller Bros., Wilming- ant football coach at the University Monda y mo rning, in the Uni­ Early Life of Longfellow, and Louis ton. At 8 of Pennsylvania. of Maryland Hospital, Balti­ Fell spoke on Longfellow's Life. Lois Class II Dr. Hullihen heartily endorsed the wherl' he hud been taken TOWN COUNCIL. "" Phelps recited " The Grandfather's What were probably the first Coun- plan of the Alumni Association to a stroke. the day before. Clock," and Dorothea Chalmers 1'e- ]st prize-$25.00 in cash given by ty Agent broadcasts in Delaware oc- start a program to improve athletics . appa rently in excellent Elected President Pro Tern To cited "The Reaper and the Flowers." the du Pont Paint Co., Wilmington. curred the last two Wednesday even- at Delaware, and promises the pro- was sudde nl y stricken by a Last Friday's assembly was a 2nd prize--40 inch white enamel ings at 8 :00 p. m., when Ed WiJlim, gram all the support within his pow- as he was dressing for ch urch Serve Unexpired Term Of George Washington's Birthday pro- topped kitchen work table given by Jr., New Castle County Agent, tJilked er. He stated that, whatever the pro- morning. The seizure 'w.~ . ,.\ gram. Joseph West gave iln address, Miller Bros. Furniture Co., Wilming- for 15 minute periods over Station gram that the alumni should be rec- his speec h, but he did not I he Late Mayor Frazer "George Wa~hington's Contributions ton, Del. WDEL in Wilmington. The subject onciled to accept a certain amount of the use of hi s limbs. 01'. to American Government. A group of 3rd prize-$5.00 worth of Kitchen of hi s first talk was Current Agrlcul- defeat with victories, and that no mat- wa s called and had MI'. At a special meeting of t he Council seventh grade boys and girls, under Aluminum ware,. given by LiPPin- 1tural Problems in New Castle County. Iter how excellent the coaching staff rushed lo the Maryland Hos­ of Newark, held _ Monday night, the direction of Mi ss Greta McKensey, cort's store, Wilmmgton. Mr. Willim plans to make this a regu- there were bound to be some defeats. the Newurk ambulance. Dr. Charles C. Hubert, councilman from gave a play, " In the Days of Wash- 4th prize-A Ruswin F?od Chop- lar Wednesday evening feature if the (Continued on Page 4.) rode in the muchine and T. the tltjra 'district, was elected presi- ington." Mi ss Harriet Wilson's third per. given by Giest and Glest Hal'd- people in the rural sections of the • _ I and William Cunningham Mr . Frazer was semi­ dent of the Council, pro tem, to fill i~~(~~ ~::.~ "t~rkc~~nas;,~neu ~~l ~eo~?:~ ware Store, Newark, De\. co unty are interested in it. MRS. JOHNSON ON when he reached Baltimore the vacancy made by the demise of He also plans to answer over the rew steadily worse until he Eben B. Frazer, mayor of the Town Wash~ngton' s I~fe~ • FOOTLIGHTS CLUB GIVES r~di o agricultural questions asked of SENATOR'S STAFF awu)'. lie \~jlS 7/j years old, a nd president of t he Council, who had AUXILIARY ORGANIZED FOUR ONE-ACT PLAYS him by th~ fatmers of the .county. born Nove'i'nller 23, 1853, expired early that morning. MI' ....Hu- . ' • The questions may be mailed or bert \Viii serve a s president ' of the TH'i¥four onecuct plays, pl'esented in phoned to him at Newark ot to WH- N' EIHon, Maryland. TO LOCAL I"EGION POST Council until the next Town election At a meeting held in the Post head- Wolf Hall on Friday evening by tire mingto'n in care of Station WDEL. ind ustry were brought Will Be Assistant To New ful standstill yesterday in April, when all Town offices will quarters in the Academy BuiJdin~ Footlights Club of the University of During his first talk Mr. Willim , during the hour of hi.s be filled by election. Monday night an auxiliary to Lieu- Delawal'e, assisted by students from discussed the organization of the Del­ U. S. Senate Member; The school and UIII ­ A resol ution of the death of Mayor tennnt J. Allison O'Daniel Post No. the Women's College, have aroused aware Exte~sion force and ~entioned were li t half mast and Frazer was drafted and voted on and 10, American Legion, was organized. Imu ch favorable comment, both on the that accord!ng to the ~mlth-Lever Townsend's Son Named order incorporated in the minutes of There were about 15 charter m e mb e r ~ campus and in the town of Newark. Law passed ~n 1914, creating the Fed­ ~uspe nd e d all activity Secretary two and three. All stores and the Council and to be published by at the organization but the charter The busineR s staff annou~ ~es that, eral. ExtenSIOn Department, t~e .
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