Page 1 of 4 NOTICE INVITING TENDERS. Sealed tenders based on item rates (amended upto the date of receipt of tenders) are hereby invited, for the works mentioned below, from the contractors / firms enlisted with C & W Department in the field of buildings works for the year 2015-16. Tender documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned against written request accompanied with attested copies of enlistment/ upto date renewal letter and fee receipt, PEC license 2015, Identity Card of contractor / managing partner/ director of the firm alongwith registered power of attorny and on payment of prescribed tender fee in the form of CDR / Bank Draft / Cashier's Cheque of any Scheduled bank. Tendered rates and amounts should be filled in figures as well as in words and tenders should be signed as per general direction given in the tender documents. No rebate on tendered rates will be acceptable. Tender will be received in the office of the undersigned will be opened thereafter by the tenders opening committee in the presence of intending contractors or their representatives. Conditional tenders and tenders not accompanied with earnest money @2% of estimated cost in shape of deposit at call receipt from Scheduled Bank and attested copies of registered partnership deed and power of attorney in case of firms will not be entertained. The competent authority may reject all bids or proposal at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid as permissible under PPRA Rules. The tenders will be opened 30 minutes after the closing time of Bids as per PPRA Rules 30(I) 12-11-2012 received on 15-11- 2012. Estimated Cost & Date & time Earnest Money Last date for Sr. T.S. No. Tender for receipt Name of Work Time limit issuance of No Cost in E.M & Date Fee /opening of tenders Mln. Rs. tenders District Annual Development Programme 2015-16 Provisionofsecurityarrangementsi/cRe- 3-Months 22-10-15 Const:ofB/wallwithgate&gatepillar, 6700/D 1 0.636 12,720/- Rs. 10,000/- 19-10-15 12:00 PM razorwireandCarShedinEDOF&Poffice 22-9-15 12:30 PM Attock Provision of remaining security 5-Months arrangements,consistingof3No.Sentry post,irongrill/razorwireonB/wall, waitingandcyclesheds,accessroads/ parking, additional main gate and 6701/D 2 rehabilitationofcontrolroometcincluding 6.464 129,280/- Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- 22-9-15 providingandinstallationofwalkthrough gatewithallaccessories,CCTVCamera DVR 4 channel with all accessories, handheldmateldetectorinDCOoffices complex at Attock District Development Programme 2015-16 Tehsil Hazro ConstructionofJanazaGahinVillage Taja 2.800 56,000/- 6702/D 4-Months Rs. 10,000/- 3 ----do--- ----do--- Baja 22-9-15 Constructionof3No.C/rooms24x16with 2.250 45,000/- 6703/D 4-Months Rs. 10,000/- 4 7wideverandahin GBPSDhokRashid 22-9-15 ----do--- ----do--- Abad (Yasin Khurd) Constructionof2No.C/rooms28x18with 1.980 39,600/- 6704/D 3-Months Rs. 10,000/- 5 ----do--- ----do--- verandah in GBHS Awanabad 22-9-15 Tehsil Fatehjang Repairofwatersupplyscheme GaliJageer 2.000 40,000/- 6705/D 3-Months Rs. 10,000/- (replacementofmotor,damgedmainpipe 22-9-15 6 ----do--- ----do--- line and provision of additional pipelines etc) Pak MDGs Community Development Programme 2015-16 Constructionof JinnahParknearTMA 10.000 200,000/- 2937/EDO 6-Months Rs. 10,000/- 7 ----do--- ----do--- Office Fatehjang 22-9-15 Construction of Jinaza Gah Qutbal 2.000 40,000/- 6707/D 3-Months Rs. 10,000/- 8 ----do--- ----do--- Fatehjang 22-9-15 ConstructionofAdditionalClassrooms in Govt. Schools 2015-16 Tehsil Attock Constructionof4No.additionalC/rooms 3.720 74,400/- 6708/D 4-Months 9 24x16with7'wideverandahin GGPS 22-9-15 Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- Sojhanda Attock Tehsil Hazro Constructionof2No.additionalC/rooms 1.151 23,020/- 6709/D 3-Months 10 21x14with7'wideverandahin GBPS 22-9-15 Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- Rahmoo Tehsil Hazro Tehsil Fatehjang Constructionof6No.additionalC/rooms 5.858 117,160/- 6710/D 5-Months 11 28x18with7'wideverandah&stairhallin 22-9-15 Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- GGHS No.2 Fatehjang Constructionof3No.additionalC/rooms 1.954 39,080/- 6711/D 3-Months 12 24x16with7'wideverandahin GBPS 22-9-15 Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- Station Abadi Tehsil Fatehjang PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Page 2 of 4 Estimated Cost & Date & time Earnest Money Last date for Sr. T.S. No. Tender for receipt Name of Work Time limit issuance of No Cost in E.M & Date Fee /opening of tenders Mln. Rs. tenders Tehsil Jand Constructionof4No.additionalC/rooms 3.498 69,960/- 6712/D 4-Months 13 24x16with7'wideverandahin GGPS 22-9-15 Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- Allahabad Tehsil Jand ProvisionofMissingFacilitiesinGovt. Schools 2015-16 Tehsil Attock (Group-I) Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst:of2 No.toilets,supertuffwatertank200Glnin GBPS Ghoramar Tehsil Attock 6713/D 14 Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of 2.814 56,280/- 4-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- 22-9-15 retainingwall10'ht242Rftwithpre-cast B/wall656Rftwithrazorwire,gate&gate pillars in GBHS Sojhanda Tehsil Hazro (Group-II) Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst:of2 No.toilets,supertuffwatertank200Glnin GGPS Kaloo Kotha Tehsil Hazro Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cconst: of B/wall372Rftwithrazorwire,gate&gate pillar,boringwithsubmersiblepump,super tuff water tank 200 gallon in GBPS Pir Kot Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of 6714/D 15 3.640 72,800/- 4-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- retainingwall6'ht63Rft8'ht106Rft, 22-9-15 Const:ofB/walloverexistingfoundation 169Rft&B/wall228Rftwithrazorwire, gate&gatepillarsin GBPSSheenBagh Kalan Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cprovision ofboringwithsubmersiblepumpandsuper tuffwatertank200gallonsin GGPS Dhoke Jogian Tehsil Pindigheb Group-III Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of B/wall405Rftalongwithrazorwire,gate& gatepillar,2No.toilets,septictank,hand pump,submersiblemotor1.5HP,super tuff watertank300gallons,internal&external 6715/D 16 electrificationin GBPSDhaboola(Dhoke 1.901 38,020/- 3-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- 22-9-15 Sharki) Tehsil Pindigheb P/oMissingfacilitiesi/cdrinkingwater facilitiessupertuffwatertank300-gallons in GBPS Dhakri. Tehsil Jand (Group-IV) Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cInternal& externalelectrificationin GBPSChakian Tehsil Jand Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of B/wall250Rftalongwithrazorwire,gate& gatepillarin GBPSDhokeMohammad Khan Tehsil Jand Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cInternal& 6716/D 17 2.164 43,280/- 4-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- external electrification in GBPS Dhoke 22-9-15 Walian Tehsil Jand Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cInternal& externalelectrificationin GBPSDakhal Tehsil Jand Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cInternal& external electrification in GBPS Dhoke Mourose Tehsil Jand ProvisionofMissingFacilitiesinGovt. Schools 2015-16 Tehsil Attock Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cconst: of 4.759 95,180/- B/wall725Rftwithrazorwire,gate&gate 18 pillars, RCC retaining structure beside 6717/D 4-MonthsRs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- nullah350Rft,4No.toiletsinGGES 22-9-15 Gondal PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Page 3 of 4 Estimated Cost & Date & time Earnest Money Last date for Sr. T.S. No. Tender for receipt Name of Work Time limit issuance of No Cost in E.M & Date Fee /opening of tenders Mln. Rs. tenders Tehsil Hazro (Group-V) Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cconst:of2 6718/D 3-Months No.toilets,boring,supertuffwatertank200 22-9-15 gallons in GBPS Pir Zai Tehsil Hazro Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cconst:of4 No.toilets,manholes,septictank,super tuff watertank500gallonsinGBHSMalhoo 19 1.721 34,420/- Rs. 10,000/- Tehsil Hazro Tehsil Hassanabdal Group-VI Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cB/wallover existingfoundation175Rft,construction of R/wallover6fthigh127RftinGGPSGar (Dakhli Kohlia) Tehsil Fatehjang Group-VII Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of B/wall414Rftwithrazorwire,gate&gate pillar,handpump,supertuffwatertank300 6719/D 20 gallonearthfillinginGBPSDhokeFida 1.579 31,580/- 3-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- 22-9-15 Hussain Provisionofmissingfaciltiesi/cinternal& external electrification in GBPS Dhoke Jat Group-VIII Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of B/wall405withrazorwiregate&gatepillar in GBPS Langerial 6720/D 21 1.585 31,700/- 3-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cprovision 22-9-15 ofdrinkingwaterfacilitiessupertuffwater tank 300 gallong in GBPS Iehrial Group-IX Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of B/wall586Rft,B/wallover6fthighR/Wall 250rftwithrazorwire,gateandgatepillar & earth filling in GBES Karima. Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of 6721/D 22 4.373 87,460/- 4-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- B/wall405Rftwithrazorwire,gateand 22-9-15 gatepillar02.NosToileteshandpumpsuper tuff water tank 300-gallons septictank internal&externalelectrification inGBPS Chakki Lari. Group-X Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of B/wall 632 Rft, B/wall with deeper foundation59rftwithrazorwire,gateand 6722/D 23 gate pillar & earth filling in GBPS Kissan. 2.066 41,320/- 3-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- 22-9-15 Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cDrinking waterfacilities(exceptMachinery)inGBPS Dhoke Walarian Tehsil Fatehjang Group-XI Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cConst: of B/wall291Rft,B/wallover10'highR/wall 110rftwithrazorwire,gateandgatepillar in GBPS Dhoke Baghan. 6723/D 24 2.021 40,420/- 3-Months Rs. 10,000/- ----do--- ----do--- Provisionofmissingfacilitiesi/cprovision 22-9-15 ofdrinkingwaterfacilitiessupertuffwater tank300gallongin GGESShahRai
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