Deddington News September 2009 – 1 THIS MONTH’S EDITOR Jill Cheeseman Next copy date: 19 SEPTEMBER 2009 Copy please to We are fortunate to live in a beautiful area but are Jill Cheeseman concerned about antisocial behaviour including vandalism. Next advertising copy date: But are we all so self-absorbed that there is not one person 10 SEPTEMBER who can spare a little time to help with the very worthwhile Youth Club once every four weeks? Anyone interested MANAGING EDITORS: Jill Cheeseman 338609 should contact Maureen Forsyth on 338384 Mary Robinson 338272 [email protected] DIARY PARISH AFFAIRS CORRESP: September Charles Barker 337747 Wed 2 Deddington Ladies, Holly Tree, 8.00-10.00pm CLUBS’ EDITOR: Wed 2 Photographic Society: Robert Neill, ‘Better Portraits than Alison Day 337204 Those of any Painter’, Deddington Arms, 7.30pm p16 [email protected] Thu 3 Monday Morning Club: Film evening, Doubt with Meryl DIARY EDITOR: Streep, 6.30pm Jean Flux 338153 Sat 5 Deddington Village Show, Parish Church, 2.00pm [email protected] p11 Mon 7 Monday Morning Club, Coffee Morning, 10.30am-noon FEATURES’ EDITOR: Tue 8 WI: ‘My Royal Weekend’, Gillian Cane, Holly Tree, 7.30pm Molly Neild 338521 [email protected] Tue 8 Badminton Club season starts, Windmill Centre, 6.30pm for juniors, 7.30pm for adults CHURCH & CHAPEL EDITOR: Frank Steiner 338264 Wed 9 History Society, National Parks, ‘Not Ours, but Ours to Look After’ Windmill Centre, 7.30pm LETTERS’ EDITOR: Kristin Thompson 337052 Sat 12 Ride and Stride p8 [email protected] Mon 14 Youth Club, Windmill Centre, 7.00-9.00pm p8 Wed 16 Parish Council meeting, Town Hall 7.30pm p2 MONTHLY ADS & INSERTS: Debbie Grimsley 336110 Tue 22 PTA AGM School Hall 8.00pm p11 [email protected] Fri 25 Coffee Morning in aid of MacMillan Nurses, ANNUAL ADS: 5 Gaveston Gardens, 10.00am-noon John Sampson 338739 Sat 26 Deddington Farmers’ Market, 9.00am-12.30pm p10 [email protected] Sat 26 Harvest supper, Hempton Church Hall, 7.30pm p8 TREASURER: Sat 26 ‘Illumination’ concert, Parish Church Buffy Heywood 338212 Mon 28 Friends of Hempton Church AGM, Church Hall 7.30pm p8 PRINTING: Ruth Johnson 338355 October Pat Swash Mon 5 Monday Morning Club coffee morning, Holly Tree, COLLATING & DISTRIBUTION: 10.30am-noon Pat Brittain 338685 Tue 6 Hempton Traffic Action Group, Hempton Church Hall, assisted by Alison Brice, Yvonne Twomey and teams 7.30pm p9 338950 Wed 7 Deddington Ladies, Holly Tree, 8.00-10.00pm 2009 COVER: Tue 13 WI: Derek Parkes, ‘Being a Santa’, 7.30pm Holly Tree Sue Cave Tue 13 Deddington Online Quarterly Open Meeting, 6.45pm, Unicorn Snug Copies of the Deddington News are available at THE FLOWER SHOP with a box for donations. Disclaimer: The views expressed are not necessarily those of the editors or the committee. Inclusion of an advertisement or insert does not constitute any recommendation or endorsement of the organisations concerned on the part of the Deddington News. The DN takes no responsibility and gives no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these advertisements. The DN always seeks copyright permission where appropriate. All material is proof read to check that it is not scurrilous, libellous or otherwise unacceptable to the public at large. The DN team reserves the right to refuse any material on this basis. The editor’s decision is final. The DN is printed on recycled paper. Visit http://www.deddingtonnews.co.uk and Deddington OnLine: http://www.deddington.org.uk 2 – September 2009 Deddington News DEDDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Meeting Town Hall 15 July 2009 Present: Cllrs Flux (Chair), Allison, Anderson, Collins, Finance & General Purposes Day, Ince, Privett, Rudge, Squires, Todd, Ward, Watts, Investments: Efforts to maintain security and income Wood, OC Cllr Jelf, CD Cllr O’Sullivan, the Clerk, from invested funds require constant attention. Minute Clerk, D Keats, PC Doyle & PCSO Dale, two £200,000 has been transferred from Birmingham members of the public & the DN correspondent. Midshires to Alliance & Leicester. NAG Neighbourhood Action Group Deddington Charity Estates: The Town Hall redecoration Dave Keats, NAG coordinator for Deddington, in- which is a PC responsibility will require the construction troduced PC Doyle and PCSO Dale. PC Rebecca of a scaffold which will also be required for the enabling McLeod who has been appointed Neighbourhood works which are the responsibility of DCE. To save Special Officer was not at the meeting. Thames Val- money co-operation and cost-sharing suggested. ley Police NAG’s objective is to safeguard the com- Highways munity and act as liaison between police and com- Parking: Consultation is continuing with local munity and supersedes the Neighbourhood Watch. businesses to investigate alternative parking. Letter to The level of reported incidents since the beginning be sent to the Co-op about delivery lorries damaging of the year was 29. This is low compared to Ban- the verges. OCC is investigating possibly hazardous bury. Deddington is a peaceful community and the parking in Hopcraft Lane. OCC also investigating the priorities for Deddington are speeding, parking and Chapel Sq/Market Place pinch point. anti-social behaviour. Anyone wishing to contact Speeding: Earl’s Lane, Hempton and Clifton Roads: a the local police is asked to ring 0845 8 505505 for variety of traffic calming measures being considered anything other than emergencies. Volunteers are in consultation with OCC. asked to contact banburyruralneighbourhood@ New Street crossing point: A petition is to be started thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk or via the website www. for a call button on the south side of the Hempton Rd. thamesvalley.police.uk/yournh-nag. The impor- Remembrance Day Parade: Consideration to be tance of reporting petty thefts was stressed: for ex- given to co-ordinating road closure applications with ample there have been reports of milk taken from Farmers’ Market and Fair organisers to save costs. doorsteps in New Street and Adderbury, probably Miscellaneous: Missing pavement section in Earl’s by someone travelling down the A4260. Vigilance Lane and loose manhole cover in Hempton reported, and co-operation through NAG will find the culprit. Market Sq bent post removed, display board in bus Open Forum shelter to be replaced over next two years. Kate Petty asked that signage for Philcote Street Recreation be on both sides of the road as the one cur- Hogweed: which can cause severe skin irritation rently in place is often obscured. In cases of and should not be touched has been found in Castle emergency the signage is vital. It was asked Grounds and Satin Lane allotments. Warning signs that the matter be passed to CDC to resolve. are to be posted and other sightings reported to the Parish Council co-option Parish Clerk at the PC Windmill office. To fill the remaining vacant seat, John Finnigan of 27 Castle Grounds: Good meeting of the friends with 26 The Grove, Deddington addressed the meeting and attendees and lots of volunteers for work on nature was co-opted without dissent. and sports projects but questions raised about the Flu Pandemic Contingency Planning ‘fitness trail’. A meeting to be arranged to organise The PC has been warned that the Windmill Centre working groups and set aims and objectives. Church may be required as distribution/collection centre for Commissioners and English Heritage to be consulted anti-viral drugs. about change of parking status. Planning Environment and Special Projects PC no objection: (1) 14 Wimborn Close, two-storey Environment: Oxfordshire Nature Conservancy Forum side extension; (2) The Stables, St James’ Farm, Main are posting an abridged version of the latest bulletin St, Clifton, barn conversion to self-catering holiday on DOL. Oxfordshire Conservation Volunteers plan accommodation, with conditions; (3) Stonefield, to ‘lay’ the eastern hedge of Hempton Rd cemetery in Hempton Rd, front porch, conversion of attic with autumn. Survey to identify possible swift nesting sites roof lights and construction of new garden room, with to be conducted. Oak tree on green is responding to conditions; (4) 2 Paper Mill Cottages, Adderbury Road, extra watering although still shows signs of stress. Deddington, single-storey extension. Planters, hanging baskets and Christmas tree. Cllr Day Approvals: (5) Ash Cottage and adjacent plot, two has donated a Christmas tree, quotations for removal detached dwellings, with conditions. (6) Windmill and installation are being sought, DN committee have Centre, Hempton Rd, installation of 56 solar roof agreed to contribute £200 towards the cost and Mr panels; (7) Geggs Nook, Hempton Road, Deddington. Rudge a further £50. Further sponsorship may be Other matters: Tomwell Farm, Hempton Road, OCC required. The planter on Deddington/Banbury Road concerned about encroachment on to highway. has been vandalised, Nicholson’s have agreed to repair the damage. (Continued on p3) Visit http://www.deddingtonnews.co.uk and Deddington OnLine: http://www.deddington.org.uk Deddington News September 2009 – 3 A Record of Deddington’s Soldiers who Served their Country an you put how this should be n a m e s t o rectified along with Cthese faces the larger issue of from WW1? Do you the site of the Me- have any pictures morial itself. to share? An early draft In view of the copy of his research c u r r e n t d e b a t e was given to the a b o u t w h e t h e r P a r i s h C o u n c i l the War Memorial and Royal British s i t e s h o u l d b e Legion in May 2008. renovated, or the I am extremely memorial possibly grateful to Michael moved to a more for his permission prominent place, to publish all of now is a good time his material on (Photo by courtesy of Clive Sanders whose grandfather Frederick is back Deddington OnLine.
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