MOST PROGRESSIVE WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District' VOL. V.—No. 44 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1941 PRICE THREE CENTS Middlebush and- Mr. McAndrews Dunigan, McAndrews De- was appointed to the board-when Ernest Link resigned to take the. ber To Seek New Terms; position of truant officer. Balloting February 11 Mr. -Clark was prominently men- Record Attendance Antic- tioned far the 'board when Dr. De- DO Draftees Are Slated Each Case Of Man HavifctTf'^ ber was appointed. Before Mr. Dance Next Thursday Will Climax Dependents To,Be Con- *-r_* ipated For Fords Party WOODBRIDGE—Despite earlier Christie resigned two petitions To Be Assigned There Thursday predictions that there would be no were submitted to the Board of By February 1 Drive For Fund To Aid Sufferers sidered Separately " \ ^„ contests for the Board of Educa- Education by residents o!f Sewaren. ~-~y tion election, five candidates filed One petition urged the naming of Ball To Be Held On President's Birthday, Proceeds Of PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT petitions with District Clerk Roy Dr. Deber and the other desired 110 MEN; ARE ALREADY Which Will Go To Infantile Paralysis Victims 18 CONSCRIPTS TO E.. Anderson Wednesday night. the appointment of Mr. Clark.- The election will take place on IN TRAINING AT POST PARALYSIS WAR FUND In discussing his candidacy," Mr. RARITAN TOWNSHIP—The drive for funds for the TO CAMP ON TUESBAf* Tuesday, February 11. Omenhiser said yesterday that he- Infantile Paralysis Fund is now entering its final week in •• The • three • incumbents, Maurice had been considering running.for schools and business establishments in the township and Final Arrangements Com- P. Dunigan, president of the Board New Barracks To Accomo- Nephew Of Mayor Enlists; the board for several years and will be brought to a" close with the annual President's of. Education; Dr. Seymour Deber, To Leave For Service ^ pleted At Session of Sewaren and Joseph Me An- finally decided to do so this week. date Recruits Are Un- Birthday Ball Thursday night, January 30 in the audi- !r In Jensen Home drews, of Colonia, will be candi- It is understood that Mr. Duni- torium of the Plainfield Avenue firehouse, Piscatawaytown. On Febniary 11 '-- dates as will John T. Omenhiser, fit**. gan, Dr. Deber and Mr. McAndrews der Construction Coin boxes have been placed •of Cblonia,' Township relief direc- will run as a unit, while the two FORDS—Advance ticket sales John Omenhiser RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Cap- in many stores and other central WOODBRIDGE—Married _ tor and Horatio D. Clark, of Se- new-comers plan to conduct their Slated For High Honor indicate a record attendance for Dr. Deber is completing the term tain Lbren E. Thompson, execu- locations throughout the township with no dependents will not be ti&zL waren. of Morrison Christie, who moved to ' campaigns independently. the President's Birthday Ball to be tive officer of the Recruit Recep- and also in the six township f erred into an special selective set-"" held Thursday evening, January tion Center at Fort Dix, this week schools. Of the funds raised tiy vice class but each case will "be •* 30, at School No. 14, Ford Avenue, the local drive, half will be turned this place. The Nova-Hale orches- announced that Raritan Arsenal taken up individually and decM-" tra will provide music for dancing. Big Success Is Seen will be one of the army posts to over to the Warm Springs, Geor- ed upon its merits. receive draftees from Fort Dix. gia, Foundation and the balance r "9- i The- local.committee engaged in This statement was made yester- raising. funds to fight infantile e will be placed in the county fund. paralysis, is headed by Mrs.' Bern- Reason for establishing the ar- day by Walter Warr, ehairanan tsff Individual contributions may hardt Jensen and Adolph Quadt, senal here as a training post was Local Board No. 3 who explained co-chairmen. Decorations at the Old-Fashioned Production To Return For Two Nights, said to be due to the maximum also be made to the general chair- that there "will be no class ^efeE-i school -will be in keeping with the February 17 and 18, After Lapse Of Eight Years capacity now reached at Fort Dix. man of the township drive, John ment for married men whose wives, ^ patriotic spirit. A program of en- Ellnryer Jr., of 212 Oakland Ave- The 44th Division, in training at are working any more than, t&ere^ tertainment has been arranged for . FORDS—Should last night's rehearsal serve as a cri- Fort Dix, has received 3,500 train- nue, Lindeneau, or to members of is a class for policemen or fire-" the night of. the affair. terion of the entertainment value of the minstrel show to be ees, and is scheduled to get about the general committee. Final arrangements for the cere- 900 before reaching the man- men." ~ -_«*.- presented by. Fords Fire Company No. 1, the stage produc- Tickets, for the President's Ball It is understood that monies were made at a.meeting of power authorized by the Wer De- the entire committee Monday night tion is destined to show before -"standing- room only" Sixteen Candidates From are now on sale and may be ob- married men in the Township partment, Captain Thompson said. at the Jensen hame. crowds. Township Area Ready tained from members of the com- appealed since they were Included on the general commit- Revival of the fire company old-time minstrel shows, The arsenal already has re- mittee. • Considerable interest has Class 1A. Other tee are Mrs. Ray Mundy, Mrs. Wil- ceived 110 of the one-year draft- after a lapse of eight years, is scheduled for Monday and For Year's Duty been shown in the local dance and have automatically placed ^ liam Brose, Mrs. Clifford Dunham, ees who have been assigned to the the largest crowd ever to attend Mrs. Willard Dunham, Mrs. Charles Tuesday evenings, February 17 and 58th Ordnance Company which is lied men m Class 3A. Andrew Be&p^- 18, at School No. 7. The once popu- a birthday ball is expected. Kish, Mrs. John Egan, Miss Julia here- The addi£ionaI mond, appeal agent, said Dani, Mrs. Adolph Quadt, Miss Unanimous Vote Appoints lar annual presentation was one of William D. Hand, of Nixon, is has signed the appeal andlt el Elaine Quadt, Mrs. A. C. Anderson, the highlights of the social calendar raises the enlisted personiI Mayor Greiner serving as vice chairman, with be up to the local board to Linn To Police Department at the local government post to Mrs. Albert Gardner, Mrs. How- here. Its absence had been, felt ARE INDUCTED TODAY WOODBRIDGE—Mayor Aug- Sheriff Julius C. Engel and Free- the eases or up to the 430, almost double the strength holder W. Eobert Hale as honor- ard Madison. WOODBRIDGE—As predicted locally and due to popular demand ust F. Greiner,' a past exalted board. prior to "the speed-up in national ary chairman and viee chairman. Also On Committee exclusively last Friday, Fred- it is being revived this year. ruler of the Perth Amboy Lodge, 'Captain Jack Egan and Harry Substitute For Trio In defense preparations. Other members of the honorary In the meantnne, Mrs. Arthur .Perry, Mrs.. H. erick "B. Linn, 25, of Livingston B. P. O. Eiks, 5s' being- sponsor- have been made Anderson, wfap-'ha'd- Raritan Gets HO committee include Mayor Walter v Er'ickson, Mrs. "Joseph" "Parsier; Avenue, Averiel," was appointed ed by the group as a candidate Township youths to leave "? minstrel shows "successfully for The 110 'draftees sent to the C. • Christensen, Commissioners f Mrs. Harry Dunham, Mrs. Cora to the police force at a meet- Second Contingent Un- bridge for the induction. statfo ,nj!& years, are in charge of the fire- arsenal are among a total of for the. presidency of the New; Meelheim, Mr. ^Anthony Balint, ing of the Township Committee Victor Pedersen, Henry Troger, Trenton on the 8:10 -train J men's stage presentation. 5,812 which have received per- Jersey State. Elks- Association. Mr. Joseph Dambach, Jr., Mr. R. Monday. All the committee able To Pass Tests Jr., James Forgione and John Par- day morning. On Monday Predmore, Mr. M. McCabe, Mr. members voted in the affirma- Some of the. old-time end men manent assignments since arriv- The election for that, important, dun, and Fred A. Talbot, super- nig at Fort Dix. A total of 8,541 about fifty prospective i Anton Lund, Mr. Charles Alexan- tive. back together again after eight RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Six- post will be held in June. intendent of schools. eluding those who will leave men have reported for duty at der, Mr. Edward Seyler, Mr. John, Mr. Linn will start his new years include Bofbby Jogan, Len teen candidates for induction- in Tuesday, will be the guests- of-the * Fischer,. Robert Kraus, Harry An- Fort Dix since passage of the Se- Charles Wiberalske, another Egan, Mr. Arthur Giesing„,, Mr.f, duties on Saturday, February-1, the United States Army, as" the American Legion at a little gather?- s- John Dambach, Mr. Michael asa third class patrolman. With derson, George Haydu and Jack lective Service Act. past exalted ruler, presented third conscript quota, will leave ing at the Memorial Municipal^ Parsler. his appointment there will be 34 Egan. Al Curcio will be interlocu- About 500 more draftees will Mayor Greiner as a candidate Alexander Says Pit Building It is the plan of the •men on the force.
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