\ M - MANCHESTER HERALD. TuMdav. Dec. 3, 1988 \ LOOK FOR THE STARS ... * U.S./WORLD SPORTS FOCUS Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get Another Kennedy Celts top Bucks It’s time to make to try politics In classic match holiday presents better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ... page 8 ... page 11 ... page 15 ■k difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. i f jf KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright APARTMENTS r r i STORE AND FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE AAonchettar — Available Office Space — Excellent Immediately. One, two location with ample park­ ) Manchester A City ol Villaqe Charm and three bedroom apart­ ing. 600, 400 & 300 so. ft. ment!. S425, $495, $525, office suites ore now heat and hot water In­ ovalloble. 649-2891. cluded. J.D. Real Estate, Wednesday, Dec. 4,1985 Single copy: 2SS 646- 1980. Office Space For Rent — 12,000 sq. ft., one mile Like Private Home — 3'/a from UCONN. 429-6421. room apartment. Base­ ment, appliances. Work­ ing single adult, married For Sals couple. No children, pets. 643-2880. Union head i ^ - For Rent — January 1st. IHOUDAY/ Five-room duplex. Fire­ [SEASONAL place, large kitchen, stove, yard, basement, washer-dryer hookups, Flexible Flyer Sled — 5 convenient location to bus feet long. Like new. Used sees strike stops, parking for one car twice. Asking $40. 646- o nly. No pets. $625 2218.0 monthly plus utilities, se­ curity deposit, lease. Call 647- 1004 after 5pm HOUSEHOLD CllW»twNEA.tnc weekdays. jflOODS________ at 4th plant 4 THE NUTCRACKER by The Joe Kub<Tt School Four Room Apartment — Used Refrigerators, Heat, appliances, one cor Washers, Ranges — o h , only. No pets. Security, £Vg...l 0«DUGHT , VANK clean, guaranteed, parts PW^CNTS / you, By Lynn F. Monahan security. No new talks were lease, references. $435. and service. Low prices. CUkftA ANO Cftnz. / . The Associated Press scheduled. Call 649-3340. B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 ...TO HBLP THEM 1 TxaBL' SLEEP WCLt- V/etX . Despite the strike, the plants in Main Street, 643-2171. Faur Room Apartment — HARTFORD — Hourly workers Middletown, Southington and first floor, adults, no pets, Four Braided Rugs — at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft North Haven remained open to­ no appliances. Security, (Predominately blue), Group's East plant appeared to day. Company officials didn’t References, one car. 649- Table and floor lamps. giving overwhelming support to know how many workers crossed 1265. Call 646-5873 after 6;30pm. Joining a Mrike at the giant engine picket lines. manufacturer, a Machinists union District 91 of the Machinists Manchester — Very Nice Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ official said today. union represents about 14,800 6 room, 3 bedroom apart­ trial freezer. $350. 649- About 5,000 hourly workers at ment. No pets. Referen­ 9012. workers at Pratt k Whitney, a Pratt k Whitney plants in Middle- subsidiary of Hartford-based Uni­ ces. $450 monthly plus town, North Haven and Southing­ utilities. 649-4003. Electric Sewing Machine, ted Technologies Corp. ton went on strike Monday. Union officials hailed Clarie's $20. Apartm ent sized N0W U.S. District Judge T. Emmet Deluxe Four Room, two freezer, $25. Full size CHILOtZEN...rHlNGS CHlLOe6U...\ decision Monday night and were APE N(7T Av^eys THE HOUtZ I CHarie on Tuesday cleared the way bedroom apartment — electric range, Westing AS TWVSEEM. iSLAte. optimistic the workers would vote fu lly appllanced kitchen, House, Avocado, $100. for the union to conduct a second to strike this time. Includes heat and hot Full size refrigerator, strike vote today for members of water. $525 monthly. 649- the Machinists local in East Betty Webber, who along with Sears, 2 door, $100. 871- Almeida is co-chairman of the 4003. 6359. Hartford. The vote affects 7,700 hourly workers at the plant. union negotiating committee, said 0 Manchester — Four Maple Hutch — 32" wide, CARS/TRUCKS CARS/TRUCKS The company had opposed the if East Hartford workers vote to Mi i^NllMEi room, two bedroom, V /i 16' deep, 64" high. Good PETS [ a n t iq u e s [ fo r SALE |F0R SAl£ vote and sought an injunction in strike, the company will start UPl plK>tO baths. $415 monthly plus size for extra storage. $60. U.S. District Court in Hartford to losing $10 million a day. utilities and securl^. No Mark Curran, right, and fellow strikers of the the second day of the strike. The company failed in its 649-7625.0 Free — Beautiful young Antique Soythe for cut­ 1974 Plymouth Duster — prevent the union from conducting pets. Available December Datsun Pulsar, 83 — Four International Association of Machinists jeer workers attempt to block a second strike vote by East Hartford tuxedo cot. Green eyes, ting hay or to hang on Slant 6, runs good, some door sedan, automatic, the poll. SHE AND ALMEIDA predicted 16fh. Frank SplleckI, 643- Sofa, Brown tweed, 7 ft. healthy, female, very af­ your rec room woll. $20. a strike at the East Hartford plant leaving Pratt i Whitney’s Middletown plant Tuesday on workers. Three plants remain on strike. 2121. rust. 96,000. Must sell. air, mint condition. Book In a strike vote Sunday, the East long. Excellent condition. fectionate, well manered. 643-5336.0 Best offer. Call 649-1063. would bring the company back to Asking $40. Call 649-5896.0 value, $5,800, asking only Hartford local failed to gain the Call 742-5768. $4,900. Coll 649-0286. two-thirds vote necessary to ap­ the bargaining table and Almeida Coventry Lake Water­ Household vinegar Is an 1974 Chevy Nova — Runs prove a strike. The union held predict^ an agreement before front — Newly renovated, Hand Crocheted Queen Toy Poodles — Dork apri­ effective and Inexpensive MOTORCYCLES/ I MISCELLANEOUS furnished one bedroom good. Started up every­ 1984 Buick Riviera — today's second vote, claiming that C3)ri8tmas. Size bed spread, $75. 646- cot, male and female, fabric softner when odded- day last winter. High mi­ [ b ic y c les [ a u t o m o t iv e apartment for maximum 6794.0 Loaded, mint condition. many East Hartford memebrs "W e are very disappointed in the E to the final laundry rinse. East Hartford workers urged to walk $350. Call evenings, 876 leage. $500. Call 742-7485. 28,000 miles. Must sell. 2 persons. Available to Classified Is the effective were locked out of Sunday's vote. court’s decision,” said UTC spo­ 0865. 875-8161, leave message. 10 Speed Ross compact. PIck-up Cop for six foot kesman Thomas Droban. "We June 15. $550 a month Child's White wicker and Inexpensive way to George Almeida, a Machinists By Susan Vaughn The East Hartford union local was voting again.st the contract 1983 Bonneville M|d Size Good condition. $50 or bed. Front slider window, hope that as many of our people as strike before.” Herbert said. He Includes heat and electric­ rocking chair. Good con­ Now Is the time to run on find a cash buyer for international representative, said Herald Reporter represents a total of 7,700 workers because he said it provides no Job ity. Lease, $1,100 deposit Wagon — Excellent con­ 1984 Magnum — Show­ best offer. 643-2339.0 side Jalousy window. $75. possible vote on Wednesday and said the move toward a strike has dition. $99. Phone 644- ad In classified to sell that household Items you no' dition. 20,000 miles. Many that about 2,000 workers out of an at plants in East Hartford, Rocky security and because the company been building up as conditions "got and references reaulred. 2063.0 room condition. 3,000 646-8661.0 they reaffirm the decision made... camera you no longer longer use. 643-2711. extras, must see to appre­ miles. Must sell. 875-8161, eligible 4,500 had voted on the EAST HARTFORD - Striking Hill. Manchester and Windsor. has eliminated many jobs. 742-3022. Ladles 26" 3 speed bicycle, Sunday night not to strike.” worse and worse.” use. ciate. $8,200. 649-2536. leave message. strike issue by 10 a.m. He said exit workers from three Pratt & About 200 workers who were Root also said the wages offered Utility sink with taucet — chrome fenders, deluxe Today Is great day ... and During Tuesday’s hearing in " It ’s time for us to stand up and polls conducted by the union Whitney plants lined up outside locked out during the first vote by the company amount to a First Floar Unheated $35 or best offer. 647-1155.o quality, with exercise Classified Is a great way U.S. District Court in Hartford, be counted.” said union member Apartment available Automotive 1978 Chevrolet Comoro — 1973 Maverick for Sale — stand. Excellent condi­ ... to sell something! 643- showed nearly 100 percent support union headquarters on Main Street Sunday at the Hartford Civic freeZe. Instead of increasing the Wilbert Shell of Bloomfield. “ I MUSICAL 81,000 miles. Excellent Pratt k Whitney attorney Jay S. now. Gas and gas range, Picture Window — 49'/j x For parts, call after 6pm, tion. $50. 649-1794.0 2711. for a strike. this morning, enthusiatically urg­ O nter challenged the vote, which machinists’ base pay, he said the have a family and home like C condition. Metallic green. Siegel argued that the 200 workers space heater and refriger­ 60", 24 pones, stripped, ITEMS 643-2295. ing workers at the East Hartford failed to produce the two-thirds company was offering a lump-sum everybody else.” ator supplied. Private en­ N Call Laurie, 872-7694.
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