Evergreen Public Schools 13501 NE 28th St. Vancouver, Washington 360-604-4000 State Board of Education Meeting AGENDA Wednesday, November 11, 2009 7:30 p.m. National Council for Teaching Quality Report on Human Capital in Seattle Public Schools with Implications for Washington State Effective Teaching Policies and Race to the Top Application Ms. Sandi Jacobs, Vice President for Policy, National Center for Teaching Quality Thursday, November 12, 2009 9:30 a.m. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes from the September 17-18, 2009 Meeting (Action Item) Welcome, Mr. John Deeder, Superintendent, Evergreen School District Consent Agenda The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to act upon routine matters in an expeditious manner. Items placed on the Consent Agenda are determined by the Chair, in cooperation with the Executive Director, and are those that are considered common to the operation of the Board and normally require no special Board discussion or debate. A Board member, however, may request that any item on the Consent Agenda be removed and inserted at an appropriate place on the regular agenda. Items on the Consent Agenda for this meeting include: Private Schools (Action Item) 9:40 a.m. System Performance Accountability Update, Draft Report and Legislative Request on Required Action for the 2010 Legislation Dr. Kris Mayer, Board Lead Ms. Edie Harding, Executive Director Dr. Pete Bylsma, Consultant, SBE Dr. Janell Newman, Assistant Superintendent, District and School Improvement and Accountability, OSPI Board Discussion 11:00 a.m. Break Mary Jean Ryan, Chair Warren T. Smith Sr., Vice Chair Randy Dorn, Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Bernal Baca Amy Bragdon Dr. Steve Dal Porto Connie Fletcher Dr. Sheila Fox Phyllis Bunker Frank Austianna Quick Bob Hughes Eric Liu Dr. Kristina Mayer John C. "Jack" Schuster Anna Laura Kastama Jeff Vincent Edie Harding, Executive Director (360) 725-6025 TTY (360) 664-3631 FAX (360) 586-2357 Email: [email protected] www:sbe.wa.gov 11:15 a.m. SPA Discussion Continued 11:45 a.m. Public Comment 12:15 p.m. Lunch 12:45 p.m. SPA Discussion Continued 1:15 p.m. CORE 24 Implementation Task Force Interim Report on Phase-in Recommendations Dr. Kathe Taylor, Policy Director Dr. Steve Dal Porto, Board Co-lead Mr. Jack Schuster, Board Co-lead Dr. Jennifer Shaw, Co-Chair, ITF Dr. Mark Mansell, Co-Chair, ITF Board Discussion 2:10 p.m. Waivers for Efficiency and Effectiveness Calendar Mr. Brad Burnham, Legislative and Policy Specialist 2:30 p.m. Adjourn to Prepare for Joint Meeting with PESB at the Heathman Lodge 3:30 p.m. Joint Meeting with the PESB: Race to the Top Overview and Application Ms. Edie Harding, Executive Director Ms. Jennifer Wallace, Executive Director, PESB Ms. Judy Hartmann, Executive Policy Advisor, Governor’s Office Teacher Reduction In Force Study Mr. Joe Koski, Policy & Research Analyst, PESB Role of National Board Certification as a Policy Incentive: SBE Study and Other Considerations Ms. Edie Harding, Executive Director Ms. Jennifer Wallace, Executive Director, PESB 6:00 p.m. Joint Dinner with the PESB, Heathman Lodge Friday, November 13, 2009 9:00 a.m. Intelligent Data Systems for Student Achievement from the Classroom to the Board Room Ms. Chriss Burgess, Associate Superintendent, Vancouver School District Ms. Lisa Greseth, Manager, Information and Instructional Technology, Vancouver School District Mr. Joe Lapidus, Principal, Chinook Elementary Mary Jean Ryan, Chair Warren T. Smith Sr., Vice Chair Randy Dorn, Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Bernal Baca Amy Bragdon Dr. Steve Dal Porto Connie Fletcher Dr. Sheila Fox Phyllis Bunker Frank Austianna Quick Bob Hughes Eric Liu Dr. Kristina Mayer John C. "Jack" Schuster Anna Laura Kastama Jeff Vincent Edie Harding, Executive Director (360) 725-6025 TTY (360) 664-3631 FAX (360) 586-2357 Email: [email protected] www:sbe.wa.gov 10:00 a.m. Update on Revisions to the 180 Day Waiver Process Mr. Brad Burnham, Policy and Legislative Specialist Ms. Phyllis Bunker Frank, Board Co-lead Mr. Jack Schuster, Board Co-lead 10:30 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m. Update on the Quality Education Council and the 2010 Legislative Session Ms. Edie Harding, Executive Director Ms. Mary Jean Ryan, Chair 11:30 a.m. Public Comment 12:00 p.m. Lunch 12:30 p.m. Business Items . Accountability Index Revisions and Accountability Draft Report and Legislation (Action Item) . Waivers for Efficiency and Effectiveness Calendar (Action Item) 1:30 p.m. Planning for January meeting . Visiting Legislators . National Board Certified Teacher Study . Teacher of the Year Recognition, Milken Educator, Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science . WSSDA Model Standards . Getting ready for Strategic Planning in 2010 . BERC Group Transcript Further Analysis . Race to the Top . 2010 Legislative Session 2:00 p.m. Adjourn Mary Jean Ryan, Chair Warren T. Smith Sr., Vice Chair Randy Dorn, Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Bernal Baca Amy Bragdon Dr. Steve Dal Porto Connie Fletcher Dr. Sheila Fox Phyllis Bunker Frank Austianna Quick Bob Hughes Eric Liu Dr. Kristina Mayer John C. "Jack" Schuster Anna Laura Kastama Jeff Vincent Edie Harding, Executive Director (360) 725-6025 TTY (360) 664-3631 FAX (360) 586-2357 Email: [email protected] www:sbe.wa.gov APPROVAL OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS BACKGROUND Each private school seeking State Board of Education approval is required to submit an application to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. The application materials include a State Standards Certificate of Compliance and documents verifying that the school meets the criteria for approval established by statute and regulations. A more complete description is attached. Enrollment figures, including extension student enrollment, are estimates provided by the applicants. Actual student enrollment, number of teachers, and the teacher preparation characteristics will be reported to OSPI in October. This report generates the teacher/student ratio for both the school and extension programs. Pre-school enrollment is collected for information purposes only. Private schools may provide a service to the home school community through an extension program subject to the provisions of Chapter 28A.195 RCW. These students are counted for state purposes as private school students. POLICY CONSIDERATION Approval under RCW 28A.195.040 and Chapter 180-90 WAC. EXPECTED ACTION The schools herein listed, having met the requirements of RCW 28A.195 and are consistent with the State Board of Education rules and regulations in chapter 180-90 WAC, be approved as private schools for the 2009–10 school year. Prepared for November 2009 Board Meeting Private Schools for Approval 2009-10 School Information Grade Projected Projected Projected County Pre-school Enrollment Extension Range Enrollment Enrollment Arbor Schools P-9 41 62 0 King Juliana Fitts 1107 228th Ave SE Sammamish WA 98075 425.392.3866 Madrona School P-8 35 87 0 Kitsap Ann Lovejoy 219 Madison Ave S (Mail: PO Box 11371 Bainbridge 98110-5371) Bainbridge WA 98110-2503 206.855.8041 Providence Christian School K-12 0 15 0 Snohomish Melanie Ball 16300 Motor Place (Mail: 10702 Marine View Dr Mukilteo 98275) Lynnwood WA 98037 425.248.5489 Rising Tide School K-12 0 12 0 Thurston Abbe Vogels 114 20th Ave SE (Mail: 512 Central St NE Olympia 98506) Olympia WA 98501 360.339.2416 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM: PROGRESS ON SPA WORK PLAN, REQUIRED ACTION REPORT/PROPOSED LEGISLATION AND REVISED ACCOUNTABILITY INDEX BACKGROUND Since 2006, the State Board of Education has been considering the components of a statewide performance accountability system, one essential to ensuring our students receive an excellent and equitable education. The Board created a Systems Performance Accountability (SPA) work group to review proposals for an accountability system. Dr. Kristina Mayer has served as lead for the SPA work group, which consists of stakeholders from a variety of educational groups. The meeting materials can be found at: http://www.sbe.wa.gov/spa.htm. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has been a strong partner in helping shape the work. The progress of the SPA work group to date and anticipated new work for 2010 is shown below: Approve the provisional state Accountability Index and proposed recognition system by May 2009. Finalize OSPI-SBE recognition program(s) by July 2009 for 2009-2010 school year based on provisional Accountability Index. Work with OSPI and stakeholders to refine continuous improvement model processes, which includes OSPI voluntary support programs renamed Voluntary Action Districts (and the Innovation Zone) and Academic Watch for Challenged Schools renamed Required Action Districts, June-November 2009. Submit report and proposed legislation on accountability to legislature by December 1, 2009. Develop proposed new rule on school improvement planning by March 2010. Work with OSPI (and national groups) to request the U.S. Education Department to use the provisional state Accountability Index when making AYP decisions, beginning with results generated in the 2010-2011 school year (we realize we may need to adapt our Accountability Index to meet Federal expectations). Develop performance goals on student achievement (new work in 2010). Revise school and district improvement plan rules (new work in 2010). Consider SBE Report Card indicators on topics such as college and career readiness (new work in 2010). Prepared for the November 2009 Board Meeting Examine how the prototypical school model could be used in a system of accountability (new work in 2010 as required by ESHB 2261). At its January 2009 meeting, the Board passed a resolution outlining its Accountability Framework (see Attachment A). There are three components to the Accountability Framework: 1. An Accountability Index to recognize schools that are successful and those that need additional assistance. 2. Targeted state programs to assist districts. 3. Required action, if there are no improvements.
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