: ■. -■ 's . r'’* * ■ NBT PKESS RUN . AVERAGE DAILY CIRCrULATION THE WEATHER jr e M e u t h r V. 9. Weather Bamii. OF YHB EVENING HERALD New Haven . for the month of Febrnary, 1027. Snow or rain late tonight and 4 , 9 5 6 Wednesday. \ VOL. XLL, NO. 128. CTlassified Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 192 7. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTPS " CHAPLIN OWES BRING ON YOUR MUSTANG! W n W R A W B E L U. S. A MILLION EXPLOSION IN DRYS JUB ^SHANGHAI Treasury Officials Start Probe ON CITY NAME of Film Comedian’s Income; ENGLISH MINE O M V I . Back Taxes Due. FROM ASSEMBLY Washington, March 1.— B i n 52 MEN IN S E N A T E J Charlie Chaplin’s meteoric flight to fame from the slums of London to a pinnacle of SOCIETY GUTTERS Ten Bnildings Near Arsenal Chamber of Commerce Com­ fllm-comedy Is being written Nearly 100 Others Rescued; Into the records of the Treas­ Marshal Their Forces at ury Department. Destroyed — Exploding mittee Makes Recommen­ Special federal Investiga­ All Hope Abandoned For Capital Today to Put AT MASONIC BALL tors have been sent to New York and Los Angeles to con­ Bullets Endanger Lives of dation as Fight For Pas- duct an exhaustive probe of Entombed Miners— Roof Stronger Teeth In Vol­ Chaplin’s affairs in order that his federal tax liability may be Falls Blocking Exits. Premier Social Affair Here Fire Fighters— Military ' sage Seems Lost. determined, it was learned to­ stead Act; Stop Filibuster. day. Chaplin already Is under Attended by Largest Situation Unchanged. The Manchester Chamber of bond of nearly a million dol­ Ebbw Vale, England, March 1.— Washington, March 1.— Flushed Commerce committee on City Class- lars to meet a huge tax as­ At least fifty-two men are entomb­ by a major victory for prohibition Crowd— List o f Gowns. VJ sessment levied by the Bureau Shanghai, March 1.— An out­ iiication voted last night to recom­ ed in the CWW mines, with all hope on their cloture petition. Senate of Internal Revenue immedi­ of their rescue abandoned. break of fire n^ar tlie Lugwha ar­ mend that the city bill now in com­ ately after the sensational di­ drys pushed forward with de­ Nearly a hundred other miners Over four-hundred were present senal on the outskirts of Shanghai mittee in the present General vorce suit was started against termination today In their fight for have been brought to the surface at the Masonic ball in Cheney hall caused panic conditions in part of Assembly'be withdrawn before a the film funny man by Lita reorganization of the enforcement Gray Chaplin. suffering from gas. last evening, the largest number the native city toaay, detracting hearing is called. Representative unit under the civil service code. After the examiners reports The tragedy was caused by the that has ever attended the annual from the general tension of the Miss Marjory Cheney was present are considered by Commission­ The Anti-Saloon League looks at the committee meeting last night explosion of gas in one of the dance of Manchester lodge. It was military situation. er of Internal Revenue D. H. chambers of the mine, and the pres­ upon the measure as the most vital and said she would abide by the Blair, Chaplin will be handed the last Masonic dance In Cheney Fusing of an electric wire is be­ ence of “ after damp” made it nec­ Implanatlon of teeth in the dry act a bill by the Treasury for hall as the Masons will hereafter lieved to have been responsible for committefe’s wishes. Miss Cheney essary to stop rescue work at 1:30 since passage of the Volstead Act probably a million dollars, al­ this afternoon. hold their annual ball In the spaci­ the fire, which destroyed ten out­ introduced the bill in tke Legisla­ six years ago. leged to be due on back taxes. 85 Men Rescued. buildings of the arsenal. Fears of ture and stated emphatiWl’y last Chaplin then will be given ous hall in their new Temple which night that she was, still willing to A hundred and thirty-five miners Efficiency Increased explosions, due to the huge stores,- an opportunity for hearing be­ were known to have been in the of munitions in the arsentil, cau."^ work hard for its passage. fore the appeals division of the By removing prohibition appoint­ mine at the time of the explosion. Now that he’s got the hat, all President Coolldge needs is chaps and a e.l a panic among the native resi­ Legislators 0|>iK>scd. revenue bureau, where an ments from the category of politi­ The committee felt that it was a Of these, 85 were brought to the mustang. Pretty Miss Cody Allen, granddaughter of William F. Cody cal patronage, sponsors of the dents near the arsenal. effort will be made to adjust surface, all alive though badly (“ Buffalo Bill” ), presented the hat when, she called at the,White House The fire was under control after hopeless task to attempt to get the the assessment to prevent a measure assert, administrative ef­ gassed, and foureten bodies were to Invite the President to attend the opening of the Cody Museum at four hours of arduous labor, firc- bill through the Legislature since subsequent appeal to the ficiency will be Increased, tempta­ recovered. The others still are Cody, Wyoming. nipu being forced to work amid a both Representative Raymond A courts. tions removed from the path of | Johnson and Senator Robert J. missing and it is feared that they field agents, and the whole struc­ rain of exploding bullets.- Smith were opposed to it. It Is have perished. ture of the enforcement unit co­ Situation Uncha u,cd understood that Major John Buck Roof Falls. ordination for maximum results, i While the milita''y situation h ley, who drew up the original bill, The explosion which was not A Story About A Little Girl The new force, all selected under unchanged the Fcngtieti troops hadi refused to give his assistance BROTHERS BAHLE heard on the surface, occurred in civil service rules, would be ad-1 cojitiime to stream down, from tlis this year simply because he felt the ohe of the main galleries of the ministered by a commissioner of north and N.mkiag, by way ol j Cliagchow, to Surikiar.g, apparent­ bill did not have a chance ia the mine and brought down much of Who Swallowed An Eagle prohibition, under the secretary of i Legislature. OVER LOVE TANGLE the roof, thus blocking the exits. the treasury. The treasury always ly planning an atta.‘;k on the left Those present at last night’s The whole town of Ebbw Vale was fl?nk of the Cantonese. Tlure are has had the dry law administration ' reports here that the Can tones-• meeting were Chairman Charles W. immediately mobilized for rescue as one of its duties, but heretofore j Holman, President Austin Cheney, work, but clouds of poisonous gases arc planning a counter drive In the TIRED DAD HARD it has been handled as a side line, dl.ert'on of Nankin.',' thus hoping Representative Miss Marjory Che­ arising from the wrecked shaft It Was a Gold One and Now partly by the customs bureau, and! ney, Earl Seaman, William Knofla Wealthy Men Fight In New seriously impeded the workers. to split the. northern armies, cut­ LUCK FOR BABE partly by the internal Revenue! ting off the southern flank from and Thomas Ferguson. Chairman The rescue squads worked hero­ Bureau. Holman said he had called the ically, the general manager of the Two Manchester FamOies Its base of supplies. York Street— Figure In mining company himself descend­ Wee Ina Price Proves More Drj’s Gather The northern armies now have meeting to get an idea on opinion The crucial parliamentary strug­ before the hearing on the bill sched­ ing into the pit with the rescuers. Brittle an'd Less Stolid Than approximately 40,000 men on the He was overcome with gas and Who Were Enemies, Then gle incident to the last phase of the Sunldang front and with better uled for next week. Mr. Holman Million Dollar Suit. a Cushion. senate fight drew to the galleries said he was convinced that Senator brought to the surface unconsclou.s. weather the decisive batllu may Harrowing Scene. the field marshals of the dry begin at any moment. ^ Smith and Representative Johnson Mrs. William Price, of 91 were absolutely opposed to the bill There were many harrowing Friends, Are Now at Odds legions. General Lincoln C. An­ Genei-als Confer New York, Mar. 1.— Edward C. scenes at the pithead as more than Ridge street, placed her little drews, grand titan of enforcement, General Chang Tsung and Gen­ and that he felt this would stop its daughter, Ina, six months old, passage. Mr. Holman said he had Carrington, 55-year-old millionaire two hundred women gathered to Roy A. Haynes, prohibition com­ —Photo hy Elite eral Sun Cbuan Fang have left for on a couch In the kitchen and Again. missioner, and Wayne B. Wheeler, W . George Glenney Nanking following a conference made an effort to have both Mr. publidMir of New York; was arrest­ wait for news of their men-folk covered lier with a blanket. who were trapped in the mine. generalissimo of the Anti-Saloon with the Aukuochon military lead­ Smith and Mr. Johnson attend ed today in the City Club and lock- Then she began preparing her will be ready for occupancy this committee meetings and explain At 1:30 this afternoon rescue League, were among the most in­ ers who have decided to campaign etl up in a police station on ^ husband’s supper.
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