1 The Clubman's choice . .. ." Linette" playing cards These fine quality, linen grained, playing cards are the popular choice with club players. The familiar geo­ metrical back design is available in red and blue to make playing pairs. They are packed singly in tuck cases. Retail price 3/3d. per pack. STATIONERS DIVISION THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD., 92 MIDDLESEX STREET, LONDON, E. I • • • • EVERY SATURDAY IN • THE • • • • • • • • • Baily tltltgraph 1 PottcitOll bridge problen1 No.1 HIS IS THE FIRST of a series of dummy plays the 7 and South the 2. T Potterton problems in play, How should West plan the play? set by Terence Reese, which will FURTHER PROBLE M : H ow Can bridge appear each month. The answer players devote all thcir concentra­ will be given next month. tion to their game unclistracted by chills and draughts and undisturbed WEST EAST by trips for fuel? KJ4 Q97 ANSWER: Pick a Potterton boiler for A 10 6 K 4 central heating. And enjoy every A.JI094 Q3 hand in blissful warmth and comfort. 76 KJ109 8 4 A Pottcrton is effortlessly automatic. For information write to Miss M. At rubber bridge West plays in gNT Meredith at 20-30 Buckhold Road, after North has opened the bidding London S.W.18. Or phone her a t with One Spade. North leads S 6, VANdyke 7202. Potterton Boilers at the heart of efficient central heating-oil or gas A MEMBER OF TRE (I) DE LA RUE OROUP 'cPotlerlon., r's a rtzistt:rtd trad1 tn(U'k 2 The British Bridge World SUCCESSOR TO THE CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL: MSDTUM FOR ENGLISH BRIDGE UNION NEWS Edited by TERENCE REESE VOLU M E13 April1962 NUMBER 4 Editorial Board BERNARD WESTALL (CHAIRMAN) GEOFFRE Y L . BUTLER KENNETH KONSTAM TERENCE R EESE ALBERT DORME R ADVERTISING All enquiries should be addressed to the ADVERTISING MANAGER, THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD., 92 Middlesex Street, E.l All other correspondence, including Subscriptions, to the Publishers: Moore Batley Ltd., 35 Dover Street, London, W.l Hyde Park 3601-2 Annual Subscription 35/- The British Bridge World is published on the 15th of each montll Pllbllshed and pr/nteJ on behalfof the proprietors Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd., by Moor. Batlty Ltll. 35 Dover Streit, London, W.I 3 April, 1962 Contents Page Editorial 5- 6 Systemic Defence(!), by Claude Rod1igue 7-11 Oxford v. Cambridge, by Terence Reese .. 12 Test Your Play, by J. P. Meyer 13 Practical Conclusions, by Roderick E. Copeland 14 - 16 London and the South, by Alan Hiron .. 16-21 Repeat of March problems 22 More Hands from the World Championship, by Terence Reese 23- 27 Top of Nothing, by Peter Crofts . 29- 30 One Hundred Up: April Problems 30-31 Solutions to Test Your Play 32-33 E.B.U. Master Points Register 33- 34 E. B. U. Results 34 Btitish Bridge World Agents 35 Directory of E.B.U. Clubs .. 36 One Hundred Up: Answers to March Competition 37-45 Result of March Competition 45 E.B.U. List of Secretaries .. 46 Subscription Form 47 Diary of Events 48 4 Editorial ARRANGEMENTS FOR CANNES to players engaged in the main About 78 pairs will take part in contest, some of whom have no the Pairs Olympiad at Cannes. intention of playing. After five sessions 36 pairs will continue the battle for a further BEITER METHOD five sessions. Scores during the The Spring Foursomes at East­ qualifying period will amount to bourne proved very successful 33 per cent of the whole. and no doubt there will be a much In the ladies event there will bigger entry next year when, I be about 20 pairs, all playing understand, terms at the hotel throughout nine sessions. There will be more favourable. The are 18 entries for the Mixed system wl:ereby a team is not Teams, lasting over four sessions. eliminated until it has twice been beaten in a long match is surely worth considering for trials. MIX-UP A letter from the B.B.L. secret­ STILL OPEN ary notified contestants in the The second half of the first Pairs that there would be no stage of the current trials will be official selection of teains for the on June 2- 3 and the Gold Cup Mixed and' that players could final rounds have been moved to submit their own formations. the week-end following. This When this was done, the E.B.U. reminds me that the gene1ous selection committee said "No, offer of first class hotel accom­ that's not right, only players who modation for the week-end of the have qualified for the main event Vichy tournament, June 2-3, has can play in the Mixed." Thus not yet been taken up by any pair teams including pairs such as of B.B.W. readers. Flint and Mrs. Rye, Goldstein and Mrs. Whitaker, even Kon­ DEVELOPMENT stam and Mrs. Markus, were The form shown in the Oxford rejected. v. Cambridge match (see my Since the Mixed is an inde­ report on page 12) was enough to pendent event and the E. B. U. convince me that B1 itain is by are not even paying entry fees, it no means so destitute of young seems extraordinary to limit entry talent as is commonly alleged. 5 Unfortunately one needs a g1eat lines to a world championship deal of experience to reach cham­ encounter. pionship class at tl1is game. The BRAWN AND BRAINS Young Britain v. Young Germany The dockers, incidentally, are match, to be staged on May 12- 13 by no means novices. They play at St. Georges Hotel, Llandudno, well up to the standard, 1 would with Bridgerama, is just what is say, of the average business house wanted. team. MYSTERIOUS WAYS ENCOURAGING The manoeuvres of.Fleet Street Clifford Davis is one of the in regard to bridge continue to most popular but not the most be beyond most people's compre­ concentrated player at Crock­ hension. A friendly match be­ ford's. Recently the following tween a team from the London dialogue took place half way . Docks and Crockford's was made through a hand we were defending: the subject of a half-page photo­ "What are we playing?" news story by the Daily Express, "Four Hearts redoubled". which would not give a couple of " Well, I'm not." Yoo ~Av et -rn~ L..UCI< OF -rn~ ~J;V JI-..! 6 Systemic Defence (1) by CLAUDE RODRIGUE For the first time, to my know­ One Club, but briefly the idea ledge, since we have been meeting was not to interfere with balanced the Italian Blue team in inter­ hands on the first round, but to national competition, a British come in freely with a little bit of team prepared for the fray by shape. In addition Truscott and learning the Italian systems and Priday used a system of overcalls evolving a defence to them, instead showing two-suited hands origi­ of complaining that such ridicu­ nated by Reese and Schapiro; this lous artificialities should not be enabled them to bounce the allowed and relying on such opponents and force them to explanations as were given at the guess at uncomfortably high levels table. on more than one occasion. We soon found that the most This was an early such hand, important problem was that of where only a heart lead defeats interfering at the low levels, the slam, although declarer can particularly against the artificial contrive his own downfall by opening bids of One Club used playing the suit too early:­ by both the Romans and the West dealer Neapolitans, albeit with a different North-South vulnerable meaning. Other conventional NORTH opening bids also had to be con­ . KQl0943 sidered and, if possible, a systemic ~ AKIO defence evolved. Lastly a suffi­ 05 cient knowledge of the opposition's + A87 methods had to be acquired so WEST EAST that even when we could not get • 8 5 • A2 into the bidding we would have a ~3 ~J86542 picture of the distribution and OKQ972 04 strength without relying on last­ + K9532 + Q J 10. minute enquiries. SOUTH There is not enough space in • J 7 6 one short article to :describe the ~ Q97 complete defence to the Roman 0 A J 10 8 6 3 and Neapolitan opening bids of + 6 7 Re,eated for convenience though the full sacrifice would West dealer have proved profitable. North-South vulnerable · NORTH NORTH + KQ10943 . Ql0765 <;?A K 10 <y18 <)5 0 9 8 52 + A8 7 + 9 52 WI!ST EAST WEST EAST • 8 5 + A 2 <;?3 <;? J86542 .J • 8 3 <)K Q972 <) 4 <y1 AQ62 <y1 K J 9 + K9532 + Q J 10 4 0 A K J 10 7 4 0 Q6 3 SOUTH +.J 3 + AK764 • J 7 6 SOUTI! "Q9 7 <)A J JO 8 6 3 . AK942 + 6 <y1107543 0 - SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST + Q 108 Gar- Trus- Forquet Priday SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST rozzo coN Trus- D' Alelio Priday Bella­ No t + (a) Dble(b) colt donna 1<yl(c) 5+ 5. No I+ (a) No No I <V (b) 30 (c)" 4• 50 (a) Minimum of 17 points, 5• 60 No No distribution unspecified. No (b) Showing heart-club two­ (a) Strictly speaking this should suiter. show a hand of 12- 16 points with (c) Conventional, showing one no five-Gard suit and no singleton Ace or two Kings. (it could also show a Culbertson Forquet had to guess at the 2 or 3NT opener OR a Forcing Five level whether he could make Two opening), but Belladonna eleven tricks or only ten, and also playing in a scratch partnership whether in fact twelve were pos­ with a Neapolitan player decided sible.
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